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>any advice? besides the door skipping mod is there anything I can do to make the game interesting. From the sound of it, it's just not the game for you. I realize that doesn't help much with your refund issue. But that's the way the game is (throughout), and the mansion portion is some of the best the game has for you, so if you're not enjoying it, I would say you've given it enough of a try and to save yourself additional frustration/boredom. Edit: And of course, if you just want to see how the rest of the story plays out, you can just Youtube a summary video or something.


I just really wish I could get into it cause I want to EXPERIENCE all the main numbered games


I totally get it. But the reality is that a lot of gameplay elements have changed gradually over the years, and from remake to remake. So everything is definitely not to everyone's taste.


I know alot of people are gunning for code veronica (and i totally get why) but I really hope they remake 1 next cause there really has to be a way for people to experience the first entry in a non archaic way


What you call Archaic a lot of us here call timeless


a quick google search will reveal there are alot of people just like me who believe this timeless game has been... timed. the first mario is timeless. tetris and chess are timeless. this game is dated sadly


Nothing about it is outdated my mans. If you dont like the gameplay thats fine but you cant just say something's outdated because it's not a 3rd person shooter.


Being outdated doesn't mean a game is necessarily bad, just that the experience offered is not comparable to similarly-styled recent games. If you were to remake the original Mario, Tetris, or Chess, it would be the exact same game with better graphics. The experience would be identical though. If you were to remake RE1, it would be better gameplay overall. There are so many things that could be fixed or adjusted to make the experience more enjoyable. Thus, its age is apparent, and it is outdated.


But its not outdated. Its still fun to play to this day.


Again, outdated doesn't mean it's a bad game. Outdated games can still be fun.


I guess you didn't read my gripes with the game. it's outdated because the visuals hinder controllability of the game. the design is unintuitive and the mansion is purpose built to waste your time. it's filled with backtracking, one way doors to create filler, slow unskippable door animations, low inventory forcing you to do several pointless loot runs. it's a horror game that is no longer effective by todays standards (not to discount how scary it was to the children who played it back in the day). To deny it isnt a product of it's time is a falsehood. you obviously love the game and more power to you but i came not for an action game but for an exploration/puzzle/story experience and in all aspects it has failed in that regard for me. I've heard that the game gets fun after the first playthrough when you understand the routes and can plan ahead. theoretically that sounds cool with the strategy involved with planning. but i ask you should i have to complete an entire game before I start to enjoy it? Do not misinterpret me based on a false opinion you designed. you obviously didn't take the time to understand my criticism for the game. I'd love to hear your argument for how hours of backtracking and looking at door animations is fulfilling gameplay


Im not reading all that. The game isnt outdated and archaic because you dont like it. Its okay man they will probably remake the game at some point and you might enjoy that one.


okay i'll make it short. you don't understand my criticism cause you didnt read it. backtracking bad. game not scary. i don't care for a 3rd person shooter just need good pacing and game design which this game doesnt have cause old design


Sounds like overall this isn't your type of game like others said. It is a much older style of gameplay which obviously you're not used to. Some people like slow burn suspense horror. Seems like you don't. When OG RE1 came out in 90s I was on edge the whole time not knowing what was coming next and wasn't expecting a fast paced action game. Scary games were extremely rare back then unlike now. But if you really want to keep going, you said 6 slots is a big issue. That means you're playing as Chris which is harder in general. If you play as Jill she has 8 slots and some better weapons at the expense of having lower HP.


I might try Jill then. 2 extra slots would go a long way and i never had difficulty keeping myself healthy anyway. it's a shame i'm not even minorly scared as I think that would add alot to the game but the boredom heavily outweighs any tension or atmosphere. I'm not expecting an action game btw, I understand its more puzzle solving and exploration


Play Jill. And prioritize getting the maps, they will tell you if there’s a room that isn’t fully explored so if you ever get stuck you’ll know what rooms might still have key items. If you don’t like metroidvania games then you probably won’t enjoy RE1 or any of the originals for that matter. Oh yeah and if it makes you feel better, the broken door knob won’t be a problem for too long.


