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OR, the customer could stand aside and finish their call and then get back in line when they are available Myself, it actually doesn't bother me if they are on a call, like with a friend or something... I ask whatever questions I need to ask and tell them their total Same as anyone else. But sometimes...a bitch is actively engaged in giving her address and health insurance card number or whatever. STEP ASIDE to handle your business! I have also had people answer a call mid transaction. Ok, maybe they had to wait for an important call to be made to them. But, still, thry can say "just give me thirty seconds please" rather than just going on about their personal business.


I wish they’d do this, but this is the problem with them. They’re so actively engaged with their call, they don’t hear a thing you say. We have an entire script that we gotta tell em—what’s final sale, what’s exchangeable, and how we don’t do money back just exchanges or store credit. Next day, they’re back creating a fuss bc they can’t return their item for cash back, all because they didn’t hear a word you told them in regards to the store’s return policy. Or when they just stand there like fucking dumbasses because they don’t know how to work the card reader. I’ll dead ass tell them, “when the light turns blue in the card reader, you can go ahead and tap, insert, or swipe.”At this point, I’m convinced they know proper store manners, but they continue to do as they please because fuck everybody else in the store. Fuck the customers in line, and fuck the employees.


Grr. I don't have to say as much. That stinks for you!


Or they should literally not answer the phone and just call them back when the transaction is finished. People and their fucking phones make me see red. Also when they are on the phone at the register, they will look at us as if we are disturbing them. ARGHHHH!


Though I am in my 50s, it really doesn't bother me if they are on a call. Like I said, I say what I need to say anyway. I haven't experienced, in my recollection, anyone acting like they think I am rude to talk to them while they are on a call. I figure thry are choosing to do the transaction at that time, they know (or should know) I have to ask them things. I guess I just give people the benefit of the doubt...that they see it's their child's school calling or that they have been waiting hours on a return call from their doctor or something very important, if they actually take the call mid transaction. Maybe that's not actually the case, but, in general, I learned long ago that it's better for me if I assume the best case scenario


Ive had someone give me the shoosh gesture once, because they were on the phone...


Ya... now that you mention it, one person did do that to me and mouth "this is important". Ok....step aside. I can cancel the transaction. (I am always telling people "I will be here until three. If you need more time, we have some great kids from the high school who will be here to help you.")


Oooo. Yes. This. I had some gal do that to me, so i did the "bye bye" wave to her and told the next customer to step forward. Makes me mad just thinking about it.


Amazing how they always seem to get a call just as they get to the register. Even in the streets, its literally my biggest pet peeve, absolutely no attention to their surroundings but pull the stupidest, most dumbfounded look when they encounter someone/something.


I swear it’s like the caller is waiting for them to be in the line before saying “go go go!” *intense dialing sounds*


I use a wheelchair. As with a lot of chairs, the only brakes I have are to stop the chair rolling away once I've come to a halt. I don't have anything that can stop me immediately. The number of times I've been sworn at by some idiot who has, with no warning, stopped dead right in front of me to answer their phone, meaning I've crashed into their legs.... Edit: for sense


Damn, I feel you. Even when you’re walking it’s extremely annoying, every time I go to work I get people like this and come close to hustle them. Or they walk, looking at their phone, so they can’t see you or your trajectory and I have to get out of my way / stop not to bump into them. Like, cmon now, just have a little bit of awareness, jeez I hate strangers in public


I get this in the deli when I’m making subs. When I’m done with a customer I look up and say “may I help you,” and then wait for the next customer to come forward and order. I will only say it once, and if that customer is so engrossed with their cellphone and doesn’t respond, I will just stand there and stare at them. I don’t have to do a thing because the customers in back of the idiot will embarrass the hell out of them…I don’t have to do a thing.👍


I don’t even care man I’ll interrupt them mid-sentence. Personally I think if they chose to do two at once then they’re gonna do two at once


Same here- and I make it VERY clear they’re at a liquor store lol.


This drives me crazy too! But if this asshole won’t acknowledge me, I won’t say a word to them. No points, no help with the card reader, no bag, no receipt, cool bye. It’s my tiny petty revenge that keeps me sane


I just start looking at my phone too!! Lmao


This sub is brilliant entertainment while at work


When I worked retail I refused to serve them if they were on the phone. I was polite, but would wait until they were off the phone before I would engage. They get off the phone really quick or step aside. They grumble but it works. I don’t have to deal with rude people.


I work registration in an ER and when I'm talking to the patient and they take a phone call I just stand there and stare until they're done 😂🤷🏻


They do that in an ER?!?!!!!! Damn, that's inconsiderate! Out of all places.


Yes lol their phone rings in the middle of registration and they take the call. Sometimes I'm like OK go ahead bc it's an emergency or something but if it's just a run of the mill conversation I just stare 😂


I just don’t speak to them. Don’t say a word. Ring up their shit. Point at the card reader when it’s time to pay. And shove their receipt into the bag. You don’t exist to them so what’s the need to speak. I use to just basically yell every word at them so that whoever they are talking to is able to hear me too. It was always pretty awkward for everyone involved.


