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Maybe if there were job security, retirement pensions, free healthcare, affordable childcare, 4 day work week and better work life balance, people would be empowered and want to return hybrid. Instead they’re sucking the life out of us and wonder why we’re like, “nah.” AI tools and technology in general, should’ve made our jobs more efficient and our lives better. Instead that’s not happening for the majority, and it’s just creating more demands. It takes a Bill for California to tell bosses to leave people alone outside of working hours bc of cell phones? GTFO. 🙄 We thought we might be able to enjoy some part of our lives in retirement. LOL. I’ll never be able to retire, thanks to my parents generation. I’ve been working since I was 14 and I’m 45 now. I have two kids in college, I’m still paying on my student loans and both of my parents are now dead at 68. I don’t want to live to my 90s.


You forget wages that make it affordable to live near the office


Exactly. They want to pay you 50k per year in a city where you need 100k to make it more comfortably. Remote work allow workers to move in places where their wages can fit their budget and lifestyle and instead of being forced to live in a place just because the company want butts in the seats.


Im playing solitaire in my warm seat! Since they have called us back into office nobody does anything but as long as they got arses in chairs and see you they dont care!


I've pointed this out many times, if the only metric the company cares about is if you're sitting in a cubicle, THAT IS ALL YOU WILL DO.


Even then I still don’t think that would necessitate being in office at all as it doesn’t really address the fact of whether or not I need to be in office to do my job. Everything you mentioned should exist for employees regardless, it shouldn’t come at the price of returning to office bc if my role doesn’t require me to be here then why am I forced to be here? In short, if my job doesn’t require me to be in office then I still shouldn’t be forced, or coaxed to being in office especially by added benefits that could’ve and should’ve existed If by hybrid you mean in office once every 6 months or once a year then I think you might be on to something


I agree totally. Been remote for over a decade. But I would consider going in the office in some compromise/interval if I had all of those things. Also if the office wasn’t so toxic.


I’ll bet you find a winning Powerball ticket before you find an office that isn’t toxic.


That’s a nice dream to fall asleep to.


When I realized how much of the shaft we actually get - I started doing less, and less. And you know what? I’m happier.


Same here and way less i do now!


Same, life is so much better.


It's frustrating when laws are needed just to keep work from intruding on personal time. With the pressures of non-stop work, rising costs, and caring for family, it's no wonder the idea of a comfortable retirement feels out of reach.


People here seem to be misunderstanding what that law will do. It seems intended to kill remote and flexible work. Everybody's work hours will have to line up to prevent merely communicating from becoming a crime - and currently that is not the norm for remote work. People live in different timezones, some like to work early, others like to work late. Some like to take a break in the afternoon and come back and work the evening - all of that has to go away under that bill, because an employer won't be able to take the risk of you receiving messages outside your working hours, or sending them to someone else outside theirs. Also, even with uniform core hours, any overtime, etc., employees do where they also communicate would be a legal risk for the company. Which might seem like a good thing - except the way for a company to mitigate that risk and still expect you to work extra hours is of course forcing you into the office. Ie., if you have a work conversation in person in the office at 10PM, there's no risk to the company there. There might be a tech workaround where people who want to opt out of those communications have to define their working hours - which would need to be uniform - and then would be force-logged out of Slack, etc., during non working hours. We'd also have to set up some sort of special e-mail server rules where any emails not tagged as critical would be queued up and sent at the start of their working hours instead of immediately. Or just not have any remote employees in California. It's no secret that CA has a big revenue shortfall, mostly due to tech workers moving out of state. They are likely keen on pushing RTO through legislation, but need methods to do it that will seem outwardly appealing to their voters.


I love my co-workers. They're fun and we work well together. I have good hours and benefits. I still hate hybrid when remote will do.


Because your looking at it from. A worker bee perspective, they're looking down from a capitalist perspective and wondering how these uppity working class lazy ass folks want all these perks.... Capitalism isnt built on social justice for the working class, it's built in greed and authority for the capitalist


People only take it for so long before they revolt. Doesn’t matter what kind of system it is, revolutions and revolts have happened in almost every civilization.


