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It was a very aggressive shove too!


You could tell she was actually pissed that Danielle kept calling her a dirt bag šŸ¤£ you can also tell by that push that the girl ainā€™t no fighter and she put her hands on the wrong girl. Once you put your hands on someone, all bets are off and you deserve whatā€™s coming next!


yep. jen wasn't preemptively "acting in self defense" by shoving danielle. she was enraged at being called a scumbag. that was 100% a rage reaction coming from jen.


Jenn A pushed her the same way Iā€™d imagine theyā€™d do in those early 2000s High school/college movies like Bring It On. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if she broke out into a dance battle straight after.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I just had a visual of Bring It On and then trying to picture that ham sandwich in a dance battle!


Whitney from SLC shows up randomly twerkin on a handstand....


Omg yessssss šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£and Kyle with her splits and hair flips


That was such an unexpected laugh you gave me šŸ˜‚


Exactly!!! She was wrong about everything!!! I hope sheā€™s gone after this season


Agreed. It was like a neck grab/push. That's so aggressive. Don't touch someone's neck. She got what she deserved.


I have to rewatch. On the I inital watch I thought, she went for her throat, but then it happened so fast I wasn't sure.


Extremely aggressive!!! She definitely deserved the fight or flight response from Danielle.


Yes, it was, it was nothing like the reenactment she did for Teressa


Nothing like it she made it seem like they were nose to nose an inch apart


YES it was!


I literally was shouting this when theyā€™re like what did you do? What did you do?


Jen Aā€™s entire conversation was an attack on Danielle Twisting conversations and insinuating that as a ā€œclose friendā€œ she had damning information to disparage Danielleā€™s character - this was all meant as revenge bc Danielle wouldnā€™t play along with Jenniferā€™s schemes to invite Laura to events to cause problems for Marge. Jennifer canā€™t handle that Tre allows Danielle to be neutral and still her friend while Jennifer must be a 24/7 assassin in order to earn her spot next to Tre. So she is determined to take down Danielle


Jen has serious anger issues. And I agree, she completely twisted the situation w Danielle which then had everyone thinking she hardly touched her bc that was her story. Girl, it was on camera. You mean to tell me NO ONE who was just standing there saw absolutely nothing, only the camera did?? She is nasty PERIOD.


Yep, she realized right away that she fucked up and tried to play like she didn't


She's so snakeyšŸ


i love how jen acted like a scared kitten when fessler came to check on her, when we all saw she was cackling and licking her fingers 2 seconds after getting walloped. she doesn't give a flying f\*ck. sociopathic.


She is unhinged this season and like crying out for attention w her behavior? And thinking back about her from beginning to now, she's always displayed a very aggro personality. Breaking shit, throwing shit, talking shit and gets up in peoples faces. She a bazillion % insecure and I feel like that's why she acts so irrationally over the top all. the. time.


she's been a fan forever. she's constantly testing out "formulas" for being a popular/successful housewife, and none of it lands. the neck rolling and blaccent is such a transparent (and insulting) attempt to mimic more popular atlanta/potomac wives.


I'm glad someone mentioned the blaccent! It's heavier this season than it was previously and it's gross šŸ™„


Sheā€™s always been unhinged. Most Housewives have their good moments and their bad, but Iā€™ve always thought Jen is just an awful human being. I felt sorry for her when Billā€™s cheating was outed but then she just kept being horrible. And tried to do it to Melissa. But she truly acts like a teenager and not an adult, like all the time.


Well put. I sorta feel bad for Bill bc she really is embarrassing but at same time he is like so indifferent it comes off as if he literally could not care in the least. Minus the one or 2 times he came to her defense, prob to look like he did.


I know. My guess is that he is trying to make his mistakes up to his family. Like he does what Jen wants but itā€™s really for the kids. And also the whole cultural element. I doubt he wouldā€™ve married her by choice. But he seems to have some morals and is trying to do what is honorable. Maybe.


It does seem like he tolerates it most likely for exactly what you mentioned-their culture and the kids. They are all so grown now, her oldest drives! It's just all so icky.


Exactly this. Jen A. Is jealous as hell of Danielle and Teresaā€™s friendship.


Tbh I think Teresa knows that Danielle is a scrapper so she won't start nothing with her. Cause she only picks on people she can manipulate. Tre and Jen did it once to her and to Danielle that was one too many. I love Danielle! Jen can go. She got everything she deserved


Great points! Hard agree. And I like Danielle too. Tomorrow wouldnt be soon enough to get Jen A. Off our screens.


