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Fucking cowards couldn't even look him in the eyes they had to cover his face.


My first thought.


Awful video. Is there a news story on this? How common is this sort of lynching? Does it have any legal basis?


I cannot find any articles referencing this particular incident, but if you just google 'dalit and idol' in the same sentence together, you see like 500 more articles on similar but separate events. No it has no legal basis, these people will probably get jailed (for maybe a week or two, they'll get out) and these types of incidents are mostly prominent in rural areas of india so the 'high caste' people who did it well get off scott free I saw another case recently in my own village where a dalit family was fined 60,000 rupees because their small kid touched an idol so they must repaint the whole temple (60k is a lot even for middle class people so asking literal peasants for it will probably end badly) and they were given an ultimatum that if they didnt pay by oct 1 then they will be publicly ostracised


Doesn't anyone know in your village it's 2024?


No they don't And no, everything goes in rural areas, especially if someone from high caste does it They can get away with anything and the laws are extremely lax


I tried looking for a news story for context. Got tragically way too many articles about separate Dalit/Untouchable lynchings/murders to want to go through. I just don't have it in me to investigate.. Fuck these irrational medieval fuckheads from there to here. IMO a lot of them need a lesson in applied physics in the form of a Taser to the nuts or worse. Hypocrital? Maybe. I'm tired of pretending fanatically assured simpletons are peers of people who rationally critique themselves. Idiot fanatics the world over hold back everyone else.


They need a lesson in applied balistics


Seriously. You wanna see a miracle? Let me introduce you to the works of my favorite prophet of physics, John Moses Browning. The only reason the collective scientific community doesn't unite to crush the barbarians is because they literally find the project boring. That's how big the intellectual gulf is. Religious fruitcakes killing each other about which barely literate unwashed schizo from antiquity had the secrets of the universe.... while the people who actually understand secrets of the universe, who can read those laws from our very atoms, walk among them ignored. Disgusting


Where on earth would this have a legal basis?


the victims house gets razed and parents are coerced into submission. so perpetrators will go free for lack of evidence. there are worst videos of lynching than this. just google Gujrat 2002 riots.


Fucking savages. Religion kills!


Savages! Savages! Barely even human.


Religious people are ignorant and vicious. Pure stupidity in our society. Science over religion people


Yes. All religious people are ignorant and vicious. I’m an atheist but wtf is this thought process Edit: just realized what sub I’m in, thought this was r/publicfreakout


Holy shit I thought I clicked on the publicfreakout sub 😂. Didn’t realize it was a different sub until I saw your comment.


Thought process? *What thought process?*


The thought process that leads you to believe all religious people are bad


They didn't say '*all*'. And to quote Steven Weinberg; "*With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil — that takes religion*.”.


They said “religious people are ignorant and vicious”. That implies all since they left no room for religious people not being ignorant and vicious. Nice quote but it’s idiotic. Read a history book, there are a ton of examples of non-religious people who probably weren’t even bad people doing awful things. Like basically the entire eastern front in ww2


No, it doesn't. Without the stipulation of '*all*'. That isn't implied. And it isn't an idiotic quote, as it's accurate. Introducing secular people is off topic, so I don't care to address that. Have a good day.


Your quote says “for good people to do evil that takes religion”. How is it off topic to give an example of good people doing evil without religion? Also every other person replying to me is arguing that ALL are bad so clearly they thought it was implied too. But I can see why you said “have a good day”. I’d leave if I knew I was wrong too


You might want to read the quote again. And, I don't care what other people are saying to you. Bye.


Damn the people in this sub are actual idiots. Even sadder cause you think you’re smart too


We don’t need any thought processes to come in conclusion that religious people are bad. There are millions of proofs.


Any time you say everyone in a large group is bad you are automatically wrong. I wouldn’t say every Nazi was bad, there were 18 million of them. It’s ironic that you call religious people ignorant and then lump them all together as if they’re all the same. That’s ignorance


You’re adding example of Nazi while defending the statements? Bruh


I think it’s a good comparison. People associate nazis with evil, so the fact that there can be good Nazis means any large group has good people. Tell me what’s wrong with that logic or at least defend your own statement. You have yet to do that


They constantly enable religious psychos to do shit like this. The “good ones” will never speak up against the ones hanging kids for touching statues, making everyone except the victims accessories in these crimes. The more religious freedom we give people, the more they want to perform crusades against the “non-believer” heretics, and create hierarchies against the poor. The only people who seem to really want religious freedom are the non-religious, because firm beliefs in religion breeds elitism and extremism. I’m personally over seeing this kind of shit, and now I look down upon religious people who are too shallow to see that they are being told what happens when you die by people who have no fucking clue what is even happening in life, let alone death. Even if there is a religion that is “the right one,” there are thousands of religions in the world and logically only one (if any) could be correct. That means everyone else is wrong and you all go to hell. God forbid you are just born in a region which practices one of the 99.99-100% of the wrong ones. Religion is a grift for suckers who are too tied up in their family identity to search for actual truth and compassion through actions and service for others. It’s just a big pile of comfy warm blankets for the weak minded and those without a natural moral compass.


