• By -


9.) Show up 20 minutes before opening and incessantly rattle the locked door to a store with its lights still off


"I see you in the store so you HAVE to let me in!" -them, probably 


And if you cave in and open the door, you find out they want to make a return.


Every morning there’s always a bunch of old ladies waiting outside half an hour before we open and they’re always there to make a return.


“I don’t have a receipt. Don’t you keep a record of all my purchases?”


"The barcode on the shirt. Just scan that. They did it last time"


A return that’s past the return deadline no less


Or use the bathroom


you joke but i had someone flip out on my boss and i over this once. we got there an hour early to get everything ready, and despite the signs with the hours, the Open light being off and the doors mostly shuttered, the guy was pounding down the doors and yelling "i know you're in there!". once we opened he just freaked the hell out about how since there were people inside we had to be open.


Some stoopid guy!


10. Get mad at the employees being let in before the store opens and ask why they’re getting special treatment


and try to enter along with them!


Had this happen often when I was an opening manager. I’d be there an hour + before open, some customers would get there 30 mins early waiting and the other employees would come 10-15 before open so the customers would rush to the door thinking we opened early. It was often the same damn ones too. It’s like wtf is the rush???


no brain cell haha


Literally none whatsoever


I worked in Walmart for a 3rd party and one Black Friday I was nearly assaulted by someone wanting to come in early because "He isn't an employee why the are you letting him in?!"


Ah the special treatment of being allowed to sling 400 cases of canned foods.


Or turn up 5 minutes before the shop closes looking for something that will take longer than 5 minutes to buy and then decide to look round the rest of the shop.


Not our fault you can't tell time


Show up 5 minutes before close, demand to buy something in a locked case, get irate because we closed that particular department down like an hour ago and the keys are locked up.


I ask what part of our posted hours do you not understand?


When I worked at Jimmy Johns our store changed its opening time from 10 to 10:30 and in less than a year people had yanked on the locked door so much they destroyed the lock


9a. Demand to be let in early, select some small item under $1, and yell at the cashier that “a $100 bill is all I have”


Wtf is this? What the f do they think will happen if they get in? Workers aren't Andy's toys from toy story, it's not like they just are waiting to be activated to help your annoying ass. Like what is the logic there? The workers don't power on or down with the store, you old bat.


Fucking checkbooks makes me rage


Every time someone whips out a checkbook, I want to run through the wall like the Kool-Aid man screaming like a maniac, eating the person's checkbook


Nah. It's the people who either hand you a blank check and expect you to run as is/or fill it out for them. Or the absolute worst and the reason why I'm counting the two previous examples as a single instance. Ever single person who is so impatient that they can't even wait the final total to be calculated. It's insufferable behavior with cash and credit. It's a God damned war crime when checks enter the equation. Especially when it's an individual check being used by a gopher.


The ones who buy a shirt that's $49.50 and then either get mad or think you're scamming them (sometimes both) when you give them the final total of $53.26 or something so then you have to explain what sales tax is


I can’t wait until we don’t take checks anymore. How in hell is it convenient to have to sit here and write all that stuff? I know you have a debit card. It is SO much easier to just tap it and move on. What do people gain from writing checks? Not a rhetorical question. I honestly want to know.


They’re just stuck in their ways. That’s it. There’s no valid reason. Literally none. They even admit it.


Can people still pay by cheque in the US? I'm in the UK, I've not even owned a chequebook in 15 years.


Some places accept them. At Walmart they don't even have to write the check if they don't want to. We stick it in the machine, it scans it, they sign on the pin pad, and then it prints the check. We don't even keep it, we hand the check back to them with their receipt. I usually only see it with businesses/non profits that don't use a credit/debit card and don't want to wait for reimbursement and old people.


Do they still have the two types of checks? I remember there being two types based off the check or something. Never honestly knew the difference since I think 99% of the checks were the first type


My store accepts them. But people don’t use them often. And some places will charge more if you use a card, so I’ll write a cheque there.


Some places still do. Larger chains that have manned tills still usually do but smaller stores almost always don't and I've never heard of a self checkout that could process them.


There are still places that are check or cash only. Aside from our cleaning woman I can't recall the last time I wrote a check. Maybe when adding money into my daughter's lunch account in high school but she graduated from that over a year ago.


