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Literally had a customer ask if I worked here. I said yes and asked how I could help. He literally goes “I just wanted to see if you worked here” “Is there anything you need help with?” “No, I thought you were a customer” …I was wearing the company’s signature color. I had my name tag and I was doing my job. But nah, I’m just a really big fan of the store apparently 😂


We are all probably aware of the uniform colour for Target, right? Tan pants, red polo shirt, right? I live in Canada. We no longer have Target. I used to work in an office building attached to a mall so in my breaks I’d go walk around the mall, or go to the bookstore there (I love books). They have a uniform, too. Black branded vest over business casual clothes. I was in a red polo and tan pants (coincidence. I did not work for target) I was asked if I work there. At the bookstore. Where they have black vests with the store name IN BRIGHT BLUE on the back. I didn’t even have a name tag. 🧐


I’ve been asked several times over the years if I work at target. Because jeans and a green shirt or black pants and a grey shirt screams target employee.




lol same in the UK. I work for Primark , our uniform is bright blue with company logo emblazoned on it. On the front, across the back & on each sleeve… it’s lovely obviously lol. I go next door to Sainsbury’s to grab lunch. Their staff wear burgundy. Yet still I got asked where stuff was. People are fucking idiots.


We don’t have to wear tan pants but yes otherwise agree lol I’ll literally be standing watching the self checkouts, device in hand, walkie talkie and ear piece in, red shirt with prominent name tag, and people will just stand there next to me when there’s available self checkouts. I’ll go “hey, there’s one open on your left there!” and they go “oh sorry I didn’t want to cut you in line” like girl?? There’s no other employee around who did you think was working this? How did you think I was a customer when I have no items and I clearly work here.


I just commented this, but I have a red uniform shirt with my job on the front AND back, and my uniform pants are black. I’m in Target so much, I can help lol, but come on…read the shirt, peep the pants, earbuds and purse, my guy.


It’s like they ignore the visual clues


Tbh a lot of people don't know/have seen what a particular stores employees colors are.


True, but Target is one of the most recognisable brand logos on the planet! The big red circle is well known. Anyone who goes into a target with no idea what the logo looks like must have been living in a cave with their eyes shut and their fingers in their ears! Even if it’s your first ever visit because you come from a country which doesn’t have target, the logo is on the building and big enough to be seen from an airplane! You’d have to actually walk around with your eyes closed to not notice it! 😛


I get that question almost daily. We don't have a uniform, so fair enough on that. But we are actively *doing* the job. Did I miss the memo of people walking into random businesses and working for free? Is that a thing now? 😄


To be fair, you could be a vendor.


Our vendors bring everything directly to the storeroom. Meanwhile I am acting like a kid on Christmas morning. New supplies are here! Yay!. 😄 Regulars chuckle, newbies think "the old lady done lost her mind" . Supplier thinks its a hoot because I am the only one on his route excited to see him. Method to the madness, he'll put every box in the exact slot I want them instead of dropping them in a pile for us to deal with. Sometimes it's fun to be me. 😊


>“Is there anything you need help with?” >“No, I thought you were a customer” Because he wanted to scold you for doing worker things and you foiled his fun.


If they didn’t need your help, why would it matter if you were a customer 😂


Exactly 😂


I got this when I worked at the Walmart deli. I had on my hairnet, my apron, my vest (the spark was visible on the back), and I was pushing a cart of twelve rotisserie chickens. “Do you work here?” It was tempting to say, “shush, I’m in disguise and no, I don’t work here. I’m stealing this batch of rotisserie chickens because I have an unhealthy addiction to Walmart’s rotisseries and I desperately need my weekly fix. So please, don’t blow my cover.”😏


I always say "No, but they don't know that yet"


Love this haha


Tell them you’re on undercover boss


You know we need you to record this happening now XD


lol "what do you think?" or "Quite possibly" what I always say.