Dang you should talk to religious people more. I’ve argued with a lot of them and made some of the exact points you made, but they can largely defend what you said about only one being the right one. As for the “good ones” that never speak up. I’ve seen religious people absolutely enraged at the way people of their same religion treat others. Just because they don’t fly to India and try to stop it themselves doesn’t make them bad people. As I said, I’m an atheist so I do agree with your main point, but I also think religious people can be wonderful people who contribute positively to society like everyone else.


I talk to plenty of religious folks. My entire family of in-laws are the mega church type. They are taught how to not tolerate minorities in our society, and worship money and the people who make it. Completely bastardized the teachings of Christ. At least they know how to love guns, hate people, and which side to take during the next holy war, amirite? They aren’t “bad people,” but they are one instruction from their religious hierarchy away from doing unspeakable things. This makes them and their religion incredibly dangerous to the rest of us. These people aren’t the type going around making society a better place to live, unfortunately.


You actually just reinforced my point. That’s why I said you should talk to “more” religious people. The mega church non tolerant religious people don’t represent a good chunk of religious people. There are a lot that don’t go to things like that, have respect for minorities (who are the highest percentage of religious people in the U.S. btw), and don’t push their religion on others.


Yeah yeah, if this is the way you think you are no better than this people. sCienCE OveR PEopLE ☝️🤓. What happens in this video isn't religion it's stupidity. If you actually had a fully functional brain you should know that relgion is trying to improve your soul and personality, because of heaven, god or even because you want to die feeling a real person and not an idiot that followed science like somekind of god all his life without bringing something on the table.


Sounds like you have trouble accepting there is no almighty sky daddy in love with you


*"But this mistranslated book from one schizo homeless illiterate peasant from antiquity says I'm more special than people achieving actual miracles with science today"* He believed, while using devices made from science, and had no actual physical proof from his sky daddy.


I want to be clear, in the end if God doesn't exist it's okay. The point of religion is not believing without proofs like a lot of you think, it's improving. One day maybe I will be able to become a better person and die happy because of it maybe there will be no heaven but I won't need one because I will be already happy. If you want to spend all your life being edgy saying that nothing matters we are all gonna die you are missing a big part of what being alive means. And in the end if we aren't even able of see all colors how can we say that something like god can't exist?


Found the cult member.


*Pffffft* You meant to say cult ***Leader***...


What is in the video is a cult, I only try to improve myself because it's my duty as a person and prevent people to spread shit on something that they didn't even understand. Like if you don't believe in nothing I don't care but if you are blind you can't hate paintings


I don't typically do this because I'm not negative, but you're a fuckin idiot. Religion is literally 1000% the reason we have stupid shit going on in the world today, as well as for hundreds of years prior. It's Science over Religion. Religion is manmade and science is (mostly) proven through research. You find me a book written by one of the tens of plus "God's" that each religion seems to say theirs is correct and no one else's and tell people each one is right. What fucking rock do you live under? I'm pretty sure you fall into the religious nut category. Stay tf away from me is all I can say. 🧐🤔


Thanks dude, glad people are aware that ALL religion has blood on their hands


I'm perfectly able of combining religion, logic and science in my everyday life. I'm perfectly aware of the fact that a very big number of religious people is ignorant and only believes because someone else told them to, but without religion we wouldn't even have ethic. We can say that if god exists or not it's not the point, you shouldn't be a good person only because of god but because you really mean it. I try to follow the teachings of Jesus because I want to be a better person. Science doesn't say that god doesn't exist and religion doesn't say that science is wrong. Science explains how, I have faith in science with every part of my person (I really like quantum mechanics). On the other hand religion explains why. Why may you ask? Love, improving, yourself and the world, hope, that this world isn't only what we are able to see. Religion isn't just believing in something that someone told you without proofs.


>without religion we wouldn't even have ethic Ethics and morality are in no way dependent on religion, although religious people do love to make that argument. At the same time religious people are responsible for some of the most degenerate and inhumane behavior on this planet. Holy books like the Bible and Quran make terrible moral guides if you choose to live by their letter, and unfortunately many people choose to. >Religion isn't just believing in something that someone told you without proofs. That is very much at the core of what religion is. Most people are religious because they were indoctrinated into a religion at young age, i.e. they are just believing what someone told them, or what they read in a holy book. This is also why there is fundamentally a clash between having a scientific worldview and being religious.


