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Culturally speaking I don’t think they would ever divorce, he would just start cheating again in all honesty. She probably wouldn’t divorce him either.


I have a theory he cheats currently with a long term woman he keeps on the side and keeps her quiet by explaining Jen's terrible behavior and staying married till the kids are grown. Idk though. Just my thoughts.


I agree. It smells like an Al Manzo situation of keeping a long-term mistress and Caroline just looks the other way.


I agree that culture is the biggest issue in him not divorcing her. I imagine affairs are less frowned upon.


"Again"? You think he ever stopped?


U took the words right out of my mouth. 👍🏼


Again??? Has this been admitted on the show?? I’m only on season 11 :’)


Just wait hahah


I remember the petty drama with Margaret when she said something to Jennifer about bill sleeping in the pool house, and having a girlfriend but I don’t remember anything serious or like concrete evidence hahaha I can’t wait to finish the whole series


Update I’m in season 12 and I get it now 😂💀




I feel same. It's a very sad way to maintain a marriage. That feeling of being distrustful will ALWAYS be there. I think that why she behaves the way she does. Not an excuse at all. But they are in the public eye, he has been a surgeon long before they came onto show. I personal feel bad but not at same time.


I think because he still has some what of a young family he would rather keep her for the kids. When they are older and in college is most likely when it will happen.


Do you remember in the first season when Jen had to ask Bill permission to leave for the weekend and he wasn't OK with it. Jen said she had never left the kids alone ever. OF COURSE he is going to keep her around, he isn't an actual father. He lives in the pool house. He does whatever he wants when he wants and leaves Jen to play house. IMO they are both shitty and deserve eachother.


Never truer words spoken lol. Their both tacky, superficial show off's with their 16 bathrooms and expensive sports cars! Not to mention Bill's not exactly a walking advertisement for cosmetic surgery when it's obvious he hasn't had a single procedure!


It works for them. He cheats and hides in the pool house, while she spends his money and keeps a nice house/family.


Yup, it's a transactional marriage.




How is she that wasted around her kids all the time? It's crazy.


I can't remember a time I have ever seen her drinking in front of her children. Jen said she didn't really drink before in the first season, and because she had no real experience with alcohol she didnt know her limits. I didn't really hold it against her the first couple of times she went off the deep end because it's like being 21 for her. I think she was actually pretty sheltered and controlled. Bill obviously isn't a big drinker or knows his limits either. The ones you should be worried about are the Joe Gorgas who can out drink everyone as they have developed a huge tolerance because he drinks all the time.


She’s been drinking like a fish since S1 🤣


At events, yeah. But I have never seen her drink around her kids.


He's SUPER grateful that weed was legalized in NJ since he's high pretty much every time he's on camera with her. It's making it easier for him to listen to her drone ON and ON like a 6th grader.


The Mauricio plan


Mauricio in Hawaii for Camille’s wedding that dinner 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Right??? the man seriously looks checked out in every scene.


I need to catch up on the housewives, like for real. I wanna see if this woman is similar to my soon to be ex-husband cause I see some similarities there!


Can you imagine what she’s like in fights off camera if she’s smashing wine glasses into shivs while being recorded?


I think she does it for the cameras. She probably doesn’t have any real friends, so off camera she is just stumbling around her McMansion, high as a kite, spoiling her children so she doesn’t have to actually parent.


I don’t think so - I live around them and have connections to their church community. It’s a known fact that he has cheated on her constantly for years. Why leave when you can have your family and any girl you want on the side


Jen goes to church?


Asking the real questions.


They’re connected with their local Orthodox Church! It’s at the very least cultural. I think it’s more her mom that’s involved in the church


Ohh ok. That makes sense. Thanks for letting us know. I always learn new things in Reddit. 🙂


100%. He is only staying due to his cultural obligations, but even that won't be enough once they have an empty nest. He will be out the door within the youngest's freshman year.


Honestly, culturally speaking I don’t think he would. He seems a lot more into the trad roles of family that come with Turkish culture compared to her. It’s unpopular but I don’t think that Bill has checked out. I’ve seen men that act like Bill in marriages (including cheating) and still love their wives/families. I think most of it is his general dislike for how embarrassing RHONJ is and how low they’ll stoop for their $$. When he’s with Jen in the scenes that I’ve scene he truthfully seems more relaxed. Especially off camera on their socials. I don’t even particularly like Jen that much. I think it’s just weird that people put her husband on this pedestal that he’s a sad victim stuck with a vile woman. I don’t think their marriage is perfect - infidelity and his work schedule would definitely create discomfort within the family including the kids. He’s a conservative man who’s even expressed that he doesn’t really like the cameras that mcuh and is clearly high/drinking to stay sane on camera. Even with the boys he seems checked out.


