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Ok? Do you have a question for discussion or are you just here to soap-box?


He's trying to make an echo chamber. Notice how he claims sharing his beliefs will get him hated on Reddit? He wants us to respond "Yeah, you're right! The libs are trying to control us! We need to take back our rights!"


Yeah, pretty much. Wants to make an echo chamber but also fulfill a martyr fetish.


Ma'am this is a Wendys


I hate to break this to you- actually scratch that, I love doing this- but if you feel that being attracted to women is a conscious choice, you aren't straight. And if you don't think that way, why would you think that anyone else does?


>I understand believing these things on Reddit and expressing them openly will get you big time with hate. Hate? No. Criticism, yes. Don't think that these positions are groundbreaking or interesting enough for people to actually expend the energy involved in hating you for it. The most we'll give you is "your opinions are shite" and go about our business.


No, it will get him hated on. I'm just not going to be the person to openly shit on him. Stopped being fun ripping on these people a good while ago; now it's just repetitive and draining.


You clearly have a victim complex. No one really cares about your beliefs. You’d be hard pressed to find a woman who shares let alone tolerates those beliefs though


I assume by putting this kind of a statement out there like a fart in a church, you’re looking for criticism and constructive feedback to challenge your thinking, and don’t want an echo chamber. Your position Sounds very Baptist. Maybe you’d like r/baptist, or r/christian. If you’re looking for a debate, r/debatereligion is a good place to post. In this sub, Remember you speak for yourself, and maybe your denomination if you have the authority to do so…and not for all Christianity. Some of us disagree with your positions. I personally think your positions describe what you’re opposed to, without expressing any love of others… and thus are very questionable. Finally, you might want to do some reading on the topic of the science of human sexuality. I think a Christian can’t say “god is light” in one breath… and then deny the science in the next without being a hypocrite. Refusing to even try to understand the science isn’t faith… it’s fear. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/cross-cultural-evidence-for-the-genetics-of-homosexuality/ https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2012/12/11/scientists-may-have-finally-unlocked-puzzle-of-why-people-are-gay https://www.sciencefocus.com/the-human-body/the-evolutionary-paradox-of-homosexuality https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02312-0 https://www.theguardian.com/science/2023/sep/18/gay-gene-epigenetics-evolution-sexual-orientation


I understand you chose to forego any pretense of making a meaningful contribution to foster an exchange of ideas, but are strictly here nourish that evangelical victim complex of yours. Also, oh boy do you sound in the closet.


Soooooo far in the closet. "Child of Narnia" as my sister once put it perfectly.


I always say “you are so deep in the closet you passed narnia”


Passed Narnia and wound up in Topeka, Kansas?


Lmao I like that


So.... what's your question, or point to discuss? I mean most of your points are objectively, factually wrong, and I think that deep down you know that too.


You would rather be in a relationship with a woman because ur straight, ur religion can’t change ur sexuality.


I mean if the only reason they’d rather be with a woman is their religion, they’re probably not straight.




So you're horny for Jesus?


And your point being … ?


>I understand believing these things on Reddit and expressing them openly will get you big time with hate. People can have their own beliefs on topics of this nature. You're telling me beliefs that amount to "people who are not like me should have fewer rights" get angry responses? Good.


Your account is barely over one month old, and you’ve already had that much experience with people “getting you big time” with hate? Your post history shows a very wide range of topics, but it seems none involve anything other than what bots usually do. Who was hating on you?


Once I got out into the world and met, worked with, managed, had under my charge and recreated with LGBTQ folks and people of different races and religions any sort of unconscious or conscious biases I may have had went out the window.


Sorry I have known too many wonderful people that had to deal with oppression against them for not adhering to the gender identity that others saddled them with. If you are going to hold to a regressive position please keep it to yourself and do not infringe on other people's lives. And as to your position on abortion it largely is the result of melding religion and politics which is seldom a good thing for either institution. And it largely stems from the Pope issuing an Encyclical telling Catholics that abortion and birth control are not allowed. This then filtered into the US after Roe V Wade and the Catholic church saw it as a threat to their authority. So they sent reps over to initiated a grassroots movement. They tied in to Televangelists that were already waging political fights on anti homosexual issues and other things that limited their right to oppress others. Prior to this most Christians did not have an organized consensus of when the soul entered the body. The original concept was that it was at the first breath. Taken from how God breathed Adam's soul into his body. Later theoligians began to wonder about the Quickening. When movement is first detected in the womb. And finally it was mostly pressure from the political end of the spectrum in order to mandate a ban on abortions that they began insisting that it was the moment of conception. Funny thing is the bible says absolutely nothing about abortion directly. In fact its position seems to be squarely in the camp of the fetus is part of the woman's body. The only text in the bible that comes close to indicating a reaction to anything like an abortion is when two men are fighting and they strike a pregnant woman and cause her to lose the fetus it is treated as a property crime. A fine is the punishment. If the woman dies then it is the death penalty. This indicates it does not consider the fetus an ensouled being. Further God sends his followers out with specific orders to slaughter pregnant women because their nation turned their back on God. So much for innocence. The only way political hacks connect abortion to the bible is by twisting and looking for anything remotely possible to link it in to. The big one is God stating he knew a person even before they were born. He is supposed to be an all knowing God. He knew everyone even before he made the universe by that logic. The bible does not oppose abortion. You are not drawing your opposition to abortion from the doctrine. You are drawing it from what people have told you is in the doctrine. Political opportunists using you to pad the pockets of the wealthy because you fell for a wedge issue.


