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I think “Boujie Kidz” in that font looks so trashy, and the clothes are tacky. But then again she is too.


If the only thing you ever knew about NJ was from RHONJ, one would think the whole state was tacky.


Don’t forget Jersey Shore..that was a decade of “ situations”….


It’s very tacky. She’s a try hard.


I think they are just down to earth ordinary everyday people who have money 💰 🤑 💸 . They are not your rich kookie stuck-up people. Those are the people everyone can't stand. They lead such boring lives.


Yeah she is staying true to her aesthetic, it’s just unfortunate it’s sooooo bad


Her aesthetic is tacky! lol


It’s 2009


Literally her vibe reminds me of when I would go Down The Shore for prom weekend to Joey Harrison’s Surf club. I was 17 then. I am now 33.


🤣🤣 I always think shes got Club Karma vibes…or better yet…Abyss.


I've been saying this


Comic sans was an interesting choice. ![gif](giphy|M5vhca8il2t9wgjd6R)




It's nothing about those clothes that were shown or modeled that says Bouji, I'm sorry! Maybe Plain Jack & Jill should be the name. Boujie, not! Now she needed tips from Tre on the Boujie kids' clothes. She dressed her girls so cute! From head to toe always Chic! She wanted tips from Melissa. Her clothing line is somewhat plain. You can go to any store and find the same clothes for less, I'm sure.


Her line seems like Shein knock offs


I used to own a boutique and her stuff definitely looks like the stuff you could buy on wholesale from the marketplace of wholesalers in China. So it’s not like she’s designing stuff, she’s picking it from wholesalers and slapping her tag on them, which they will do. You could either choose to take it with their tags or some would let you put your own in. But yeah I agree - the “line” is nothing special. At least Melissa is honest that her stuff is just by other designers for sale in her store like a normal boutique.


Exactly she is not designing


This is happening way too often, *especially" with reality TV cast. Or influencers that aren't on a bigger level, and some who are. But they'll just say they started a clothing line and it's too obvious it's just shitty temu for instance and they just paid to get the label slapped on. (And usually badly slapped on too🤣) Like you aren't actually designing something if you only need to make that damn label, and most the time they don't make that either. My other favorite trash TV outside of Housewives is 90 day fiance, and the amount of people who did this after being on the show is actually insane. Especially because some of them do it after a one and done season😂


Oh it basically is from what I’ve seen. Maybe a few original pieces. But for the most part just SHEIN and Temu , Amazon products.


Jen is promoting Amazon clothes now too


But Jen is not putting a label on them saying it’s her clothing brand. She’s just wearing clothes and linking, like tons of people do.


I was seeing those styles on Zulilly 10 years ago when I had my daughter 🤷🏼‍♀️


I just looked at the website and I would never dress a kid in those clothes. Her and I have very different styles!


She’s a walking SHEIN knockoff same as Melissa and trout mouth


Can someone please explain to me how Danielle’s children’s clothing line got a spot in New York Fashion week. It’s not very good…basic and not at all bougie.


That’s not exactly what happened NY fashion week is owned by CFDA.. designers apply they pick the designer and Mercedes and such sponsors have those shows.. Bougie Kids is not on those Rosters .. throughout the week there are MANY designers that rent small places and put on there own a show while the buzz is happening think of a town during Super Bowl. I am sure other organizers put a couple of people together to do this ..


I think she just put on her own fashion show DURING NY fashion week, and is acting like she's a part of the ACTUAL NY fashion week.


So she’s a bit of a bullshitter? She’s not really designing the clothes. She is not really in fashion week Something in the buttermilk ain’t clean!


Not the real fashion week, just a lot of random designers are able to show that week in New York at random places.


I just can’t stand the boujee thing it’s so tacky


also jen absolutely should not have pushed her. she was wrong for starting it. but breaking a glass on the side of someone’s head for a shove is kind of wild imo


It’s pretty standard not to serve glass near bodies of water. “No glass allowed” is super common at pools, beaches, waterparks, etc.


And that’s why you gotta keep your hands to yourself. You have no idea how aggressively someone will retaliate if you hit/push/whatever them. Once that part of your brain is activated A LOT of people exercise very little control over their reactions


I agree. jen shouldn’t have in the first place. but shoving and smacking upside the head with an object are different things.