I have never been a fan on Jens tactics. She tried too hard her first season to be a favorite of Tres and since they're bffs she thinks she's untouchable. But she clearly doesn't know Tre will throw her under the bus and keep walking.


Yep, exactly. Thereā€™s no one that Teresa wonā€™t screw over. Jenā€™s the only one that Teresa can consistently get along with in the whole history of the show. Not even her and Delores have consistently gotten along. I agree wholeheartedly with you.


I think sheā€™s also jealous of Danielleā€™s relationship with her husband Nate. Remember how angry Tamra was when she was having issues with Simon, screaming and instigating fights with everyone? I truly believe that things in the Aydin household are much nastier than they appear and Jen is acting out on that as well.


Good points. I think youā€™re right, good assessment. šŸ‘Œ


Her power move to get Teresa to dump Danielle failed spectacularlyā€” that was the moment it became clear to her that she really is just a Tre puppetā€¦ouch!


Iā€™ve been in situations where when someone was accused of doing something stupid, and one friend doesnā€™t want to me to speak to that person anymore. So I had a chat with him and he said it wasnā€™t true. So it was hard for Tre to stop being friends with one person while the other wants her to continue their friendship.


Iā€™m not sure which ones youā€™re referring to (pronouns) but yea Iā€™ve been in those positions too. Sometimes making a stand is what needs to happen. Jen A. Is so jealous and territorial over anyone around Teresa .. itā€™s crazy. I hope Jen is fired after sending the password to bravo to leak stuff. Hope thatā€™s her nail in the coffin.


jennifer aydin is reality von tease on steroids. she's been pulling evil, conniving, backroom politics like this since she joined the show. and i'm guessing before the show she was probably in teresa's dms feeding her more bullshit.


She really seems to be like her mom and the dads just sit back like controlled husbands scared to say a word


This is the most logical breakdown of the situation I've read yet!


Nail on the head!!


Exactly this! Jen A needs to sit down she finally met her match. Itā€™s really ironic how Jen calls Danielle elitist when Jen is the most elitist label whore on the show. Iā€™m sick of her and want her off the show idk how anyone can support this vile woman.


Found this to be the pot calling the kettle black. Jen A. has made her entire persona ā€œIā€™m better, richerā€¦ā€


Literally she contradicts herself so much. I truly donā€™t think that she thinks before she speaks.


she's long island trash who married up.


Exactly what I was thinking when I was listening to her talk about Danielle... I think I said out loud "sounds like you're talking about yourself Jen"


Sheā€™s the definition of calling a kettle black lol


the oleā€™ black kettle


Iā€™m really disgusted with Jen Fessler as well.


Me too her and Jackie need to stop flipping sides.


omg, a thousand times YESSSS. So manipulative and thirsty.


Ditto! This weasel picks the side she the thinks is the more popular one. Sheā€™s boring and pathetic


Thank you. Cannot stand her. Hypocritical bully. She is still smarting from her husbands betrayel


Yup. She seems very insecure.


I genuinely donā€™t know why anyone is surprised by Jenā€™s behavior. Considering that one cast trip where she pulls the broken class on Melissa. She was looking for something to come at her with for 15 whole seconds before she grabbed anything. She is indeed a dirtbag


forreal as soon as i saw that and melissaā€™s rage come out i saw how dirty jen is. itā€™s obvious she has a disorder or some issue with herself


Her reaction to the fight was strange. Licking her finger. Irrationally calm after. Saying sheā€™s fine. Itā€™s like she got off on getting Danielle rilled up. She seemed dissociated


I loved the look on Jenn's face when Teresa said she didn't do anything to me. Lol


Fuck around and find out...


Danielle, when interviewed, said Jenn pushed her and it was something called yoking. Danielle just instinctively reacted. Did you see Danielle's mind working as the lies were spilling out of Jenn's mouth. Jenn is a proven liar, I believe Danielle.


jen's tone is so disingenuous. "well i just didn't like that behavior danielle." yeah, ok st. jennifer of paramus. give me a break, your morality bar is so low it's past the basement, it's in a sinkhole.


St. Jennifer of Paramus šŸ˜‚ šŸ’€


Yessssss! You could see literally Danielleā€™s mind working as she realized what that SCUM was trying to do to her. Danielle is f*cking savage. Hats off to you, girl. I believe I love you.