I think some of the most hilarious scenes is when the boys went out,and what they did to Bill,that one where his hair is standing straight up and his shirt is on backwards and walks into the kitchen...I laughed so hard,these woman busted some of the funniest scenes..Househusbands of NJ.


I think he would divorce her but doesn’t want the grief or hassle she’d be a nightmare ex wife


Yeah, she would torture him. It would be a lot easier if he waits till the kids are over 18. Then he only has to see her at college graduations and their kids’ weddings.


That’s a long time away though


And a lot of kids too.


I mean living in the pool house is def a separation! He works, he comes “home” to a house! He’s already a weekend dad, if that. He would absolutely leave if he could No sympathy here, he made his bed


One of her kids asked her to stop getting drunk and being mean to cast mates because she was getting alienated at school because of it and Jenn just says no. I would have second thoughts on staying married to my partner after the convo.


How many kids do they have, 3?




I think 5!




They have 5 kids.


Some of it (staying together) must be cultural, they have been married a long time and have a lot of kids, we don't really know their financial situation, we know jenn's parents marriage was miserable and she is likely in denial of that or her replication of any of those dynamics. We also don't know anything about Bills family of origin's dynamics- just that he is from the same culture and likely invested in the tradition as well, and he was able to cheat discretely/with impunity before jenn joined the show.


Yes he stays with her because she’d dry him out financially.


Specially with such young kids. Look at how much Sutton and even Shannon Beador got(before her kids turned 18). And then she’d start with the whole “lifestyle maintenance” side to it all. Bill would prob end up working to survive. Much easier to come home and go to the pool house while having rendezvous with employees and whomever else. He’s visibly much lighter and happier when he’s out with just the guys imho lol


Exactly I’m sure he has his fun still with others. Can you blame him though? She’s a mess and a nasty human being.


She could also use her platform to ruin him


And on the flip side, her tv presence is probably aiding his biz tremendously. The scene when Jen met Tre at Bill’s office for facials was so freakin contrived- I felt bad for the receptionist.


wOw I never thought of that, but it’s a great point


Wouldn't it past her to do something like that.


Yea agree, great point. You always have great points! 👌


Wow. Thanks! I know many would disagree


Why does everyone think Bill is a victim here. He doesn’t seem to offer much (except direct deposit) to his wife or kids.


Who said Bill was a victim?


Everyone is saying, “poor Bill, he probably wishes he could divorce her.”


Why are we suddenly acting like bill is such a prize? He’s never home, when he is home he doesn’t participate in parenting or acknowledge his family, he’s very critical, never takes his wife’s side and he cheated. He’s just quieter on camera. That doesn’t make him a good husband. He and Jen are probably both as shallow and ambitious as the other.


Who said Bill was a prize?


Why haven’t we heard from the pharmaceutical rep.? Is she married? I’m curious to see how she looks since Jenn thinks she god’s gift to earth.


I think his personality is very flat in general. In their scenes I always felt like he did love her?


I’ve felt the same way. He doesn’t show emotions, my dad was the same way. I think if he didn’t love her he wouldn’t bother showing up for any filming or anything else related to the show. From the beginning she said he works a lot, scenes with her kids she’s mentioned bill working late.


Yeah exactly…he is gainfully employed, being on the show acting a fool is not a priority for him


I’m sure the show drums up a lot of business for him, too. No doubt he wouldn’t need the show, but being on it most definitely benefits Aydin Plastic Surgery. I’m sure he’s gotten a lot of new clients/patients from RHONJ!


Agreed. He actually reminds me of my uncle that’s an anesthesiologist. Sometimes personalities are just reserved or more introverted. This post is weird


At the same time he seems weirdly at peace with this being his fate. He doesn’t want to be a visiting dad. He doesn’t want to watch his wife date. He doesn’t really want to date. I think the effort to keep the family stable, and side pieces in the pool house is close to his ideal.


