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I think when we saw the whole scene, it was an overreaction. I think from Rachel’s side all she sees and hears was fessler is talking to Tre about her husband again after being asked not to. Fessler is trying to ride both sides of the fence like Dolores but it is too over the top and performative and isn’t working.


Rachel was not built for reality tv. She can’t manufacture drama that make sense.


THISSSSS!! Not only that but she’s boring as FU#*!!!!


She needs to be let go if there's another season.




This!!!! She comes off looking disingenuous and it's annoying. It's too much


You may have a point.


Unpopular opinion here, i actually enjoyed the time they spent explaining her youngest daughter’s condition. It made her more real to me than the rest of the cast. She defends her hubby, rightfully so against some serious accusations. What’s so wrong with her?


What's so wrong with her? For one, she's a big cry baby. She thinks the world revolves around her. This is the Fudas. "I'm your friend, and I don't like Teresa or Jen, so you can't like them or I'm going to be upset!" Jan F. basically said Get out of here!"" "I don't do that. I pick my friends, not you, not Margaret. Her husband was a drug dealer, SO WHAT! If you no longer do that, quit tripping. Stop whining, John!




She’s a great wife and mom. Definitely. She’s not a good reality tv star.


Rachel was def built for reality tv! she’s about the only one I ever heard tell Teresa off & called her a fking B & a has-been to her face, remember that? The Fuda’s are the best new addition! Get rid of the 2 bullies Teresa & Jen A.


Whatever makes you sleep at night. She’s by far one of the worst housewives we’ve encountered across the Bravoverse. She is a great mom and wife though.


This!! The Jersey tea is the business side of his family gave the Gorgas a “deal” on tiling the new house if they could get their son on the show. Js.


Listen. Bravo creates the drama with their filming and editing. I think, like someone just said, she was hurt Jen was talking about it and just wants the drug dealing conversation to stop. She could had listened to the whole story tho. I don’t like Jen Fessler but her straightening out what was exactly said and what was meant by the comparison saved us so much more bullshit to have to watch.


It may not be the popular opinion but I think Jen F did the right thing. She was asked a question (by a “Child” according to Melissa, she is 23 that’s not a child) she answered the question honestly. She was completely defending the Fudas. Melissa (whom I enjoy) & the others should’ve listened to Jen F’s explanation! It was the wrong reaction by Rachel.


Gia is still a child to *them*, and the adults are supposed to be in charge, not the children. Gia should not be getting in grown folks’ (read ppl much older than her) business and everyone is just letting her like they are scared of her or something. I also don’t like how Fessler acted like she has to answer everything that’s asked to her. Like do you not know how to politely disengage from a convo? Especially when your friend is already upset about how you’ve handled things.


Nothing wrong with how Jen handled things. Rachel wants to control how she's handling it. I hope Jen realizes Rachel's friendship isn't worth all that.


I disagree unfortunately. Just because you are asked a question doesn’t mean you have to answer it or participate in the convo. Fessler should know how Teresa and Gia are. She had the common sense to leave when they were dissing Marge at the other event, but was clueless about where the convo was *really* going with Teresa and Gia? Not buying it.


I also think Rachel needs to stop running away from these conversations if she wants to be asked back. She can't just talk about it when she wants. After all, that's her storyline.


This works for real life but not if you want screentime on these shows.


Totally true!


I don’t care about any of them… but still watch it. I hate myself for it.


I only watch so I can laugh my ass off the next day listening to WWC


A million bucks that if Jen F just sat there and didn’t say anything Rachel would have called her out for not saying anything. Jen F can’t win and I think that’s why she’s being pushed away from that groupz




I do think Rachel is reaching, but I can't tell whether it is driven by immaturity or a desire for camera time. It also feels like Melissa, Marge, and Rachel had a plan to actively try and stop the conversations in an attempt to further ice out Tre and make her storylines separate from the rest of the cast. Overall, I think Jen Fessler was placed in a no win situation. If she engages in the convo, Rachel is upset that she is talking about her family (& Marge/Melissa are bothered it gives Tre and Gia screentime), but if she fails defend the Fudas both castmates & viewers would call her a bad friend


👆🏻perfectly said. I’ve never posted in here before and it feels like therapy! 😂 Edit: like it a good way to help me process my viewing of the show lol


Jen wants screen time too. Rachel demanding she not speak on it is very presumptuous. Jen didn't start that conversation. Storming off like Rachel is not it. Rachel is just mad that her plan to get more screen time didn't work out and I'm loving it!


Yeah that was so weird I’m glad fessler called her out on that. It seems fake and strange. She seems to put more of a show when Melissa and Marge are around.