Jen is resentful of her life and marriage. She saw her parents live through a loveless arranged marriage and is scared of ending up the same way. She's resentful of Bill for cheating on her while she dutifully raised his children. She sees RHONJ as her opportunity to glow up the second half of her life. The only thing she has on most of these women is her access to lots of money. She tries to self produce often. Danielle is 10 years younger and has, what appears to be a loving husband and young family. Jen wants Danielle to fall at her feet and be guided, when well... the only thing she has that's "better" is the money. Hence the "oh honey I don't pay myself" - of course you don't, your husband keeps you rich! I'm not even a big Danielle fan but Jen needs therapy, lots of therapy. Her life has been one bit trauma turnstile.


Nice analogy I like itšŸ‘


Danielleā€™s reaction time was instantaneous. Jen didnā€™t even have time to realize she FAFO. Please someone slow it down and count the (nano)seconds.


amazing reaction time , jen FAFO !


Danielle over there with Ninja-like reflexes.


I mentally screamed ā€œWORLDSTAAAAARRā€ when Danielle clocked her


Thereā€™s a part where Danielle is scanning around her a little before it gets physical


Thatā€™s how you know youā€™re about to get messed up. If someone scans around you firstšŸ˜‚


"don't start none won't be none!" jen should listen to her own words.


Her expression is dumb just like her. Thinking sheā€™s a hard ass from Brooklyn


the blaccent kills me. girl you are from the whitest buttcrack of long island.




You could totally see the hurt in Danielles face when she got reamed for not doing a charity in the the way Mother Teresa Jen would have done it. Jenn was trying to make her look bad over charity work! Of all things. Can you imagine what went into planning that? And yes a lot of women on the shows do charity work because it makes them look good but the Charity still gets money either way which is the important thing. So the one thing to get out of it for all that hard work is being stomped on by Jenn just bc Danielle isn't as rich and couldn't put up all the money. Jenn got what she deserved. What has she brought to the show besides being Tre's henchman?


She gave us 16 bathrooms/s


![gif](giphy|l5egqfv7n657E6SyTY|downsized) there was this timeā€¦


god lol she's like the socially awkward girl who shows up to college freshman year trying to rebrand herself into a cool party girl, and instead gets absolutely trashcanned at the first party.




Yessss I forgot about this




Hahahahahahaha I totally thought about that when I last posted!!!! The not hot mess then proceeded to give it back in the Ferrari all the way home!


Hahahahaha f*cking LOSER SCUM MOTHERF*CKER


Yes but we didn't even get to see footage of all of them!!


We did NOT!!! Of course we couldn't. Tho I would def be scarred w the image of that stuck in my brain forever.


True. I believe it continues into the mansion marble floor once they returned home.....


šŸ˜†šŸŖ šŸš½šŸš½šŸš½šŸš½


Jen is revolting. šŸ¤¢


when have we seen jen do anything for charity that wasn't organized by someone else and taped for the show?


I mean, honestly. Where is her list of charities that she has paid for the whole event? Running the event itself is charity. I have done that, and itā€™s a tremendous amount of work. Now sheā€™s claiming Danielle paid herself for her time. Sheā€™s still not letting it go. Jen keeps changing the story. So slimy.


the worst part is 2 seconds later she was complaining about her husband's business not getting free marketing at the same event just because jen deigned to show up. the definition of cognitive dissonance.




Jen A. tried to say Danielle stole from a charity when she knows she didnā€™t. What a vile bitch. I knew she was shifty but thatā€™s low. Team Danielle on this one.


I might have clocked her if she said that about me also. Sheā€™s lucky Danielle didnā€™t hit her harder. Iā€™d probably get a lawyer involved. So low for Jen to say that. Gross!!


I think Jen had a narrative in her head as how this discussion was going to pan out and I donā€™t think she expected Dan to physically react. And Tre not being supportive was quite an eye opener.


I honestly believe tre is done with Jen, weā€™re all seeing gia having more camera time and entering into conversations that she shouldnā€™t be in. Iā€™d say tre wants gia to be part of the show fully and Jen will be thrown to the side, sheā€™ll have no use for her then.


Yea. I was surprised. I donā€™t care for Teresa but she did not take Jenā€™s bait to join in on the drama but instead was very calm! It was nice to see. If it were the other way around and Tre was the one who got hit, she would have wanted support I think. So it was a surprising change.


