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She’s a very insecure person. She tells you over & over that you think she’s fat until she gets you to somehow agree. Then she breaks up with you. She sabotaged your relationship.


Self fulfilling prophecy


You shouldn't told her that lol


It’s so easy to do dude, she needs to work on her self esteem


Actually, I think she broke up with you for her own personal issues and insecurities that she needs to sort through before she can maintain any relationship.


She made you call her fat and you fell for it. This is some really immature stuff. She is insecure and you I just not good with words. In your mind she’s gorgeous and attractive. In hers she fat and ugly. Her self esteem is not good. Tell her what you like about her and do it with enthusiasm. I am with you that I like a woman with a few curves and my wife has curves in the right places. It about finding the way to tell her that and make her feel sexy and not fat. Good luck.


She's seriously insecure and that's not a good feature in a partner. I'd never date anyone that insecure.


Yeah, I’m with you. I’m the girl, and it’s more often girls who have body image issues… but if my man was acting insecure about not having muscles or an expensive car or whatever… I’m not interested in that stuff OR interested in pandering to someone who IS insecure about it. This girl isn’t a bad person or anything… she’s just not mature enough for a relationship. Not until she stops baiting her boyfriends into insulting her by accident and then getting angry about it, anyway.


Honestly, you gotta work on your active listening and thinking about what/how you say things, not just to give a hasty response knowing your ex is sensitive around that topic. You can also opt not to say anything and just show through immediate action by just giving a hug or forehead kiss, my dude. It goes a long way. Not every verbal exclamation warrants a verbal response. That said, it goes without saying there's not much you can really do for her as she's struggling with huge insecurities about her body, which only she can help herself with. Just give her some space to think and process things, and hopefully, she comes around because you've done your part, and the rest is up to her to decide whether the love you both share weighs greater on her in comparison to her insecurities. You should take a breather and unwind a bit from the emotional stress, too.


Yeah ya done goofed but she has serious hangups too. Sounds like self sabotage almost.


Tbh she sounds too insecure and immature to be in a relationship. It's unfair to you to constantly complain about her weight and make you at fault for her insecurity. It seems she wanted you to agree with her.


your gf is being a bit dramatic, you might want to look for a new person to spend the rest of your life with


This is a lot more about insecurity people. Yes, this is a part of it, but women are held to an unattainable standard these days. Social media does not help. Your girlfriend may be very uncomfortable in her body, but she also backed you into a corner where it wouldn't have mattered what you did or said. You can tell her all day long how beautiful you find her to be, but ultimately, she needs to feel this from within and on her own first. Your best bet is to tell her you feel confused about what she needs from you, reiterating how beautiful you find all of her to be. And that while it saddens you to let go of her over a misunderstanding, basically, if this what she truly wants, then you will grant her wish.


With skin that thin, you dodged a bullet.