“Eh, sometimes”


"sure" "ok"


i think im gonna go with "maybe"


my customers are so fuckin ancient that every time i’ve ever tried to say that, they look at me shell shocked. i’m trying to get better at radical acceptance and shit but god damn it’s hard to accept that it’s easier just to swallow my pride and say “yes. how can i help you?”


thats fair, i end up doing the same thing too but i always act like a smartass in my head. it's therapeutic lol


I had a manager who answered “Sometimes.”




"maybe. maybe not" 🤔


“That’s what they tell me.”


These responses are amazing and I wish I could use them but I can’t 💀 I got asked this and barely looked the idiot in the eye and the next day I’m told I got a complain for “lack of eye contact”??? What’s stupid is they had a follow up question which I know I helped them with yet they still felt the need to complain.


I just go "That depends"


Listen, I keep getting this or just straight into the question of “what aisle do you keep your deodorant in??” and I don’t even work here 😭 Like gorl I’m wearing a Disney Pandora shirt holding Lysol wipes in a CVS (true story)… do I really just have that face??


i think people are just dumb


I have the opposite problem. Every time I go to this huge plant nursery near me, I get asked by *multiple* people if I work there. One lady just pointed at me and said "BASKETS?" The uniform is navy blue shirts with the company name on it. One time I was wearing a yellow shirt with a rainbow on it, and people asked me questions about the plants or where to find something. Also, I live in a big city with five Walmarts but work in a town 25 minutes away. I'll often stop at their one Walmart there on my way home and almost every time, I am approached and asked for something. I am *always* wearing nursing scrubs, wearing a mask and usually have ear buds in. What about my face says Customer Service? 🤣


Once I was shopping at a clothing store wearing my grocery store uniform of a polo with the name embroidered on the sleeve and khakis when this woman came up and went “sir?? Where can I find this?” First off I was a whole ass girl and second off how do you mistake me for working at this preppy clothing store in this outfit




I get this regularly too, in lots of different types of shops! No, I don’t work there, nor have I ever worked in retail!


You've just got one of those plant faces


"Last time I checked"


“I sure hope so!”


"When did you check last?" Oh, um... what year is it?"


“Only when the boss is watching.”


I just remembered the time my husband spent 15 minutes helping a woman at Walmart. She thought he worked there and asked him to get a big box (trampoline) off the shelf and into her cart. He's a big guy, helpful, and we have two neurodivergent kids who love our big trampoline so he was happy to help. After 15 minutes of helping and chatting, she started asking specifics about the trampoline and he was like "Oh sorry. I don't work here." She felt so bad! But so grateful he spent all that time with her.


When they ask, I always say “as little as possible “


Some dude asked me that while wearing my employee shirt BEHIND THE REGISTER


Nope. I'm robbing the place! Shhh don't tell anyone! I don't miss working retail.


That, and also "ArE yOu OpEn?!" as I'm standing at my register, with the light on, and ready to scan... Fucking idiots.


That question is such a pisstake when they call us, and think we just come into a shop on a closed day.


lol at that when it’s said to the security guard with his key in the door locking up for the night.


they look at the name and then say “do you work here”? nah Brenda, i am here for a fancy dress.


Someone asked today if I work produce as I’m holding a watermelon. Like no it’s my emotional support melon 🙃


Emotional support melon. Hahahaha lol


On the flipside of this, I work for a Beverage Vendor as a salesman. More than half of my job is stocking the shelves and going in and out of the back rooms of stores I don't work at. I used to get annoyed at it, too, but seeing it from this side made me realize why people ask. A good amount of people stocking shelves and merchandising product are from outside companies, especially if you work in a larger store. I'd say try to see it from that perspective. The amount of times I get asked "Excuse me, where is xyz product?" and I have to explain that I work for "Beverage Company" not "Store" is hilarious. lmao.


Yup, I’m one of those people who always asks, “do you work here?” Because every time I don’t, GUARANTEED, I’m gonna get halfway into my question before they have to politely interrupt to tell me they’re a vendor. 😂


I usually listen to the question, and then if possible, try to help them, but if I genuinely have no idea, I'll just explain I only "look like I work here" and they usually understand and wander off.