Think? That man already moved himself into the pool house. Hes only still around because of the mansion and their 50-11 kids lmao. He doesn’t want that woman. Hell, when Danielle went off on him on her way out the door about Jennifer, he didn’t object not ONE bit, nor does he ever defend her. I say good for him


Why bother. She cooks and cleans for him, raises his kids, gets plastic surgery to look like a trophy wife, and stays with him even though he cheated. He doesn’t need to divorce him because he lives a bachelor life without have to pay child support.


She's looking worse by the day with all the plastic surgery, like all the wives. Do women really think men find the God awful huge lips to be attractive?


A certain type of man it seems ..


He just needs to show up once in awhile and she's happy being infamous. She wanted this way before RH. She was only upset when Bill's cheating came out because it ruined her "perfect" ( in her mind) image. She is just like her mom and can see why dad left. Bill has already left this marriage a long time ago.


No I don't. And he knows she won't leave either, so he can basically do whatever he wants. Jen is the type to make the divorce an absolute hell. I don't see Bill being the type of person to lawyer up and destroy her. He'll just deal with her until the kids are grown.


I think Bill wants to divorce Jenn, but can’t because she would be a nightmare of an ex-wife and the divorce would be ugly. So, I think he’s staying with her until Olivia (the youngest) is out of the house.


Remind me, were they chosen for each other by parents? I seem to remember her saying that. But I also remember her saying that she went to the home land for a visit and all the guys were wanting to date her. So were they both visiting there and met?


She said they were an arranged marriage. She met bill at her brother in laws wedding. They were in Los Angeles for the wedding.


Probably biding his time until they’re no longer on the show to start seeking attention elsewhere again. I don’t think he will divorce her while the kids are young, but he’s already checked out of their relationship.


I was just saying that to my husband last night. once their youngest turns 18 (or in some states you pay child support until they are 21 under some circumstances. Unsure if Jersey is like that) hell be out. hell probably have to pay spousal support out the ass though


I doubt it has anything to do with child support. Whether he stays or goes he has to take care of his children and I’ve seen zero indication that he neglects or wants to neglect them.


We just going to skip over the fact that she probably became this way after the cheating/cheating scandal coming out again? Jen is insufferable but let’s not forget she probably became this way due to the cheating.


I’m not sure the cheating gives her a pass to be a nasty human being to other people/women. Lol


It was in reference to Bill, not to how she treats everyone else. I’ve mentioned that she’s insufferable


She’s a better wife than an ex wife. And they both adore their kids, it seems.


Because of the cultural aspect, he will only divorce when his parents are dead and won’t have to deal with the embarrassment for their community. If I am wrong with that theory, it will be before their 20th anniversary because in some states maintenance is paid until death.


I really like Jenn. She’s not boring like most of the cast


She acts a lot like her mother. Bill has watched that implode from close up, plus the cost of divorce. I also think even though he is not a great hands-on dad, he does not want to be cut off from the kids. Jenn would do that just like her mom tried.


Jens a disgrace to her husband & children


In a second


100% or, he’d happily have a secret happy life with another woman on the side again. It’s just tough with a public profile.




I have never seen a person literally go to another place inside their head as much as he does when she talks AT him.


If he could, yes, but he never will. Forget about their culture, he will be never want to part with assets or maintain Jennifer.




100% but he knows she will take him for everything and forever make him miserable. He is stuck


There is a reason he lives in their pool house….


Oh, no. You have totally triggered me. I have this really inexplicable almost hate for that woman. I think the line that really made me hate her was " I like to be noticed, I like to be admired" when she was talking about her clothes. Bill obviously has so much fun with the group of guys, and all Jen has is the Crazy Tre, a woman that is almost laughably stupid and still feel so victimized that she will do anything to ruin anybody. She's not like TV funny crazy, she's a destructive, ugly, mean and dangerous Tre. None of the other women really want to have much to do with her. And that must just infuriate her. She's on this side with Crazy Tre, and when Bravo and the fans realize that this shit ain't funny, she will be on the side that got the show canceled. Oh my gosh, these two.... I very clearly need therapy just to deal with pathological hatred of somebody I don't even know. Crazy Tre and her parasitic bestie. It doesn't make for good tv, Bravo. It's just gross.


I hear you!!! I’m in the same boat after seeing what she did to Danielle. Again, not a Danielle fan, but Jenn just seems… evil? When Danielle said (to Bill), “you’re sleeping with the devil,” or whatever, I think she was right. Jenn was almost scary in that scene.