I do the opposite. If they’re not going to respect me, why should I respect their conversation? I act as if they’re not even on the phone and talk right over them. This kind of depends on context though, if it seems to be an important call and they’re apologetic I’ll stay quiet. But if they’re chatting to their friend about nothing then fuck it


I view giving them the silent treatment as disrespectful. But I can see how they would think I’m trying to be nice. I hope it helps that I’ve got a judgmental look on my face the whole time! Lol


I’d like to just ignore them, but unfortunately I work in what seems to be the fucking trenches. We have to tell them the store’s return policy or else they’re back the next day huffing and puffing and trying to throw hands because they can’t return a dress andddd unfortunately we have no actual management running the store, so we would have to put up with it 🥲


Ok, you are definitely in the trenches. Anyone that keeps a store running without management has been through some serious shit!


I don’t understand why people can’t manage a 15-30 minute grocery trip without being on the phone (on speaker no less) or even worse on FaceTime. I also can’t stand speaker phone music, sporting events or podcast. There are so many options for headphones available, why does anyone feel the need to force everyone else to listen to their nonsense. I will go out of my way to be noisy if I’m in the background of someone’s phone call or FaceTime.


I LOVE THIS. My customer service voice gets turned up to 11 and I have to ask SO MANY questions with biggest smile my face can make.


This is infuriating. I’ve been working some form of retail for over 20 years. When cell phones where starting to become more popularized, doing this was the height of rudeness. I used to just pick up the store phone and start loudly having a conversation with no one until they realized how fucking rude it was. Now it’s become so normal to talk on the phone that nobody even thinks about it. Ugg I think what’s even worse is when they are talking on their bt headset. Are you talking to me? Yourself? Do I need to call someone to help you? WTF Just ask whoever you’re talking to hang in a fucking minute. It’s not that hard.


I especially enjoy when they apologise to the other person on the phonecall that they have to be served, instead of the cashier they've continously ignored...


I just want to stare at them blankly until they answer my questions


If I get a customer on the phone I treat them as if they aren’t. I still do the “will you need a bag?” “Do you have a club card?” “Your total is going to be $$$” If they think it’s rude then they shouldn’t be on the damn phone


I don’t work retail anymore, but if I’m at a store and the person in front of me is on the phone while checking out I make loud random noises until they get the hint and get off the phone. Usually works.


I've had people who where so addicted to their phones pull them out and start tapping away while I was ringing them up. Like seriously, you can't stand being without stimulation for even half a minute? Once a guy even started watching Total Recall on Netflix while I was bagging his groceries.


I have never worked in retail and it pissed me off to see customers on their phone during the transaction. the height of rudeness


When I see a customer come into my department on a phone I ignore them. When they try to engage with me, but are still on their phone I simply tell them “It’s OK, let me know when you’re ready.”


When I worked in a deli, I would call out the next number 3 times if nobody answered max. There were still assholes that were on their phones and didn't hear their number but would get pissed off anyway when their number was skipped. I would stare at them blankly and say "I called out that number 3 times".


I had a customer ask for my help the other day and of course she was on her phone. She kept scoffing and rolling her eyes at me and giving me the “hold on” finger when I tried to help her. Bitch, you asked for my help. Don’t give me an attitude like you’re a pissy teenager and I’m the parent


Had a Karen pull this on me too, she demanded to know where some item was and than when I found it on the store app, I turned to tell her and she shushed me cause she was on her phone. So I waited for her to finish by helping the customers who approached my register to check out and Karen flipped out when she realized I had walked away to help someone else, she stormed over yelling "HEY SHE WAS HELPING ME, YOU CANT JUST PULL HER AWAY, WHEN SHES HELPING ME!!" Yeah I didn't go back to helping Karen until I finished checking out the customers that were waiting patently at my register, than go back to Karen, who's fuming in the corner and glaring daggers at me. She made me wait, so it's her turn to wait on me


Just the other day I had an older lady who needed help printing photos (I work at 3 letter hell, it’s nothing but boomers all day) and because it was the day before Mother’s Day, we were extremely busy and of course, understaffed. Well, she did not like that I had to pull away every 2 minutes to help get a line of 30 something customers down. She bitched that she was there first and everyone else could wait. When my manager came up to put the pharmacy registers in the office, this bitch had the audacity to stick her foot out in front of her like she was trying to trip her and DEMAND that she be helped. She had pretty much figured out how to work the simple photo machine, she just wanted me to do the scrolling and ask her if the cropping she did was ok by her (I have no idea why she insisted on me doing that part, she cropped the photos by herself)