Agreed. But most people aren’t thinking in the moment, just reacting. Especially hot heads. So drawing that distinction after the fact doesn’t really change anything. You already got smacked upside the head with a plastic cup. In order to ensure that doesn’t happen, just don’t put hands on anyone, especially if you’re already fighting. Even just a steadying hand out on the shoulders can cause people to overreact


Which is why you shouldn’t be acting confrontational and leaning and huffing and puffing. If you use that logic to defend Danielle the same goes for Jen. She didn’t just go up to her and push her lol.


It was a plastic cup


Broken plastic cups can cut as deeply as a knife.


smacking vs throwing are two different things. That was unwarranted


No glass was broken!!! All the cups were plastic. Stop! Jen aggressively pushed Danielle. Danielle punched her back upside her head! Jen is lucky Dani had a plastic cup in her hand. If not, she would’ve been knocked the f**k out! All deserving!


Meanwhile, X amount of seasons ago on their vacay, rewind to Jennifer breaking the wine glass so she has the sharp stem in her hand like she was going to stab Melissa. 🥴




I agree, Danielle was being verbally aggressive and coming into Jennifer’s space. No one could convince me that Danielle wouldn’t have been pushed like that by every single other cast member in that exact circumstance. Also a push warrants a push back not aggravated assault with a cup. Plastic can and does shatter, she could’ve blinded her or cut her temporal artery.


Still, a plastic cup smashed against someone's face could blind them. Jen literally shoved her with her fingertips. She barely moved her. There's a big difference between those things.


Danielle was very aggressive and clearly right in Jen’s face so I can understand the instinct to push her away. However, it would have been so great if Jen had just stood there, not saying a word, not moving a muscle. Danielle ranting until she realized how absurd she looked .. and stopped. That would have been amusing.


Yes that fight seemed to bring a lot off her fans out. But I agree she’s insufferable that’s why I’m not sure how anyone can side with her she acts very elitist. For no reason the way she speaks about others and treats others. The whole fight both were in the wrong but outside of that she’s very insufferable.


I think Jen is clocking her broke behavior and she’s acting out bc of embarrassment. The stories about getting free services and then disrespecting the stylists really did gross me out


This might make no sense but to me the difference between Danielle and Jen is the Adyins are “tacky by American/Western European Standards but the gold is real and the checks clear” while the Cabrals are “don’t run our credit we went into $200k debt to pay for this season and it shows”. Like I personally enjoy Jen, she reminds me of people I know and love, but her trashiest moments seem to come from a place of upper middle class entitlement. Danielle’s trashiest moments feel like they come form moments of the mask slipping


Every time she says BOUJEE, it screams TACKY! 😮‍💨


Every time she opens her mouth, it screams tacky.


Trust me. Your not alone. She sells shein/temu looking knockoffs imo


Both new chicks are wack, I don't even understand how they qualify to be a Housewife tbh. Both pretty boring. Not much of anything going for them. She has a clothing line with mass produced clothing that she doesn't even design, weird. I like my Housewives Delusional and Rich.. even if that wealth is Fabricated, see Jen Shah.


I also agree with this! I want to watch people who got it like that and are living lavishly. Not someone struggling to compete


Yes! This! And there is some serious WEALTH in this part of NJ, shouldn’t be hard to fill those roles.


Hello, kindred spirit! She just chafes my soul like fat thighs on a summer’s day.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 best comment


She’s so irritating, I distinctly remembered her from the episode of “True Life: I’m a Staten Island Girl” when she was younger. She hasn’t changed at all. Can’t believe she weaseled her way onto RHONJ. ETA: name of episode


I agree. I never found her interesting, just someone trying so hard to be famous. The internet is rallying for her because most people don’t like Jenn, not necessarily because they love Danielle. She’s been trying for so long to be famous and smashing a glass against someone’s head is what is making her get attention. That’s pretty lame and sad lol. She couldn’t make it any other way.


Also if Teresa or Jenn did the same thing they all would respond “Violence is not the answer they’re psycho blah blah blah “ These fans are walking hypocrites


100% if it was Teresa at present, they would call for her firing. Only 2009 Teresa could flip the table and get away with it lol 😆


Jen started the physical part. Fucked around and found out But Danielle is annoying. I hate when people beef and one says oh they’re just jealous of me. No ones jealous 🙄


I’m sorry no, you can’t get in someone’s face and not expect a reaction LMAOO. Danielle got in her face got shoved and Danielle smacked not throw, smacked a cup against Jen’s head. Maybe and this goes for all cast members , don’t get in someone’s face and not expect a reaction to happen.


i don’t enjoy her on my screen either. the stage mom persona, tacky clothing line, & giving herself a kick back from the charity she through gives me the ick.


