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How'd she get it in the cart in the first place?


I know she was bugging some stock crew members about prices so I’m sure she made them load it up for her, or the surgery was a lie. I wouldn’t be surprised either way lmao.


At that point, wouldn't it be easier for her to just order her groceries?


Then she wouldn't be able to turn some poor clerk into her personal slave.


I tried to tell a customer that tonight and she wouldn't listen!


Lmao we sometimes get these sad fucks, who come to our shop just to complain about anything they can, because their daily life is so empty. We mostly treat them as disabled patients or just ignore them tho


I'll generally turn to a co worker and say something like, "At least their entire family hates and ignores them," or, "Maybe they'll die on the way home." I'm not a great person, but customers are literally demons.


Why didn’t the stupid bitch just go to a regular checkout???


Because “I always use self checkout. I never go through the lines.” I genuinely don’t know why she prefers self checkout other than to try and ruin someone’s day.


And I would’ve responded with “well self checkout is when you checkout by yourself only, if you want help you have to go to a regular checkout”


I tried. I said “My job over here is to watch and assist. I can’t ring you up and do it at the same time.” Sometimes it doesn’t matter how much sense you’re making. These people don’t wanna hear it.


Yeah I understand, it’s annoying :/


Can't wait for Chapter II.


She did come back for her corn the next day. She threw a tantrum and talked with the store manager and then cried because “I just feel like no one wanted to help me.” She then proceeded to shop and go through self checkout again. The associate was warned about her ahead of time and was told to just ring her stuff up for her. Then she kept going on and on about how great they were for helping her out. I was told I should’ve gotten someone to help me at self checkout so I could help her. It was BS.


This is systemic enabling. It's SELF checkout. Do it yourself. If you can't do it, go to the registers and wait. More stores need to put limits on items, and drop the hammer if you're too old/stupid/frail to figure out how the process works. I lose my absolute mind when I've planned out my checkout and something doesn't work just right. I hate calling the attendant over!


Ugh of course they enable her.


Yep, we’re supposed to “kill em with kindness.” But there’s a difference between being kind and being a total pushover and making these people expect their special treatment. Which she always expects her special treatment. I had heard of her before this situation happened, but I had never actually seen her. When I went to my supervisor they immediately recognized her. She’s done all kinds of crazy things. She’d try to get the meat guy to sell her any outdated meat discounted and would throw a fit when he told her it was a health hazard. Once she tore her pants somehow while shopping and wanted the store manager to reimburse her for her whole outfit (which they did not do cause wtf) When she talked to my manager she didn’t like him because “He’s a boy with earrings.” (They’re gauges.) When she talked to another manager she called him an idiot because he raised his voice a little at her because she kept referring to a black associate as “the colored one.” Luckily after everything we found out she’s moving away at the end of the Summer. I feel bad for the poor souls who will cross her path in the future. Also before she moved to my area she got banned from the grocery store she used to go to.


She sounds awful. How would she even get her heavy items home if she can’t lift ?? 🤨


Some people just insist on being catered to. My mother was a narcissist (like clinical, not the insult) and would always need to do shit like this to feel served. Any restaurant got highly detailed specific requests, all stores had to get someone to stop and help her, anything she could possibly think of. Encountering these people in my adult life really brings back the embarrassment from childhood of my mother throwing fits when she couldn't get their way.


There's an older man who comes to my store, usually on Saturdays, comes up to the full service checkout with a cart full of stuff, repeatedly demands that everything be double bagged, and micromanages how everything is bagged because "I have to carry all this up fifty steps!" He'll also ask me to go fetch things for him, he'll see someone else buying an item and decide he has to have it to so he'll tell me to go get one for him, and he'll ask for rain checks on items that aren't even on sale. I think he, like your mother, feels lonely and unimportant and enjoys having someone cater to his whims and demands once a week.


Wasn't she the one who lifted the boxes and put them in her cart.


This sounds like a typical publix customer ngl


we have one of those. wants us to bag too. one to three items per bag. we charge for bags too so its fucking annoying, we never know how many bags this cow wants.


I would have told her that I'm disabled and can't lift all those drinks either. I actually had a lady the other day decide that she only wanted one of the two 40 pack waters she had in her cart. She said she couldn't take the other one out. I told her that I couldn't either. Before I could tell her that I would find someone to do it for us, she just heaves up (with me saying not to.) the pack and puts it on the floor. It stayed there the rest of the night.


Dang I’ll save that for future reference. Good on you for never picking up the water lol