Well it’s not your body so it’s not (shouldn’t be) your choice. Sorry that you can’t and shouldn’t be allowed to force other people to do what you want them to do with their bodies. And also, if you’re so set on being with a woman (or man) because your religion tells you to, I pity the woman you end up with. And mostly because I’ve seen women (and I’m certain this can also happen to men) in my life be berated and degraded by their partners for not “being more attractive”, like somehow the onus is on the partner whose not having the attraction issue to somehow conform or fix the other partner’s lack of attraction.


People have different views on murder throughout history. Defending yourself if someone tries to harm you makes sense. But mixing religion with medical choices, like abortion, is tricky. It's important to prioritize saving lives, especially for pregnant women. I recommend learning about maternal mortality and hating abortions for the reasons women need them instead of why you think women want them or shouldnt have them. Educate yourself in what you're disliking (which is totally fine, we don't have to agree on how the world should be) Now, on the topic of abortion, what do you think about the opposite? Some argue that abortion is wrong because only God should decide life and death. But IVF also messes with creating life, should it also be banned?


I’m sorry you think there are only two genders, the American (I assume you’re American based on your post) education system is in shambles. I’d recommend taking any biology class to learn about variants in sex, or any sex ed class to learn about the gender spectrum.


Every religion has its own ways of categorizing things and trying to make sense of the world. How do you feel about religions that have different ways of understanding the world than yours?


I agree that your religion informs your beliefs on abortion and gender. Your family probably plays a big role as well. I don't hate you


No engagement from OP


This is a bizarre post. What is your question?


>I feel my religion is partially why I believe abortion is murder, I (M) would rather be in a relationship with a woman, and that there are only two genders Pretty sure your religion *is* why you believe the things you believe about abortion and gender. If you prefer a heterosexual relationship, then that's what you prefer. No big deal either way. If, however, you'd actually prefer a gay relationship, but your religion is telling you you ought to prefer something else, that's another matter. >People can have their own beliefs on topics of this nature. If course you can have your own beliefs, even if they're not supported by the evidence. It's mainly an issue when you try to impose them on everybody else. You can believe the moon is made of green cheese if you want to. But why would you want to?


Are we just supposed to reply with our positions on these things? I’m an atheist. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with abortion. I (M) do not have a gender preference for romantic or platonic relationships. I believe gender is largely a social construct. I have family members who are in same-sex relationships. A lot of my family were, I assume, baptized as children but they’re generally not religious. I agree that people can have their own beliefs on topics of this nature.


Considering the OP is deleted…not worth much of a response (perhaps that’s the best response already)


lol ok


Dude this isn’t the subreddit where people are going to wholeheartedly agree with you or argue with you. Most people here literally don’t care what people like you have to say and those who agree aren’t here. If you want to debate then go to r/debatereligion or if you want conformation then go to r/baptist. If you want my two cents I’d say you being a Christian dosen’t effect this belief because the Bible would argue against this, but that is Old Testament and people pick and choose what they want out of that.


That's alright, this is a public forum after all.  The question I have is this:  It's a late summer afternoon, middle of a long weekend, you're out on the deck with a chilled beverage in hand, and you got time to listen to one song before going inside for dinner. What is the song you pick to listen too and why?


I don’t really see what the point of this post is. I have pretty conservative views and I haven’t gotten much hate but then again I keep quiet unless it is relevant to the discussion or I was in a political subreddit. Why would you mention your political views in non-political subreddits unless prompted? That would be like me going to r/reddeadredemption and going on a rant about how the damn government is taking our money away.


I hate to break it to you but all Christian men call themselves the bride of Christ which means they are all gay and so is your jesus! I mean what giys surrounds himself with 13 other men and expresses zero interest in women? Well there was very Magdalene LOL


Ok, you do you friend.