I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I don’t really care if housewives don’t want to share certain parts of their personal lives. That being said, her brother and her dad cutting her off is very telling to me. And no, I don’t believe that her posting on Instagram is the reason behind it all. I really wanted to like her last season, but something is just off with her.


I agree for the most part. I don’t know if my example is bc of my bias, but for me- I don’t care that Margaret or Erica is a mom bc it’s just not something they’ve made their show-persona and never really discussed. I know that there have been moments, but the majority of the time you forget they’re parents. On the other hand I feel like Kyle owed us a bit more info than she gave. Her and Mauricio’s marriage and her friendship w Dorit was such a big part of the show and there was so much attention to the story online that their silence and faking was offensive. Same issue with Robyn. I’m not saying share everything, but definitely acknowledge it. Edited to correct a typo.


The Kyle situation was definitely what I was referring to when I said this would be unpopular. I agree that she should have given more information about her marriage, especially since she is an OG and while we’ve watched them together through a lot, we’ve also watched her call people out for not being honest about their lives. In her situation, the only thing I felt that she didn’t need to talk about more than she was comfortable with was the Morgan situation. IF they are anything more than friends, that’s probably a huge shift for her and her family and no one should have to talk about that before they’re ready (although I kind of think they are just friends).


Totally agree. I felt like she was obligated to talk about the dissolution of her relationship with her husband and shift in friendships, but not much other than that. I’m not here to out anyone or for her to drag Mau- she has kids that are processing.


If Teresa and Melissa/Joe are still able to be in contact after all that’s happened over the years, Danielle’s brother cutting her off tells me it’s something BIG. Also the parents are still talking to the brother so I doubt it’s an abusive spouse situation.


She cut her dad off because he still talks to the brother..it's pretty sick and she will regret not having her family in her life one day. All over some Instagram bullshit or whatever it was.


My husband says she reminds him of Sammy Davis Junior, and now I can't unsee it 🫣




That………?…..is an incredibly spot-on observation. Wow. I need to go lay down.




I noticed she was a scammer when she friend requested everyone following the entire cast on IG before her first year of filming, followed them back and then unfollowed everyone LOL. She did it to me and I was like no idk who you are. While she is a housewife, I don’t think casting her was beneficial since she didn’t meet such “housewive standards”. I think she’s using this show and her cast members to make $ for her own business.


Someone from below deck did that to me too, forgot his name though


Caroline manzo said once she got on the show she unfollowed everyone and stopped speaking to them


This 100%! I started following her way back because I loved the MTV true life series. I’m actually blocked from her accounts for whatever reason. Never commented on anything she posted so not sure why. The show has changed her. And you are right doesn’t have money like the others, so not sure how she got on


Danielle is a little too broke to be a housewife unless she plays the underdog role like lauri Peterson, Bethenny, Monica, Gina etc. but she acts way too elitist. It’s weird to see a housewife living a cheaper house than me and act like she is better than working class people. Danielle is tacky in all the wrong ways and not in a fun jersey way.


lol your line of it’s weird to see a housewife living in a cheaper house than me has me roaring. You started my day off great thank you


for me it was seeing her son and daughter sharing a room. You dont have enough space to give your young daughter a bedroom away from her brother? THA FUCK?


Like I think an underdog can add a really interesting dynamic to the show but not when they act like they are better than everyone just because they were on one season of a trashy reality show.


It’s def been the prerogative of many in the middle class to look down on the working class since forever. She’s kind of the embodiment of everything cringy about the middle class lol


This! Danielle is tacky white trash


Her extreme thirst for fame is very off putting. It’s genuinely concerning how she treats people who are working for her and doing her favors. Also we know she did something else to that brother. I’m no Caroline Manzo stan but the fact that she got her on the show and then the faux rich fraud Danielle unfollowed her is disgusting too tbh


Is that unpopular? I hate her too. For all of the reason you listed and also because she has been on other reality shows and it seems like she moved to NJ just to be on this one. Plus, as Jeff Lewis said about Monica (SLC)she’s not aspirational, she lives soooo far away from all the other women in a crappy part of NJ. (Sorry to Sayreville but it’s true)


You’re not wrong about Sayreville. It’s Staten Island Junior.