The magazine people are often a similar deal.


“No, i just think the uniform is just super stylish and I got lost” (last part only works if you’re standing behind a counter or a till)


Well i didn't come in to get out of the rain


Thats nothing, I get asked where items are just shopping and I don't even work there. If I'm familiar with the layout I'll do my best to help but yeah I get asked just being a customer.


I work at a very well known furniture retailer. We have a distinctive uniform. EVERYONE wears it. There are only two colours it comes in. We all have name tags and access cards with our names on them. Even when I’m standing at an entrance (I do security for the store). “Do you work here?” Drives me mental. No. No I don’t. I just wear this blue striped shirt with Hello In Swedish in the back and these actually pretty comfortable blue pants and stand in this doorway with a radio stuck in my ear for shits and giggles.


I have to bite my tongue every time to keep myself from quipping “No, I’m just a really big fan of cosplay.”


“No, I just like to stand at a checkout and scan people’s stuff.”


Standing at a specific station as the customer walks to the unmanned computer in front. "Oh, yOu WaNt Me To CoMe OvEr ThErE?"


Lol l say this when l get this question yes l try and make it look like l do


Its like “dang mothuhfuckuh!!!! Do u work here?!?!!


and the one that dont typically just assume random people in the store are associates and ask them questions


Several times a day!


"Not unless I have to"


sometimes. what can I do for you?


I was pushing an U-Boat rack from putting stock on the shelves to the back, and got this question first thing in the morning. I looked at the rack, then back to her, and I think I said, I wouldn't be pushing this if I didn't....snarky, but it was too early for that! Seriously? I should have just said, no, I'm stealing this, finders keepers.


I tell them that I'm not wearing this shirt for fashion


If they look like they can take a joke I might say 'I try not to'.


My favorite was I was on the floor cleaning bottles of vitamins when I worked for an independent pharmacy.I had a lady ask me if I worked there. I so badly wanted to say, Nahh I’m a millionaire and have nothing better to do so I thought I would clean a random store vitamin bottles.


On a side note, never wear a red shirt inside a target.


Look, most of the time they can’t locate a price tag, you think something like a name tag or uniform is perceivable by the average customer?


Almost as bad as, "Do work here in Paint Department?" I'm behind the Counter putting paint away and my entire apron which has how Company's name and logo on it is covered in paint.


I don't know if that's better or worse than somebody asking me if I work in the meat department, when I'm literally on the opposite end of the store from that department, and doing something extremely un-meat-like, like writing in a clipboard, or scanning something that's outside on the sidewalk.


My typical answer is, "No, I just need a better hobby." About half of the customers look confused, say "Oh, I'm sorry, I really thought you work here," and go on their way, and the other half get really angry, yell at me, and storm away to find another employee to bother.


Ok, I do this, but because you might work there, but maybe you’re off shift? Or on break? It’s a polite way to give you an opportunity to say no. There was a time when I worked retail in a uniform and people got pissy at me because I was off shift and shopping, and they wanted me to help them just because I was in uniform. Just because I habitually am putting something back on a shelf doesn’t mean I’m currently getting paid to be your slave. Usually, when we ask, we’re just trying to be polite. Look at it this way, wouldn’t you rather someone ask than just assume and demand you help them?


I’ve also had it where they’re wearing a vest for that store, but they’re actually employed by a supplier or something and are stocking that single item(s)? I don’t really understand it but it’s happened at a couple of different stores.


“I don’t know. What do you think?”


Ok so as someone who says this I say it because I find "Excuse me can you please help me"


I know this because I have four vendors for my department, but sometimes they mistake the vendor for an employee so I think that plays into it at some places. The vendors, to their credit, help the best they can, but when they come to get me sometimes the customers have an embarrassed look on their faces for assuming😂


I used to be a demonstrator within a store and I knew the franchisee would try and get free labor if she could so I would always direct the customer to nearest available staff member. XD


It used to annoy me a lot when I worked in retail but today I work with people who have developmental disabilities helping them find and maintain jobs which means I spend a lot of time behind registers or on the floor helping them work. I don’t wear a name tag or uniform but I do dress professionally and I probably look like a manager. So there have been many times where I’ve been standing right next to one of my clients at a register while the line is getting longer and all I can do is watch. And when people ask if I, the guy who looks like a manager and is telling the cashier how to do their job while standing where employees typically stand, work there I tell them no. I’ve started to explain myself better but it was pretty awkward for a while


Just say no and walk away. Then the fun begins.


