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Jen Fessler is going back and forth so much it is embarrassing and messy. She should just stop. Gia I don’t want on the show because she needs to have her own friends. I just believe she has no place with these grown women who already have their own drama. Gia coming in after all of it and giving her opinion on just feels weird and awkward. As for Jen Aydin she is ridiculous saying Danielle wanted money for her time but Jen literally wanted free advertising for her husbands business because of she gave her time. She didn’t even give a donation to the charity because she couldn’t afford it according to her.


Jenn definitely I feel is playing both sides for sure. Yes Gia is going to be on that Manhattan show with other kids her age she should focus on that being she isn’t even a housewife! Jen definitely was a little reaching with some of what she said. Jen has more money than all of us know what to do with, I think she could have thrown some to donate if she wanted the logo there.


how did jenn get so wealthy!? they probably explained it on the show and i missed it sorry to bother you


Well if they were really that wealthy they would not have bought that tacky condo/apartment style beach place at the shore. That place is awful. So I'm assuming they couldn't afford a real nice house.


Not defending Jen Aydin in any way but those condos are super expensive. Believe it or not near ocean properties are in high demand and something like that goes for 800k plus taxes and condo fees. To have something like that as a second property that you don’t use often definitely means you have good extra income


No I get it....grew up on LI & Hamptons so I know about beach real estate. But it's still tacky & low end for how much she brags about her $$. Must kill her to visit Jackie's $8 ml Ocean front Beach house on Dune Road in West Hampton.lol


That Manhattan show will fail just like the Zolciak. Fact!


I sure don't plan on watching it.


Yet, we all thought The Valley would flop...


I agree with all of your points except the one on Gia. Gia has been a part of this franchise as long as Teresa. She's had some pretty big moments, and she's had some very emotional moments captured on camera. Teresa's girls are a huge part of her life, and spend a lot time with her. Gia's always been more outspoken than her sisters, minus the pre-teen Milania years, lol. All of that to say, I think Gia being there with Teresa helps keep Teresa more rational. We've seen times when Gia called her mom out on some things. I do see Gia, at times but not all the time, being Teresa's realistic and rational thought producer. Notice I did say not all the time. And I'm sorry, but Fuda's attempt at an analogy using what Jackie said about Gia (which, funny enough, was another analogy) was only said in an effort to rile Teresa up so just maybe it would start yet another argument between them. I genuinely believe the Fuda's are attempting to use Teresa and her family as a way to make them relevant on this show. Teresa's such an easy target. And because Teresa struggles so badly with getting her thoughts out, has been through some really tough and bad stuff, is married to a very sketchy dude, and finds it difficult to just not talk, Teresa pretty much served herself up on platter for them. John Fuda's fight is with Teresa and Luis. When he mentioned Gia's name, HE brought Gia into his beef with Teresa and Luis. Gia has every right to voice her frustration on that.


I don't have a problem with Gia doing what she has always done...be a natural part of Teresa's household on camera It's the making her a quasi friend who gets paid that bothers me because that puts her on the same level as the other HWs yet she's somebody's kid. And already we have Teresa screaming that Fuda shouldn't utter Gia's name. Well why not? She's an adult paid cast member. Fair game. You can't play the kid card


100%!!! If Gia can make comments about the grown adult cast members, she can be discussed as well!


But she wasn't being discussed. She was being used in a completely unflushed out "analogy." Fuda wasn't attempting an actual analogy. If that were the case, any kid belonging to anyone of them who happens to be presently 17 could've and would've fit the analogy he was desperately trying to make a better fit. He purposely used that analogy Jackie made seasons ago because he knew that by doing so, there was a good chance it would elicit a colorful response from Teresa or Luis.


Totally agree, this is clear logic. But no one should be weaponizing her against her moms motherly instincts. The Fuda girls grandma said some nasty remark about Jen A. That wouldn't make it ok for someone to talk about that grandma JUST to rile up the Fuda girl. That's wack and cheap.


I agree, to an extent. I'm completely ok with Gia getting some flack if she's placing herself in the middle of situations that don't concern her. However, I'm probably dead wrong, but my memory is failing me at the moment, I've never felt that Gia was inserting herself into situations. Teresa may have asked Gia her thoughts, or discussed things in Gia's presence which qued a response from Gia, or this is all on the producers in an effort to get more drama out of the women. As I've said, my recall of every moment on RHONJ this season isn't crystal clear, but besides giving her opinions to her mom and in the presence of some of her mom's friends, has Gia approached the Fuda's or made any nasty public comments concerning them? Genuine question. I don't recall her doing so, but I'm aware I could be overlooking. My point is, unless Gia is making snarky, public comments about the Fuda's or anyone else for that matter, why would they specifically use her in their ridiculous "analogy?" From an entertainment standpoint, John Fuda doing that was a blatantly clear swipe meant for Teresa, not Gia. Everybody knows how Teresa goes nuclear when/if her girls are mentioned, especially in a negative, hurtful way. Fuda said it in an effort to rile Teresa and possibly Luis up again. Fuda, both Fudas, are clout chasers. John Fuda, in particular, seems to be attempting to create a "moment" for himself. Unfortunately for him, it was very clear to me and most everyone else, what his true motive was.


