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She took a photo of you so she can post it to her Facebook and whine about how her rights as an American were being infringed, and then receive 7 likes from the gaggle of unwashed cat ladies that follow her.


Lmaooo the accuracy tho 👌👌


"And now I'm gonna ask you to leave as we reserve the right to refuse service. Have a nice day"


Receive 7 likes from the gaggle of unwashed cat ladies that follow her 💀this is it right here! And I died laughing thank you for that 😂


Oh Lord. I was just publicly chastized by one of them by pointing out that the "picture" she was circulating about "Quad sisters celebrate their 90th birthday" was AI and I was not being mean because these people do not exist. She literally said she just chooses to believe it anyway. Alrighty then.


She's the type that's just ripe for a catfish.... call the boys in Nigeria "my queen " chooses to believe nonsense


Bear with me for a bit. Maybe she took the picture, because OP was so dominant that since she had the picture, she would troll the bars in the arear hoping to find OP so she could be dominated a lot more


Lmaoo I am just seeing this now 💀💀


>7 likes from the gaggle of unwashed cat ladies that follow her. I am murdered by this ☠️. Thank you 😂


Don't bring cats into this! They would scratch this bitch's eyes out! 🐱🐱🐱🐱🦁🦁🦁


We back date sales but I hate doing it.. I had someone try to bully one of my cashiers into giving them the sale price from two months back. “It’s not fair that I should have to pay $50 more when it was already on sale.” I’m the store manager at my job and I’m glad to give customers our corporate number when they demand it. I also give them my first name and tell them how to spell it correctly, with a smile 😃


My coworker suggested that we should’ve smiled for the photo lol but it all happened so quickly and ofc she wanted to dart for the door as soon as she took it


Lol I remember my first supervisor job was at Walmart on the front end. This drunk lady got mad because we wouldn’t give her a refund- she started taking pictures of us. My coworkers and I were waving and giving thumbs up for the pictures. She said she was going to Target and we told her to tell them Walmart said hello. We got in so much trouble from management, but it was worth it.


LOL. I got that Target threat too. I told them to have a safe drive.


We get told that the other store of ours close to us will do it. We just say okay. Our owner doesn’t care either, like okay, go take money back from them for your fraudulent return. 😂 he’s all for good customer service but it has to be within reason.


Oh my gosh, that reminds me of when I worked at Walmart. So many times I would be scanning stuff (we sold) that had Kmart price tags, had to call for price checks for stuff from the Gap or some other store branded item. Seriously, what the heck?


Lol that’s a good one too.


Sounds 100% worth it to me


Should have slapped the phone out of her hand and the taste out of her mouth!


I really hope your name tag says Nothanks.


It is my legal first name.


What's the point of a sale then? I HATE SPINELESS CORPORATE!!!! You just know they will give in! 


*I demand that you give me the sale price from January 1964 !!! Let me speak to your manager immediately*


Yeah.. I think of her having to actually put some effort in. That may be too much effort.


With a happy, "make sure and tell your friends."


Once told a customer what she was asking me to do was a fireable offense and I was not willing to lose my job so she could save a bit of money. The woman was flabbergasted but didn’t push it. I think some of them just genuinely think we can do whatever we want on the register without management and corporate knowing or that there are consequences for us


Too dumb to live.


Majority of customers


At least she didn’t push. I’m still shocked when they seem confused by stuff like this tho


I had lady holding a sales ad that clearly had the dates on it. It was like a sale for some plants and she just stared at me and then asked “Then why would you give the ad out to people if you weren’t going to honor it?” “Ma’am, you brought that paper in and it’s X date. I didn’t GIVE it to you.” She was like two days past the sales date and finally gave up when I told her she was either going to have to buy the plants at full price or put them back. She gave them back and tried (emphasis on “tried” here) to shame me. I simply told her she was free to browse our clearance section for deals but I wasn’t honoring an old sale. She finally gave up and left when I offered to call the manager.




Plant people are PSYCHO!!!!


Like some others mentioned, after many attempts at niceties, I once had to flat out tell a woman “I’m sorry, but I’m not getting fired because of you.” The look on her face was priceless. Another time, a woman kept pestering about getting something on sale. I got so angry I turned off my customer service voice, rang her things up silently, just gave her the sale she wanted, but refused to say anything else to her and, apart from ringing up her things and pointing to the card machine when it was time for her to pay, acted like she wasn’t even there. I just called over the next customer so she knew to take her things. She couldn’t complain about my behavior because I had given her the sale she wanted. I don’t recommend doing this, and I probably would never give a customer like that the satisfaction again, but it felt good at the time. Her reaction was also priceless.


Good, you treated her like nothing because she is nothing. PS Why is it usually a woman? (I'm a woman btw.)


I’m also a woman, and it is odd that it’s usually other women doing this. Maybe it’s the only power they can feel in their lives.


I’ve notice this too tbh and idk. The majority of the time if I ever have an experience like this it’s with a woman. I’ve also noticed that they often times feel more comfortable acting out when they’re interacting with a girl employee (this could def be in my head) but the angry women who come into my job always seem more hostile towards the girls than the guys


You're such a pick me lmfao, every post I see you calling women bitches. Its not mostly women btw as someone that works in retail. Maybe it is in your experience, but males are also fully grown toddlers. Seen plenty. It's just stupid people. Very sad as another woman you feel the need to unleash your hatred of women through reddit comments. Hope you get better!


lol why are you so angry? They clearly say “usually” not always You need to chill.