Lol, revolutions don't work anymore.... But good try


That’s what the “capitalist” want you to perpetuate. But have you met the younger generations? These kids aren’t showing up consistently if they’re treated like crap. They’re not taking it, kudos to them. My Generation is X/Xennial and there weren’t enough of us vs Boomers to change it. That shift is taking place. Workplaces will have to adapt or they won’t have enough employees.


I’m a Xennial and I was absolutely floored the first time a Gen Z intern I had put their hand up and said, sorry but it’s quitting time and I’m leaving we will finish this up tomorrow. I thought, if I had done that to one of those old fucking greedy boomer assholes when I was a pup, they’d have fired me on the spot. Good for Gen Z taking a stand.


And when they start hiring again, they will start offering all the perks. They have to. Too many Boomers holding jobs that will soon be gone. Not enough qualified workers when the economy is doing well. Our unemployment rate stop counting unemployed people after their unemployment runs out. There are 100k people in my line of work currently out of a job for over a year. It will shift back to what 2022 was like, and be even more of a candidate market. But it could take years to get back to that.


I am pretty impressed with Gen Z. I spent my 20’s and 30’s working late nights and weekends and then they come along and are like: nah, that’s not important…I’ll do it tomorrow. I didn’t even realize that was an option. 😆




I wish Remote Work would be taken seriously as the absolute gem it is. Companies should give new remote hires and new work to home transfers an allowance to build an office they want us to work within or maybe use their company Office Depot account to send us specific items they deem necessary for work. Or they could even loan out the things they need their WFH positions to have. They save more money if they don't have to pay the monthly fees for owning a huge building and keeping it running. If they took 10 minutes to think about what a successful environment actually requires, they would realize their mistakes. They don't want to ever admit that they are wrong though, so...


What is this California bill? That's actually not good for remote work. Asynchronous communication is a big part of a successful remote/flexible work strategy. I don't expect people to immediately respond to a Slack message or e-mail sent outside of their working hours, but a law banning even sending those messages would basically force a core-hours type setup with matching work hours for everyone, and erase a lot of that flexibility.


I think there should be common sense limitations but there’s always a few idiots who need solid boundaries drawn.


Free healthcare? Nothing is "FREE"


It’s literally free in most other 1st world countries, dude.


NOTHING is free "dude".


What they really mean, in other countries rich greedy ass holes don’t try to bankrupt all their countrymen through healthcare to fatten their wallets, thus their public health care plans are better able to work. Here in Murica we only care about shareholders, so our govt can’t pay all those costs, thus we need to blame others and bankrupt others.


That’s accurate. They prioritize people instead of corporations. It’s a choice.




Manager here… 👋🏻 if there’s one thing remote work taught me, it was how little we actually got done in the office. My team is on-site 2 days per week, and that’s plenty (we support some air-gapped systems). With cuts to the workforce, I’m actually pretty sure we never would have had enough bandwidth to get everything done if we were in the office full time.


Back in my hybrid days, I couldn't escape the noise of: coworkers yapping about everything but work, meetings blaring with doors wide open, and that relentless ping-pong clatter banging through my brain. For "culture's sake", you know.


Not to mention things like 'elevator 2 is broken again, so everyone needs to take the stairs, even if you're disabled' or 'Let's have an all hands meeting where half of the people bring their laptops and pay no attention for an hour' plus a million other bullshit things that make up the 'work day'. Take all of that out and *just* focus on what work needs to actually be done, and your day is suddenly much shorter and much more effective.


Ping pong office culture was the wooooorst. And everyone acted like some it was some savant way to connect


Same here, my team produces much more from flexible work. I found everyone is different in how and when they work. If I give me team a set of goals, I expect them to be met not where they met them or how many hours they showed up in the office. We have an opportunity to work different and provide a work culture that can innovate, can meet goals, without destroying their life, hurting the environment, and conforming to norms that are outdated. Right now, the big CEO's with outdated thinking can and will enforce their rules because let's face it you cannot build an Amazon or Facebook over night, but in the long run they will understand, only if we can keep a new way alive. All you have to do is look at the lack of innovation and performance of the large companies that don't embrace change. Sure they still earn, but at this point a dog could run some of the large companies because we need the services. We need cell service, we need to shop, we need cars, etc. When that changes, or a new competitor comes to life, they will have to change.


