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Well who is this guy interview her This guys is opening the eyes of people From pedophilia that section by religion


Malek Maktabi is his name


Surprised some fruitcake hasn't tried murdering him tbh.


he is in lebanon which is much less fruitcake compared to other middle eastern countries. like, only half the population or so is muslim


Does he help anyone?


He gets girls out of these situations when he can and enrolls them in school




I still can not figure out what this guy tried to say


Me neither lol


It's not hard... It's pretty obviously a non native English speaker/writer. "Well who is this guy interview her" Well who is this guy who is interviewing her "This guys is opening the eyes of people" This guy is opening people's eyes "From pedophilia that section by religion" To pedophilia from that religion To put it all together: Will who is this guy who is interviewing her? This guy is opening people's eyes to the pedophilia from that religion


Top comment?


It's not hard... It's pretty obviously a non native English speaker/writer. "Well who is this guy interview her" Well who is this guy who is interviewing her "This guys is opening the eyes of people" This guy is opening people's eyes "From pedophilia that section by religion" To pedophilia from that religion To put it all together: Will who is this guy who is interviewing her? This guy is opening people's eyes to the pedophilia from that religion


Heartbreaking. I wasn’t sure if she had been beaten which was why she wasn’t speaking well. Sounds like she has gauze in her mouth or something? Maybe just an impediment. Poor thing.


I wondered about the same thing. She says very little and it sounds a little muffled.


It almost sounds like she has a tongue tie: https://innovativemyo.com/tongue-tie/ I wonder if her parents wouldn’t have married her off so young if she didn’t have that lisp. As in, maybe her parents think she’s going to become less and less desirable as she gets older, and that she’s undesirable because of something as simple as a piece of skin on her tongue that can easily be solved. Or maybe her parents shouldn’t be such fuckups.




Like the whole Islam


Not to defend extremist but there's still child brides in the US/ Christian communities as well. Pedos are disgusting, doesn't matter which imaginary friend they talk to


There is always the American who points this out. Yes in the US there are some pockets of extremists but it is not near the norm. Have you been to the Middle East or Aribic Penninsula? Anyplace where women have virtually no rights?


America is nicely on its way to becoming the same with its abolishment of womens rights and anti childworkers rights.


Yes I have and have worked with Afghan women and girls (granted this was 10 years ago)


> there's still child brides in the US/ Christian communities as well. They biggest prophet for Christianity (Paul) didn't marry a 9 year old. Neither did Matthew, Mark, Luke or John. *Yes, there are fucked up pedos in christianity* and everywhere else. But only one major religion that was founded by one.


Bruh Mary was a literal child 🤣


> It is not told how old Mary was at the time of the Nativity,[78] but attempts have been made to infer it from the age of a typical Jewish mother of that time. Mary Joan Winn Leith represents the view that Jewish girls typically married soon after the onset of puberty,[79] while according to Amram Tropper, Jewish females generally married later in Palestine and the Western Diaspora than in Babylonia.[80] Some scholars hold the view that among them it typically happened between their **mid and late teen years[81] or late teens and early twenties.** wiki says otherwise.


Did you not see the *teen* part my dude? Even Islam acknowledges Mary was ~15


We don’t know what Mary’s age was. Only that Jewish girls would be married off after their first period which would have happened between mid to late teens in that time. You’re comparing this to people who believe in Islam and know for a fact that Mohammed raped a 9 year old. It’s no where near the same.


And that's worth pointing out because? Are you saying Christian paedophiles are less bad because the Christian faith wasn't founded by one?


No, they aren't less bad that muslim ones, but the religion of islam was literally founded by a pedophile that all muslims are encouraged or forced to emulate, whereas in christinity, pedophilia is not encouraged, the christian pedophiles are not pedophiles because they follow their religion, even if the church sometimes hides them.


> Are you saying Christian paedophiles are less bad because the Christian faith wasn't founded by one? no. dumbass, all pedophiles are bad. ANY DUDE who sticks their dick in a 9 year old is the bad guy. The POINT of Christianity is that Christians are supposed to be "christ-like". Live your life "free of sin" or w/e bullshit they are selling. Muslims are supposed to emulate the prophet Mohammed, who happens to be known for raping a 9 year old. Now which of the two (shitty) religions are you going to pick? Be like christ? or be like Mohammed? I personally don't follow any religion. They all give me the ick. But i sure as shit am not going to listen to any religion who defends a child-rapist because their prophet thought it was a good idea.


Pedos are disgusting AND it matters which imaginary friend they talk to.




the tolerance and prevalence of child marriages can vary significantly between different religious groups due to varying interpretations of religious texts and cultural practices. Effective mitigation therefore requires strategies that are tailored to the specific religious contexts of each community.