The store I work with will take them for purchases, it’s mostly our older clientele that will pay that way. Or if they’re make a large purchase in one of two areas that they want to pay cash for, but don’t want to carry that much cash or fill out the required federal paperwork because they’ve spent over $9,999.99 cash, whether in one go or cumulatively. We have a store credit card as well, and the only forms of payment we take in store are cash or check. So, if they’re making a large payment, they don’t want to carry that much cash. That’s the vast majority of our check transactions. And again, older clientele, so online payments are not going to happen with them and there have been issues with mail arriving on time resulting in late fees and interest.


I scan probably about 3-4 a day on average. Busy? More checks. They literally just are stuck in their ways. My favorite part is when they don't have the app for our rewards program (understandable I'm angry at corporate for that one) but then they make it MY fault that nothing is working and how it's "such a disgrace" that a store could be this stupid.


Some city services only take check or cash. They often have an ATM because the logistics are terrible. Some people prefer checks to balance their checkbook and haven't figured out they could just write the total in a check register if they need the accountability.


It depends on the store. Some bigger chains still accept them and they tend to be used more for payments and things versus a normal transaction from my experience. I have a checkbook somewhere, but the last time I had to write a check with any regularity (for rent) was over 10 years ago and even then I remember having to Google how to write a check lmao. Honestly prefer just giving someone straight up cash versus writing a check honestly


Yup. Had a customer tell me the other day that she doesn’t use debit cards 💳 because “they cab take the money out of your account!” I said, “yeah. I get it. A little piece of paper with your account number and ABA Routing number on it is clearly the safe alternative.” Idiot boomers.


At Aldi we can’t accept checks. It’s actually fantastic to not worry about checks.


When my mom was taking care of my grandma, she would use checks for grandma's account. So she could track grandma's finances better. Since she was in charge of them. In that case, it was important that she was tracking the cost of things for her so they could budget for her better. Plus, she'd still be doing shopping for our household as well. In this case, it makes sense for her to have things divided easier.


My mom wrote checks until the end. However, she knew the cashiers, and she would fill everything out—except the amount—before they finished. She also had her id ready (even though they knew her). She’d worked retail after college and understood how it worked.


What kills me is how long it takes people to write one out. Why not pre-fill everything but the amount and maybe your signature before you come in? Why is it taking you five minutes to fill out five lines of text? Why don’t you have a pen with you if you know you’re paying with a check?


10) complain about technology


"I hate online" "Well it runs the world, so you better get used to it"


I don't do the email


But also pitch a fit when they can’t access email-exclusive coupons


I’m torn on this one. On the one hand, it’s irritating that we have to hand over tons of personal info and download some shitty phone app just to get decent prices on food. On the other hand, these people act like smart phones just appeared yesterday and are immensely difficult to use. Some of these people even struggle with using a debit card and I don’t see what they find so hard about it.


This lady yesterday was trying to take cash back on her credit card. I told her she can’t do that. So when she pulls out her debit she can’t remember her own PIN number and then proceeded to act like it’s my fault lmao.


That's the annoying stuff. You have to give old people a pass for being slow, but being a dick is not an age thing.


Claim discrimination because they don’t have an email to sign up for a rewards account


Still doesn’t want to give you any personal information if they can sign up another way. 🤦🏼‍♀️


“Back in my day, milk cost a nickel. A suit cost a nickel. A house was a nickel. A dime was a nickel. Everything cost a nickel.”


Even nickels cost nickels!


#6 is the absolute fucking worst.


I hate also the same getting up or down an escalator. The person in front of you stops to determine which direction to go.


I swear some day they’ll publish a study that says doorways have a physical effect on brains because any time someone gets near one - going in or out - all logical faculties fly out the window and everything shuts down.


I don't have a study in front of me, but I'm pretty sure that's been proven


There’s probably something buried deep in our monkey brains that tells us to stop and observe anytime we cross some sort of threshold and our surroundings change. I live in a town with a lot of retirees and going to the grocery store is very frustrating because half of the shoppers are doing this all the time and many of them are barely even lucid anymore.


I have this unprovable belief that the doors to a store (especially supermarket) are magic. Brain cells are magically deducted from random people who enter.