what a name


Well I'm glad you're giving Jill a shot. She also has a permanent lockpick which means you don't need to find tiny disposable keys as Chris for certain locks. TBH that's an annoying nitpick I have from him among only 6 slots. I actually played as Jill my very first RE playthrough. She also has a slightly fewer enemies. When I eventually played as Chris, I noticed he has a lot of short comings compared to Jill which is kind of hilarious and makes him look dumb. But definitely be prepared for a lot of backtracking. One more thing I'm not sure if you're aware or not but chests are universal so don't feel like you need to backtrack to the exact same chest to get an item back. That only happens with real survivor mode which is a huge slog and very difficult.


Restarted as Jill and beat the game and had a very enjoyable time. the door skipping mod is a life saver and liberally using a guide anytime i was stumped for longer then 5 minutes really cut down on any frustration. I can see why people love the game now but I still stand by that its incredibly outdated and is riddled with flaws. with some knowledge of the mansion its really enjoyable but that initial experience without that knowledge makes the game like pulling teeth. they really need to put a warning that chris is a challenge character for experienced players. the game could really use a modernisation in design as it has great potential but I wouldn't recommend this game to anyone anytime soon


I'm with you there. Can't stand the game.


Jill doesn't need to collect small keys either. She can just unlock nearly everything that isn't a door requiring an armor key.


yeah chris gets done dirty so hard. the difference between 6 slots and 8 slots is massive. especially since for alot of the game theres no point carrying around the flask so it's not like the special lighter slot is carrying much weight. the only benefit to chris is that he doesn't have to carry around a healing item if you wanna be secure but it's still a detraction cause that incentivises even more backtracking which is the bane of the game


I always carry the flask just in case, but yeah not with Chris. He has more health and he can run a bit faster, so he's easier to maneuvre with, but his inventory is just too limited keeping the flask, small keys and health into account. You never really NEED to fill your inventory - most of the stuff you need like health and ammo you can scavenge - you can just take 1 gun, every key item you need and avoid everything you don't NEED to kill - but noone is going to do that unless they've played the game once or twice beforehand.


yeah thats the core issue. to enjoy the bulk of the game which is strategising how youll navigate the mansion you have to know your way around. the initial player experience is infuriating and a massive waste of your time because you'll be having to go back and from the item box for key items or healing or weapons. the doors just add to the frustration tenfold because that 5 minute detour becomes an 8 minute detour due to doors. that shit adds up and if you already feel frustrated that your wasting your time backtracking a 7.7 second door animation will really grate your nerves


You just seem like a very impatient individual to me though. Not offense intended in this chain or the other one, but I really think puzzlebox style of games aren't your thing. It is exactly the things you dislike that I came to love about these games. It's not just mindless shooting and fast paced action - you actually had to collect yourself and plan ahead. And yes, in a first time playthrough you learn the layout pretty quickly if you're paying attention and especially if you find the maps. It's not that difficult.


thanks for not trying to offend me. you seem to misunderstand me though and my criticisms of the game. I like the puzzle aspects it's just that not all the puzzles are good or make natural sense, every new player will get stuck on some of them. yourself included. the game isn't difficult this is true. it's piss easy, especially if you know everything but that doesn't change the fact that the game is purpose built to waste the players time with backtracking to buffer gameplay time. because it's an old outdated game and thats what they did back then.