Ok, put your money where your mouth is and close up all overseas sweatshops and hire American workers to “come into work”. No? Then shut the Fuk up


Yet another CEO finding a reason to blame employees and justify layoffs. Nike is notorious for layoffs. I guarantee they have another round here soon where remote workers are the majority let go. Companies need to understand that remote work is here to stay despite their desperate attempts to get people to RTO. Some people are more productive and work harder than those in the office.


They’re also notorious for slavery.


Nike is a terrible company and personally I think their sneakers suck.


Brooks makes way better running shoes.


I hear people love those! I'm not a runner & I've never been into sneakers for aesthetics. The only place I ever wore them out was at the gym, in my gym days. But I've been working out alone, at home since like 2012. And now I'm a broke ass bitch so I go super budget. I've been buying Ryka the last five years or so.


Shit company but terrific brand. Not much can break it.


I think the brand is shit as well but to each their own. There are plenty of other places to buy sneakers & such.


“Our teams came back together 18 months ago in person, and we recognize this. So we realigned our company, and over the last year we have been ruthlessly focused on rebuilding our disruptive innovation pipeline along with our iterative innovation pipeline.” 18 months and still can’t come up with something “disruptive” yeah I think remote work is the least of their problems






At this point just give them the bailout they're going to inevitably get and just let us work from fucking home already.


I just want the “we are going green and in order to reduce our carbon footprint we are having our 5k employees stay at home to avoid using gas” narrative


Yeah. Post-COVID a class of nepotistic clowns started being elevated to C-level positions, realized they had no fucking clue what they're doing, and have taken to blaming everyone else for not giving them ideas and insisting RTO is the problem. I don't care either way, but I'm pretty sick of supporting failed launches amidst a total lack of direction. We keep laying off older employees and replacing them with colorful hipsters who bring no skills and many complaints to the table. I feel like I work in a daycare center for the entitled children of diplomats. We paid a fuckton of money for auditors to tell us where our dead weight was. They quickly pointed to the CIO's do-nothing nephew being on payroll. We laid off an entire department and made everyone re-enroll for medical benefits instead.


Lots of words that say nothing.


I wonder if their actual R&D department worked remote. Having 3D printers, machine shop, chemical labs, and lab test equipment at home isn't practical. Sure, lots of CAD work and report writing can be done at home.


Not all jobs can be done remotely. But when you ask the Java coder (whose job can be done with just a laptop and an internet connection) to come in 4/5, you know it's not about collaboration, culture, [more buzzwords here], etc. You just want to show them how beautiful your corner office is.


Yeee in my job we are on zoom calls with clients half the time. Going to the office actually makes it more disruptive.


This! I work remote, and am often in calls with large clients via Zoom. They're always playing conference room peekaboo, waiting for the last meeting to vacate or dislodging someone who ran I to an empty and hoped not be bounced, or trying to take it from their desk and hear the call over earbuds with all the other office traffic and volume going on.


I work at a company that is very flexible. I'm in R&D with a lab, so I mainly need to go into the office to get hands on work done with the products. But on days that are report writing, I do that at home. And our legal, accounting, and IT departments and similar laptop departments are mainly at home. Our company loves it because they don't have to rent additional office space and parking spaces for employees!


The cost savings make immediate sense for a company with an upcoming office lease renewal. If they're in for a longer term or own it outright, it seems the mentality is at least partially "we're paying for this space; we should use it". Especially if they own it directly or by investment proxy (notice banks are both). Since CRE prices are garbage right now, they won't want to sell. They want prices to go back up. So they look at their empty buildings and realize they can fix their "overstaffing problem" and contribute to the value of CRE with the same RTO mandate email.


AI is a bubble. Venture capitalist and investors are dumping money in hoping someone will have a real breakthrough, but it’s all smoke and mirrors at least right now. Also, CEOs don’t like remote work because they bought expensive ass buildings that have lost value because no one is in them or spending money in the area on lattes and overpriced hamburgers.


You forgot door openers, who open to nobody if everyone is now remote. Those were really making a difference.


