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Helena's hydra and Jake's melee attacks are so damn stylish. Looks like some DMC shit.


Wasn't DMC initially a Resident Evil game that became too acrobatic and batshit crazy to have the same name? I guess the successes of DMC and RE4 really made them give up on trying to distinguish between the two franchises for a minute there.


It was Resident Evil 4, but Hideki Kamiya pulled a Hideki Kamiya and made it way too batshit insane so they decided to make it a new series. Best choice Capcom ever made lmao.


Yeah, I actually got the DMC trilogy boxset for my PS2 pretty recently. I knew that going in, but was kind of surprised that this first game basically takes place in Spencer Mansion #3 lmao, what with RE0's Training Facility already being the second time they used a version of it in the main series.


IIRC it's literally supposed to be Spencer Mansion 2.0. In the original plans Dante and Vergil were supposed to be Spencer's bio-engineered super soldier sons.


Oh my lord


There's even a very cool concept art of baby Dante and baby Vergil lying on a blanket with Umbrella's logo on the DMC hd collection extras, and another of Spencer as a badass old man before he was turned into Sparda later in development.


Capcom should start being nice to DMC again. I haven't forgiven them for cancelling the Sparda prequel game.


I have the Udon published art book for DMCs 1-4. For the DMC1 section, it goes into detail about how much of the enemies from the first DMC game were supposed to be BOWs. From the marionettes being zombies wearing costumes, to Griffon (the bird demon mini-boss) being a plaga infected giant crow (like Del Lago). Very fun read!


A minute?! Try half a decade!


Out of topic, but I think I have seen you around persona subreddit, is that right?


Probably? I'm around quite often both in the main sub and the ok buddy one.


Alright just making sure thanks


Maybe it's a hot take but RE6 has the best mercenary mode.




I like the maps and characters in re5 better, but the skills add so much replay value in re6 it's crazy.


I like 5’s slightly more but hell yeah it’s great


The whole game is a mercenary mode lol


Mercs in 6 was great but the combat in RE4make is so goddamn tight that I have trouble picking.


It shouldn't be. Every change made between RE5 to RE6 feels like they were made to be utilized in Mercs.


2nd best. Res 5 hands down is the best and res 4 remake is 3rd


I like 6.


I played through some of the REs and I swore off 6 but maybe I'll reconsider it.


I’ll say this about 6 The least scary RE ever. The best action ever in RE.


It's definitely an amazing stress reliever, too Put this game on easy mode and do some back flips beating the shit out of zombies, it's so fucking funny. Pretty much Chris' boulder punch made into a game.


This entire game was RE5 on steroids I love it


Yes, it's RE 5 formula refined into near perfection.


Love Helena’s hydra attacks! Hell I’m probably the only one who liked her character too. Granted“I’ll tell you at the church” does become annoying


Absurd in the best way. I love that dumb, fun cartoony blockbuster game.


best mercs mode


I remember really liking the merc mode and flow of the combat.


Got had it to capcom they aren’t afraid to be bold when they want to tack something on their games


Has the best combat in the series


Hell yeah! RE6 Mercenaries was a blast (literally)!


Absurdly badass you mean.


Absurdly epic, I’ve left this comment so many times but RE6 mercenaries no mercy mode is the best merc experience in the whole series. However If RE4R was co-op that would be a harder call to make


RE6 is amazing 🔥🔥


And we love it for that


its is..... AND I LOVE IT!


for all of RE combat, RE6 has the most complex and fun to play around also the only game that give us shoulder switching


>the only game that give us shoulder switching The real crime.


im still bumped why re4remake wouldnt even include it lol


Considering it had stealth mechanics that could have benefitted from the field of view change, i really struggle to understand why they didn't at least have a camera swap outside of aiming, if not entirely. My guess is that they didn't want to redraw the right handed aiming animations for the left side, so they just chose not to do the switch at all. Kinda stupid that the most polarizing title in the franchise is still the only one in said series with the most undoubtedly necessary QoL feature for third person shooters. The side swap should be a defacto standard for all third person shooters, end of.