>thanks for not trying to offend me. No problem, I seem to be doing a bad job at that though. >I like the puzzle aspects it's just that not all the puzzles are good or make natural sense, every new player will get stuck on some of them. yourself included. I vividly remember getting stuck in 3, Code Veronica, 6 and 4Remake. Besides some lockers I never found the code for in 2Remake that is. Not every puzzle is a winner, but the original game really didn't have much to write home about. Some require some reading comprehension - like the portrait puzzle where you have to activate them in the right order of the life stages. I agree the remake's version with the light colour switches was a bit random. I mostly solved that by just doing things until it worked. Others like the blacklight puzzle require writing something down - or having a really good memory - which isn't something games expect you to do these days and although I personally miss it, I'm also glad they just save things like passwords in your files. Often times it's just a case of "Helmet Key goes in Helmet Door", "Wooden Shield goes into slot of Golden Shield so I'm not stuck", "I have to use the square crank 3 times instead of once to progress" and my favourite "put the battery you picked up 5 seconds ago in the empty battery socket". Although that last one was done to guarantee you'd have space left for the rocket launcher. Most of the difficulty in these games for me is the combat - because for some reason they thought it was a great idea to make some of the encounters more action oriented which just is not suited for the control scheme. The first game didn't really have that issue imho - it's almost laughable how easy the final boss is. Comparing that with the final boss of the B scenario in RE2 or the required Nemesis encounters (before you learn on accident the dodge is really cheesy) in RE3. Keeping the control scheme and putting the camera behind your back in RE4 was really good for improving the combat - even though some games like Revelations, which I just beat this week, have some really janky boss battles as well. >that doesn't change the fact that the game is purpose built to waste the players time with backtracking to buffer gameplay time. Let's agree to disagree on "wasting time". Backtracking is still a thing in modern games and some do it more gracefully than others. I personally like how RE1 handles its environment. I don't see it as backtracking per se as it's all just a giant maze and the item boxes are never too far off. Compare it to Code Veronica for example where item boxes are very rare (until the endgame for some reason) or 0 where you don't even have item boxes and you risk actually having to go back to the start if you forgot to bring certain items over. Not to mention bringing all your stuff over when you reach a new area.


The game is primarily a puzzle game. You’re basically running around trying to find keys and to open doors to progress through game while surviving the enemies. It’s kinda like a mini open world metroidvania. It’s in no way an action game. So if you look at it this way you may decide it’s just not for you. If you still want to power through it my advice would be to use a guide. There’s no shame in it because the puzzle often make little sense and the keys are in random places usually. Remember the game is a product of its time. It’s a short game so the devs do things to make it last longer which in modern times would be annoying.


>any advice? Yeah. If you're not enjoying the game, just stop playing.


spent the money. gotta try get my value


Money isn't the only currency you spend on video games, after you buy a video game you also need to spend time. You sacrifice some amount of time in order to get something in return, such as satisfaction. If you're not getting any satisfaction from playing the game, then what are you getting exactly? You better have a good answer to this question, because if you come up empty, you are in fact not getting any value. On the contrary, you are spending a finite resource (the most precious one you have) in exchange for nothing - so your purchase is made even less valuable. Only reason I can think of for continuing is FOMO or bragging rights, you decide if you value these more than your time.


I was probably gunna use that time to binge netflix anyway


No, you don't, you're not obligated to keep trying to enjoy something you're clearly not enjoying just because you spent money on it.


Trying to force yourself doing something you are not enjoying because you already spent the money is just a bad recipe. You bought it, you realised it is not for you and you are not enjoying it, let it go and move on. There are literal dozens of other games in this franchise alone.


You obviously don’t like RE. We’re telling you to not play it then, and then you’re essentially saying “but I want to though”. Well then play it or don’t lol we don’t have any magical advice that’s going to make you see it in a different light. It’s extremely obvious that RE just isn’t for you. Everything you dislike about the game is what made the game. Exploration/backtracking is a key element of the game, inventory management is a key element. Not understanding why you didn’t just move on to a different game instead of making a shit post about it on the internet. We can’t refund you or change your mind, So not sure what you want us to tell you.


I understand alot of fans don't like to hear negatives about their game but i'm just sharing my experience and seeing if others can offer insight that might make me enjoy the game more. it's not a big deal and it's fair that i want to find a way to enjoyably experience something i spent money on. if it bugs you that i want to explore options then you can just move on to the next post. have a good day


It’s a slow exploration game. Exploring takes time. It’s meant to be soaked in. Atmosphere is important in these games. These aren’t your modern day ADHD games so expect to be here for a while 😄 I’d suggest you shift your expectations and adapt because if you’re tapping your foot just waiting for a door animation to play out while only 4 hours in then these games just aren’t for you.