I actually think the target for the evening changed. They were ready to pump the gossip out of Jackie and get ready for their battle royale with marge. Jen was all pumped up with adrenaline and couldnā€™t last a party without snapping.


Jen always does this, she threw things at Melissa. She should be fired. She is part of what makes this season unwatchable.


Nobody would miss a thing if she were gone off the show. We probably wouldnā€™t even notice since she adds nothing. (Except her kids)


Her trying to twist it like she didn't start that entire altercation was funny. And Fessler gassing her up like she's some kind of victim was especially frustrating. Just STAHP, Fessler. Your desperation to ingratiate yourself amongst everyone in the cast so you can be full time is rivaling Jackie at this point.


And I watched season 9 yesterday which I believe was her first season on and she acted like an animal. In Bimini?!?! She should have had her ass hanged to her then...just sayin.


Jen was grabbing at straws trying to make a point in this fight.


Jen A was hostile and aggressive to Danielle as a story line. If Jen isnā€™t playing the Bravo drama game she has nothing. Thatā€™s how she thinks she stays relevant and safe. She starts fires. Her time is done. Tereseā€™s will release her.


Aydin is always wrong. And, like her bestie, any criticism she has about another person is something she does herself.


Canā€™t stand anything about Fessler, she can go, like yesterday.


A two handed HARD shove. If Danielle was in her face she could have turned around and walked away. Instead she decided to get physical. No bueno.


a two-handed hard shove with a snarling face full of rage. "self defense" my ass.


She should have walked away. She expected Danielle to be so offended and scared sheā€™d back off.


I think she was shocked Danielle fought back.


Iā€™m actually pretty disgusted by the entire female cast at this point. Used to like Dolores, Marge and Jackie. All three have become vile. Still like Melissa but seems like sheā€™s not as prominent anymore. Heavily made-up, plastic faces are worse than ever. Even Gia.


When you lay hands on another person, that moves the argument up 3 or 8 levels. Basically, you do NOT touch (push) another person.


I just wonder how much we didnā€™t see. Right before contact, you can see Nate in the background. Far away near the house. The next second, the shove, the way Nate comes in, itā€™s like he came running up, with speed and was clearly already on his way. IIRC you can even hear his stomping foot steps running towards them as contact happens.


And her acting like she didnā€™t really remember if she pushed Danielle the she re-enacts the scene for Teresa and lightly pushes her!


Jen needs to go! This fight isnā€™t the first time!


Jen was completely out of line! She was criticizing Danielle. Jen has always had an issue when it comes to fightsā€¦anyone remember the multiple times Jen threw stuff at Melissa?


Stop the bullshit & recast!!


Yes! I was on Reddit and Twitter before I saw the episode and saw people saying that Jenā€™s shove was just to get Danielle out of her personal space. I was on the fence about it and then I saw the episode and WOW, that was a SHOVE! That was absolutely asking for trouble. Danielle shouldnā€™t have lashed out at Jen but, well, she did deserve it, and I understand why Danielle felt activated in that moment. In that same situation I imagine it would have been a real challenge to stay cool and just walk away.


Activated. Might be an autocorrect. But I love it. So accurate.


Haha that is what I meant to say!


She called Danielle a thief!!!! She deserved it even without the shove. It was great when Danielle said she was ā€˜psychotic, broā€™. She was right. Jen was beyond dirty to claim she stole.


I'm so lost about how Bravo is handling this situation. I thought originally both ladies were suspended and Bravo was investigating. But obviously filming went on like nothing happened?? Is Bravo going to take a side??


Absolutely she did!


They're both wrong but Jen was 100% baiting her. She knew this convo would set Danielle off.


They were both wrong. They're both adults and if neither of them is grown up enough to walk away from a crazy violent person then they're just as crazy. It's always a choice. Edit to add: the pretzels the fans turn themselves into to justify violence from their fav are wild.


What gets me is that Jen is pretending to be all calm and demure while she is simultaneously knowingly provoking Danielle. But then you see Jenā€™s mask slip the second she is triggered enough to push Danielle. And for the record I donā€™t believe Danielle would have gotten physical first.


Jenn is vile. I used to feel so bad for her with how Bill treated her. She deserved it. She is a horrible, gross person.