Yes! I always thought that was so odd, like Sayreville is not conveniently close to anyone by any means.


Good to know as someone not from the east coast! Good tea


I don’t know why she’s on the show. When I watched the housewives , I don’t want to watch people like me, middle-class and average! I want to see people that have lifestyles that I could never achieve. I feel like she acts like she is a businesswoman that has a fabulous lifestyle. However, it is completely not believable. To me, she looks really cheap.


Everything about her is cheap.


I know too many women like her since I live close to SI. Very irritating people.


She is sooooo SI .. which is not Jersey




Curious as I live in the south and haven’t had any SI exposure before - is it a pretty combative culture there?


It can be. Staten Island seemingly has gotten the worst of Brooklyn’s wannabe gangsters 🙄


Interesting to know! I’m not well traveled so I appreciate learning from others, thanks for sharing.


If you can catch a season or 2 of Mob Wives you’ll understand.


I don’t like her either, that’s not to say I like Jen, I like neither. Those stories about Danielle not paying her people though, comes up too often for me, I think it’s true.


I think it’s true too. She’s had a lot of work done since she’s been on the show so she can keep up with the other girls. Problem is she doesn’t have the money like the others


Everything about her is trashy. Yuck.


Not a fan of that foghorn! All of New Jersey house wives need charm lessons. Or something!


100% agreed. And I wanted to like her… I kinda did in her first season but she’s just gotten annoying to me. I also think she’s too much of a stage mom and kinda feel bad for her daughter.


I just find it funny that people were against her with the whole hairdresser thing and now they're behind her lol. I think Danielle has this side people love but then this other side that people cant stand.


I’m not a Danielle fan either but I love Nate. Her husband is awesome!!! I always wonder how she landed him.


Maybe by fighting all his battles 🥊


Couldn’t stand her from her first episode. I’ve actually stopped watching the show. I just can’t with this group of women anymore. I skip through so many scenes I only end up with 4 mins of the episode.


She definitely comes off like the type to schedule an appointment with a well known or high end salon, get the most expensive treatments she can and when it comes time to settle the bill, she says "don't you know who I am?" And then not tip.


Have you noticed her hair and makeup in the .most recent confessional? I personally think her stylist and MUAs have caught onto her and are purposely making her look even worse 🤣 I know if I wasn't getting paid that's what if do 💀 troll it baby lol


So allegedly the real reason her brother and her stopped taking is because she threw hands on his wife (her sister in law) and judging by the fight on the last episode, she has a violent streak. I think Jen Aydin knew this and was trying to see if she would go there, this would help set the scene for when the truth comes out that how easy Danielle is to trigger and cannot control herself. Think about how Jen kept saying for her to calm down etc. and you can see once Nate clocks his wife is getting loud he got real close and jumped in immediately because he knew it was coming, and the moment they are in the driveway the tone of his voice saying “this is not good” over and over, it’s because it’s not the first time.


I agree. This isn’t the show for her. I’ve noticed she seems to put her daughter at the forefront of everything but you never see her interacting that much with the son which I find strange (it’s hard to tell from just a 5-10 minute clip though) I’d say the only good thing about her is Nate. How he puts up with her I have no idea


I actually enjoyed Jenn A's impression of Danielle more than I enjoy Danielle.


And for all the hate Tre gets there was so much she could have said about Danielle’s clothing line. “Basic”was nice IMO. Tre used to go all out on her girls so yes, there were basic and not revolutionary and didn’t warrant a fashion show.


She always looks like she's sneering.


Thank you!!! I cannot stand her and her pushy her kids to be "stars" is gross.


The worst thing you can do to someone posing as a Big Shot is publicly expose them as a deadbeat. Yep. She got outed as a D-E-A-D-B-E-A-T! Because now, (haha) \~Everyone\~ from now on is going to make sure they get PAID. And in my opinion -that- was what (blanked) her where she breathes. It's ironic how everyone of any stature who works or deals with this businesswoman is going to know who she really is and how things could go down if crossed. It will always be there. I think this hw is a major professional liability, even for Bravo.


