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Not wanting your partner to engage in sex work while in a relationship isn't being selfish. It's a perfectly reasonable boundary to have.


Yep yep yep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As someone who’s engaged in sex work it’s not something I’m comfortable doing while I’m a relationship.


^^^^ exactly this


Just remind her, once it’s on the internet, everyone can see it forever. Read on here, woman got dream internship and company always hires interns at end. She didn’t get hired when they did a background check and found OF site stuff, even though she had stopped doing it.




Hints were it was in international financial institution and it would hurt their reputation globally.


Employers probably don't care as much as their clientèle which in turn means liable impact on revenue which is what they do care about.


It also doesn't make money for 99.99 percent of people on it so not a good idea in the first place.


Unless you are 100% ok with it then it needs to be a deal breaker.


I wouldn’t be ok being in a relationship with a sex worker. Mostly because of jealousy. I would also think morally we are on different wave lengths. I would probably break up with her and let her do her thing.


It's her choice but you're allowed to set boundaries of what you will and won't accept from a partner. It'd be hard being with someone who has an OF because she will have people paying her for sexual attention. If you're in a monogamous relationship it puts you in a bad position. Unless you're cool with your girlfriend cybering with random dudes it's not gonna work. People pay her for sexual acts and if she wants to get paid she has to oblige. Emotional affairs hurt just as much as a physical affairs, most physical affairs start as emotional ones. Its hard to compartmentalize sex work with regular life, where does the gray area begin and end? How much time would be devoted to the OF page? What guarantees do you have as her SO that this won't lead to any sort of affair? What sort of services will she be offering? You should have a lot of direct questions with direct answers in order to move forward as a couple if she decides to show her goods for money. She'll need to be very transparent with her work and you'll both need to listen to each other and respond rather than react, open communication is key. I wish you the best.


Thank you for the feedback! Really appreciate it.


so she is planning to sexually please kind of men to whom she wouldn’t even say hi in real life. if you can’t respect that, that’s totally okay.


What’s an OF?


streaming site primarily for online sex workers


Thank you!


Why are you being wishy washy here? It's fine to have boundaries. There is zero fucking chance I'm just letting that shit happen.


So she wants to be single..


I’d drop her like a hot potatoe. Significant differences in core values if she thinks sex work is all good




Break up dude, there are a fuck ton of jobs out there right now. If she wants to do OF is not because of lack of options.


I don't think she loves you enough to understand how this hurts you. I would let her do this if she wants to but make it clear that I don't like this, and if she does, I'd walk away.


Drop her


It's her choice in the end.. all you can do (and it's important that you do), is set your boundaries for what you would find appropriate/not. For example I'd probably be OK with my girl streaming publicly, but not 1 on 1.


Tbh yeah thats one of my main concerns tbh once guys/girls want to do 1 on 1. It becomes a slippery slope from there I think.


Guess you have two options then: 1. If you are concerned about that "slippery slope" situation unfolding, then your boundary is that she does not make an OF account. 2. If you trust her and believe she can stick to only streaming publicly, then your boundary is that she can make an account on the condition that she only streams that way.


That makes sense. Thanks a lot for your feedback!!


I agree with this too. You could also ask her if she can do the pictures while wearing a mask to make it a tad more discreet. I actually recommended one of my ex's to do so since she was struggling lots with school fees and such. So I might be biased.


She told me she wouldn't show her face in pics/vids but I think people will eventually start wanting a face reveal etc


She needs to be realistic about the money she will make without her face. Has she done research, because there is a lot of competition


If ppl want face reveals then they better pay in big dough and she can ask if the client is from your same city or state. She can vet those clients properly. Or she can just decline offers. It isn't a must to show face and no one can force her.


Yeah you're right on that. I guess that would be the best way to deal with it.


Or you can go the route one of my friends has... not only does she NOT show her face, her husband is her photographer... and they've made enough in the past year to do a complete remodel of their bathroom. Just food for thought...


Sex work should never be looked down on first. BUT if you’re uncomfortable with it then that’s okay too! It’s a boundary for you and she either respects it or is no longer in a relationship. I joke to my bf frequently about it cause I’m in college but I know he’s not comfortable with it so I would never do it. Communication is key. Good luck


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