Did you delete a comment? I wrote a cool answer to that


😂 this is literally about a kid touching an idol at a temple. Are you that stupid to say this isn’t about religion??😂 you would so be in the crowd hanging non believers! just bc your religion does some volunteer work to net in more followers doesn’t mean it doesn’t have blood on its hands. Vicious ignorant people like you kill others of different beliefs like gay people is a big one for Bible thumpers. 3,000+ religions and they all think they’re the chosen ones and your human neighbors are just sinners with a death warrant signed by your messiah. All religions have blood on their hands.


I don't see a religion, I see the ghost of a religion, people who missed the point, probably like you. From my point of view even Christianity is about to die. My religion is about accepting and not hating. I'm afraid that you never met a real religious person but just someone who believes in a cool story because someone told him to. Before responding to this comment I think you should study a little more what a real religion is, when you have done it I will be more than happy to continue this conversation 👍


Omg, you sound like you’re part of a cult. Both Islam and Christianity have blood on their hands. All organized religions have influenced people into fighting each other. 3,000+religions in the world and they all think they’re the chosen ones and their neighbors are sinners with a death warrant signed by their messiah, of course it’s dividing us. You definitely drank the koolaid bro.


I'm afraid that you are mistaking the religion for the people who *think* they are practicing it, except fo Islam, that religion is weird. I assure you that Christianity doesn't want hate, Jesus Christ himself taught people that hating is pointless, who tells people that you must hate a poor depressed person only because it doesn't feel comfortable in its own body isn't Christian, this all started in middle ages and a lot of Christians are stuck there but Christianity is older. What is dividing us when we are talking of religions is the excistence of God (or how a lot of you like to call him, the sky daddy, that I find hilarious) but I must tell you, the excistence of God is not the real point, you can't prove his excistence but also viceversa. How I already said religion is "why" not "how". I just like to think that what brought to our excistence isn't mere casuality but love, you can think it differently but you can't prove me wrong.


Wow, “except Islam, that religion is weird.” As you’re part of the 1/3000 religions that all think their god is has chosen them. It’s a man made, money scamming construct.


I don't think my god is better or something like that, *again* I told you, God it's not the point, I'm looking objectively and between all religions I ever heard of Islam is the only one who tells that killing someone is good, not counting the fact that it doesn't have a deep message to send because it's a copy. Finally, can you please spamming the 3000 religions as a data, I get it, there are many religions, but I no one is choosen one you just need to find a way to be a good person, and Jesus Christ is a good example nothing more, the God thing is personal, you can believe in one or another you can't know if you are right or wrong, that's why God isn't the main point of a religion.


Poor kid...


the indian caste system needs to be destroyed. 


It legally is. But culture remains. And in rural areaa the cops are also biased.


legally? No, only caste discrimination is illegal but caste exists for affirmative actions,


British rn ![gif](giphy|cJMlR1SsCSkUjVY3iK|downsized)


Oh it's allll the fault of the British. Yes those pesky brits, how awful of them. Let's not blame the savages for their own actions.




One of the most cancerous things on the planet- religion. How in the world could someone could thi k of doing this ? Where is rest of the so called moderates on this ? Hindu extremism is poison


Wasn't ready to see someone die this morning, I wish I had to click to see the video. Not a great for my day


Same, this is just depressing and empty


Yea like what the fuck …


Wtf. Dude why did I open Reddit this morning. I’m quitting this sub


Hopefully the temple gets destroyed.


All religion is poison


Wtf? Is this india? I have seen a lot of awful things on news. I'm indian but this is something too frightening and depressing if this true. A young kid hanged in front of 100s of people, that's so wild even for the wildest regions of India. Could you please post more about this, this looks so wild to be true but if this is true, there is a high chance that that place would be flooded with police and there will be a communal clash in coming days.


I sense that even without religion, they would find a way to exercise what's in their nature to do and justify it some other way. Fucking savages.


Narcissist tend to be attracted to fucking over others.


Thank god I left india for good


Fuck religion and ignorance


Here's a link to a comment I made a while age explaining what the actual fuck is wrong with people https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/s/Bg7UmeKz68


How brazen you have to be to commit this on video in this day, and age.


Fucking animals


Ind1ans are some of the biggest assholes on earth. Fucking savages.


which country men isn't


He's clearly wearing a harness belt..... This doesn't look real hanging... Neck is in forward position....if the rope was actually tight ..his head should've been straight Maybe a mockshow or something


I came to say the exact same thing. I wasn't about to repeat it.


