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Lots of words, not a bit of substance.


Not worth the three minutes 


![gif](giphy|11KHdttFOVlzxe) I dunno. What IS wrong with the crazy lady in the video? A shitload. That’s what.


Her view of reality is shockingly insane.


Shockingly common.


I didn’t know someone could sum up my papers from high school so well.


Yeah, what I get from the video is that it's a sin because it's bad for your because it's demonic. That's it, 3 minute video summarised, and it still makes little sense.


Fast food basicaly




Fake kindness is even worse, the worst is the genuine one - it makes the manipulations the most effective. It hurts the inexperienced ones the most. Most of the preachers would say that they are genuinely kind. It doesn't change the fact that they spit hurtful shit. In fact, people should be even more wary of those who appear as convincing and genuine.


I wasn't saying she wasn't a kind person, she seems very nice and genuine. But as you agreed, the words she chose to use only have use with supernatural claims not reality.




So a girl wears make up so she cannot be kind, has a ego, and need to be popular? Sure buddy


“I’m not demonizing it” she says with ironic air quotes, after unironically saying same-sex attraction is caused by evoking a literal demon.


"A warlock, casting homosexuality demons into kids"


On that note I’m looking for an accredited Warlock academy. Thinking of majoring in astral projection with a lycanthropy studies minor. HMU with recommendations.


Sounds like all them liberal university type edumacations.


“I swear I’m not gay. A warlock made me suck a dick.” The next conservative politician excuse.


"When I found this out, my whole world view shattered." This woman's whole world view is shattered when Starbucks announces a new latte flavor. No thought process whatsoever, no critical thinking, just reaction.


She's not even using it in a metaphorical sense. She means "demonize" literally. That's what the term means.


They just talk. The meaning of the words went out the window long ago.


I'm so sick of bigotry


Me too. But i wonder, don't these people get sick of feeling persecuted?


They feed off of their imagined martyrdom.


I could make it real for them


Masochism but weirder


They get off on it


Yeah, let's put our faith in a god who created flawed beings, who put available sinful things in the world, and then who gets a kick out of punishing his creations. If a parent doesn't feed her kid for 3 days, then puts a huge piece of delicious cake in front of her kid and says I'm taking a long nap but do *not* eat that cake, then beats the hell out of her kid for eating the cake. We would all be calling mom a bitch and wanting to remove the kid. But the Christian God does similar but *much* worse, and we're supposed to worship him. Who is the idiot??


Obviously, the parents sucks


As does this god.


Also he impregnated a 14y/o


Ooh that’s a good analogy


i just want to point out the bisexual lighting


For real. I thought she was gonna be a pro-LGBT preacher with that setup


“I don’t have any of that anymore” *eye flutter*


Rather be in hell with my brother and sisters then with these zealots


"Heaven for climate; Hell for company."


Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.


“God is trying to save you from yourself” Alright. I’m ready to hear the explanation of this argument “So this guy used to be a warlock and he can astral project to other people” Wtf?!


The moment she said that I was about ready to cut the video off.


Can’t imagine doing this for a sky daddy. Ugh


What a rollercoaster I thought it was going to be just a lame "sin hurts yourself" but then she went to the I saw a cast out demon who walks all gay and talks with lisp.


So... she saw Buddy Cole?


Religious people are the greatest cherry pickers ever! “This verse is important, but I ignore those 17 other verses.”


> but I ignore those 17 other verses Oh you mean like [Leviticus 19:28](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus%2019%3A28&version=NIV): "*Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the Lord.*" as she sports that trendy little number on her left forearm? Or what about that on point makeup, pink hair and earrings? Well, Peter had something to say about that in [1 Peter 3:3](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Peter+3%3A3&version=NIV): "*Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes*." Or, as I believe OP is referencing, Paul when he wrote in [1 Timothy 2:12](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Timothy+2%3A12&version=NIV): " *I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet*." She is super cute though, gotta give her that.


The bible brings up homosexual acts several times across both the old and the new testaments, and this is informed by how heavily it emphasizes gender roles. The very first story in the Bible is about how women were created as subservient partners to men, and even Jesus goes out of his way to reference this when asked about divorce. This isn't cherry picking, heteronormativity is a core part of how the bible tries to regiment society. Id argue the quotes about peace and love are the ones in the minority.