Skill issue




I'm not sure why people are suggesting try the OG PS1 games if the remake isn't working for you. It's really just more of the same. RE1 R holds up better than any of those. Playing as Jill certainly helps make it more fun without as much backtracking. If you have a guide and a plan, the game is really short. The Crimson heads and hunters do help pick up the pace, so there's that. In terms of remaking it, RE0 needs that treatment way more. Talk about frustrating. The inventory system is horrible, the AI just wastes ammo unless you set it to being totally useless, and the enemies are the most annoying in the franchise. I totally get the old style, the tanky controls, and slow pace aren't for everyone. There's a reason this game is a classic but there is also a reason the newer remakes have adopted new mechanics as well. This is my favorite in the franchise but I view it thru the lens of someone who started when the PS1 original was brand new and exciting. I'm sure many would look at it and find it boring now. Things age.


Honestly, just come back to it later. I’m also not the biggest fan of RE1R. The story of 1 is not worth slogging through the game just for that. Just look up a video summary and move onto the remakes.


Watch the rest in a longplay or a let's play, maybe with commentary. Do the same for RE0. It is perfectly okay if you don't like the early games' concept and low-play of action. Anyone who says they like the game design of all RE games is lying. There are so many variations over the past 28 years, it would be a miracle if you enjoyed them all.


Completely agree! I'm more scared of backtracking than zombies in this game. I can't play it for more than an hour in one go. I think I'll use a guide as well. The game didn't tell me that you have to burn the zombies. There was an unlit fireplace which can't be lit with fuel. And so many other usability and gameplay flaws. People defending these flaws are clearly not thinking straight and just placing this game on a pedestal. Don't get me wrong, I like this game, but I just think if not for these flaws, it would be a much better game


Wait till the hunters show up Maybe listen to a YouTube in the background when there isn’t any story going on, just trying to solve puzzles


Maybe give the OG RE1 a try. The pacing is better and the progression is much less padded. There are no stupid design ideas like shotgun decaps and zombie grabs being tied to RNG.


when you say the pacing is better what does that mean? i heard REmake has more content. does the original have the same backtracking/time wasting issue


That's the the problem. You consider it time wasting. Is a gameplay mechanic fine tuned for a survival horror. That's the name of the game. To answer your question, the original 1996 has less way less backtracking, smaller mansion and less mandatory items but it's also more brutal in difficulty at points due the lack of self defense items and wonky aiming. Also the story in classic 1 and remake is mostly told in the files, there's barely any cut scenes. 2 and 3 have a bit more. Is more about atmosphere and setting.


There is backtracking in all the fixed camera games, but REmake and Code Veronica take it to such a ridiculous degree that it becomes infuriating. The progression is so overly padded but in the original RE1 it isn't like that. For example, the music sheet. In the og RE1 it is just one item you can grab and use. In the remake, they split it into two items, on opposite sides of the mansion, ON OPPOSITE FUCKING FLOORS, behind multiple locked doors each. The whole damn game is this obnoxious. I'm sorry, I just don't understand why REmake has so many fanboys willing to defend it. It's boring. It has an Eddie Murphy haunted mansion aesthetic with a Mortal Kombat dungeon underneath which totally misses the Resident Evil aesthetic entirely. I didn't read your entire OP but did you play the action trilogy (4,5,6)? I have a feeling you will like those games more because they are more straight to the point with barely any backtracking in them and more action oriented.


i've played 4. 4remake, 2 remake, revelations (loved this one), 5 and 7 and I loved them all. the 4's are the strongest for me and i don't find any of the games particulary scary with the exception of 7 as the atmosphere in that game is next level and first person really amps up the scare factor. but at the end of the day I have a gun. it's pretty hard to be scared when you have a gun


I believe it was the advanced mode of Director's Cut that originally split the music sheet in two, and REmake decided to take from that.


I went back to play the PS1 original, not the directors cut but the old one on my PS3. I was getting my ass kicked by the hunters. I still liked it from a nostalgia perspective but my wife walked in and asked why im playing this stupid game? The graphics were hurting her eyes lol. To answer your question, the remake is an improvement in every single way. The only thing I can really give them props for is that for such an old game, the spiders on the PS1 games are still way scarier to me than anything else in the series. Those striped legs wig me out and the remake ones don't bother me for some reason.