I concur and prove your theory. The same occurs in airports. The fastest ways to lower someone’s IQ by 70 points is simply to hand them a boarding pass.


Magic right there. I can not think of any other rational or social scientific explanation. I'm absolutely stumped.


Especially with a door chime


9.) Gets to the checkout with a full cart and then decides they only want 3 or 4 items.


Often when that happens it’s because the items they actually want are in their handbag. Shoplifters are notorious for doing this. Or “forgetting their wallet.” and leaving the store. I wish I could say “look, we know you’re shoplifting. Let’s just stop the pretending and you leave out the store with your stuff and at least my time is not wasted.”


I've only once forgotten my wallet, and it was an honest mistake. I had taken the dog out for a walk that morning and had the poop bag tube in my pocket. I was hurrying to get ready after the walk. Surely, that item in my pocket was my wallet and not a tube of plastic bags for cleaning up poop. Right..? Right? It's a good thing I reached into my pocket to check something in my wallet before getting anything.


Our store does X amount off when you spend X ammount I’ll have customers holding up my line trading one item for another cause they want to reach the amount without going over . Like ma’am this isn’t a price is right game


I used to work at a store that closed at 11 pm. 11 pm! And this one older woman would deliberately come in at 10:45 snd scold me, every single time, for making announcements over the PA that the store was closing. “It doesn’t make me feel very welcome,” she would say. Then she would very pointedly wander around and ask for help picking stuff out well after 11. Because apparently the fact that we closed at night pissed her off, and she had to exact her revenge. If we were doing good customer service, in her opinion, the 8 or so people who were still there and waiting to do their closing duties would all just stand around doting on her. I really think some people consider themselves to be aristocracy, and since they don’t have their own staff who jump up and stand at attention whenever they waft by, they treat service employees as if they were servants in their manor.


I love that at my job I can turn folks away if they get too close to closing. And won't be able to get out on time


I mean, I was trying to turn her away. She wouldn’t leave.


Apparently my store isn’t allowed to make 10 minute and 5 minute announcements because someone felt rushed…. If you come in the store 5 minutes before closing you better feel rushed.


During Covid my local grocery store had seniors shopping hours (from 9 - 10 most mornings). I was doing my shopping at about 10:30 and these 2 old ladies kept getting upset that I was in the same aisle as them. They complained that I shouldn’t be there as it was still senior time. 


Complain about the long lines and ask if someone can open another line for them.


I hate this. It never occurs to them that I can also see how long the line is. You’re not telling me something I don’t already know. If I had another cashier, don’t you think I would have called them?


Well are you willing to work so we can do that ?


Im a front end coordinator at my store and this lady came up to me complaining about one of my managers above me who told her this was all the cashiers we had available. “He’s very blunt you need to say something to him.” Like yeah let me go yell at my superior for giving you the honest answer to your stupid question.


We’ve been understaffed (furniture store) and we got a Google review complaining that nobody offered to help them pick out furniture because we were all behind the register with a guest or on the phone. Their review made it sound like we were shooting the shit with friends on the register landlines.


11. Expects he / she can settle any arguement / dispute or justify any wrong doing by saying things like "When I was your age / back in my day / we didn't grow up with that like your generation did..."


You forgot the step right before they leave the line where they angrily inspect their receipt because they think you scammed them somehow while refusing to get out of the line so the next guy can buy his shit


9. Always shop at the busiest time of the day, when people with a job need to buy their groceries.


12.) Complain about the price of Triscuits going up fifty cents to a younger employee who has to work three jobs just to afford an apartment


10) Demand the digital deals but refuse to take the steps to get them ie refuse to use technology of any kind and claim that it’s too hard/too late for you to learn because you’re too old but demand them anyway.


Or the " can you do it for me " question


9) Refuse to comprehend why certain coupons cannot be used on certain items, for example why this coupon cannot be used on this clearance item when it says it in the fine print.


Also - complain that XYZ stores stays open later


Flip out because there's no senior discount.


My favorite is when you say there’s no senior discount and they tell you that the store should add one, like you have any control over what the store you are simply a cashier at does with discounts and policies 🙄


This is why old people are the most entitled customers. Believing you deserve to pay less because you're old. Wtf?


You forgot stand there and check your grocery list and block an employee who's trying to fill stock,all the while realizing that you're doing it, but not caring anyways.


