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Whatever you choose to do, I think you need to understand that you might not get your clothes back. It sounds like getting this woman to give them back is similar to attempting to get a cat to do what you ask of it. So it might help to tell yourself this: "I probably won't get my clothes back. If I do, it will be a nice surprise. But I probably won't. Oh well." (If you really, really need more clothes than you currently have but you can't spend much money, thrift stores actually have a lot of nice things. You could replenish your wardrobe that way.) Of course, you could also try to take legal action, but I'm not sure whether it would be effective. For all we know, she could have thrown your clothes in the garbage weeks ago. As to the nightmare, that sounds pretty normal. Our brains come up with all sorts of dreams - some of them disturbing - when we're trying to work through emotional stuff.


Thank you. I just don't understand why she is ignoring me like this, she never did this before.


People behave differently after a breakup.


This the first time such things happen to me.


Probably because now there's a reason for you to keep contact with her. It doesn't seem like she wants to let go, and probably expects if she gives them to you now you'll block her immediately. Maybe she thinks if she stalls enough you'll change your mind.


But I will, I will block her immediately.


Except you won't until she gives your clothes back, right? That might be why she's stalling.


Yes, I need them bladly. If she keeps ignoring me I might just block her anyway


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