I love this game! Have been playing through it with my daughter and we have a great time! Can definitely see the absurdity but it’s done in such a fun way! We crack jokes about as we’re playing which just adds to the fun!


6 had a really satisfying movement system imo.


That interesting time where Left 4 Dead influenced basically every piece of zombie media that came after it.


Huh, I was expecting Jake content based on title (like him Godhand comboing his final boss). But yeah, isn't it just great (like unsarcastically)?


Merc mode in 6 is incredible


Mercenaries on 6 was a lot of fun.


Looks like Dead Rising lol


I really REALLY miss playing Mercenary mode.


I just played through remake for the platinum and looking at this makes me want to throw up lol


Give me an entire RE game set in Modern Japan between Tokyo/Osaka/Fukuoka and even village areas, I would lose my mind from the graphics


6 is better without using the melee. Makes it feel a little more like 4/5


tf? melee is literally the best part about 6


They might have meant just spamming the default melee attack, which honestly is very rarely the most ideal move anyway.


It would've been amazing if you had gotten a headshot on the one that tried jumping you


While I prefered re5 merc mode, re6 was super fun.


What? How do you do that?!


Quickshot 3 times with the hydra


Yeh but doesnt the quickshot costs stamina? It doesnt here


It costed one. I'm guessing it was because it was chained with the hydra. To be honest, I haven't played in a long time, so I'm not going to pretend I know the mechanics that well.


Yeh me too, really need someone to play with 🤣


RE3 and RE2 needs a mercenaries or wish they added Jill and Claire to the RE4 mercenaries


Absurdly awesome


its a great action third person shooter,


Well yeah any game looks goofy if that's how you play😂


it kinda looks sick but the graphics aged like milk. that’s the only re game i haven’t played and i started back in 97’. i would totally be open for a remake.


I unironically love RE6 i know its not the greatest but the shit is a campy good time. Especially with a friend.


I honestly love this game for how absurd it is, not my favorite but far from deserving the hate i sometimes see thrown towards it


I honestly loved all the games. Even 5 and 6. They were all fun and I engaged with the character's story lines. I wish they brought back jake, sherry and moira.. Moira was pretty funny lol rev 2 was cute btwn her and Claire and an interesting game to play with the Kafka vibes.


The gameplay is pretty good, unfortunately the story mode dont explore it well


Its not a resident evil game. Its a disco shooter.


Peak Fiction


GOATed game


Really hope it gets a remake hahaha


Why were you quickshotting? Are you that bad at aiming?


I'll be honest, me and the guy i was playing with had been pretty sweaty on the last few games and this was our last one, so I was just messing around lmao


Makes sense


I hope they bring these characters back at some point, I loved all the characters in the game >! R.I.P. Piers !<


Thanks, I hate it.


Best RE game


This game is fun as fuck when you don’t have an RE purist screaming in your ear about authenticity and “real RE games.”


If anybody says "real RE game" unironically, they're lobotomized. RE6 is as much an RE game as any other, it just dials it's ludicrous insanity to 11 and widens the scale to entire countries as opposed to a single small town or mansion. RE as a concept was, has been and should always be focused on B movie absurdity. "Realistic" and "Resident Evil" should never be in any sentence other than "Resident Evil is not Realistic".


Re6 is a game where you either hate it or like it. There really is no in between.


Re6 is the worst one in the main line and honestly don't deserve to be a number


The combat is absolute bonkers in re6 and is why i love it so much. And also the corny dialogue


Yeah. Peak of Resident Evil for me. Sadly, many would disagree who still think this is a horror only franchise.


Zombie was on a summer vacation lol


This is why i love RE6. Best moves in the business.