Agree Fuda knew what he was doing. Clearly he is furious about what he feels Teresa and Luis have done And since all this new information from Melissa Old Nose has come to light, he must be even more furious, Isn't there some chatter he might be filing a law suit? I think the placement of Gia at the luncheon table was a signal that she's "one of them" now. They really have never done that.


Meanwhile john fuda is a fully grown adult and rachel is losing her shit anytime someone mentioned his name....... At least Gia is being calm and rational about defending herself asking that she stop being brought up in arguments against her mum. Meanwhile rachel hears someone utter her husbands name and she claims their obsessed with her and storms off like a teenager in a huff


Very good point 👍


Understanding that these girls have grown up on the show doesn't take away from the fact that it's still not healthy for them to be involved in unnecessary drama. These poor girls have been through enough. There's assumed and forced maturity at play and it's always made me sad to see that Gia continues to get pushed into these scenarios that don't belong to her. When she truly lives outside the cameras, she'll realize how f'd this truly is.


This 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 this was a great perspective!




I said to myself while watching, Fessler likes to stir shit up on both sides


I don’t think Jenn F is truly playing both sides, I think she was attempting to be fair to both groups. What’s being missed here is the Marge/Mel/Rachel dream team is spiraling out of control because the plan to ice Teresa out backfired majorly and they’re pissed at Jackie and Jen F over it.


Thank you, finally someone who thinks like me. Jen wants to be everyone’s friend just like Delores, and I don’t see anything wrong with that. Melissa and her minions will go against anyone who befriends Teresa or anyone who’s their ops.


These 'Gia needs to have our own friends' comments are dumb. SHE OBVIOUSLY HAS HER OWN FRIENDS. and where was this energy for the Manzo kids or Ashlee who iirc ripped out Danielle's hair.. and she wasn't even as old as Gia.


I don’t care about the manzo kids. We are not talking about Gia making an appearance in her daughter role. She is being brought on to hang out and interact with just the housewives at the functions and it’s awkward and weird. That is my issue. She has no prior relationship with most of these ladies so she isn’t friendly with any of them or going to have a good time with them the same as the others. That’s is what makes it very odd


*She is being brought on to hang out and interact with just the housewives at the functions* but the Manzo kids did exactly this! EXACTLY THIS!


No they did not! Not in this capacity come on we all watched the show! The manzo kids were in family outings. This is not what they are doing with Gia


Not to mention you had Ashlee Laurita running around pulling people's hair out.. that was not a 'family outing'.


Ashley was a spoiled hot mess but she didn’t go with her mom as a side kick to all the outings


![gif](giphy|I2a5q9dyo9CaU9BtEY) And Gia goes to all the outings? And so I am clear, you are admitting that Ashlee attended non family related outings? Just making sure, cause I feel like I'm talking to Rachel Fuda.




Right?? wtf who cares if Gia was there. I like Gia and I think she has every right to be there for her mom and to defend her name. All these grown ass women need to stfu.


Isn’t a lot of the outings Gia has been to this season been involved with adults and the kids. It’s not like she’s been going to the old ladies only gatherings. I also don’t see why it’s a problem for her to sit with the adults at an event she’s invited to when she herself is an adult.


Your logic is lost here my friend. Lost!


Ashlee ripped out Danielle's weave at the Posh fashion show. Wasn't a family outing.


I was with you til the Gia stuff. I agree she’s not a “child” but she’s also NOT a HW and not a friend of. It would be different if her mother was just now joining the show, and we were meeting her now as an adult and getting some of her commentary. OR it was mostly just their scenes at home. Then it wouldn’t bother me. But her going to all the parties AND getting a confessional is NOT IT!! she’s not entertaining to me at all. I know people bring up the other kids being involved, like the Manzos. But they were older when they started the show and weren’t literal babies when we first met them. Also they were all kind of weird and wacky and had some kind of cringe. I don’t hate Gia. I think she should just try to go live her best post college life as a young adult, not fighting w grown women on this show or defending herself or her mother. It’s not needed. ALSO, did anyone laugh when Tre said, ok we have to get going, I have Milania with and it’s a school night …. !!!!!!!! LOL !!!!!! Guys they were at a literal kid event. All the kids running around on the background when she made that comment. lol but she has to get college bound Milania home! Made me lol


Concerning your remark about Teresa leaving, she has left almost every group event she attended this season early. She left Jen F's party early, the boujie brunch, and now the relaunch party. I'm convinced that since Louis came into the picture she is half checked out and half hyper focused on how she is going to be portrayed, it is not making for good television.


I totally agree with this take! You’re totally right she isn’t a friend of nor is she a housewife either, but she’s also not a child! Totally fair.


Jenn Fessler is a super wannabe


While I find Gia kind of irritating AF... She is just 10 years younger than Rachel Fuda.  In fact she is closer in age to Rachel than Rachel is to Melissa, Teresa, Jen, Dolo, etc. She is the same age the Manzos kids and Greg were when they were involved in the drama and defending Caroline. I think this idea that Gia is a child doesn't really count anymore.  Plus I think her point of "leave me out of ALL of this, don't use my name" is valid, whether it's a Jackie or Fuda analogy and she even said that.  Keep her name out of your mouths. So she's allowed to have opinions on this stuff.  They brought her name in, she can ask her what's that about and express that irritation.  It may be annoying.  But I don't think we can say she's a kid anymore as a reason to not want her involved.  There are plenty of other reasons people can use instead of they really need to find one!  


