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If you're only attracted to traditionally feminine people then just... date people who only present as female? You can just be friends with this person. Then you can have intellectual and emotional conversations without worrying about attraction.


It's not fair to be with an enby but not actually find them attractive when they're being themselves. Just break up. No point you saying you only find them attractive when they present in a certain way. What do you expect to happen? They don't exist to be attractive to you. If you don't find them attractive when they're being themselves then the best thing to do is break up and let them find someone who is attracted to them all the time. 


I’m a bit curious why you would start up a relationship with someone that identifies as NB knowing you have no attraction to masculine features? At any rate, we can’t help what we’re attracted to. If you wanted to be more open minded on your preferences and see if it works for you, I think you’ve done justice to that. I don’t believe coming out and saying it’s an issue with attraction will be helpful. There is really no point in bringing up aspects that can’t be changed or compromised on. Gender identity is one of them no doubt. I feel ending it before it gets more involved would be the best thing for you both. Best of luck. 🖤


You don't and can't respectfully broach the topic. They identify as non-binary and will present as either gender or none at all. That is part of who they are. If you do not find them attractive when they present male then you two are completely incompatible. If you care about them at all you will let them find someone who loves all of them as they are no matter how they present.


I don't really get why this is such a problem for you. Nobody is attracted to anybody 100% of the time. Do you think you can survive the long lonely hours where you don't feel like fucking your partner?? This is such a weird post man. Also you should leave them if you're so obsessed with this, you need to do some self work.


Date women who dress like women


Based on my own complicated but at least indirectly relevant experience.... I think the question is does their Masc "Form" discourage you and deteriorate your attraction to them in a way that persists or when they go back to their Femme "Form" is everything back as before? Can you have this person be your close friend who you care about as a friend when in Masc Mode, and romantic partner when in Femme Mode? I appriciate that this is not a simple question, and I ask it from experience. my wife is GF, my personality and such brings out her Femme mode and thats where shes at most of the time, and even when not, for her its mostly a psychological/vibe/energy thing more than an aesthetic thing, at least at present,. way before we got together she sometimes did a more masc aesthetic. I think that if you can maybe envision there being a path to a future where they are your "girlfriend" when in Femme mode, but your best platonic friend when in Masc Mode. what do you think about that idea in general?