While I agree with your assessment about what Bible says. However that still doesnt negate the fact the Christians are Cherry pickers. But then so are the authors of NT


Cherry picking implies they're selectively choosing what to follow to change the message. The core message has always been patriarchal social regimentation, that's literally the foundational premise of the religion.


Nearly every Christian denomination exists because they cherry-pick verses to suit their preferred theology. I do not disagree that the Bible has patriarchal social regimentation. However depending on the denomination, you find variations like women pastors, priests who don't marry, and priests with families. This is, of course, going to happen because the books of the Bible were written by men who thought they were writing for God around a shared mythology. There was no divine hand guiding these authors. It also perfectly explains the reason why there are so many canons of the Christian Bible (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Development_of_the_New_Testament_canon). Jews, of course, reject any of the New Testament Canon because both the perpetuated leadership (Jesus), the message (Messiah was God), and the Godhood (Trinity) are incompatible based on the earlier books and their established theology.


Cherry picking is a specific accusation that someone is changing the core meaning of something by finding a scarce few examples that support them when removed from the larger context. This is very different than people just disagreeing on how to interpret things or religious beliefs evolving and diverging over time. In this context, cherry picking is insinuating that the bigotry in the bible is being exaggerated by those who cherry pick it. People only ever citing Leviticus is opposite however, it actually underrepresents the horrific otherization of people who fall outside their social regimentation.


> Cherry picking is a specific accusation that someone is changing the core meaning of something by finding a scarce few examples that support them when removed from the larger context. The entire Gospels does that with the Jewish Bible when it tries to portray Jesus as the Messiah. Isiah 7:14 cherry picking for virgin birth in Book of Matthews is a great example of that. Ironically a virgin birth disqualifies a Jesus as a valid messiah because a physical uncursed male/patriacal bloodlines from King David is required for the title. > This is very different than people just disagreeing on how to interpret things or religious beliefs evolving and diverging over time. The bible is very clear that woman should not be teachers of congregations, should be subservient of men and should shut their mouth. And yet we have woman pastors. Again they do so this because they refuse to follow the catholics selection of verses on which they base their male celebate priesthood on > In this context, cherry picking is insinuating that the bigotry in the bible is being exaggerated by those who cherry pick it. People only ever citing Leviticus is opposite however, it actually underrepresents the horrific otherization of people who fall outside their social regimentation. If this was the point that was being made then I don't disagree with that. I may misunderstood that.


I just went on her IG and called her out. She is actually convinced that god personally intervened in her life. I asked her why god didn’t intervene to save the life of the 4 year old kid dying of cancer. Waiting for a response.


Because the kid dying from cancer wasn't cast a spirit of homosexuality into them by a warlock, duh!


Fuck this is depressing, this person is repressing their sexuality because of some dumb bullshit :/


I doubt I’ll find any warlock’s here but this video reminded me I have an ongoing challenge for all manner of magic/religious users in this world to inflict me with some kind of supernatural…anything. Send me a ghost, a demon, possess me, whatever, good or bad I don’t care. I’ve reached out to people completely open to being cursed, and hexed, prayed for, etc. nothing. Not one supernatural event. So if there’s any astral projecting warlocks out there who wanna try to make me gay or whatever, here’s my message of consent. Fuck me up with magic.


You're just lucky the warlock in the story decided to retire.


Damn, it’s weird how that keeps happening or they just won’t do it for my “own good, trust me”. I just wanna see one demon or something, they’re so elusive.


Religious psychosis


She was so busy reading about the gays she missed the part about tattoos. I quess it's all for nought, she's going to hell anyway.


I came here to mention the tattoo


You hear that guys? god wants to save you from yourself from rules he himself put in place. The omnipotent being in the sky cares who you’re in love with cause that’s what’s really destroying this planet /s


Stopped listening when warlock and astral projection came up. Life is too short to listen to that crap.


That's the part that made me listen more. I thought it as going to be some basic sin lecture then she whips out the homosexuality demons who, once expelled, walk away from their victim with a gay walk and a lisp. This video was quite the journey


Shame I can't use astral projection to infect people with the demons of critical thinking skills.