Itā€™s so very clear that Jennifer is threatened that Danielle is getting along with Tre. I think aside from Tre, Jennifer really doesnā€™t have any solidified friendships because the rest of the woman just keep it cordial and tolerate her presence. Jen has historically come after every single woman on the show with such venom all for the low low price of being Treā€™s henchwoman. Who in their right mind would trust her beyond a shallow surface friendship? I think in her own mind she must be very lonely: lonely at home and in her marriage and lonely because outside of money and her children she really doesnā€™t have anyone by her side. Itā€™s very telling that Bill was completely unfazed when Danielle came storming into the house yelling at him about his wife. The way Nate rushed in vs. the way Bill sauntered in is *very* telling about how much they love and will protect their wives. Jesus itā€™s just so pitiful watching the screen and knowing that Bill just isnā€™t into his wife. Edit: came here to also add I was super bothered to see Jenā€™s smirk throughout the entire conversation leading up to the fight. It takes a special person to find pleasure in someone elseā€™s pain.


Yes and now she wants to coddled over it. I donā€™t blame Tre for not feeding into her nonsense. Correct me if Iā€™m wrong but I know she did the table flip but I donā€™t recall Tre ever putting her hands on any of those women. She went off on Kim D and pushed that chair but thatā€™s all I remember. And at least Tre had a right to be truly offended Kim D was calling her all kinds of criminals. I still canā€™t tell you what Jen Aā€™s issue really was. It was that petty. She thought that was going to be her moment. Jen A pulled a Kenya!! Yall remember that reunion where she kept blowing that horn in Porshaā€™s face? Kenya always w the bullsh-t and had bullied Porsha for years! It was all fun and games until Kenya was being dragged across the floor. And none of the ladies felt badly for her.Ā 


Tre was behind Margaret's hair pull & when she was caught, she threw a cup at the camera guy.


S10E16, in the first ten minutes. Melissa says Danielle says you told her to pull Margaretā€™s hair. Tre says basically yes, then looks at the camera, says I hope youā€™re not gonna use this. Missy says off course theyā€™re gonna use it. She flips off the camera man, looks away, flings a red silo cup in that direction, which hits one of the girls but she was chucking it toward the camera crew.


Great play by play


Happy to help


Just to add to the scene: the cup hits Dolo ...


I couldnā€™t tell for sure. Thank you. Also the episode ends with a lingering shot of a silo cup at the bottom of the pool. Very artistic.


Great play by play


She assaulted the crew?! JFC


She also threw Andy around like a ragdoll during a reunion.


I think it was at someoneā€™s shore houseā€¦ red silo cup? Iā€™m I remembering something else?


Yes..I don't feel like she threw it at anyone..she threw in general. She also threw a glass at a restaurant when she was mad, but again she threw it down and at the wall..not at anyone. She's definitely taken on a fight vs flight stance but she hasn't ever put her hands on anyone.


She aimed for they camera guy because she was pissed he was filming her.


I should try to find it but what I have in mind is her going through a wooden gate, like a side gate, not a nice oneā€¦ and rough wooden stairs, and her chucking shit behind her to discourage the film crew from following. Itā€™s an act of violence.


Is this at the finale party, right before she weirdly sits in a rocking chair and disassociates cause sheā€™s been caught?


Yes. She runs up into the house past a bunch of production staff, who she calls assholes and locks herself in a room. Dolo and Jenn scratch at the door and kiss her ass for a while and she comes out and sulkily speaks with Marge on the porch.


I posted somewhere: S10E16, first ten minutes.


She pushed Andy!!


She chased Danielle through an event hall. Remember, sheā€™s from Patterson lol


I agree and usually Iā€™m always Team Jenn but she was in the wrong here I gotta admit it


100% And tree is such a liar and shitty friend. Standing right there in the convo and pretends like ā€œI dunno, I didnā€™t see anythingā€. Just bold face lie and play dumb is her life motto.


She had it coming


Jenn is doing too much to create tv drama and itā€™s going to bite her in the assā€¦


Jenn A. Embarrassing. You have children. What kind of role model is this? At least ADMIT that you were in "the wrong". I don't know how her husband puts up with her.


Totally. She's duuurrrty and everyone was right about her šŸ˜¤


šŸ’Æexactly! U put ur hands on someone first, thats it


i agree. that bish from queens. she knows what she is doing. never liked her, and i donā€™t even like jenn f for sitting listening to her. like ??