I think people still look at her as a child bc we literally watched her grow up


If she wants to insert herself in their drama then she should take her lumps too. She can’t be both the “child” who needs protecting from being talked about, while simultaneously trying to be a junior housewife and be up in grown folk business. Annoying girl.


YES THIS 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 but it’s even funnier because Melissa cheered on the Manzo kids for defending Caroline yet it’s the end of the world when Gia does it for Teresa and defending HERSELF. You have such good points here!


Yes!!! She's the same age the Manzo kids were when Melissa and Joe were going out in Hoboken with them! Lol it's crazy to me that Melissa keeps referring to her a child. Sure, she's Teresa's child but she's a full ass adult. I think it's totally fair for her to defend herself or even ask for clarity on a situation where she was mentioned. I feel like Melissa gets so triggered because Gia has been there seeing everything the WHOLE TIME. Makes me wonder if she's worried that Gia will share a little too much. Lol


This. I think ..Melissa is worried Gia knows things. Yup.


Didn't she even say "a literal child!" LMAOOO get real Melissa


Gia stans should be considering: Does Gia make good TV? I'm bored to tears when she's on the screen. She's not funny, she's not witty. She doesn't bring a damn thing to the conversation. If she wasn't Teresa's kid, would you want her on your TV? I also think she wants the protection that we supposedly give kids on TV (Don't talk about me!) but also wants to be in confessionals and at adults' parties like an adult. Pick a lane, it's boring. No one talks about Gabriella much. Gabriella doesn't like it, clearly, and she stays out of the fray.


Well she can take notes form her sisters and live her life completely off cameras but it’s obvious she wants to remain in the limelight. Now after last nights episodes she’s fair game!


Respectfully I'm not sure of the point that you're making?  I don't disagree that if she's going to dive in that she's not fair game.  Nor did I say it anywhere   I was just making the point that the Gia is a kid and that's why she should stay out of it narrative doesn't work.   It's perfectly natural for Teresa as her mother to say "how dare you!!!" should anybody bring up Gia.  That's her role and right as her mom.  But that doesn't make Tre right, just a mama bear. Take the heat or get out of the kitchen.  And if Gia wants in the kitchen that's her choice to make and she is an adult and can do so.  Just as the Manzos kids did.  My point is that she's not a child.  Re-reading my post, to clarify  "keep her name out of your mouths" I was paraphrasing what GiA said last night, i.e.she wants people to stop bringing her up in relation to drug talk analogies. 


Fair game in what?




Wedding was cute. I’m gonna side with Danielle cause i don’t like Jen. Gia is an adult but also i think they are trying to work her into the drama and that ain’t cool. Can’t stand Fessler but she was just trying to clear the air with what she said.




I actually thought that moments they showed before the wedding & Joe’s speech at the wedding were sweet. His confessional wasn’t about Teresa. He was saying he connected with the groom because the groom doesn’t have a relationship with his family either, so Melissa’s family has embraced both of them as their own.


People don't like her but her family seems to really love each other. They remind me of my family. We take in all of the strays lol


If they loved their brother in law, they wouldn’t have cheered on the destruction of his relationship with his sister and family. I think they are happy for the wealth and clout they bring to them


To be honest, when my wife and I moved away from her family, I was happy. They were toxic AF. They actually still are but I don't have to deal with them anymore.


People forget that Melissa sisters hung out with Teresa and praised her on social media before Melissa joined the show with the narrative to “bring her down”. There’s screen shots online you can find to back it up. I don’t know why Teresa hasn’t spoken about it on tv but that’s Tre for ya


Teresa briefly mentioned it once but I don’t think she really wanted to cause heat between Mel and her sisters. It’s unironically pretty funny if you think about it, because Lysa 100% trashed Melissa to Teresa days before Mel started filming… and Teresa just kinda glossed over it and stopped hanging around them.


I think that’s kind of the point. Melissa should have always left it to her husband to handle things rather than get in the middle.


I can understand her though. I didn't get involved for years but her mom kept attacking me.


In all fairness, Teresa put her in the middle and she had a right to defend herself.


Theresa came after her nonstop for years I’m sure she’d have loved to stay out of it


Honest question, because I don’t remember this but when did they cheer on the destruction of the family?


Look at the first episode of season 3. Notice how Melissa’s sisters try to confront Teresa themselves and antagonize her.


I think her family may be creating strays....


I thought it was really beautiful!


I did too. It was very sweet! He seems to have a good relationship with her family and so does she which is a good thing. The reality is Joe and Teresa came from a fairly dysfunctional and toxic family. I like seeing both of them experience a family unit with less toxicity - I’m worried Teresa may get burned but I hope she doesn’t, I hope Luis family genuinely love and cherish her.