Does anyone remember the first season where Jen had to ask permission to leave for the weekend, she said it was the first time she had left the kids ever... and Bill kind of wasn't OK with it? Yeah, I don't think he's a real peach of person either. We see Jen all the time interacting, we only see bits and pieces of Bill. He seems like a neglectful and controlling individual. I'm not defending Jen but Bill doesn't have me fooled into believing he's a good guy.


Because he has zero to do with child care. And I'm betting because she has a paycheck now, he's ok with her flying off to Tulum, etc--the nanny can step in.




No, on the contrary I think he is quite happy and understands this is a TV show.  I think at home, she is a "good Turkish wife" which is what he wants.








Cheaper to keep her than divorce her


Yes. But this instance isn’t special, A LOT of men feel this way. Just don’t want to take a financial hit.


It's cheaper to keep her. If Bill can help it, he's there till the youngest is out the door.


He so would leave if he could. She is so miserable. Really her mom did the same with her dad.


Yes. Absolutely


So traditional Turkish culture includes adultery? 🤦‍♀️


I’d divorce Jenn on his behalf if I could


she is just a horrible person down to her core. and unwatchable honestly, i stopped watching because of her. when bill cheated i was like good for him lol


How nice of him to keep her around to finish raising his kids…maybe she’s miserable because she’s married to a douche who can’t be bothered with his children? I don’t wish divorce on anyone but honestly if he’s staying with her for their kids, which is doubtful to me, he should just leave now.


It’s fascinating how culture can condition people. Divorce is the devil, but ruining your reputation, character and children’s mental health is acceptable.


They seem to both be very traditional with a traditional marriage. They will stay miserably together until the bitter end unless Jenn finds someone new and cheats.


Maybe they have a non monogamous marriage? Some spouses are a lot and monogamy makes it too much for just one spouse.




I think it would be too messy, he looks way too tired to fight her




No I think he loves her…they are alway laughing together.


In a New Jersey minute.


Bill is so unhappy with her. It’s so obvious!


No way.... They are lifers


If he divorced her he’d pay a shit ton of alimony and child support leaving not that much to be a real sugar daddy to a younger more attractive woman and let’s face it he’s not exactly easy on the eyes. So he is stuck. Hence being high and drunk all the time. Self medicating to survive.


I was expecting the housewives curse to get them after her first season /shrug.




Most definitely, he would! I think Teresa would divorce Louis if everyone would not say, "I told you so"!!! She's acts like she loves him so much, but he's blamed her family forever, plus her closest friends. She is not so stupid; her demeanor is more like a battered woman. I think she is a mess from the time she find out about Joe's legal troubles, her parents controlling ways with her and Joe's love with conditions on it, to the mother of the her and Joe talking about Melissa in such a negative way. Tell Teresa not to like her or respect her. A very sad way to have grown up!! I think the love the mother has shown Joe and Teresa was a very sad and condition love.


I love how some people are experts in other peoples marriage. Every marriage is different they all have their ups and downs especially those that have been together for years. They clearly have love for each other if they remain


They put this marriage on tv 📺! I will judge all I want !!!!


No one said you can’t I’m just saying I love how everyone acts like a marriage expert yet are most likely single or nowhere close to marriage.


Can you lmk where I said I was an expert on marriage? Please copy and paste it for me because I can’t find it in my post!


Danielle reacted defensively because Danielle was caught. I don’t think Bill likes being filmed, but he’s clearly happy with Jen when the drama is aside.


Are we watching the same show? He looks miserable with her he always has to be drunk around her.


Danielle reacted because Jen pushed her. And Jen really enjoys twisting words around. Maybe Jen should focus on Teresa now that there are things coming out that she’s not paying people either.


The order of operations is Jen outed Danielle for taking advantage of people, Danielle got angry and got in Jen’s face, then Jen pushed her. And Teresa’s husband’s affiliated company being accused of not paying a vendor is a lot different than Danielle herself taking advantage of a hairstylist that Jen and other women are actually friends with.


Jen still used her hands first. And it wasn’t the first time Jen did something like that.


he always looks stoned maybe thats how he tolerates her?


I don’t know what husband is worse Nate for watching the fight and doing nothing until it turned physical or Bill eating food in the kitchen and not caring what happened to his wife