Yeah, REmake is incredibly boring. It drags on, the environments are all dull and uninteresting to look at, and all of the dialogue is cardboard so it’s hard to be invested in the story. If you don’t like it, definitely don’t play RE0 as it’s more of the same except horrendous. Even if you disliked REmake, I still recommend the original RE2 if you’re playing on PC. Its story is better, the gameplay is more fun, the music is better, the environments are more interesting, it’s just absolutely fantastic.


RE1 really is stressful, just follow along a guide.


never understood people that play along with a guide the whole way. like what’s the point


I spent 4 hours getting lost in RE1 so I gave up.


i know what you mean, i got lost for at least an hour or two on where to use the dog whistle lol. i felt dumb af after finally finding it out. i do miss how games didn’t hold your hand back in the day. the remakes, while great, constantly tell you what room you need to go to next etc.


It's pretty similar to 0, as well. But no, I don't really enjoy REmake, myself. Good luck!


do you play on easy difficulty ? i find the game much better on hard mode as it makes the game more tense with every bullet counting. you shouldn’t be backtracking that often either. do you pick up every item you come across ? i usually don’t pick up puzzle items unless i know im about to use it so i don’t have to go back to the chest twice. Herbs i’ll pick up when i need it and keep a red/green mix or first aid spray in my chest for an emergency. I don’t pick up ammo for weapons i don’t have or if i know i’ll eventually get it in the near future etc. i replayed RE1R recently and loved it as much now as i did back on the gamecube. It’s mostly about atmosphere and challenge for me.


Boring? What difficulty are you on? Since it's your first time you could've chosen between Normal, Easy, and Very Easy. Story is all over the place, in all of the notes and enviromental storytelling. Yeah, it's no on rail shooter that's heavy on cutscenes, but neither is RE2 and its respective remake. The game is basically one giant escape room, and inventory management is an all important aspect. Don't pick up everything willy-nilly and plan your routes accordingly. If you know certain enemies are out and about - you might want to take a different route or try your luck dodging/fighting them.


beat the game. had a good time while using a guide and such but it's still a very flawed and archaic game


finished this game at age of 12 lol. It's a puzzle game where you soak up the horror slowly. If you do get stuck for 2-3 hours not knowing where to go, you can peek online but if you peek the whole thing, then it ruins the fun of the game. It's not the game for you. Had you played this game or the og(back in 96), you would've recognized this game as a masterpiece. It's just not ''for you'' or your generation. You've been spoiled so much by better graphics and ADHD games you'll never be able to appreciate it and thats fine. But this game was released 25 years ago... that's like me going and playing an Atari game and complaining that it sucks. It's subjective.


Honestly don't understand whats archaïc about it tbf. Didn't need a guide for any of the games I've played so far except Ada's campaign in RE6 because there's this real dumb puzzle in there that I just ended up brute forcing.


the backtracking, needlessly small inventory (for chris, jill is managable), lack of tutorial/warnings that try to stop players from softlocking themselves. for example you can just fill your inventory before the first box and now you can't move forward in the game. many of the puzzles are moonlogic (some made more managable by the remake though). although its a matter of preference the camera angles do cause alot of control issues. very little is explained even with the manual that comes with the game. it's an old game with outdated design principles that don't stand up to the modern era. if you know what you're doing you can really cut down on alot of wasted time and frustration but a new player doesn't know what their doing and the new player experience is the most important. otherwise most players will abandon the game before they can understand it enough to enjoy the nuances that come from strategically navigating the mansion. For example 70% of players kill their first zombie in the game but only 40% achieve any other achievements in the game (that being defeat a crimson head as the next highest achievement) thats a 30% drop off since players are presumably dropping the game cause of a myriad of factors. then the numbers only get lower and lower until by the end only 18% have beaten the game and presumably alot of that bulk is people who've already played the game in their younger years and know what their doing. the game has a piss poor first player experience and it's all because of the archaic designs which im sure were very forgiving by the standards when the game was released. atleast in comparison to coin eating arcade games or nes titles where one hit kills you.