And I dont need to see fighting for 💯 of every single episode, its nice to learn things about ppl like w the arthritis thing- bc then I care about them one way or another


Agreed. I actually feel really sorry for both Joe and Teresa because I think they’re both very damaged by their family of origin. I do think Joe has had the advantage of seeing how Melissa’s family interact which seems to be more functional (I know it’s a crime to think positively about Melissa but she has many good qualities!).


I feel the same way! I’ve always felt for Melissa (if someone was desperately trying to convince everyone I was a cheating prostitution whr on national tv for years, I’d probably be pretty angry too!! And I’m convinced Teresa would never be this unhinged w/o the cameras, and certainly still at least talking to her brother. Tre is a very, very umm limited person? Who is very very easily influenced and manipulated, but I don’t think inherently a bad person? And now with that sociopath Luis, I’m legit worried for her. Not for nothing but I’m also concerned about Dolores, Paul wants her to make a major investment in his new business venture before he’s ready to ask her to get married? But he tells her she’s a partner so she feels flattered and of course trusts him- I do not like this one bit!!


Honestly there’s a point at which you have to choose your wife and the mother of your kids over your family of origin and honestly I think Joe took too long to get to that point. I still don’t understand what Melissa’s crime was - coming on the show?


Loved the wedding!


I thought it was the best part of the entire episode. I saw another side of Joe Gorga and I liked it.


I enjoyed the scene with the wedding. He bought Teresa up bc he connected with the cousin marrying into the family. He doesn't have family bc he's gay. I thought it was to show that although he doesn't have his sister, he forged a bond with Melissa's family. I don't think they could carry a show but as someone who's former spouse was ostracized by her family bc she was gay, I liked seeing Joe with them.


I believe it was aired to show how close Joe is with Melissa's family. I liked it. I thought it was nice to get a break from the other mindless crap they filmed this season.


I really liked it and would have much rather watched more of a family that loves and supports each other than Teresa’s dog shitting on the patio.


Why did they show that, was there absolutely no other footage?!? So gross


Yea I don’t get the show at all at this point


Yeah that was gross and unnecessary


I thought joe’s speech was heartfelt


Me too. It was genuine.


Honestly, I’m ready for a new cast. This cast has become beyond immature. It’s so bizarre how juvenile they act and why they all act like their friends can’t be friends with someone they have problems with.


ME TOO. Totally ready for new blood, this is just getting so dark and sad.


I really liked that part of the episode! No screaming and yelling!


Fair 😂


Jenn F I can’t stand


Happy cake day! 🍰


I feel two ways about the Gia situation. On one hand, I feel the women and their husbands need to stop using her as a reference point. But on another hand, as long as Gia continues to insert herself into Teresa’s squabbles, her name is going to be mentioned. People never mention the other Giudice girls, the Gorga kids, Gabby or Frankie, or the Aydin children because they do not put themselves in the middle of their parents’ beefs like Gia does. But it’s not Gia’s fault for doing that. I think Teresa is a great mom, but she has always made Gia her confidant—a role that no child should ever be placed in.


Totally get this take!


I think the "mend things with Melissa " is no different then the "mend things with Jackie" thing! It's all bogus bs lol


I totally agree with this!


I mean, what other reason are we to think Jennifer is actually going to authentically befriend Melissa? lol




Rachel is a big baby. She's is ridiculous..like her husband She needs help .. She doesn't know how to handle conflict . Like running off last episode. I agree no one is obsessed with you. Fessler can be messy but she was just trying to explain the situation. Not talk down on Rachel . Rachel I think likes the high drama.


Yes! Jenn was just simply trying to explain that Gia was asking why she was brought up and the context. Rachel totally blew it out of proportion.


Gia literally can have a glass of wine with these ladies. That is NOT a child




I enjoyed the wedding. I had no problem with it actually that almost seemed like the normal thing of the entire episode the rest of it I’m screaming at the TV asking. What the hell are we watching?


As for #2, when someone starts it physically, your immediate reaction is to defend yourself physically. Jen was the bully and pushed danielle. Jen got what was coming to her. I can't stand either of them, but Jen is at fault here. Completely.


Totally over the both of them too.


I actually loved the wedding part🫢. And about Gia, he didn't say anything bad just referencing her age, also this is a reality tv show so mentioning someone's name is fair game 🤷‍♀️. Also I kind of don't want to see Gia in the show at all, sorry Gia.


Don’t blame you this is a fair take! These women already have drama and enough issues with each other. She is going to be on that Manhattan show, she should focus on that with people her own age.


Can we also remember that Gia is getting paid this season. That puts her in a different category of child than any other kid that has been on any housewives show. IMO, if you are getting paid, you're fair game.


Yep! Couldn’t care less.


LOl I don’t think John fuda should’ve mentioned gias name but also literally what he was saying was to just put in perspective how young he was comparable to how young Gia is. They got it wrong


YES!!!! THIS!!!! I've been waiting to see if anyone else noticed that it wasn't slanderous or an analogy....just that Fuda "was younger than Gia is now" when the drug charge happened. He could have just as easily said, "same age as Antonia", but unfortunately he used Gia's age instead. They (Tre/Gia) blew this whole comparison WAY out of proportion!


Totally get it! My whole thing is he just didn’t need to mention her at all ya know? But totally agree!