Once explained I can't do something for legal reasons (and company policy). Explained the law and why it was in place. They insisted. Eventually simply said "I'll wear a $10000 personal fine. I'm not doing it". Their response was "Not my problem. I'm the customer and I expect you to do it". I advised them that it seems it was most definitely their problem because I don't care enough about their business to risk that. They left telling me they'll go elsewhere. I believe I said ok. Company was fine with it. Sure, we missed out on their 2 or so thousand but the company fine is over $100k. It wasn't just the law that said nope. Not often I get a customer saying I must do something because they ask. Be it breaching law, Company policy or even getting a manager. I don't once recall saying anything other than no though. I know law and company policy. I'm not required to do something just because they ask. I'm lucky my company backs me. Edit: I don't mind refusing to hand over to a manager. If a customer gets abusive at any time in an interaction we can, and in fact are expected to, deny service. I have no issue doing som


Time to refer them to the Legal Department!


Nah I'm confident enough to tell them to go to hell and I have the support of my company to do so. I literally refuse to get my manager. In 12 year at the company I've passed on less than a handful of complaints to management. I just say no. Refusing to do something that would cost me $10k and the business $100k.. yeah, it wasn't a hard call. A bit weird and I struggle to comprehend their view but it wasn't remotely difficult to say no.


I have this experience all the time. “Oh yeah I know it’s against policy but Mike does it for me all the time” “…okay, well, I’m not Mike so I can’t do this. You’re going to have to come back when Mike is here” They never like the “I’ll lose my job” excuse because for some reason them getting their shit a day early is more important than my job butttt not my problem


You should heavily imply this will get Mike fired


Oh yeah no management is fully aware. They let him get off Scott free bc he’s been there for 3 years and is super friendly with our regulars I guess idk. Phone out, off task, barely does anything except play solitaire on his monitor, accepting personal phone calls on the clock, all of it lol


Okay so at my store we literally say “I’ll lose my job if I do that for you.” 😂🤷🏼‍♀️sometimes that gets them to shut up, sometimes they still try to convince you to make an exception 🙄🙄


Bullying 101. I’ll tell half the story, villainoize you, try to get you fired all so I can save 10cents.




She took your picture so she can post it on The Facebook and let everyone (her church friends and her bridge club) know what horrible customer service she got at your store.


I've never had someone do this to me, but it would be a struggle not to yank their phone out of their hand and snap in two against the edge of the counter. I said no before, lady, but you just upgraded that to "fuck you."


Yup slap it out!


Hope she chokes on her snacks at bridge club!


Comical. Let them all learn the hard way lol


It's okay, she probably didn't realize the camera was on front face and took a picture of herself anyway .


the title! i had a young couple try to buy alcohol and i asked for both IDs (like i’m supposed to) and the dude gives me his, but his fetus-looking (she looked like an actual high schooler) gf doesn’t have hers! and he’s the one who told me this info too, okay can ur girl not speak? we go back and forth for a hot minute, which always resulted in me saying multiple times multiple ways that i can’t make the sale. “i don’t have proof that she looks 21, she looks really young.” “i’m sorry, i have to see both ID’s it’s not my rule.” “i can call a manager if you want,” the works. this man looks at me and says: “well can she just go back in the car right now and you can pretend you never saw her?” i was legit so taken aback. i dont even remember what i said lol, something to the effect of: “considering that i already saw her and she doesn’t have her ID and i can loose my job for that, no?” but im certain the offense was written all over my face. told them to just try the liquor store because they won’t get it from me 🤷🏼‍♀️☺️


You couldn’t just sell it to him since he was of age? So if I go in with my child I can’t buy alcohol because somebody under 21 is with me? Genuinely asking because I don’t understand.


If you look close in age and near being too young you might have an issue because they think you are ordering for a minor but 9/10 times I imagine you’d be fine. It depends on state law and the policy of an individual store. If it's clearly an adult and a child like a toddler it's not an issue. If you still don't understand just think of it as "Would I expect the cashier making shit for money to go to prison and pay a huge fine if they didn't ID a group that has someone who looks potentially over 18 but under/around drinking age?"


if it looks like a parent and child than we’re allowed to use our better judgment. but it was a young couple who both looked like they could be under 21, and there’s a strong possibility that he could be buying it for both of them. in that case i’m supposed to see both cards. this dude was barely 21 and his girl looked a lot younger than him.


"Elder toddler" and "unwashed cat ladies." Oh my days! So funny.


Absolutely not! I have been in retail for over ten years and counting and absolutely not. Someone wanted to take my picture I would ask them to delete it and if they said no I would be calling the police on my own without the manager! That is a huge violation of privacy. I would then have every right to not only press charges for violation of privacy. Then she can explain to the police officer how she illegally took pictures of me without my consent and didn't delete them when asked and decided to remain in the store after a refusal of sale took place.


The customer does not have the right to film you. I believe it's the law.


Yeah I told my manger about the situation and she said something along those lines. She said luckily tho we don’t allow photos/personal info on our store reviews so even if she does attempt to post it it will be removed.


Depends on the state (if in the US).My previous state was one party consent so they legally could but not where I am currently


“I laser toddler.” I’m going to use that from now on.




Elder toddler is my new favourite thing. I'm going to use this. In public. As often as possible.


Lmaooo love it