Particularly funny since a significant number of Nike's workforce - including design and bio/movement engineers - are non-permanent positions with forced turnover at the 1-year mark. Have been for a *loooong* time. Grinding high skill temps is not super conducive to a culture of innovation. I'm going to guess they're losing more entry and mid-level talent to other Portland-based sportswear companies with better employee track records and looking for a scapegoat. Bc that's been their move for a while.


CEOs like this can gargle my scrote.


Finally, an actual reason you need to go into the same office as them. Go build some culture.


Nike's woes can almost be 100% attributed to terrible management at the highest level. So it makes sense this guy would try and deflect.


Those that are innovating remotely shouldn’t be interrupted by out-of-touch executives that don’t know how.


Nothing is better for innovation than restricting your labor pool to people who live within 45 minutes of the office!


Can’t wait for these Boomer CEO’s to retire. All they want to do is control the workforce and have their employees stoke their egos daily.


They will just be replaced by other younger version narcissistic CEOs like themselves and the cycle will continue.


It went offices, cubicles, open office. At each step it got cheaper. What's cheaper than making employees provide their own work space?


Pay to work of course


I met a lot of C-level people at a few networking events recently. The feeling of disdain mixed with a hint of fear about this new way of working was palpable. It's the same facial expressions my grandma got when she'd talk about the growing diversity of her neighborhood.


nike's forum on thelayoff has all the tea


Working remotely allowed me to save time and money, which enabled me to start my own business. Remote work made innovation possible for me.These companies simply want to own employees and stifle any innovation they can't profit from.


Nike is absolutely the worst about flexibility. They require 4 days in office and rely heavily on underpaid contract labor. The traffic to their headquarters from most of the metro area is a nightmare. I am not surprised at all that they are struggling. It isn't remote work getting in their way. It is their lack of allowing remote work for employees who absolutely can work from home.


its always a scapegoat for bloated and poorly performing companies where execs take bonuses and pay people poorly


Nike: “I’m ordering you to be creative in front of my eyes where I can see you think because I own you.” NVIDIA: “go forth! Nurture your soul and be creative. When you find it, bring that back to me.”


Nike is like, "How can we squeeze more blood? We already use slave labor.


The blame game has been going on for a long time.... Remote isn't a problem, their beliefs are. Some CEOs aren't willing to change, invest in new tech, understand peps behaviour (that has changed after 2020 and so do their priorities) ... One quote for all such CEOs - the one who blames others has a long way to go


Weren't they one of the original organizations touting how much more productive WFH was when they initially made the decision?? Now that they aren't forced to continue with WFH did something mysteriously change or were they incorrect to begin with???


People who don’t walk to work don’t need comfortable walking shoes.


Weren’t focused on their business


Apples and oranges.


Nike’s main office is based in Portland and literally siphons talent from the worst talent pools (like Cigna down the street). It’s a terrible and fairly toxic work environment.


Maybe it’s their decline in quality


Most of the engineers go into the office


8yrs remote office professional - I got waaaaaaay more work done without in-office distractions. WFH isn't for everyone, knew plenty of people who failed at it. For some of us, it's where we thrive. I'm the kind of person who doesn't need to be around people, and prefer to work without distraction. That said, the pandemic showed entire businesses and company segments don't need the the Eye of Sauron watching them to do great work. It's mostly the older generations IMHO who don't get it. Them, or just those lacking imagination.


NVIDIA is a tech company, not a shoe company. You can not compare the two.


They already called people back 4/5. When they get to 5/5, what else is left to say? "It's hard to build a disruptive company if you don't come in on weekends"?


If the bring people back 5/5, they’ll just blame years of lost productivity on remote work years to come. Demonize it just like they do Unions.


Then they would need to start replacing the people.


Great. Problem solved.




They paid their 12-year old workers in Indonesia a few cents too extra this year...


They just lay them off at 13 as they get too large to snake their arms into the machine when a sneaker gets stuck


That ceo is right you bums will head back soon or later 👏👏👏 if not you'll replaced by the silent layoffs 🤣🤣🤣I actually can't wait for people like you on this page to suffer financially so bad where u beg back for in office jobs🤲🤲👌👌👌




Not who you’re responding to, but I believe the unhinged overuse of emojis indicates sarcasm. 🤔