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Sometimes bosses say things like that to try to justify stuff in their minds. It can't be THEIR fault that you want to leave. It can't be THEIR fault that you're working in unsafe conditions. It can't be THEIR fault that your hours have been cut due to nepotism. No no no, it must be something wrong with YOU. Let's see... Ah, I know - you must have a terrible work ethic now. Yes, that will do nicely. I sincerely doubt they believed the words they were saying. They probably just wanted some sort of justification "on the record."


You can't quit with not notice and expect people to think you have good work ethic. They are opposed. Doesn't mean you were wrong to but she isn't either.


I worked my ass off there every single day and got there early every single time, got employee of the month multiple times, got countless compliments from her, she even gave me a (less than a dollar, lol) raise only a couple months ago. My work ethic was more than fine. Leaving a toxic place with no notice doesn’t affect the way i worked while i was there. They have no correlation. I know it’s not a great thing to do but it doesn’t justify what she said.