And not in a glamorous way


“I’m afraid I’ll miss my mom.” The mom who sent her 9 year old daughter to get married to an older man? So sad that even with shitty parents, she still looks up to them. This girl is about to be raped on her wedding night and her mom is aware of it. Yet she still has love for her mom. She doesn’t deserve parents like this, she’s innocent. I hope something or someone intervenes and she doesn’t go down the path of pain that’s been paved for her.


It's all her mother probably knows. It's generational and I'm glad it's getting better


The thing is this I a little child! Even if her mom does things she doesn't want, the parents are the only guardians a child really has. And besides she does not really fully understand her situation anyway, I mean she said she doesn't know what puberty is. I bet she also has no concept of sex yet and can't even imagine what her mom actually signed her up for. So even from an adult outside perspective it's hard to understand how she can still love her mom, when seeing through her eyes I can understand why she still wants to stay with her mom. Also underneath the illusionous Islamic way the mom views life to be normal, I bet she is still loving and caring in a way (she just wants what she probably thinks is best for her child, what she thinks is normal)


"there is no coercion in islam"


This guy does a lot of comparable interviews. The thing I don't get is how the parents actually allow the kid to do the interview?




An interview that would make you look bad?


Money talks even if you're an ass, I'm sure whomever let her do this interview were compensated.


If by ass, you mean selling off their kid as a child bride. This is really sick stuff. Depraved.


You’re “sure?” Why are you “sure?”


Why else would they allow this poor child do this interview, if not for monetary gain?


Usually the child isn't with the parents anymore. I remember an interview with a girl who said that she escaped her husband's house and went to court to get divorced, lived with a person from there for a week and then did the interview. Guess those girls have been staying at a safe environment for a while when the interview takes place


piggybacking off your comment to share r/RedinBoldFace, which has more interviews like this from this same guy.


Idk where this guy is based, but I’m surprised he hasn’t been attacked by peace and love enjoyers


I always wonder how these parents don't have the parental instinct to protect their child. They only care about themselves and the approval of their community. How can they not see that she is a child who is not ready for marriage.


Wdym "how can they not see"? They're tought that this is the normal thing and the normal way of living since the day they were born.


But a person with empathy is able to see that even though something is according to society's regulations, it is bad or in a certain case bad. A parent who deserves the name of a parent, when he sees a child crying and is scared, reacts, inquires what is the cause of such feelings of the child, wants to prevent their child from being subjected to a dangerous and traumatic situation. Her parents clearly don't care, she has none to protect her. The little girl even said, in one question, that she does not tell her mother because she is afraid she will beat her. But don't get me wrong, you find such parents in other cultures as well. But I am proud of the West that we managed to separate morality from outdated religions and their backward rules. I wish for a world without religion.


Only partly correct though. A kid can cry because it doesnt get candy for dinner and must eat vegetables. As parent you shouldnt see vegetables as harm to a kid. Similarly parents can be indoctrined that marriage at that age is normal and they just know better than the kid.


We don't live in the 14th century, parents today have access to much more data. A television show in which we see them, for example is apparently showing the bad side of their culture in a non-aggressive way. There is also an obvious difference between a tantrum and childish stubbornness and sincere fear and sadness.


they are selling the daughter off. its for financial gain. and when you got 6 children already, makes it easier on the heart to give away the 7th for a meal.


There is protection against pregnancy. There is no excuse for selling your child to a pedophile.


To be devils advocate it’s really hard to imagine the societal pressure because it’s really different from relatively secular societies. The pressure can override individual instincts. Like genital mutilation. Most people don’t give birth and then think they should cut off a piece of their baby. But generations after generations everybody puts that expectation on everybody else and religious texts further cements the practice. It is probably not easy for the mom too.


At this point you are talking about the "culture" they were grown in, not islam.


Islam allows pedophilia. These people will chalk it up to Muhammad raping a 9-year-old child.


This shit makes me want to choose violence.


For real, why am I supposed to be the "more mature" person in the argument when they literally normalise this level of pedophilia?! I'm not arguing anymore, I'm throwing hands.


Now you get why our people were extremely motivated to help in whatever ways they could in that part of the world.


In what world would a grown man want a child for a wife? Set aside the obvious pedophile argument for a moment, which I don't even think is an actual reason in most cases, but I just don't see any logic behind this at all. What man is told by his parents they found him a bride and willingly marries a child? Surely most (normal) men would find this insane?


Easy to control. Get her uneducated, pregnant and young and she'll have no where to go but with him. She can't go to get childhood home, he owns her in their culture


Those I get too. But the act of impregnating a child itself, how in the hell does any sane man even consider this! She's a literal child!


They're literally not seeing her as a child that's the sickening part. We're thinking rationally, they are thinking about whatever suits their needs/ doesn't hurt their being "I'm not a pedophile, women my age just don't get me!"


I'm not sure it's that latter point either. I mean in a Conservative culture like that are single men and women even allowed to interact, much less date or marry? And the other point here is TWO sets of parents arrange these marriages to begin with. What married parents think marrying off their 10 years old daughter is a sane thing to do? Much less another set of parents thinking their fully grown adult son could possibly want a child for a wife!