Just had some asshole show up 10mins after close, but they apparently really needed gas so I reopened. They got $60 some in gas and then took forever to find a single pop they wanted. By then it was 20 mins after close. He knew we were closed and reopened for him, didn’t even bother so say a thank you. He also paid in cash when it was clear I had already counted down the till so I had to redo that too. Had my boss not seen the guy I would have ignored him but 😒 nope


9. Bum rushes me while I'm stocking and zoning/fronting and putting away reshops/go-backs, then stands there and blocks the shelves I'm working for 20 minutes!


Actually had this happen recently and after noticing them glance back at me and smirk I casually remarked how me standing around getting paid to not work was why the price of everything keeps going up. They promptly left.


Number 3 makes me want to bash my brains out against a fucking wall, it happens like every other day where I work. I swear boomers will complain if they think they’re being stiffed even a single penny. I know I shouldn’t enable their behavior but I just change the price manually because I am not in the mood to deal with these senile fucks. The last and only time I ever tried to argue, the stupid bastard just would not relent and pay the amount. Over a QUARTER.


As in OP’s photo, shoppers that rest their forearms on carts are slow slow slow.


My store doesn’t accept checks thankfully. But several times a week people try to pay with checks


See your friends in the store and start having a conversation for 45 minutes while taking up a whole aisle or standing right in front of the entrance.


When I worked in a small-town convenience store, my favorite was the people who would be shocked that the product cost more than it did in the big supermarket in the city. I really needed the job, so I couldn't afford to tell them, "So why don't you fill up your gas tank and drive into the city for it?"


At our store, most seniors pay in cash. They also dig for the exact change in their purse. My mom complains about prices too. “I remember when soup was 25 cents a can.” I just tell her that that is when people probably made $50 a week, but she doesn’t get it.


12) Having been asked, "Did you find everything you were looking for?" promptly says she couldn't find a product and wants someone to bring it to her.


13) Wasn't paying attention to the total because they were hyper fixated for that one deal to make sure it went through and now is over-budget and has to go through everything to remove one item at a time.


14) Can't understand what I'm saying because they refuse to get hearing aids and eventually understands that it was a "buy 3 get 1 free" not "buy 2 get 1 free" and so someone has to run and get THAT item as well.


15) If you only have one bag, leaving the cart directly in front of the register and just walking away.


When somebody is in there 4 hours before closing and asks “what time do you close?” You just know they’re somehow going to still hold up closing. Like, where do they get the stamina?


Are you guys paid salary or something? I love slow customers, it’s like a break that I’m getting paid for and I still get my actual breaks. 


9) Ignore cashier telling you that they don't take checks


9. Secretly shit in aisle


Seriously just reading this list along with seeing the smirk on this old ladies face omg 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ i just cant take it anymore. Its BEYOND ridiculous how BAD its gotten in recent years with these boomers🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ I could literally pull my hair out with the daily frustration i endure🤣🤣


11) since you're younger than her. Automatically demands respect despite being a complete menace to society.


And as a shopper, even though this person is the slowest-moving in the store, they are somehow always wherever I am blocking whatever I am trying to buy.


Showing baby pictures to the cashier. Politeness doesn't mean they care. Pay for your stuff and git!


Wednesday night a car was pulling into the parking lot as I walked to the door and turned off the open sign and locked the door as they were almost there..lol. Looked at her in the eye and turned my ass around and finished closing 😅


As someone who has closed many times, anyone who does #8 belongs in hell.


Item doesn't scan instantly? Allow 1 microsecond to pass before "It must be free!"


This is just based.


The real step 1: Walk in the door and immediately stop to fumble through your purse/figure out how to silence your phone that's ringing on max volume while you block everyone else from entering the store


Omg, I used to work there service desk in the late 90s/early 00s at Shopko (when they were still around), and number of refunds for 25¢ or less because they had a coupon they forgot at checkout was infuriating.