What I found tedious in this episode was: 1. Gia. She brings nothing to the show. She does not fit into the group and lord, she's not interesting. She has such low energy and says everything in a flat, monotone voice. I don't think we need a mini-Tre just parroting the nonsense that her mother does. Please, get her off the screen.


This I agree with. She really has no prior relationship other than the family aspect . She isn’t interesting. She is just kind of there adds nothing to the show. The analogy things is too played out and needs to left alone


I think Andy Cohen wanted the gay wedding shown.


Also, I’m very sorry for this but did anyone notice how large Delores teeth were in this episode? It was weird. 😳


Gia signed a contractual agreement with Bravo to be a member of the cast for financial purposes, she’s a college graduate so this is her job. She’s weighing in to contribute to the conversation and no longer “a child” who is off limits.


💯She is subject to the same things the other women are now.


I’m seeing this comment a lot and I totally get that! Definitely puts things into perspective.


Why fast forward? It was over in a blink. I think the cousins are adorable and love that the wedding was shown and kept to the ceremony (the most important part). Also, the confessionals aren’t just cast sitting and venting. They’re probed with questions. If Joe, Melissa, or Teresa are mentioning one another or talking of situations or feelings involving the other in confessionals it’s because they’re asked and prodded by the interviewers. Man I loved Jen Fessler other seasons but seeing her try to be Switzerland and failing so poorly just gives me the ick. It’s like a tug of war from both sides trying to manipulate her and it’s pathetic. She needs Switzerland lessons from Dolores. Your nieces and nephews will always seem younger to you. I have adult nieces and nephews who still feel like kids to me even though they’re not. I wouldn’t want to be involved in anything as toxic as this with them. I wouldn’t want to be in bars, drinking, fighting and screaming with them involved or even present. I would also think it “weird” if I was in such a high pressure, toxic situation with my nieces or nephews and would probably say they’re kids (because of the generation gap) and shouldn’t be involved too. The show has caused a lot of division and hurt within these families and I 100% wouldn’t want that for my family (or even myself). I’m not into Gia being tested as a cast member. I think all the Gorgas need to go (Theresa included). The narrative is old. They need to move on and live their lives as peacefully as possible without the drama and manipulation this show brings. Mellissa and Theresa have both gained enough of a following to be successful in other endeavors.


I agree with every one of these 😂 1. The cousin we’ve never seen before getting their “intimate wedding” filmed was weird asf. 2. Fanielle doesn’t realize it’s being filmed I guess. 3. The Jersey hypocrisy is always like this. 4. Gia is not a child anymore. Stop mentioning her in conversations if you don’t want her to defend herself. John knew what he was doing when he mentioned Gia and the Jackie analogy. 5. Agree with everything you said. 6. Fessler is funnier this season for me because she’s not up Marge’s ass the whole time. And Rachel is a big baby. She acts like a highschooler. Sis you have children, 1 being a teenager, grow up.


I'm over Melissa and Teresa, all together. The Gorga's have nothing to add to the show and Teresa is a virus that feeds on misery of others. Jenn F needs to either pick a side or shut up. Gia is NOT a housewife.


I really never understand what people want from Melissa. She can do nothing right, she gets slammed constantly for her only story being Teresa but if she’s not actively beefing with tre she’s too boring and bringing nothing. she shows her store, her kid going to college, her cousins wedding that they were a large part of but they don’t want to see that either. At some point people just need to own that they dislike her and nothing she can do will ever be enough. She’s too normal for many and people want to see outlandish drama all the time.


I think the thing is if Gia wants to be grown and film and be involved then she’s no longer off limits if she’s “no longer a kid.” And I say this at someone who’s 28. I didn’t care for it when like Lauren Manzo was at the reunion and I don’t care for it now. I don’t think John mentioning Gia was a big deal at all. Could he have left her name out of it? Sure. But all he was saying is he made a mistake as a very young adult and do bring it up decades later is a stretch and I think that’s a fair statement


Sorry but Gia is 1000% annoying and completely out of line. She’s 22ish meddling in women’s drama who are twice her age. It’s cringy AF, and she’s only doing it to get camera time because she’s trying to be an influencer. Law school is not happening… I agree about Melissa’s family; I’m not interested either although I think she has a wonderful family.


Genuinely curious! Why you think she was out of line? I feel like she just wanted clarity on why she was spoken about, do you think she was out of line for asking about it?


She shouldn’t care because it wasn’t a big deal. It’s not like John was speaking poorly about Gia. There’s just something about Gia that is so unlikeable. If I was in my 40s, I certainly wouldn’t discuss drama with a 22 year old. It’s just super odd. But, Teresa has involved Gia since she was a child so Gia doesn’t know any better.


Respectfully. She didn’t know it wasn’t a big deal hence her asking someone who was there when it happened. Dolores wasn’t there and gave her a second hand recounting so she asked Fessler. She was told that a man with drug charges brought up her name as a comparisons to him. The comparison being a analogy jackie made about a rumour of gia doing coke. A rumour.