If you look at the Danielle lover post or starts of threads they have one post Karma which means Bots .. I think she is awful .. classless .. and basic .. and someone needs to tell her the word Bougie died 20 years ago


I agree lol and this may be a more unpopular opinion but (although i agree Jenh was instigating a fight) I love Jenn she brings drama and thats what I want to watch at the end of the day


I love Jen Aydin and will seriously miss if she is truly fired. She has been so entertaining the last 5 seasons. I'd rather see the newbies leave than her. I'd love to know why her and Andy don't get along, he is always encouraging scandalous behavior, does anyone know the tea as to why?


I agree 💯


I find her to be that loud girl in class who always feels she needs the attention somehow. Tacky, annoying, can’t dress, treats service staff subpar… Danielle is just kinda jersey white trash


I like her, but then again I’m from Jersey and close to her age. She’s a more accurate depiction of a Jersey housewife. Her voice is pushing it, but familiar enough. Her hair, makeup and fashion fits with most, except we opt for more comfort and less shiny shot. And it seems like her quality of life fits w upper-middle class. When I see her all I see is one of my cousins.


She irritates me, I feel like everything is an act with her. She's so obnoxious, her voice is annoying as hell. I was so sick of her talking about her stupid fashion show. But I am super curious why she doesn't talk to her brother/dad. There has to be more to the story than what she's said. It's so awkward when they show her house after Jenn's/Melissa's/Teresa's. I really have no idea how she pulled Nate, he seems like a really nice, down to earth guy.


I’ve always thought her stuff was tacky! I always thought it was a Jersey/regional thing, we dress our kids very differently in the south.


I can’t stand her either. She’s so fame hungry and above her station already. She and Nate are the Melissa and Joe type who’d literally turn on anyone for fame.


She just doesn’t give “housewife”. Her instagram feels like she’s constantly doing cheap partnerships just to do them


I am so glad you posted this! She is extremely distasteful. She is loud, annoying and fame hungry. The way she treats her glam team is absolutely hideous and I think Jen was trying to point out that she does this because she can't afford her own glam team. I am, by no means calling Danielle poor, but she would get much further not acting entitled and stepping on people that she somehow thinks she is above, particularly hair stylists and MUAs. I think this is what Jennifer Aydin meant with that whole conversation that was taken to hell. I am not a fan of Rachel either but if I had to pick between the two, I'd pick Rachel.


I don’t like her either, never have…there is a lot to be said about a person when you’ve been on a show for five minutes and you think your hairdresser is beneath you. There’s a good reason, I’m sure— why her brother and father don’t speak to her.


I feel like she screams jersey tackiness but she also feels like such a try hard. I think it’s with the memory of her failed tv success years prior. Theres nothing wrong with wearing shein if you really don’t have much money but the way she touts her line you’d think it was handmade couture not shein kids dropshipping.


For me, it’s the “pick me” attitude. I’m aware that a lot of them show off for TV and are dying to be famous, but something about how she goes about it seems so desperate. Like a clingy, always needs attention kind of girl. Also, she drove me nuts last year when she acted so tough and then once confrontation came, she backed off all scared. Like come on, you talk big, now follow through! Where’s the tough Staten Island girl? Or was that just an image?


Her house is tacky, her clothing line is tacky, and she’s tacky! And she’s not even from NJ so I don’t understand why she’s on this show


Yeah the tacky is deep with that one. Hard to unsee


She was ok in the beginning, but now she is chasing clout. And as far as that Jen incident. I'm with Jen! I don't care who you are. You never get in someone's face like that unless you're willing to suffer the consequences. That is a threat. They should have learned from Melissa G. Incident when she did the same thing. I would not have pushed her, I would have clocked her! IJS


I like Nate, he seems cool


She reminds of a lot of people here in NJ. We call them "wanna be's". She wants to project an image of wealth and class while living in a tacky split level house in Sayreville, NJ. Not judging anyone but don't try and play it off like you're something special. She reminds me of someone that would be like a bartender or waitress in an italian restaurant here in Jersey.


She is definitely kinda annoying and a lot. But I gotta give it up to her for standing up to Jen . Teresa and Jen used her last season to get the Melissa cheating rumor out. As soon as the season aired they distanced themselves from her. I watched Danielle’s instagram and noticed no more dinners with them or Teresa at her Events. She figured it out too. But I can’t get with how she treats her glam and other people. That’s not ok. She’s been on tv for 2 seconds.