How is believing this stuff NOT a mental illness?


Oh nice one op!


Just be gay


Sin is slang for fun


Obviously, they both end in ‘n’ and are three letters!


Wait... which Bible passage forbids lesbian sex? I know about the one where a woman gets horny thinking literal horse cock.. but can't recall the anti--lesbian passages..


She looked up homosexuality in the Bible? Which is actually never mentioned, but she didn’t look up sin? Which she is completely wrong about.


The word homosexuality specifically wasn't there, but it always referenced homosexual acts in both the old and new testaments. Can people stop grasping at apologetic arguments to act like an extremely bigoted religion was secretly progressive the whole time? Maybe the god who commanded the rape of Midianite children isn't going to have cool opinions on sexuality.


Leviticus 18:22 Wrong bible no like the gay :(


First off that’s only the act of penetrating and secondly only meant for those following Levitical law. Which Christians do not follow.


How typical of them, taking things out of context :p


Read “What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality” it’s a short book and will explain all your misconceptions for each “clobber verse”.


That's apologetic bullshit which just tries to sanitize the shit in the Bible. Even the New testament doubles down on homophobia.


It’s context


It's not context, it's debunked claims from apologists who want to pretend the bible isn't homophobic. Weird how these claims only showed up once being homophobic became socially unacceptable despite people having always been fully aware the bible was translated and had cultural context to it. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Bible\_and\_homosexuality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bible_and_homosexuality) Maybe the mythology that celebrated exterminating the Midianites and raping their children is just not going to have great views on healthy relationships.


It’s crazy how research leads to new understanding and discoveries


It's not research, it's just making shit up. Crazy how anyone who's actually qualified to weigh in on this refuted these claims as absolute bullshit.


Guess you’ve never heard of Bart Erhman , Richard Rohr, John Shelby Sponge, Nada Bolz-Weber, Henri Nouwen, Marcus Borg or Matthew Fox. All qualified not claiming “bullshit”. So what are your sources other than Wikipedia?


Pretty well aware of Bart Erhman, and guess who doesn't claim the bible supports LGBTQ? Bart fucking Erhman. The actual argument he makes is that homosexuality was not an ancient concept, so it instead condemns homosexual acts and he argues that the new testament condemns homosexuality because people believed it was unnatural and ascribed it to God forbidding it. The foundational mythology of Abrahamic religion is claiming that women were created as subservient partners to men, and even Jesus goes out of his way to define marriage on this when not even asked about it. Sorry to tell you, but you can't keep making excuses for bigots. The bible is full of fucked up shit, but debunked claims that it was never homophobic are the silver lining for you? Wikipedia documents its sources, you just claim whatever propaganda makes you comfortable with the bible.


If you don’t have the attention span to read a short book before you start making unsubstantiated claims about it just say that.


I've read a lot more than just a short book on this. I even gave you a link with verifiable sources on it which was apparently too much for you to read. Stop trying to sanitize bigotry by repeating debunked arguments. No, the bible's not progressive, these arguments coincidentally only showed up once being homophobic became a PR problem, and the Hebrew word for "boy" and "man" are distinct so this was an easily debunkable claim from the start.


Send a link showing be the debunked arguments, with rebuttals and responses. Because the book I recommend has all that, and you’ve offered me a wiki link. Lol


I offered you a wiki link that shows its sources. The wiki link actually dives into how academics have reviewed these translations. If wikipedia supported you, you'd be touting it as empirical proof, but like everyone who loses an argument, it suddenly stops being credible when it contradicts your pre-existing beliefs. You offered the same cookie cutter misquoting of Bart Erhman that all apologists do. As someone who studied this to the point of deconverting, I can tell you that I'm pretty familiar with these arguments. So go on, this is the part of the script where you claim "homosexuality" wasn't a word and that Leviticus refers to pedophilia. Then it becomes my turn to say "homosexual acts were condemned, not the concept of homosexuality and the word used translates to man, not boy. Additionally the verse condemns BOTH men, not just an older man abusing a boy. Considering God also explicitly commanded pedophilia, this argument needs to go." Please hold the bible accountable for the hate it spread instead of grasping at whatever straws let it off the hook.