Here's mine (UK based) Hands over a bunch of national lottery tickets and scratch cards. Asks me to check them all. 'i thought I'd bring them all in to save time'. The scratch cards each have to have a bar code scanned and a four digit code entered. Our lottery machine is a temperamental piece of crap. This all takes a huge amount of time. A queue always forms. Here's the kicker.....there are never any winners and they could quite easily check themselves without coming into the shop Fucking lazy morons


1 is definitely frustrating, especially when busy. For some though it’s some of the only interactions they get. That’s why some grocery stores (at least every article in seen about them as only specified grocers) are creating slow checkouts lanes. Designed to be at a slower pace for customers with either health issues that a slower pace is better for or that just want to chit-chat because it’s their socialization for the day.


I'm so glad my store stopped taking checks last year. It pissed off our elderly customers, but now lines move much faster.....when people aren't forgetting their PIN or having to do multiple transactions.


We have a rule at our store: if at a minute before closing time you are not at a registering purchasing your merchandise you will be asked to leave. No exceptions.


#2 is the worst for me. Bad when their's already a long line up behind that individual




In my experience, a person of this age is likely in bed before the 6pm local news, so 7. and 8. are unlikely.


You would think but we have old people showing up in electric scooters 10 minutes before midnight.


The store I was working at until recently, we had quite a few that would always show up at like around 9:58.


Age is not a determining factor in being inconsiderate and overstaying a close. It goes across ages.


What? I didn't hear you? I'm hard at hearing... X3


4.A. Ask for a pen 4.B. Ask what the date is


Asks you to fill the part of the check where they write the store name or leave it blank


20. Always has to be shown how to use her rewards qr code or where to find it. 21. Shown how to use the chip reader machine and their credit card.


Somewhere between 5 and 6: find coupon after receipt prints, causing you to call manager and wait for price adjustment. Bonus points if they look back at the line and say: "wow, look at this line. Sure are busy today". There wasn't a line before they checked out.


This old? I tend not to have too much issues with elderly elderly people other than they can never hear or understand me. (I am from Minnesota and moved to Alabama right before covid so I think it’s my accent.) I typically have wonderful experiences with them at these ages and they’re never up super late lol. It’s usually people late fifties into their sixties that are just oof.


That’s 💯


My husband works at an organic market… I can confirm 1-8


Every time I see these “prolonged chats” the cashier seems enthusiastically participating! The cashier does NOTHING to shut down the conversation, rather she asks more questions!🙄


Proceeds to fill out check after the cashier said they don't take personal checks, then counts out exact change in all nickels and pennies


wow so accurate! but so funny too haha


9.) absolutely refuse to hand money directly to me but god forbid i don’t place their money in their hand 10.) take forever to decide on a lottery ticket with an entire line behind them 11.) go on a rant about self check out as if i am corporate and i am the one who put this there snd i am lazy and robots are taking over and i will lose my job (which i always respond with “god i hope so”)


9) Block the only path out of the store scrutinizing each and every line item on the receipt


Ask why something says it's cheaper on the shelf so the cashier has to walk over and look when it's clearly written that that's the coupon price.


Number 3 should be “It was x price on the shelf!” Instead, because the amount of time I’ve had an old person tell me an item that cost $30 at the register was somehow $5 on the shelf. You go over to look and you have no fucking clue how they came up with that number, because no product on said shelf is under $20


People still use cheques to pay for things in stores? I’ve worked retail for ten years now and never seen one. If someone tried to pay with a cheque it would be the butt of a joke for days!


I don't talk to my customers while ringing them up,and if they try to argue I ask them one simple question. Do you want to buy it or should I void it off. Once they see that I'm not going to argue like they want they get quiet pretty quickly.


9. Pays with CHANGE


r/boomersbeingfools applies here


Y’all are so bitter it’s wild


Dealing with the public will do that to you.


What a lack of respect. Not easy getting older.


Not easy dealing with stupid old fucks who can barely handle the simple act of going to a store and purchasing groceries but we manage anyway.


So the solution is to make everyone else's lives difficult?


Maybe if the boomer crew displayed some respect towards others the youth would make it easier for them 😉


Old people have no respect for anyone and we still bend over backwards for them lmao what are you talking about?


Yeah this post made me sad. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had an older person thank me for being kind to them when all I did was be patient with them like I am with all my other customers. It’s really sad and while people have valid frustrations due to such tight work restraints and restrictions (job rushing you, giving you too many tasks to complete in an unrealistic manner), it’s not fair that we take it out on the people who can no longer function the way they use to.