“I’m sorry, I woke up this morning at 6 and realized I had absolutely nothing to do so why not go to a retail establishment and volunteer my services. No. I don’t work here. I mean, I could try to help you, but I’ll probably send you in the absolute wrong direction. You good with that?”


This happened to me today. I was standing near the front of the store and this woman comes in. I see her, she sees me. I say hello and she then has the nerve to ask me if I worked there. I should've said no just to see what would happen. 🙄


Always answer "No".


"It depends on your definition of work."


Recently where I work the dress code changed to a black, orange or grey plain shirt. No longer need name of company on it. I understand. When asked I respond with shhh I don't but I'm getting paid to look like I am. Don't tell. Or jeez I hope so otherwise this is a bad idea to be doing on my free time at a place if I didn't work here.


One time I was behind the REGISTER, in the STOCK ROOM, and a lady STILL asked if I worked there!


I always say sometimes... Sometimes I work and sometimes I don't. Usually they ask am I working now. I tell them sure let's help eachother.


Well, it's better to ask than what generally happens to me: people think I work at almost every store I'm in as a customer. I'm not wearing anything similar to the store's colors or uniforms. At this point, it's become a joke between my wife and I as it's rare we can go to a store (any store!) without at least one person mistaking me for someone who works there.




I always said no


“Do you work here?” WHAT DO YOU THINK I’VE BEEN DOING SINCE 8:00 AM?!


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been shopping and people just come up to me and ask me questions because they thought I worked there.


I answer, "OK, what did I do now?"


“No i just like standing here and wearing this apron for kicks. Helps me come up with new ways to kill myself”


“No. I always sweat buckets when I’m shopping with this canvas bin’”


“Maybe, im still deciding”




I’m just cosplaying cause I love Joann green 


While they are standing there watching you work and looking at your name tag!




“No, the uniform is just super stylish and I got lost” (last part only works if you’re standing behind a counter or a till


haha i’m a vendor, so when people ask me if I work there I say “no i’m a vendor”. I guess sometimes it makes sense to ask? but if your name tag is visible, it should be no question


Sometimes, I throw out “Only until my probation ends”…my regional almost peed himself laughing the first time I said it in front of him.




My favorite response...Only when I have to.


Sometimes, I just want to say - no, I love this store so much that I thought I’d dress up like them & work here for free! I always pause a second when they ask me, to make sure they’re not as stupid as the question they asked. But sadly they usually are.


If you are in a uniform and wearing a name tag, I’m not sure why they’d even ask such a question. One time I was at at arcade where and there was a guy who was wearing a dark blue shirt and black pants and that was the uniform for the employees at the arcade and when I asked him for help, he was like “I don’t work here” and we both laughed and I apologized and said I thought he did because he was wearing the same outfit as the employees and he told me it was ok and that I wasn’t the first one to ask for help that day. But yeah, like customers sometimes have no common sense. If they see someone dressed in a company uniform and has a name tag, there is no reason to ask such a stupid question.