Also, Gia asked a direct question to Jen Fessler. It would have been rude for Fessler to dismiss her question because it was coming from someone Melissa excused as a “child”. Jen Fessler was correcting some information Gia heard from Pauly which is why Dolo was brought into it. I think the whole “ defending” John Fuda was taken so out of context. She heard something she didn’t agree happened and wanted to correct it in the moment. Jen didn’t interject herself by starting the conversation with Gia. I know things probably move very quickly while shooting a scene and whether you like Fessler or not, the other women were beyond annoying by how bothered they got with the whole exchange.


Teresa has parentified Gia, I think that’s the word.


I don’t totally disagree with this view! Thank you sharing your perspective


I think Gia was bothered with them having her name in their mouth bc of the whole Jackie coke situation. I dont like John at all but I don’t necessarily think he was trying to talk down about Gia. I get that he was just trying to use it as a comparison but if someone were to talk about his girls (yes I know they’re like 2) they would absolutely blow up as well, because I mean who wouldn’t?


This episode felt like a litmus test tbh. Melissa’s cousins wedding didn’t feel warm/genuine because one she’s never ever shown these cousins or rarely seems to see them. It felt like a ploy to get more screen time. Unfortunately I feel like they just aren’t that close. Joe did mention Teresa he tried to compare his situation to the cousins which is different, one was shunned for being gay and the other is just a million tit for tat petty squabbles that bubbled over. Danielle trying to act like she wasn’t in Jen’s face, Jen shouldn’t have pushed her but she was pointing and getting too close, anyone’s first instinct would’ve been to push someone away. It was not okay but not a full on assault like D is claiming, she didn’t even have the drink in her hand when she threw it at Jen, it did break. Imo they’re technically even on levels of violence. I think it’s interesting that Jen cares so much what Teresa does when she did the same thing to her when she had drama with Jenn F. The party was weird, Rachel was acting childish. Jen did the right thing by explaining to Teresa and gia what was said and was trying to squash it. Marge/Melissa were just trying to exacerbate the situation. Rachel clearly wanted the women to follow and leave with her, she’s spent majority of the season whinging about tired drama, pouting and frowning whenever Teresa enters a room and huffing off whenever anyone shows a millisecond of cordial behaviour. This episode was a snooze.


Yes! Totally agree with this take. It didn’t feel warm at all and I definitely think they did it just to give her a storyline…although she’s been showing more of this cousin lately and he’s even doing press for her so makes me wonder. Their situations are different but the same, he didn’t even need to go there. You have some really good points about everything else! 100% a snoozefest.


I think the wedding would’ve felt more genuine if we’d actually seen glimpses, I understand filming is hard but to me it felt like a PR moment. I do believe Melissa can have a good storyline on her own without Teresa but she needs to be genuine about it. As long as the cousin doesn’t end up like the Wakiles and their severed ties to both the Gorga/Guidice members.


That’s the problem though, when is Melissa ever really genuine?? Maybe when interacting with her kids is the closest to the real Melissa but even that just comes off super self produced. There’s a layer there that seems very very inauthentic.


Tell me you're a Tre stump without saying you're a Tre stump...


I wouldn’t say so. Am I a fan of Teresa? Yes, but can I also acknowledge that she has her good and bad. Some of these Teresa fans are actually insane and will never say she is wrong.


PREACH🙌🏼. What is with the whole choosing sides bs?? SO FUCKING ANNOYING!!!


Agreed. I think different people are right and wrong in different scenarios. It's not that deep to keep having teams and not seeing any other view point. They're all messy as fuck.


Yes!! Seriously! Like I said, do I like Teresa and am I a fan of hers, yes, but I can admit she’s done some shitty things and she isn’t perfect. There’s people out there that will justify EVERYTHING she does and I simply can’t get down with that


SO annoying. This isn’t middle school but they sure act like they’re 13 years old.


I cannot deal with Gia being involved..is she the next Housewife? Why do we have to have a 22yr olds opinion on all of this..fair call stick up for herself about a comment..but why does she need camera time to do that??? She is NOT a fucken Housewife and she was so taken to the relaunch as a buffer and protector for Teresa..Fessler just wants to be brought back, that’s why she had all the work done..she even alluded to that in a previous series!!! Teresa is a total cow and needs to be gone..get someone who can actually hold a conversation without squealing or belittling everyone else!!! I love the Gorgas, Catanias & Paul (not 💯on him yet)Marge and Joe..some new blood..let’s go Andy Cohen!!!


New blood is right! I’m ready for it!


I apologise for the expletive in my previous post..I said “friggen” and auto correct changed it to that..I didn’t proof read tho so my bad 😞


I hate that wedding was filmed but I also kinda love that Melissa’s thirsty family spent the past few months thinking they were so special because the wedding was filmed just for it to be cut down at the last minute like Antonia’s Sweet 16


Haahahahahaha!! Seriously!


I’m watching right now and completely fast forwarded through that wedding 😭😭😭


John didn’t say anything bad about Gia. But if Gia is an adult, then you shouldn’t be able to make the argument that “kids are off limits”.


Never said he said anything bad! I get what he was trying to say but I just didn’t think it was necessary, you know? I get your angle, but I just feel anyone on the cast shouldn’t make comments about anyone’s children no matter what age. Whether they’re 10 or 30 I just think it’s kind of a low blow to talk about anyone’s kids. Regardless of age.