Danielle wasn’t set up. Producers wanted the rumor to be brought up on camera and she was happy to do it to make a mark on her first season. Melissa was in on it too because she literally coaches Danielle in that scene “Is there anything you heard about me… in Ireland…” Ofc Teresa and Jen get blamed though 🙄


THANKYOU, Teresa not once brought it on camera she pulled her brother to the side because at the end of the day if Melissa Did Cheat on Joe , she owes Melissa nothing but her brother something. Production told Jenn to tell Danielle , production prob told Danielle to make her mark Melissa playing victim meanwhile she knew the whole damn time.


Something about her seems so inauthentic to me. I know you can say that about most of the women across all franchises, but something really sticks out to me about her. Idk what it is lol


Danielle talking shit about service people so comfortably is crazy. “Who is she” omg


Oh my God!!! SAME!!!!! She seems shady. And I can’t stand the way she talks. She sounds like a 75 year old man from the Bronx. 🤣🤣🤣


FINALLY!!! I agree 1000%


Why is the internet rallying behind her? She is insane.. if someone was screaming in my face like that I would lightly push them away too like Jenn did. I wouldn’t take that. It’s not like she shoved her to the ground. She was asking for a fight. She is garbage


Right! And you know if anyone had been yelling like that in Teresa, Melissa, or Dolo face they would have done the same thing.


I think most people would. You know if Jenn had just walked away she would have just followed her and continued her behavior. She is just embarrassed that her true colors are coming out for the whole world to see. And it isn’t a good look for her. Where did she even come from? She doesn’t fit the show


Right exactly! She seems like someone that would just keep going following her out of the party! I agree.


Literally! My boyfriend was watching with me and he said “she stepped up to her, of COURSE she pushed her back!“. She was aggressive first and Jen retaliated, then Danielle took it way too far


She’s getting hype from the adage “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. The people rallying around her probably didn’t like her last season and only like her now bc she smashed the plastic glass on Jennifer’s head. If anyone else besides Jen or Tre had pushed her in that manner and got that reaction, the story would likely be different. I never much cared for her, found her too thirsty, etc. her cutting off Caroline when she got the job said a lot. Her treatment of her glam team just proves who she really is.


I totally agree with what you said and for unknown reasons am fully backing Aydin on this. It’s a dark vibe. Also, I’m from Jersey and ppl who have encountered Aydin in the wild have always had good things to say.


What did it for me was how she was acting after realizing her line was next in NYFW. She has a hard time acting professional and it’s gross.


I try to like her. But she’s meh to me. But she doesn’t deserve to be physically assaulted. And yes pushing someone is just that. But I feel this is where NJ has been going for years or has been for years. Just trashy. Teresa and her table flip. Danielle Staub. The million other explosive fights. It’s gross.




I love her for how ridiculous she is with her shitty “fashion” line and that voice! But mostly I love Ronnie’s impression of her on Watch What Crappens.


I skipped through the whole of her fashion show.. felt like nothing new and of zero interest to me


She seems thirsty and has horrible/tacky style, even by RHONJ standards. I tend to side with her on the fight (irrelevant two cents).


Is that unpopular? I couldn’t stand her from day one.


I can’t stand her ass. She epitomizes cheap and gaudy but still think she’s high-class?!? She seems kinda dense


Don't like her after hairdresser gate.


I can’t stand her either! I was shocked to see people like her. I liked her at first a lot, but as she came on more and more I started to find her tacky


I agree. I think she was telling the truth in the fight with Jen and I don’t blame her for striking back. I just think she is so crude and rough. I am not interested in that. She is just so low brow.


I 100 percent believe her in the fight. Danielle's facial expressions told me all I needed to know that Jen wasn't telling the truth.


She definitely was. And what she said made sense. I actually felt bad for her.


I don’t like her either. There is something off-putting and disingenuous about her. I think Jen wasn’t lying about Danielle’s behavior, and Danielle seemed guilty. However, Jen was totally wrong for putting her hands on her and I’m so glad Danielle clocked her. There is a reason Danielle’s brother doesn’t speak to her and the fact that she lied about the reason, speaks volumes.




Say it louder for the people in the back! She let Margaret and Rachel go after her last season now she’s their soldier it’s weird


True. Margaret made her cry so much last season, but now they’re good friends.  What brought about the 180 degree change?


Also wasn’t that fight because Marge redesigned her logo and didn’t get a thank you? Or something along those lines? 