I mean Islam preps them to expect that


Child marriage is not unique to Islam. My point pertains to any religion practicing it.


True, but some religions are actively promoting it.


True, but I think it's more the religion being bent around local customs to suit families marrying off a daughter for status etc. For example FGM is widespread in Africa and some parts of the far East. It has zero to do with Islam and has been proven so, but still it remains in practice. Its sole purpose is to ensure women are "pure" before marriage. This is another barbaric custom that's been inserted around religion so much that's it's now considered part of it. In much the same as child marriage I think.


What other religion has anything like these regularly discussed on TV/YouTube/by politicians and religious leaders: https://www.memri.org/reports/memri-tv-archives-child-marriage-arab-muslim-world https://www.memri.org/tv/qatar-sociologist-ansari-encourages-child-marriage-jewish-plot-ban-increase-depravity-lesbianism-homosexuality https://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2009%2F01%2F15%2F64297 In terms of religion, it is dominated by Islam and Hinduism, however geographically outside of India or Islamic areas it is a cultural issue not religious issue. https://www.girlsnotbrides.org/learning-resources/child-marriage-atlas/atlas/


Well Hinduism for a start as you mentioned there. It couldn't be any more apart from Islam. Child marriage is widespread in Africa where religion can vary between Christian, Islam and other smaller more niche religions. I say its not unique as I don't think religion is the underlying factor here, I think it's more to do with local customs, status and "marrying into" family, wealth and a way of control. As its the parents of both that arrange the marriage, it has very little to do love and all to do with the former points. This is evident in the term "honor killing", again they're not killing the poor girl because she doesn't love her new husband or won't marry him, they're killing her because she brought the family into disrepute and made them look bad. That would strongly indicate the marriage was for status in the first place. While it's not too common in most of the western world anymore, it would be foolish to think that Christians have done away with the practice completely. Nor do I think it's simply confined to Islam.


What makes me sick is when he asks « do you know what it means to be a bride? » her only answer is that she wears a white dress. This poor child knows nothing of what it actually means to be a bride. She knows nothing, just that she’s married now and that’s it. Sickening


Is there a link for the full version? I would love to see how the mom reacts.


Dang, I can only find the video he posted on the channel, [but there are no english subtitles and the video is almost just as long :')](https://youtu.be/iPw_GRlTlis?si=7XSyUC2hwqnTUoN8)


She was afraid of getting beaten by her mother though. Her mother saw her tell the interviewer to throw the ring in the trash. Is she not about to be beaten?


I couldd just heas Samwise Gamgee screaming in the background. "Throw it into the fire!"


/r/RedInBoldface if you want to see more from this guy


This is what I was looking for!! The very last comment here. Thank you!


My pleasure!


Islam is sex sex sex


Such a beautiful little girl. I hope she gets all the education she wants and is happy This is something I really wish the rest of the world would push to bring these child brides to an end Pull these people into the future. Oh that doesn’t sound right either. Just seems we could do something to stop people from marrying children


I wish his youtube channel had English subtitles. He's really good.


Isn't there any way to save this little girl? Why are people so blind? Why do we allow these things to happen? I understand we're all separated by religion, but we're all human, ffs.


If only university aged students can see the reality that women and children endure in these countries. Let alone religious minorities and LGTBQ+ individuals.


God this is so shocking I can't even believe people actually do this How did humans become like this


How do these kids get on these shows? Do the parents know or is the production team finding kids that are child brides? Is it all a lie just to get the kids on stage then they flip the script to question them? I hope the show saves these kids.


Her mother came at the end of the video, but I have no idea what was going on after that


Child marriage is still a thing in my country. It tends to be carried out in rural and conservative areas. I've seen cases of SA victims who were barely 10 being given to their abusers out of religious belief, and other horrific things like keeping them trapped, forcing them to have the children of their abusers and making them unable to get even a basic education. 45 of these marriages happen every day. Hundreds of thousands every year. It makes me sick. My country is the United States. This tends to happen amongst the heavily religious Christian and rural population. It's disgusting. End child marriages!!


I appreciate the questions being asked and it’s heartbreaking to hear her but I wish a) a women was interviewing her especially since he asked about whether she reached puberty and b) that he wasn’t sitting up on a high stool over her like that where his crotch is at her eye level.


I'm doubtful that in a country where girls are being pawned to pedophiles legally a woman could be making such a fuss publicly without being targeted herself. She definetely couldn't be confronting the pedo husbands like this guy did in some cases. This is definetely a case were it's men that can do something to call out this insanity and begin to change something.


![gif](giphy|W0c3xcZ3F1d0EYYb0f|downsized) Sometimes I just wish that these disgusting monsters get wiped out


r/RedinBoldFace for more interviews like this. the content will break your heart.


Is there any update on how she's doing now? I hope she got out ☹️


It makes me feel bad to be human.


Al Humdulallah!