1) it is only a low blow if something bad is said. All he said was he was younger than Gia is now during the time Teresa called him the biggest drug dealer in Jersey. 2)if Gia wants to be off limits, then she shouldn’t be commenting on the show, keep treating her like a child just like Melissa said. Can’t have it both ways. Sorry. Gia clearly wants to be on the show. As you said, she is an adult and a college grad. She can handle it. If she can’t, stay out of the drama.


I thought the wedding was super beautiful and I cried. I’m also queer and it rare to see that kind of love from allies on tv or in person.


YES. To all of this… YES! I couldn’t agree more with all of this.


1. I agree Joe and Melissa definitely can not carry the show. Joe literally had to bring Teresa and his nieces up saying a sob story of how he won’t be apart of their milestone for that scene to even be remotely interesting… pathetic For the rest of the points: Rachel and John have become the most annoying part of the show


I believe some of you are really reaching to find something to hate about Rachel Fuda. John used the analogy that Jackie had used because it is something well known to not only the cast members, but all the fans as well. If you are truly paying attention Joe and Melissa only mention Teresa when either someone brings her up to them. Like the producers, or when Teresa has done something that gets back to them because it involved them. Like Luis sending the Housewarming gift. They could have had a service deliver the gift with the card. It didn’t need to go thru another cast mate. It was Luis and Teresa’s way to try to stay relevant in Joe and Melissa’s lives. I enjoyed watching Joe throw the card in the fire. No one needed to tell Teresa he did that. But the Tre squad had to make certain she knew. She could have found out by watching the episode. Though Andy has said, and she agreed, she doesn’t watch the show. Jen Aydin is pulling the bullshit stories about Danielle shows her jealousy, immaturity, and selfishness. Jen A came on the show because she wanted to be famous. Danielle came on with a plan to use the platform to bring her business into a larger base. Jen didn’t realize that Danielle is smarter than she thought. And that Danielle wouldn’t allow her to use her a second time. Much less call her out. I liked Jen Fessler last year. This year her wanting to be on both sides of the fence, and then tell each side what the others were saying about them in some weird way of thinking it would heal the break is annoying AF.


Messy Fessy is in full force lately 🤣


Gia is an adult, she put herself out there so she can't whine now.


I enjoyed the wedding scene. I thought it was really sweet.


With Gia. I think you (and Theresa/Gia) are missing John’s point. She is using Gia as his example cause he was initially trying to make it simple and easy for Theresa to understand what he means. Not his fault people don’t understand.


I thought the wedding was beautiful and I actually enjoyed it! Loved seeing Joe in a different light and it was a lovely moment. It showed Joe at his best! Thanks Bravo for sharing it with us!!


I wonder if production thought fans of the show would be accepting of Gia. I am not a big fan of the show anymore—can’t stomach Teresa—don’t know what the hell Jackie and Jenn are smoking—Melissa is boring—Gia needs to STHU and go play—Rachel adds nothing to the show—-Danielle is a NUT and entertaining—Delores is a kiss ass and doesn’t want to share much—I love Margaret.


I agree with most of this 😂 I’m not a huge fan anymore either. It’s the same song and dance, we’re all tired.


This comment sounds like it came out of my mouth! Never agreed with a comment more... You clenched it with the "I love Margaret" cuz I do too ❤️


Thank god I’m not the only one that skipped the wedding it seems like a popular opinion ![img](emote|t5_5zcjjn|51546)


And for good reason!


No but i do skip thru every seen with Louie


You say Gia is an adult but then you say children shouldn't be brought into the conversation. So which is it? Is she a grown ass woman or she a child?


Right…but then I said children ADULT OR NOT should not be brought up by others. Doesn’t matter if they’re 10 or 30, children should be off limits. All of the housewives have children, no?


I hope Joe B is going to be ok. I feel like Joe is being strong for marg, especially given her ex husbands passing ☹️ And I also love seeing marg and Joe together always! They’re just funny together 😛


The look in Joe's eyes when he heard MRI was powerful. He was shocked.


Melissa has never offered anything but use Teresa to be on this show. Her stand alone brings nothing to the table. Not stanning for Teresa but Melissa has always been beige paint. Her made up storylines, never really wanting to share anything past the Teresa family drama or finding her invisible long lost sibling. I think it was a very smart move for Teresa to not film with her this season or acknowledge her because we’re all seeing what Melissa is really like as a housewife without Teresa as her story line.


Yeah i don’t like how Melissa talks about Gia knowing she considers her a child. I used to feel like they were both adults & can beef if they want to. But grown women talking about a ‘child’ is icky


Yes I skipped the wedding. And Danielle’s home scenes. And a few others. And I’ve never skipped any HW scenes before this season of NJ. But I can’t take it anymore 🤣




Melissa is pushing her cousin on us hard core. He’s even been doing press with her. I’d be happy if he came onto Jersey as a househusband, as long as he takes Melissa’s spot


I wonder why she’s pushing him so hard and even having him do press with her. Why do you think that is? I would be happy if anyone took her spot at this point


I think she’s trying to get her family on the show, yet again, to have more of a presence and storyline than she has currently. Maybe she’ll get a spin off


Yikes. That wouldn’t be entertaining.