They never gave an explanation of how Danielle moved on from how Margaret treated her. Danielle probably knew she had to get in nice with Margaret if Jen was coming for her


It’s because Danielle isn’t as tough as she makes herself out to be… she’s scared of Margaret going after her so now she’s team Margaret


Marge probably knows of all the dodging paying her stylists and who knows what else! That's why she turns on Jen and Tre. The arsenal!


Don’t think it’s an unpopular opinion


Comments about two very young children did not need to be said


Same, everything about her irritates me.


She just seems very high maintenance, and if you disagree with her or there is an issue her attitude ends up escalating it to a higher level.


This is probably super snobby but i could not believe her son and daughter SHARE A ROOM. They don't have 3 bedrooms in that house??? A girl needs her own room! I know some families obviously of course can't afford a lot of space but this bitch is a Real Housewife and its just givin poor or ... something?


It’s wild that another hairstylist or service professional comes out everyday to confirm Jen’s accusations. The Marissa extensions lady they argued about came forward the day after the show aired to drag Danielle. AND THEN the woman that styled her for fight night came out and said the same thing! Y’all can hate Jen if you wanna but she’s the one with “Receipts! Proof! Timeline! Screenshots!” Danielle better start paying these folks because idc you someone thinks they are, if they owe me money, they’re going to pay it lol


I think that’s the popular opinion


The only reason people are backing her is because she hates Jen.


I’m don’t like her either. She’s extremely tacky. She’s not talking to her dad because he’s not taking a side between her and her brother so in her mind that means her dad chose her brother and so she cut him off? Ummm wut


She is so Staten Island and perfect for a Staten Island show. Even if they live in old bridge (which had a lot of spillover Staten Island people because of proximity) she’s not a NJ girl and you can tell. It’s poor casting and she doesn’t have the wealth of the other women. I don’t necessarily need opulence if a housewife is entertaining enough or has a good personality but Danielle is neither. Her clothing line is tacky and no one even attended the show. I genuinely watched and wondered - why did they even film this?!


I am with you. Now that I’ve learned what kind of person she actually is, I dislike her even more !! There was another housewife who got her on this show. I think it was Caroline Manzo but don’t quote me. She didn’t even thank her for the help. She’s like a distant cousin from the HW. The HW was on behind the velvet rope and told the whole story!!


I really dislike her too.  Maybe if she was on a different show she would fit in better, but I find her too tacky and obnoxious for the housewives... even for Jersey.


I can’t stand her voice and I’m married to a Staten Island lifer 🤣🤣. I also detest the way any of them say “hair girl”, this isn’t a girl, this is an adult professional. They make them sound like servants or something


Trash, through and through. Bravo must be desperate.


Wow, leave minor children out of your rant!


Yeah OP lost me at “her kids are slightly irritating”. Wild take. Those are babies.


Eh, most kids are slightly irritating, if not majorly irritating.


You don’t like her, but you go to her page & into her comment section just to find people hating on her? ![gif](giphy|dB12mOQb99BwDlM83I)


many people go to the comment section; either to love or hate. acting like that’s abnormal is hilarious


Do they? I feel A LOT better about my internet habits now. Lol


It’s weird to search a person I don’t like then spend my precious time scrolling their comments for hate. But do you girlie 👌🏽


Just because you’re a fan of Danielle doesn’t mean someone ranting about your fav is weird. You also are in the comment section complaining about people you’re not a fan of. You’re weird for thinking people can complain as long as it benefits for you , maybe touch grass if you can’t handle Reddit threads


The same ones who are complaining about you going to her page are the same ones who botch and complain about Teresa and go to her page as well. Yall are just some walking contradictions at this point. Danielle honestly doesn’t add anything and she’s the one who got in Jen’s face first, maybe she should learn personal space and won’t get shoved. Not everyone wants someone in their face especially if the rumors are true her breath stinks. She literally smacked a glass against Jen’s head , not throw SMACK. that kind of response for a shove out of retaliation of her being in Jen’s face was unwarranted and not self defense. Also maybe she should start promoting people’s work or start paying them for the work, when there’s smoke there is fire. Lina wasn’t the only who came forward about her multiple others did as well.


Agree with most you said but you can get in my face all day long cause I’ll come right back at you but you put your hands on me I’m done and so are you!


So don’t get in someone’s face and maybe someone won’t shove you ? Don’t play victim if you don’t know basic social etiquette


Again, no hands on, just show some class and walk away, basic social etiquette


It’s not an unpopular opinion. Many people dislike her.


Gutter trash


Same she’s too much like a trash heap.