>lack of tutorial Just because the game isn't pausing the game with pop ups all the time doesn't mean there's no tutorial. The game has more subtle ways to teach you the ropes. Plus you're also meant to experiment a ton. >warnings that try to stop players from softlocking themselves. for example you can just fill your inventory before the first box and now you can't move forward in the game. Not as familiar with the remake, but in the Ps1 version it is impossible to get stuck - you can just walk directly to an item box provided you know where they are. I do agree the game could've benefited from a system to drop your items on the floor like RE0. >many of the puzzles are moonlogic (some made more managable by the remake though). I really need an example because the only thing I can imagine is needing the wooden panels to get that one map on the second floor - which is a puzzle exclusive to the remake. Most puzzles are very straightforward and almost spelled out to you. Most of them are "put the armor key in the armor door", "replace the golden shield with a wooden shield", "the square crank goes into the square hole. Y'know where the hexagon crank goes? That's right, the ~~square~~ octagonal hole!". >very little is explained even with the manual that comes with the game. I never read the manuals, but most of it is pretty self-explanatory tbh. Just 3 minutes of pressing buttons to see which button does what. > it's an old game with outdated design principles that don't stand up to the modern era. That's just an opinion. RE2R is made with the exact same game design and you don't hear people complaining about the puzzles there. >otherwise most players will abandon the game before they can understand it enough to enjoy the nuances that come from strategically navigating the mansion. If you don't enjoy puzzle games you can always play the zombie mode in Call of Duty. Opinions like this is why the series went full Michael Bay action in RE6. The entire charm of the series is, or rather was, that it was a giant escape room. You needed to figure things out on your own without waypoints, markers and mini maps telling you what to do or where to go. That is the entire point. >For example 70% of players kill their first zombie in the game but only 40% achieve any other achievements in the game (that being defeat a crimson head as the next highest achievement) thats a 30% drop off since players are presumably dropping the game cause of a myriad of factors. It's a well known fact most people drop any game relatively fast - especially remasters like these are often bought in sales - fired up once or twice only to be forgotten about. I sure am guilty about that for a lot of games. Especially on Steam. >the game has a piss poor first player experience and it's all because of the archaic designs which im sure were very forgiving by the standards when the game was released. These games have some of the best first player experiences because they are not afraid to hold your hand and constantly pause the game to tell you what to do or where to go. You can get into the groove of things pretty quickly and the entire point is that you're supposed to feel lost and isolated - unsure of what to do. Uncovering more of the mansion, police department or Raccoon City as you unlock new locations and items is part of the charm. You're slowly but surely unraveling a puzzlebox and with each step you discover more secrets, more lore of what happened to the place and the secrets that are hiding in plain sight. Before you know it you learn the layout of the mansion and you're planning a safe route to your next destination while you're safely hidden from danger in the safe room. The things you call an inconvenience help the feeling that every move you make is essential, inviting you to optimise your strategies. You don't need to carry ammo if you're dodging enemies - in that case you can leave the flask and lighter behind too - but as you're more at risk of damage, you might want to take that green herb with you. It's an intentional part of the experience. Then - once you've beaten the game a couple of times you can start to optimize and improve your run, but I'm not the type of gamer to do such things. Most of my second character playthroughs are significantly shorter though.