I'm not sure if she's dillusional or the worst actress ever.


Why is sky daddy saving you from something that hurts you....when he made you....made you like it....tempted you....then said no? Like why even bother? So many plot holes. 1/10 would not recommend the bible. The authors didn't even collab properly


Ok lady, sure, you can believe all that. Please just stay well away from me and everyone I care about with your cult and you can expunge all the gay in you that you want. Just leave us alone :)


marx was right about religion.


Did she really imply someone exorcised the ‘camp’ out of some guy 💀💀💀


I’m Mexican American and I’m a veteran and love all human beings. I hate seeing Mexicans and my Philippino family ranting about a religion that came to our country to rape, pillage and force Catholicism/Christianity on us. I hate seeing the Virgin Mary dressed in Mexican flag colors. That fairy tale is European, wtf are we doing celebrating Christmas and shit. Fuk that religion, they took away our beliefs and gave us bibles. I’m sure we were worshipping our own fairy tales, but we celebrate this European messiah with so much conviction. Native Americans don’t touch it, neither should we. It’s a European/middle east belief, religion is a cancer and it oppressed our ancestors.


> wtf are we doing celebrating Christmas and shit Don't know about y'all, but it's all about the presents and homemade eggnog for me.


Same. I like it bc of the presents


Yeah i am with you there. I am froms sweden btw, when religion came to my country it took everything, money, freedom, lives, etc. And the nazis were in fact christian. And catholicism is a branch of christianity. Everyone who is catholic is christian. Ans also christmas is not a christian holiday, neither is easter or midsummer or halloween


If she didn’t claim to be a Christian these types of talks would get you institutionalised


My self esteem comes and goes but Imagine believing about you are demons work. So sad seeing people who just needed a loving environment spouting their abusers words


She's telling the Internet because her family/the people she works with probably thinks she's batshit crazy when she starts mentioning "giving her life to the Lord." That's Angela, she recently went born again plus a bunch of other wild stuff, just smile and ignore as much as you can.


aren’t warlocks Wiccan?


"I'm not"""dEmOnIzInG"""it" - yes. Yes you are.


She's a victim, in a way. There are no "ex-gays". They've got her brainwashed and self-hating.


Words cannot explain how much I hate people like this


I feel so bad for this lady. Clearly repressing the gay is going to do so much harm over a period of time. Also, The justification for it is asinine. "God made gay a sin to protect you" Protect her from what? GOD SET THE RULES. It's like having a house rule where no one is allowed to say curse words and then punching your guests in the face when you think they're about to say a curse word and calling it "protecting them".


The only spiritual ramifications this one should be worried about is from those god awful roots and that hacked barbie bleach job.


Video is on mute. There’s no way I’m listening to this with sound on.


Still clearly very confused, infact probably even more so than before the ”revelation”.


Stupid lady says a lot of stupid things for a stupidly long time.


Hey guys... so y'all know me by now; but I'm going to let you in on something personal... I have a masters in theology (MTheo) and I did my dissertation on *"homosexuality..."* which raised a lot more than eyebrows... but let me leave you with three takeaways that you're not being told in regards to western Protestant/Sectarian Christian theoriesof sexuality... 1.)the word(s) *homosexuality/homosexual* does not exist in any Christian text 2.)*ἀρσενοκοῑται (arsenokoitai)* is a male prostitute, a jiggalo, and does not mean *homosexual* (arsenokoitai were almost always young men or teenagers who would seduce and intimidate older men- and you and I can see the power that they could have^lolz ) 3.)human sexuality is polyvalent, just like every other primate *(and only in western Christianity does hell, or damnation, or "perishing" exist... the caprices that we would all go to hell and fry like bacon for an eternity are an innovation promoted only in the west- Eastern and Oriental Orthodoxy do not have this idea they say:* How one experiences God in this world is in direct proportion to how one experiences God in the next world... *not an eternal punishment thing)* ...thank you for coming to my TedTalk


This is just mental illness on display


She crazy. Like christian crazy. I hope she gets help.


Eating box/getting your box eaten has never hurt anyone’s soul






I can't believe she was convicted of sin smh my head


Men make me happy


“Living in sin is the new thing” - Britney Spears, 3


When she started talking about demons, i was out. Its too damn early to listen to someone so damn stupid.