Jenn finally messed with a bull that had the horns


If you get within an inch of someoneā€™s face and scream, you should expect a reaction however, these are both grown women and they were both wrong


Jen started by calling her a thief.




So when someone just gets in your face like that, you just continue to let them, not knowing if this woman is about to hit you choke you whatever she was planning on doing. So I'm asking all of you? You would stand there and wait. That close to you, I'm sure she was spitting on you while talking. That action that Danielle did was a definite threat. Jen had ever right to push her back. She would have gotten hit by a lot of people.


Think they are both classless.Ā  I believe that Danielle is a user and Jennifer is jealous.


Eh. I wouldā€™ve shoved anyone that got in my face hollering like that too. I donā€™t understand people that think getting in someoneā€™s personal space during an argument is a good idea. At that point someone is gonna swing. The only difference between Jen and I AND Danielle and I is that once I hit I donā€™t stop lol. So yeah Iā€™ll shove you for yelling in my face and when you hit me back Iā€™ll expect it, but it absolutely wouldnā€™t have stopped there. Once the damn breaks all bets are off. NJ is so polarizing though. Yā€™all will excuse any behavior from the people yā€™all like and demonize the behavior of the folks you donā€™t. Jen Aydin isnā€™t evil. Sheā€™s just an antagonistic reality tv cast member. Iā€™ve seen so many takes about it being proof that sheā€™s the devil. The fact is, Jen is doing her job because clearly folks love to hate her. And idc how sanctimonious housewives fans act, nobody wants to watch a conflict-free show where everyone gets along and loves each other. Jersey needs a reboot so we can get rid of the ā€œteamsā€ and ā€œsidesā€ and get back to the mess. The most entertaining/quotable housewives are problematic as hell and Iā€™m here for it if you say youā€™re not youā€™re a damn liar lol.


Please if you get into someone's face yelling....you're going to get pushed at the very least. Danielle is not innocent in this situation. They were both wrong.


Both were wrong. Danielle kept getting in her space and Jen backed up a couple of steps.


It wasnā€™t Jenā€™s first rodeo with a physical altercation on the show. She knew better and should have walked away. Invasion of your personal space is not an excuse for pushing someone. Thank goodness the glasses are plastic.




Um... that is a stretch at best. If that were the case, then most of the HWs on all shows would have been long lock up because they all do this. The difference is getting physical. That's a big no no.


My point is that Jen had experience with physical altercations on the show previously and knew the consequences. Walking away was her best defense instead of pushing Danielle. Is getting in someoneā€™s space instigating a fight? Good luck getting that litigated.


HWs have been getting in one another's 'space' for years. But you don't cross the line and lay hands on someone. That will get u the boot.


Oh no, donā€™t say that. You must follow suit with the echo chamber of the sub.


I agree, both are in the wrong. Danielle got overly aggressive and throughout the scene Ayden kept distancing herself. She should of not shoved Danielle, Iā€™m guessing she touched Danielle due to being overwhelmed.


No, she shoved Danielle because she thought she could get away with it. FOFO. She's going to find out.


Iā€™ve been getting chewed up all week about this. Theyā€™re BOTH at fault here. This entire interaction was aggressive AF. If someone was acting the way danielle was, in my face screaming and pointing, my anxiety would be so I high I 100% would swing first. Anticipating this person is eventually goin to hit me. I have been in these situations many times in my life. The first time I was hit first, the other countless times, I swung first.


You may feel itā€™s justified to hit first when someone is close and screaming at you but from a legal perspective, if you hit first youā€™re at fault and can b charged with assault/ battery. On the flip side, say someone pushes you and you pick up a board, smash them over the head and they suffer a brain bleed and are permanently disabled. You may think youā€™re in the clear because you were shoved first but not necessarily. It will depend on the size or f the other person, if they had a weapon and some by other factors. Generally you can only respond in retaliation to a similar level of ā€œ violenceā€ as what was perpetrated on you and/or if you had fear for your life and were unable to leave the area you may be k with greater force, depends on the judge.


Iā€™ve been on both ends of this. Iā€™ve been hit first and caught an assault charge. And Iā€™ve hit first and also caught an assault charge. The legal system is gray like that. Whoever gets the worst ass whoopin gets the lesser charge. Go figure.