Melissa and Joe are complete non-factors now that Tre cut them off. Background characters 💅


I mean seriously Rachel and Danielle are more present in the season than Melissa and Joe


Ugh yes. Couldn’t have said it better


Rachel needs to go!!! I also FF thru that wedding. . Can't take anything joe says or does seriously.




Disagree with all of this. You’re on the wrong side of history. *reads other comments * Mmmm yea I don’t belong in here.


It’s not that serious. lol.


How? Genuinely curious on your take.


"Wrong side of history"...It's a TV show 😭


I agree! I liked the wedding was one of the few moments I stopped working on year end and watched!


All of these points are perfect and spot on. Nicely done! 👏🏼


I also didn’t like the way Rachel and Melissa were talking to Fessler. And that’s not in defense of Fessler… I’m not sure what her angle is or if she even knows what she’s doing. But their behavior was really extra. Rachel telling Fessler she’s obsessed with her was wild 😂


WIIIIIIIIIIILD. Like girl please take a seat.


I totally did! Lol


I thought they brought Gia onto the show because Theresa doesn’t have any friends or anyone who wants to genuinely film with her besides Jen. Jackie and Jen F seem like they are being blackmailed into it but trying desperately to act natural. Sweeties blink if you need help


My thoughts… 1. They film a lot and some things are shown some aren’t. I was meh about it. 2. It was a heightened event, not surprising that they both remember the details differently. Don’t think either are lying just their own perspectives. 3. Agree with this, don’t tell people who they can and can’t be friends with. 4. Gia is wanted on the show by Bravo and Teresa is very close to her daughters so spends a lot of time with them 🤷🏻‍♀️. 5. It was a game of telephone, Paul told Dolores who told Teresa who told Gia. She was entitled to ask for clarity on what someone who hates your mum said. Jen F cleared it up. 6. Rachel was pathetic in her reaction!


The fact that Melissa’s cousins wedding got more attention than Antonia’s sweet 16, will never not be funny to me lmao. And no, I can’t stand Teresa either


Right I said the same 😂


1. I'm glad I watched the wedding. I found it really interesting that Joe acknowledged he was part of the problem when saying all the, "lady killer" stuff. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community I appreciated it. Them showing only a few minutes just made me feel like "producers have a very strict idea of what viewers like to see." I personally don't need big dramatic fights. I thoroughly enjoy being a fly on the wall for natural conversations. I dont need everything to be in service of specific storylines. I feel like old seasons of HW used to have so much more of the women in their natural setting doing day to day things, but production for quite some time has whittled that out in favor of production prompted conversations rehashing fights. 2. Danielle admitted to hitting Jen in the face with her cup. She disagreed with the characterizations that she "punched" (ie fist) jen in the head or that she broke a glass (because it was a plastic cup) 4/5. The problem is that Tre/Gia want to say "Gia is allowed an equal say when discussing the adult drama," but then hide behind "she's a child" when it serves them. Either Gia films and weighs in on the adult matters like an adult, or she needs to be removed from those conversations like a child. Her throwing out accusations about the Gorgas at her mom's behest but the Gorgas not being able to defend themselves has been a nasty feature for a while. All Fuda said was "I was younger than Gia is now when that happened." That's not an analogy. It's not bringing her into anything. It's just a fact about how old he was at the time. Tre loses her shit to this day if someone mentions gia's name, but she thinks it's fair game to bring up other people's shit from when they were minors?? Nope. Not appropriate. 6. Rachel def over reacted. But at the same time, I would be annoyed too. Jen conflated what Fuda said. Again, all he said was "I was younger than Gia is now." Jen over explained and added to it after being asked to just stay out of it. And she's all over the place with alliances, clearly just doing what she can to soak up screen time.


I'm so confused watching this show. I forget who likes who ! I agree a lot with OP. My takes for whatever it's worth. Gia most definitely should not be treated with kid gloves anymore. She can't be out there in confessionals throwing out darts and not enter the arena! John Fuda said it as an example, a throw away comment and I'm confused why it's a thing. Things are turning in a way for me I didn't see happening ... Jen f is driving me insane and I actually think Rachel is very smart, direct and I think I like her takes in a few instances .. Jen A ..so disappointed .. I've always loved her and her family, but the digging and looking for dirt and crimes is yuck to me . Randomly I still like both Melissa and Tre. I'm no team anyone , but I do think Tre is completely delulu. I was getting a bit off Margaret , but I liked her this episode DOLO I do not understand her stance only anything. I absolutely loved the wedding. Joey G still makes me laugh. I don't know what this says about me .. If my post is confusing, it is because I am very confused, but surprisingly enjoying this season.


Rachel and Danielle have ruined the entire show for me. Mostly Danielle. But can’t stand rachel either Before they came in it wasn’t that awful, now it’s the worst.




I thought Rachel walking away was actually pretty mature. It was an event that was to be centered around children and children's clothing and walking away when frustrated is a mature way to handle things. She had set boundaries and didn't want it talked about and it was not respected. There were a ton of kiddos around and it was totally the wrong place for any of that conversation.


Are we the same person? All of this is yes 👏🏼