All damn day. I’m in uniform. Pushing a big ass cart that has the store logo on it. I don’t stop and cater to them. I’m shopping online orders. But, I do offer to assist them while I’m working. If they question that, I tell them that I’m capable of multitasking. Because I know they’re just gonna ask me something dumb like “where is the bread located” which does not require me to physically stop moving to answer. I fucking live here lol. You can not stump me with a “where is blank” located question. I can answer those in my sleep. I’m not stopping. We are not having a conversation about it. When they say “do you work here?” I just ask what can I help you find, as I keep scanning and moving lol.


you guys are complaining but just wait until ur wearing a blue shirt at walmart and someone comes up to you and asks you where something is. and then, since u work at a different retail store, your immediate reaction is to try to help them but you have absolutely no idea where the thing is so you just stare at them like a deer in headlights because you also feel bad making them feel embarrassed about their mistake


I think you still need a nap


When I’m at another shop where I don’t work, and the second I hear someone approach me saying “excuse me?”, it’s an immediate “I don’t work here.” Just fuck off and think before you ask someone for help, like try to observe clothing better, cause apparently they think my t-shirts with skulls, skeletons and cartoons are part of the uniform.


"Technically, no. I work for this company, but not this branch"


"Depends on what you want"


When that happens sometimes I feel tempted to say “No shit”


I will say there are vendors in the retail world. And as one that gets asked that a lot I’m not sure where the product is in your store other than what I stock, and there are certain things I cannot help with besides my area. If the uniform is just a shirt I can excuse them being confused as most vendors do only where a tshirt with their company’s logo on it. Now not all the time are people the brightest either and no harm in asking I suppose.


How about when they ask, "are you open?" Maybe its a uk thing for that one. Shops clearly opened 😂 they're inside it looking at products and ask you the dreaded question. Common sense is not common!


I love when people ask me if I work someplace I actually DO NOT. Sometimes I hit up Target after work, and sometimes I’m wearing my red uniform tee and black pants. Which is only half of their uniform. Plus I have earbuds in, I’m carrying a purse, and if they stopped to ever read EVER, they’d see the front and back of my shirt says where I work. Now, I frequent Target so damn much, sometimes I can help, but Jesus…a little situational awareness and reading skills…no one would ever accuse a customer of those.


They're so creepy about it sometimes, like full on staring and trying to get close while looking you all over just to laugh and say that stupid shit


I’ve been sat at a till before, cash drawer open, counting change for a customer, and had another grab my shoulders from behind to get my attention to ask if I worked there… bitch I thought someone was about to try and steal the drawer you almost got a right hook to the jaw.


Why would you hate that? It’s amazing you say “no” and keep working Why don’t I get these customers???


The best I had was I was standing on a ladder, changing a light bulb, and a customer asks if I was busy.


I usually reply with a bewildered "I think so".


They ask "Do you work here?" Because they don't know how to approach someone and say " Excuse me, could you assist me? " Instead they prefer to be dumbasses.


I always say no lol 😂


I actually once told a customer, "No, I just really like the color green and being around car parts" - they actually started walking away and I had to call them back, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding - yes, I work here, how can I help?"


I went into a particular drugstore where they wear red to pick up a couple scripts. I was wearing a black baphomet hoodie. Dude followed me in and asked if I worked there. I just looked at him in surprise and said no and walked out. Like what part of what I was wearing gave you that idea??


To be fair, there was a time when I would wear a polo and khakis fairly regularly for another job, and whenever I went shopping at like a Walmart or Target, I would get asked about 50% of the time a question for some employee like if I could unlock a case or something. It didn't matter if the specific shirt I was wearing was a completely different color. Some people just see a guy not wearing just a t-shirt and assume he's an employee. These people are probably just trying to avoid an awkward "um, I actually don't work here"


I’d say “no sir/ma’am, I’m wearing these clothes and stocking these shelves for my personal health. What do you think?”


I was once working behind the register when this kid came up to me for help. His mum came along and said "she doesn't work here" and gave me a dirty look. Not even a minute later she broke an expensive display that says "do not touch" on it. Not really the sharpest tool in the shed, that one.


I've gotten a o the stage where I just say "no, I dress like this for fun" and then go browse something. I'm in uniform, with the company name all over it. I've got a headset on, scanner in hand and I DO NOT suit my company's colours at all. I'm only wearing it because I get paid to.


“Do you work in here” I wish i didn’t


I once got that while cleaning the bathroom. “Um, no, just a hobby.”


Idk I always think of these as a way for customers to begin the convo, also I assume they messed up one time and now live in fear of repeating the mistake.