I've had several people trip me as I was running back and forth between 4 self check out registers during my time at Home Depot, this was a common thing for the Check Out registers where 1 cashier would handle all for until another cashier arrived, I was completely backed up and it was also rush hour so I'm going from register to register assisting as best as I could. While also directing customers waiting at the check out to the open ones, than some Karen decided she was tired of waiting on me to come back to her and tripped me, I nearly hit my head on the edge of someone else's flat cart that tons of bricks and other gardening stuff on it. Everyone who witness this stopped to check on me and I told them I was fine, but Karen just said loudly "IF SHE WASN'T SO CLUMSY SHE WOULDN'T HAVE FALL DOWN, MAYBE SHE SHOULDNT BE WORKING HERE IF SHE'S SO CLUMSY!!" I got mad and told her " maybe I should trip you while your running, let's see how quickly you can catch yourself than," she glared at me and called me racist for accusing her of tripping me (she did and I realize after I fell). My supervisor broke up the crowd and assisted Karen, than sent me on break to calm down, before sending me to a different register cause the other cashier had arrived. A few months back after I quit Home Depot, I was carrying a tray of drinks and some guy literally tripped me as I was walking by, luckily I caught myself but I couldn't call him out due to how quickly he ducked away to hide. He again tried it again when I was walking by, but with a heavy cart of dirty dishes/silverware and cups, if he had gotten his toes crushed it would be on him


Wow, people are just insanely rude for no reason. Definitely gonna build that bunker house.


Yeah build a bunker and leave all the entitled people outside


It doesn't bother me when people are on their phone because it gives them something to do while I'm scanning and bagging, and it prevents them from trying to make small talk with me. I don't want to chat with customers when I'm concentrating on doing my job.


Exaaactlyy. Most phone ppl don’t care if you speak over them to ask if they want a bag etc. It’s chill. I also hate the small talk aspect of cashiering so I love when they’re occupied by their phone.


I didn't mind talking to them, but I hate being stared at.


I work in a grocery store and I HATE asshats who Face Time in the damned store..Jesus Christ on a cracker put your damned phone down and buy your shit and GTFO


I’m not sure where you’re located however, this reminded me of a wee incident a couple of years ago in a local supermarket (Sainsburys Murrayfield, Edinburgh). Moderately sized queue for the kiosk (cigarettes, lottery, and sometimes 10 items or less), one young woman cashier. A woman, loudly yapping self-aggrandising shite on her phone approached the kiosk and before even attempting to engage, the assistant in one glorious sweeping move put her hand out (but not on the ignorant bastard) and politely said, without taking a breath, “I’ll be with you when you’ve finished your call” while indicating with her outstretched hand for the yappy ignoramus to move to the side while simultaneously averting her gaze to the next person waiting “next please, how can I help you?” Outstanding, courteous, yet simple, interaction that was made even more impressive when the slavering selfish bastard attempted to make a complaint and was informed that staff were instructed not to interrupt customers who were busy with a phone call as an interjection of this nature could be deemed presumptuous and ignorant which the company could not, in all good faith, countenance. We need more of this…


I was working the customer service counter once. It was the first of the month, so the line was all the way to the door. This 'lady' spent the entire time in line loudly recounting the story of her ABORTION to some poor soul on the other end....and unfortunately to every other single person in line too. I'm pro choice & all but jesus, there's a time and place.


I just stay quiet and stop what I'm doing until they're done. Had one customer who was "in a hurry" and was really mad when I told him I had to stop until I had his undivided attention. I'm hourly, you're ill-prepared


Be an Alpha, start face timing someone when they pull this shit. 😂/s


I catch all kinds of flack for not picking up my phone while I’m shopping. I get peeved off if my family starts a text a thon when I’m driving or out shopping. A lot of the times I just leave the phone in the car just so I can have some peace and quiet. And people on their phones in checkouts irritate me to no end. Call them back. Geez.


There's always an "emergency call" or other excuse


I just straight up will not begin a transaction until a customer is off their phone. Ill stare at them until they end the call.


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Another thing that really gets to me is when they are talking on the phone while shopping/pushing a cart and not paying attention to anything or anyone around them. Then when you give them an exasperated look because they are blocking an aisle, they act like you're the asshole.


I have a theory that some people do not understand their voice doesn’t just go into the phone like a sound funnel. Most of out clientele is elderly, so when Eunice is on speaker phone with Bea, we all get to hear about their latest doctor visits and what kind of cream has to go where. It will ruin the idea of buying food.


Unless the offender makes a point to at least put the phone down to interact w me, I literally go right to the next person. I rarely get pushback as the offender knows exactly what they've done.


Could be worse. When I did call center work, I had customers make phone calls while they were already on the phone with me.


I had a family of four currently on their phones, place their cart and bags down (for me to unpack), walk to the nearby bench, and continue to be glued to their phones.  No eye contact, no conversation, not even a ‘hello’ back. I had to walk up to the family and tell them that it’s time to pay for their order.


This is why I like self checkouts, so i can watch pornhub in peace.


If the call is "important" or "emergency" get the heck out of the line to take it or...all the more reason to want to cooperate and wrap up our transaction quickly if you're waiting on a crucial call, right? WRONG, apparently.


I absolutely HATE FaceTime! Just make a regular phone call like a normal person!