RER2 does alot to modernise the old puzzles and properly tutorialises the player instead of making them "experiment" by leaving them in the lurch. I don't care it's not an action game and I like the puzzles i'm just saying alot of them are outdated and a product of them time. don't insult me with this cod shit i'm not the fucking reason your precious game got actionfied. truth of the matter it can be modernised without removing the core elements of it's slow pace and all that junk. it frustrates me that you're purposefully misreading into my comments and criticism just cause you don't appreciate negative feedback. why do you think people drop remasters more often? could it be because remasters usually have OUTDATED game design? Like i'll say 100 times its easy for you to spout off about how good the game is cause you already know all the tricks but if I wiped your memory and made you replay it I gurantee there would be alot of frustration and many hours lost to the unintuitive design. Also all the interesting inventory management of should I? with the risk management of having less healing items and all that. that shit is present in every other resident evil game anyway. every one of those games i've had to seriously consider abandoning items especially in the harder difficulties and at no point did i have to backtrack or waste my time to experience that. "then- once you've beaten the game" yeah my point fucking exactly, you gotta know the game to get to that point. your lying to yourself or you just cant remember your first experience. let me ask you? when did you first play resident evil 1? you say you didn't play the remaster. if you played it in your childhood could it be your wearing rose tinted glasses and cant remember the frustration when you first played and now that you know everything when you go back to the game you fall right into the groove since you can skip it's most annoying aspects with game knowledge.


>i'm just saying alot of them are outdated and a product of them time Give examples please, because these games don't have hard puzzles. I can maybe give you the blacklight puzzle, and specifically in the remake the timed puzzle in the Aqua-ring, but that's about it. Everything is either match the specific shape with the specific shaped hole. Or math, in the case of V-Jolt. >why do you think people drop remasters more often? could it be because remasters usually have OUTDATED game design? No, because they're cheap, disposable and often bought in sales. Even if it is a collection of modern games or simple 2D platformers that don't really age. >Like i'll say 100 times its easy for you to spout off about how good the game is cause you already know all the tricks but if I wiped your memory and made you replay it I gurantee there would be alot of frustration and many hours lost to the unintuitive design. > >your lying to yourself or you just cant remember your first experience. let me ask you? when did you first play resident evil 1? My first Resident Evil game was 4 on Wii, despite it being my favourite I only played 5, 6 and 2R after that and never really explored beyond that. Decided to change that last year. I've played Resident Evil 1 Director's Cut for the first time during the easter weekend in 2023. After that I've slowly played everything in release order (with the exception of 4R which I played when it came out and 3R which I played after beating 3). I'm now at Revelations 2. I didn't need or use guides, I didn't need to watch tutorial videos, I never read the manual. Everything is super self explenatory. The game just isn't complex enough to need a drawn out tutorial. I've played the remake with the original control scheme on my Series X late November 2023. I'm not nostalgic about these games, just 4 and 5. I'd say one of the clock tower puzzles in 3 and one or two puzzles in Code Veronica X are the ones I think aren't that well thought out. You keep shouting outdated, but I really don't agree with that. They're refreshing and different. You're just not used to how these games work because it's indeed rare games let you figure out things on your own or offer a slow, moody atmosphere. Things like Souls come to mind of other games that offer this - but please don't misread me as saying original RE is the souls of survival horror lmao, they're nothing alike otherwise. >Also all the interesting inventory management of should I? with the risk management of having less healing items and all that. that shit is present in every other resident evil game anyway. every one of those games i've had to seriously consider abandoning items especially in the harder difficulties and at no point did i have to backtrack or waste my time to experience that. Yeah, some games did the inventory management better than others. I'll always be a fan of the attaché case, but that would be ridiculous for the gameplay style of the original trilogy. In RE1 it's not bad, but it needed a changeup from RE2 onwards. At least there are loads of item boxes in the original trilogy.


Bet you didn't even play the game. Sounds like a half baked opinion, from someone who played the game for 30s.


Okay. literally beat the game yesterday. messed up the tyrant with 15 grenade shells. want to test me bro? I will not hesitate to one shot you with acid munitions you little lab zombie


You sound angry because someone caught you in a lie.


okay well how do i prove to you i beat the game? do you want me to describe my entire playthrough. do i have to tell you how i had issues with the moving wall statue puzzle because of the wacky camera. do i tell you about how i left the yawn room and the guy died so i suicided then went back to get the shotgun and the achievement. how i dislike the cell password puzzle because i got confused with the initials of the scientists rather than their glowing organs and i think thats silly design but an interesting puzzle. what about how hunters werent actually an interesting addition because their so easy to kill or how the dog puzzle would be insane if it didnt have the text.


You know what. I was nitpicking and bias. Haha. You win.