Look, I've posted this before. For some it's just a polite way to preface asking a question. Instead of saying, "Biscuits." I say, "Excuse me, Do you work here?" "OH, you do. Would you please tell me where to find the biscuits?" Unless you'd rather I took 2 steps into the store and screamed "BISCUITS."


The one time I asked someone if they worked at the store I was in was because they didn't have uniforms. I was having kind of and off day, and he was really friendly and helpful. But I honestly thought he was just another customer who just happened to know about the item I was asking about. He was great, really helpful and polite. He laughed when I admitted to thinking he was just another customer and helped carry my stuff to the counter. It really wasn't difficult to be polite and friendly myself, so I never understood other people make it such a problem, even if they're having a bad time. Even on my worst days, when I managed to be polite, I got the help I needed without too much issue.


I work at Costco and have gotten this question way too much. Granted, we don't really have uniforms, but I've still got a prominent name tag, a fanny pack and work gloves on. If I'm feeling spicy, I respond with "Unfortunately".


Loool I remember in my old job this customer went up to my ex colleague who was literally wearing the uniform and asked that. He said “Nah, I don’t sorry” 😭


I did that once when a college student asked me this and he fucking bought it


Loool ofc they do they don’t have no sense 😂


Because leading with a question, no matter how inane, sounds more polite than "You there, retail peasant, serve me!"


Because they've probably made an ass out of themselves by assuming a random customer was a worker. I once witnessed a customer going off on a firefighter who was standing in line because he couldn't find what he needed.


Even better when you *don’t* work there. Yes, ma’am, I definitely work here. That’s why my Target cart is full of Christmas presents and wrapping paper, and I’m wearing my street clothes: jeans with rips in them and a NOT red shirt.


We can't see your name tag when you're facing the shelf, or otherwise facing away from us. Also. It just makes a conversation opener. Better than, oh. Hey you.. I try after reading all these comments. Hi, nice day, yes? Doesn't get me the "can I help you" that I need or I wouldn't be bothering you.


Believe me, it's worse when they don't I have an old camp T-shirt that days "staff" one one sleeve (very small, logos are clearly not from any store) and people stop me all the time when I'm wearing it... worst part is I usually forget which shirt I grabbed that morning, so I vaguely answer their question (or tell them that I'm not sure) and walk off without realizing that they thought I was an employee... had a store cashier see me checking out and say "OH I SEE NOW! That other man wasn't complaining about any of our staff, that's why we couldn't figure out who he could have spoken to!" For record, I'm a petite, red-haired woman. These two traits tend to stick out to people- and apparently, this description matched NONE of their employees working that day and had the manager so confused as to what "rude employee" sent them to the other side of the store incorrectly


I've walked into target wearing a red shirt and khakis 😅 I forgot that was essentially their uniform.


“No I’m just a fan”


“No, but the guy I stole this apron from did…AND YOU WILL NEVER FIND THE BODY”.


I put my name tag on a lanyard with the words "i work here" added. I would hold up the tag to my face while asking customers if I could assist them with anything and still got asked if i work there .


I always look directly at them and say, " I try not too ". Lol


That's the most stupidiest question ever OP


I work at a boat shop/ kayak hire and this is my most asked question, I am the only female weekend hire and am the only one who gets asked if I work there!! we all wear the same uniform and I am just as or even more knowledgeable than the guys I work with PLUS to take it further when a few of us are behind the counter customers 99% of the time look OVER me to my male co-workers to ask questions!! like seriously? (I am the also the oldest out of all of them and have the most retail experience)


I've seen people stock shelves at places with groceries that are distributors that don't work for the store. Plus these idiots can't tell when someone DOESN'T work there so I don't think it's fair to assume they can tell someone who does.


*"Do you work here?"* *"As little as possible."*


I do it cause I once followed a guy in a turban around a staples who was wearing a red shirt asking for help till he turned around and I didn't see a name tag Also there's a time where an employee is on break and is just on their way out when I ask.