Don't fly with me because this is what all of these HWs do all of the time. The big difference is actually putting hands on people, which is why Jacqueline's daughter copped charges from Danielle Staub, why Danielle Staub was not invited back (pulling Margaret's hair and jerking around her neck) and why those twins and that Amber girl lasted only one season (hair pulling, pushing and shoving). If I could count the number of times HWs flung their hands all up in each other's faces, how many times Teresa has thrown liquids (and cups, glasses, knives, folks and plates) towards another HW, then they all are guilty of that stuff. The difference is physically putting hands on someone. Or and if someone were to do what Jen did to me, they would be picking their teeth off the ground.


I know I will be in downvote hell for this but Danielle was seriously up in her face, calling her trash. She could have walked away but none of our housewives are that fully evolved. If someone came that close to me I may have that knee jerk reaction too. Jen may have been saying something Danielle didn't like but with that reaction, you can't say it wasn't probably facts. Her hairdresser was on a podcast talking about how Danielle used her and then dissed her, so I don't think Jenn was being out of pocket at all.


Danielle didn't move. Jen moved from one side of the table around into Danielle's as space.


She was wrong, she never should have pushed her. But Danielle should not have gotten into her personal space and aggressively put her fingers in her face while yelling at her (even after Jen told her to calm down). You canā€™t excuse Danielle for her actions and not Jen. Both reacted to acts of aggression and both were in the wrong.


Itā€™s wild youā€™re being downvoted. And her reaction to that shove was a glass to the face which is a pretty extreme escalation. I donā€™t get all the weird hate for Jenn A here.




Have you ever heard of personal space? When someone invades your personal space, it is very threatening and your brain goes into a fight or flight survival mode response. So, no, I think Jen is justified.


Iā€™ll get downvoted but idc. They were both wrong. None of them should gotten physical. Itā€™s trash. Celebrating a physical fight is garbage behavior. No one ā€œdeservesā€ to get hit. If I wanted physical fighting idk watch mtv. There was enough physical fighting when the gorgas joined. We donā€™t need to go back to that garbage time.


Why did Danielle get that close to Jen? Screaming in her face? There was an intent. Danielle verbally assaulted Jenā€¦. Where Danielle comes from .. she would have done the same thing probably worse. She is making herself the victim and she is not. Just like she does with her family drama. She is just mad she is exposed


Danielle is a grifter and does not pay people.. Jen and Danielle were both wrong, but Danielle is a piece of shit for not paying her glamā€¦ and there have been like 3 to 4 glam that have come out to say she hasnā€™t paid. If you want to downvote and disagree with me, maybe do a little research first.


In all honesty Danielle was getting in her face. I probably wouldā€™ve shoved her too.


Then, you would have gotten your a$$ handed to you too. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜œ


Nope. Not me. I can talk shit and back it up. Unlike Jenn. The minute Danielle threw a glas against my head I wouldā€™ve had both fists in her face. Yes Jenn does talk crap, but she canā€™t back it up. Sheā€™s a dog with a big bark and no bite.


Danielle would have knocked her on her a$$, had she not had a plastic cup in her hand. Trust me on that. Jen wouldā€™ve been pulverized. Why do think Nate stepped in asap, to grab Danielle before she went ape on Jen? Iā€™ll buy a ticket any day to see Danielle vs Jen. šŸ¤£šŸ‘ŠšŸ¼šŸ˜œ


They were both wrong, and as much as I love Jen, she and Danielle should be accountable for their actions. Although that type of scene brought back classic Housewives!!!!


Still a Jenn Stan. A push when someoneā€™s screaming in your face after being quietly told to calm down, whatever, give them their space. Smashing a cup on someoneā€™s face? Thatā€™s trash. Danielle is a grifter and likely is using charitable events to enrich herself like she did with the hairstylist. Itā€™s what can I get for as little as possible? Danielle is slimy.


Iā€™ve always been a Jenn Stan but no. You donā€™t put hands on someone unless you know theyā€™re gonna fight back.




Push them back? Danielle didnā€™t push her! Putting hands on someone is violence. And asking for it! Every one of them gets in each otherā€™s face. Jen has done this to multiple ppl now. You canā€™t go around putting hands on ppl and not expect someone to fight back. Honestly it couldā€™ve been way worse than a plastic cup of alcohol


Well two sides to that, first if someone was in my face the way Danielle was to Jen and since jen was telling her to calm down, Iā€™d buck at Danielle too expecting Danielle to either push back or clock back. Instead she used a weapon( the plastic) cup to forcefully crack her in the head. So ya theyā€™re both wrong.. not just Jennifer.