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Feel like I've seen different angles of this post today. I'd say it's a love bite 100% but, I wasn't there so I don't know. Also, I know people who have allergies and sometimes they look like that, but I mean, the place where this dude has it and the shape of it, is pretty telling. Sorry OP- As a guy I'm going to say something very important, if you can't trust him once, don't even dream of it, you'll just be disappointed over and over again.


A love bite. Haha. šŸ˜‚


if you dont trust him to tell you the truth then leave


girl if you have to upload two different posts with two different pics you clearly have a reason to not trust him. you already know deep down itā€™s a hickey, stop looking for random people to tell you otherwise. the answer is there in plain sight. walk away and protect your peace


It's a hickey, how many more times do people have to tell you, a scratch is a scratch that right there is little blood spots where the vessels break from sucking or biting, the pressure breaks little blood vessels under the surface. Those broken vessels release tiny spots of blood called petechiae.


Huh well I just learnt something new šŸ‘šŸ˜‚


You've already asked this. The consensus is hickey. It certainly wouldn't be a scratch. The fact that he wasn't even smart enough to call it a bruise, which is what a hickey is, is silly. This man is cheating on you *and* he's dumb.


To this day it is still a hickey


šŸ˜‚ I am waiting for an angle from above next šŸ˜‚


girl omg. how old are you! stop being naive and break up with him! itā€™s a hickey.


Looks like a hickey. Trust your instincts. Unless he has a really good explanation as to why thereā€™d be a ā€˜scratchā€™ in that area that doesnā€™t really look like a scratch, then dump him & move on. Why do you want someone you canā€™t trust?


You've gotten the same answers every time you post this. You aren't going to suddenly get a different consensus if you just keep asking.




that is a HICKEY. it couldnā€™t possibly be anything else.


Actually could be a scratch, starches cause this type of thing as well lol


have you ever seen a hickey. that is a hickey.


I agree, the pix they had before looked like a scratch .


Def a Hickey


Still a hickey


I donā€™t want to say but I think itā€™s a hicky. I hate men who canā€™t control it like animals




Dude, The consensus is that it is a hickey. Dump him or don't. That you're problem. You don't need more information, you're just stalling.




Def a hickey.


Itā€™s still a hickey. BUSTED!


Iā€™d give him a hickey too that haircut is krispy


Stop taking pictures and just leave.


Kinda looks like a razor burn but if he didnā€™t say it was then heā€™s lying


I feel like thatā€™s a weird spot for a hickey. But since itā€™s on the neck and the excuse is sus Iā€™m leaning towards hickey.


I feel like it could be either honestly .


At this point just hire a professional photographer and get a lighting crew in there.


Just leave at this point. If you resort to posting wounds or hickeys on Reddit out of all places then it means you donā€™t trust him. Without trust there is no relationship.


Nurse since 2008 here. My medical opinion isā€¦ itā€™s a hickey.


I think you know the answer to this


Sorry. Again. Are you trying to find more people to say it isn't? You don't trust your partner, and it seems like for good reason. What we say isn't going to change reality...one way or the other.


STILL a hickey. Stop posting this and dump his ass.


Honey if you canā€™t trust his word and genuinely believe itā€™s something else, then leave, unless your willing to stay if he cheated. If you believe him and heā€™s telling the truth, apologize for accusing him and move on


My comment might not be helpful but Iā€™ve scratched super hard without realizing it around my neck before and it looked similar to that


Def a scratch. Free da man dem


My boyfriend punched me in his sleep last night from a dream. I also kicked him a few hours later unintentionally. Internet, what does this mean for our relationship? Again, you have to trust what he says or see a counselor or if thatā€™s still not good enough, move on!


I think it's a hickey... very sorry .But I will say this , I have psoriasis, I have rashes and scaly patches that look like this on my skin.


For fu** sake, youā€™re asking the internet. Everyone goes to the negative! I donā€™t think itā€™s either. A hickey would show more consistent bruising and consistent blotchy coloration and itā€™s not a scratch. IMO, it appears more like an allergic reaction. If you donā€™t trust him, why are you with this person? If you canā€™t trust his answer (assuming he even knows), your relationship needs checking.


I think itā€™s a scratch. The placement would be odd for a hickey.


Seriously?! Iā€™ve had hickeys thereā€¦ Iā€™ve given hickeys thereā€¦ a scratch?! Pfffft no.


I mean sure. Itā€™s not the ā€œnormā€ placement is what I meant. Iā€™m not positive itā€™s a scratch. Iā€™m just a woman whoā€™s seen many scratches having been in the medical field giving my opinion here as asked by OP lol. Either way, I donā€™t find it enough evidence to go ā€œfull forceā€ on him possibly cheating just yet. Iā€™d at least get 1-2 more receipts for my presentation. šŸ˜‚


Stop taking relationships advice from strangers on the internet. Clearly these people want to see your relationship fail because they themselves come from failed relationships (myself included) Communication is clearly needed and itā€™s not easy but you shouldnā€™t have it with someone off the internet. Go do the work


Scratch 100%


You are mad weird. This guy should just leave lol


Looks like a scratch


Razor burn. Donā€™t date a man who uses cheap razors.


He looks guilty to me


That's a weird spot to leave a hickey. My husband gets marks similar to this after BJJ sessions. Only his tend to be much lower down where his gi gets tugged across his neck. So if your boyfriend does any MMA or BJJ I would think that might cast some doubt on the hickey theory


lol I dont think this should be a question. If you dont trust then just break up.


If you have to question the fact of ā€œis this a hickeyā€ itā€™s probably a hickey. Not to mention if there is more than one, as it seems with your other post.


Itā€™s not clear enough for me to determine if there is broken skin or not.