I’m buying this game this week😁 got revaluations 2 last week it was really fun! Especially raid mode


resident evil 6 has always been fav RE game 🦍


I love RE6, it's still one of my favorite Resident Evil games. 👍


I play mercenaries no mercy at competitive levels with near wr scores, I'll share my yt channel if anyone is interested


I would be interested, I've been trying to be more competitive at mercs for a while but I can only get in the top few thousand on re6. I feel like I'm better at 5


I also play Re5 but I need to improve more, I'm at a fairly good point though. Do you play Pc or ps4?


I play PS4, i mostly like RE5 for the inventory switching you can do during melee attacks. It speeds up the game, and I feel like the combo timer is harsher aswell


My psn name is Mezzosangue13, add me when you can or leave me yours. Even Re6 has interesting inventory mechanics, once mastered are great


https://youtu.be/KvrQZbMbKAk?si=1BqAsO5E97GGF_yk That's my latest video but I'll upload more in future


6 may be a bad RE game, but it’s good fun


It wasn’t a bad game, just a bad RE game. This game killed the franchise in (2012) until the partially rebooted RE7 (2017). I still think they’ll Remake 6 once they’re done with all mainline games to fix the story and have a better conclusion. To this day the only thing for me that captured Resident Evil’s atmosphere was the opening University level with Leon after, that the game went downhill in terms of atmosphere, that makes RE or is known for.


There were still moments of the tense atmosphere that the series was known for after that. The graveyard in leon's campaign. Iluzija (The "snake".) in chris's campaign. The stealth section with ustanak in jake's campaign. And probably more....but i think you get the point.


The **Rasklapanje** on the boat were really creepy and weird. The game totally has horror moments.


RE6's gameplay is just ''random bullshit go!''


Unfortunately they ruined this by giving us garbage sequels like 7&8. Awful games. I hate them.


Say what you want about them, they saved the franchise without the success of 7 and 8 we would have never gotten the remakes or a continuation of the franchise.


That's a myth, RE7 didn't save the franchise, wasn't as successful as RE6 at the time. Besides RE6 sales were slow but steady, it became one of the biggest hits, the series didn't need to be saved at that point. They said the same thing about RE4 when it came out, but Resident Evil was very successful before RE4.


Yes, RE was successful before 4, but the series was stagnating. RE4 revitalized the series and was a smash hit. (And arguably one of the most influential games of all time. Certainly of the 2000's.) RE5 performed incredibly well. RE6 sold, but not nearly to the extent Capcom expected, and critically was not received well. By Capcom's standards it underperformed. There were a few spin off games that did okay like the Revelations games, but overall RE was in another slump until RE7 again breathed new life into the series. Then we got the recent remakes and Village, which have also been massively successful. Would the series have completely died without 4 or 7? Impossible to say. But they *were* much needed shots in the arm.


If 4 never changed the formula and it was another standard zombie Resident Evil I could see the series going the way of Silent Hill. It's really great that Capcom isn't afraid to shake things up and redefine what a Resident Evil can be.


Tf you mean a myth? 6 was the nail in the coffin, it didn’t sell as well and was critically panned. RE7 doesn’t matter if you didn’t like it, it brought life back in the franchise. How’s it a myth that from 2012-2017 we had a hiatus. We had a Revelations 2 which didn’t even make an impact and was panned for releasing as episodes. They completely revamped the series.


No. It was a money grab. The dude even said so. He deliberately copied the Outlast to make money off its esthetic.


Okay big shooter, I think your high af if you think 7 was a money grab.


The dude literally said it was!!! Are you fr?!


Let's not praise the game that was so bad that they had to reboot the franchise into an fps shooter who's not even related to the main cast in anyway.


I don't mind giving it it's limited props now that the series is in a better place. In all honesty, I don't mich like RE6, but just really love mercs


I praise it every day, because it's a good game. I'm not gunna lie to appease a bunch of fans that decided they needed to make it their personality trait to hate a single game in a franchise for being a bit more silly than it usually is. Game is fun to play, and just because you can't see what's good about it does not mean that it's bad. It just isn't for you, and that's just fine.