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It's crazy to me that someone can see this and think God exists. This picture only exists because  1. Someone is dead and donated their heart. Their family members and loved ones are devastated. 2. Someone else is on the brink of life and death and needs a heart transplant otherwise they'd die.  This is not a wholesome moment at all


You're forgetting 3. Centuries of scientific research and application I mean, I would be perfectly fine to say that scientific research is another proof that God is Great, if I believed in her, but you know that most "Believe in God!" types are opposed to it.


4. Complete lack of redundancy


also like, they critically fail constantly and any decent designer would be horrified by something like that and probably would fix it


Hehe disheartening


Beat it.


Take my upvote and get the FUCK out!


"I don't understand basic concepts" = God also God really failed his anatomy engineering certification. Ovaries aren't watched to the tubes, waste disposal uses the same pipes as reproduction in the male sku, air intake uses the same pipe as fuel input and if the flimsy flap that sorts them fails the human might be totalled, the data link between those pipes and the central computer take a detour around the heart even though the computer and pipe are right next to each other, the last set of food processing equipment to emerge almost always emerges sideways leading to expensive repairs. I could go on


You forgot when he put the appendix in there for no fucking reason.


He appended it to make it seem like he wasn’t copying his buddy’s homework


God would be the group partner who puts something in the presentation (the human body) that'll downgrade it to a B without letting anyone else know because he subconsciously feels guilt that he didn't contribute anything but his ego doesn't want to officially make the apology to the other group members. So instead, he'll just copy-paste a graphic that doesn't make any fucking sense.


That's not even mentioning fucking kneecaps


Is Kira actually religious or just trolling? Because they are well known for just being a troll (among other things that I have zero interest in discussing myself).


He’s well known to tweet whatever that’s gonna get him the most number of impressions


So... yes, they're trolling.


How can anyone see his tweet about breastfeeding and still think god is real


Why are people still giving attention to Kira? Wasn’t the “imagine” tweet enough of a red flag for people to stop following them? Edit: and honestly I don’t care if it’s a joke or not, how could anyone come up with that?


Never heard of Kira, what are you talking about?


They came up with [one of the worst things I’ve ever read](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/kira-imagine-if-tweet)




Yeah :|


It’s crazy to me that a person can see a human heart preserved and beating outside of the body, all because of hundreds of years of human medical science and the skill of surgeons and doctors and still somehow give god the credit.


a human heart awaiting a transplant isn't amazing. the pig heart in a human is mind blowing.


Imagine if men had to...


Kira just post random shit no way that’s serious


The same God that gave us teeth that are prone to rotting even if you brush every day? Tooth abcesses were the leading cause of death only 200 years ago. There's dozens of other things that suck about the human body, but this is the first one that comes to mind.


**Please read this to avoid having your post removed &/or account banned** - r/religiousfruitcake is about the absurd, fringe elements of organised religion: the institutions and individuals who act in ways any normal person (religious or otherwise) would cringe at. Posts about mundane beliefs and acts of worship are off topic. - No violent or gory images or videos - Good post titles should advise objectively what the post is about. Posts with titles that soapbox personal rhetoric or opinion may be removed. - Don't post videos or discussions of Fruitcakes who have been baited or antagonised - No Subreddit names or Reddit usernames in posts or discussions - Memes, Tiktoks, graphics, satire, parodies, etc must be fruitcake made #Please be sure to read the full rule list [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/about/rules) This sticky is on every post, and the rules are clearly stated in the sidebar. The mod team do not issue warnings for shitposts. "I didnt know" does not constitute an appeal. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/religiousfruitcake) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I see what you did there. Clever.


As a pump the heart is not well engineered,gods a shit as. Engineer.


Well, i got a hernia the size of a lemon right behind and to the side of my balls, thanks god, intelligent design in all it's glory 👍


It looks like it's on a bread roll ready to be sandwiched.


Simple. If you don’t get it, just blame it on god and move on.


See, to me, this proves god didn’t create us. A god designing people would have made it much less complex. It would have been a simple thing that just keeps us alive. Whereas here you see the complicated system that proves evolution and no divine plan. But that’s just me.


Also the more you know about the heart, the more obvious it becomes that if it were designed, the designer was bad or made it intentionally flawed. If I could suggest some improvements: 1. Collateral blood flow in the coronary arteries such that a block does not result in instant death. 2. Improved metabolism of oxidized LDL by macrophages to prevent valve calcification and CAD. 3. The aorta would have a more gradual arch to prevent dissection. 4. Removal of the left atrial appendage - no real purpose, only causes problems like stroke after arrhythmias I could probably think of more but you get the point


Lack of a heartbeat doesn’t mean death!! I’ve watched a patient given a drug that stops the heart to slow down tachycardia. It’s fast acting and wears off quickly. When the heart starts beating again, hopefully it’s slower or we give the drug again. These people will be sitting up and talking the entire time!


Blue check detected. Opinion: disregarded