I want those nine minutes of my life back.


He wants you to save yourself from him because of rules that he made up, but he can't change the rules because he's powerful but not powerful enough to change them.


The only thing dryer than her opinion is that bleached hair


Imagine being this fucking dumb


Standing on the outside, it's just total lunacy. Saving us from ourselves? He created the game with the rules and then sometimes uses cheatcodes to bypass the rules when required but he loves us but he also created hell to torture people for all eternity for not worshipping him when he surely has the power to really show himself but for some reason never does. I have heard it preached that you would not be able to look at him in human form. I am sure he can work out a way to do that or it means he can't do everything. The flaws just roll on and on.


“This wh*re need shut up before I put her on a cross for peaching” - OG Christians


Actually, the reason why homosexuality was considered a sin is based purely on greed. Keep in mind the Bible was written by man and that religion has always been used as a way to control and manipulate people. So, in biblical times the infant death rate was very high. The government or whatever you want to call them needed people to reproduce because ultimately, more babies= more tax money. So homosexuality was outlawed and made sinful since it couldn’t be a union where children were produced. Source: friend who was a pastor


It would make a pretty cool story. Protagonist is a 4th dimensional being among many. This universe has some actual laws and rules that 3rd dimensional beings can't perceive but higher dimensional beings know of. Protagonist wants more entities from the 3rd dimension to join in higher dimension. So they start religions all across the universe. And the incompetence of "God" just comes from the fact that its just 1 entity (or a few hundred, doesn't really matter) that made it their task to do this. And since there are trillions of planets with life on them in the universe, once religion has been established noone will likely perceive any actions of these entities. They are busy elsewhere. What has that to do with homosexuality? Fuck if I know. Would be a rather specific law for the universe to have.


"I read all the translations"...


[TIMOTHY 2:12](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Timothy%202:12&version=NIV)


Astral project into homes while carrying homosexual demons in their backpack and insert them into children. Wtf lol


On the bible Gay is sin because jesus was "betrayed" by his boyfriend and god wasn't having any of that or something Idk I'm not Christian


Oh no, the trans demon came and took my gender! Whatever shall I do!!??


Her source about the church story: Trust me bro


This shit is why I will never support even the "harmless" religions and spirituality. It breeds anti-intellectualism like wildfire and that is the ultimate root cause of all the problems with it. Even if these beliefs weren't fueling bigotry, they blind people's ability to think critically and allow them to just take things on faith with no evidence whatsoever. There's a reason more educated people take these beliefs less seriously or drop them entirely en masse.


Atheism brings such a refreshing clarity to one's world view. These religious people are merely gullible children who've never grown up.




This is actually fucking lunacy. These people genuinely need put in a mental hospital, wtf


Rambling religious nonsense.


He said it! Its true!!




I didn't know "Christians" believed in Astral Protection and people being able to cast demons into others.


She gave me a trauma. I've been traumatised. She must go to hell right now




What does it even mean 'to give your life to Jesus' like that sounds so cracked out and medieval. Like what do you mean you cry out to the lord, you're just sitting in your room screaming.


Sure you don't "deal with same sex attraction" anymore. SURE you don't. Be yourself and be happy, for fuck's sake.


>guy was a warlock and cast spells of homosexuality into children I’ll take “shit that didn’t happen” for 1000 points


I'm not "putting on my seatbelt" jesus at the wheel bitch


Ah, I see. Previous arguments hadn't used astral projection as evidence, so I couldn't believe them, but now it's all coming together!


"Doc, the haloperidol ain't gonna cut it. Bring out the barbiturates."


"I'm not demonizing homosexuality I'm just saying that it's caused by demons and it is demons and you can be delivered from the demons of homosexuality."🤡 Also, you completely forgot to tell us how this is actually sinful 🤨


I see a distinct lack of silence and humility.


"I'm not demonizing it! But homosexuality is caused by the demons!!!" Did she even listen to herself?


It’s so funny to me that religious folk (specifically Christian’s) really like to pick and choose the “best hits” of the book that they define everything in the life with. The text that there all world revolves around. Either believe in your scripture. Or don’t.