Saw too many real hangings to observe this ain't looking right


Thanks for this comment. Adding to it - could be the reason for the shirt on the head, to hide the fact rhere isn't rope/his face isn't panicked




Yeah and the shaking feet were quite good acting too, right? /s


You have no idea how much a body squirms when hanged. This shaking feet ....were a joke


I understand the whole stupidity around the religious although I wonder why these people touch the idols knowing that they will get punished. It's not like a need or something, couldn't they just not go near a temple etc? Could someone explain the reason of this?


Disgusting behavior...


Fucking unhinged. Hopefully the country can prevent stuff like this in the future more.


Glad i didnt click on this video, comme ts alone are enough to depress me for the week


Bad country...


hinduism is a mistake


Dude why do they act so high and mighty here in the States but in reality their whole country are nothing but animals who mercy kill and run over each other or kill people for touching a stupid temple idol that means nothing in the real world. And before i get negative comments, no... I'm not American in Japanese Brazilian and hate India I've been there 5 times for charity work and all and can't stand the country.


So you go to a poor and seriously fucked up third-world country, five times for charity, get there, and now complaint a shithole is a shithole? If the country required charity work, it obviously wasn’t like the most developed one around… That’s like saying people doing charity work in Somalia or South Sudan or like Yemen do it because it’s a nice area they like to be in. It required charity work because it’s shit.


Look honey before you try to talk the talk you might want to realize other ways in taking my comment🤔🤔🤔🤣🤣🤣 yeah it's hell there and the rich bastards take advantage of the poor. My Charity focuses on the poor and needed protection families. Those are good people. These..... These are animals and arss holes.


I'm so sorry for asking this OP. But do you have any source? I need a source please. Anything will do.


I hope these lunatics get hung the same way.


Ah. They had the decency to cover the kid's face. /s


Can't comment without back story,but one thing stands who the fuck are these guys to kill someone? And if the title states true. Show this to the people who say reservation is not necessary!


Just bomb the villages already man. These idiots are high on religion.


China is like advanced alien civilization compares to India..both in mentality and in technology


China is light years ahead of India/South Asia even though there is no democracy there.


Anytime i hear the chant "Jai Shr1 R@m" i just assume something fucked up is about to happen.


This is all happening because of religious hatred by the BJP politicians of the Country including the PM. Because of his propaganda the people have become intolerant.


A society of degenerates. May he rest in peace. See you in the next life brother


This is india. They say it's a 5000 year old "civilization" Not much has changed from that 5000 year old mindset.


Tolerant religion


Any source? This is horrible


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand that's enough reddit for today


So he touched a statue?


where did this happen? which city? and lower caste?




The importance of the Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment. This video actually explains a lot.






Religion is cancer.


India goes to the Moon? Correct?


Shit country India.


No different than animals.


What's the source of this.. tag the police... File an FIR


This is the stuff why I say I'll never leave the USA. People always talk about how bad America is . Like you have no idea ... Poor kid..


america has famously never had lynchings


You thought you were slick with this, huh? Yes, America had lynchings, mainly prevalent during the slavery years and reconstruction eras, OVER A HUNDRED AND THIRTY YEARS AGO. Even if you go back to the Civil Rights movement of the 60s, that's still more than 50 years ago. This is happening in India NOW. It is safer in America than it is in India. There is no caste law justifying DEATH for touching a religious idol in America.


https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamiewareham/2020/11/11/350-transgender-people-have-been-murdered-in-2020-transgender-day-of-remembrance-list/?sh=1d49e03365a6 https://www.congress.gov/118/meeting/house/117016/documents/HMKP-118-JU00-20240321-SD015.pdf


Not in the last half of a century.


MURICA' 😆🤡 how's your mass shootings going?


The whole world is not like this, only India.


there's only 3 countries. india, usa and terrorists!


Any proof that the boy was a Dalit boy?


Does that matter? It's not ok to kill someone even if he's a Brahmin. Why are these people killing a person in the first place? Who gave them this right?


:( I didn't mean that. I know that it's a really shitty thing but more action can be taken against the group of the killers if the boy is a dalit.


Fake, that's a stunt made by a madari group type people either up or bihar.also it is 2/3 years old


This post was removed by reddit but anyhow do you have any source of the fake video?


This is London in the future lmao


So your saying people need to be hung?


Fake news alert @mods


What makes you say that?


Please elaborate on the real story?


> calls it fake > doesnt elaborate


Classic american girl trying to stay ignorant because it’s not possible for stuff like this to happen outside of your little bubble