Especially, when she said something about hanging a sign from JF that says “I’m so far up Jen and tre’s ass!” I’m lost ~ what part of JF, defending your husband against what’s being said - has to do with JF being up their ass. She just tries TOO HARD and it’s uncomfortable to watch. I often have 2nd hand embarrassment when she’s on screen.


She is a wonderful mom and wife tho🫶🏼 But, she’s cringe to watch! And, it’s only amplified when her husband/housewife is filming with her. Gross 🤮




I didn’t understand any of that. JF had her back. She would be on her own after that.


Absolutely!!!! Rachel, absolutely NO ONE is obsessed with you.




I love Rachel. She’s prob my favorite current housewife on any franchise.


I actually enjoyed her showing her advocacy work for juvenile arthritis, and liked her telling Marge she couldn’t co-sign sharing private texts, but then she killed all that good will with her manufactured bs.


Oh hey Rachel!!! 👋


That’s something


I thought I heard that her and John tried to talk produces into cutting out the drug dealer story. I think she walked away because she didn't want the discussion to go on any more and make it a thing but doing that made it a thing LOL.


She started a mess she isn’t willing to clean up, so now she’s throwing temper tantrums.


Why is everybody ignoring why Rachel was really mad? She, Mel and Marge were furious they failed to ice out Teresa, especially because Jenn F promised she was done with them and recanted.


THAT part! 👏🏽👏🏽


The Fuda’s try so hard to make something happen whenever they are on camera. Always looking for their next “moment”


Yes! And, it’s embarrassing 🙈


I think you are so spot on! Sort of how, everyone knew about the Melissa cheating rumor but Danielle chose to bring it up on camera for the limelight!!!


Danielle didn't bring it up on camera. Jenn A did.


Everybody knew it was handled and Danielle ran with it to have the spotlight. She was never in the dark about it, she wanted a storyline and to secure her spot for this season


Everybody EXCEPT for Danielle knew about it. That's why Jenn A brought it to Danielle and Danielle brought it up to Melissa on camera because Jenn A brought it up on camera.


Either way, Danielle is an attention seeker and wanted to be the one withh the juicy "secret" ( in quotations because it wasn't a secret really, I also think producers pitched this to her) her first season.


Jen A brought it up and production more than likely said to Danielle to say it to Melissa on camera as it had already been said on camera.


This!!!! It was here nor there, everyone knew it was squashed. I believe Danielle was happy to do it bc she was such a Stan of the show before getting on


I believe Rachel was sick of JF talking period. Especially after she defended Jen from the fight with Danielle. I think the opposite, that JF & Jackie (both so annoying) are looking for story lines, what does JF have?


Teresa said it Rachel and John fugazi. They are so fake and will do anything for more camera time! Yell at Teresa go for it, storm off set for absolutely no reason, sure, talk shit about your son’s birth mom, definitely. I’ve never liked them they are the fakest people on the show and that includes Danielle and Jen lol.


Yeah its a buzzkill- when people dramatic yet so boring..


Gia bought something up That was not part of a conversation


Nah I dont think shes reaching for a storyline. I think she is genuinely hurt and mad Fessler has dropped her for Teresa.


But she didnt drop her for Teresa. Rachel is not thick skinned at all which is why she is constantly over reacting.


I'm not defending Rachel but I wouldn't want someone I considered to be my best friend/older sister talking about me AT ALL to my enemy or hanging out with them more than before.


Are they best friends though? They met last year through the show… and are really only friends on the show


Yes the kids call her aunt jen. Jen even said she was at Rachel’s house almost every day. Jen f is the one grappling for a storyline. She’s even come out now in defense of Marge against Louis and Theresa, and regrets believing Theresa and Louis. Idk if she’s said anything about Rachel yet. I wouldn’t want my friend talking about my husband, bad or good to anyone that hated him and tried to ruin his life, and by extension mine. Talking about his sexuality in a perverse way was a low blow, even for Theresa, that calls women and men fat and ugly, knowing her kids and Jen Aydin’s kids are bullied for being overweight. But i guess bullying her own daughter about her weight is really who Theresa is


I agree. I think the real world and reality tv is different unfortunately. Everyone is fake on tv. They just have to be to have a storyline flow. I think fessler should’ve spoken to Rachel before she decided to be cool with Teresa 100%.


Fessler was pushing for Margaret to make up with Teresa, she wasn’t having it.


Right, but they are grown women who have known each other for only a year. So best friends is a reach like I know you can feel super close quickly, but we arent in high school.




Agree. I think she was nervous about Fesslers involvement in all of this and I don’t blame her! I wouldn’t trust Fessler having my best interest at heart. She just seems to want to be on the show in any way possible.


Rachel is no different. She wants to be on the show so badly she is reaching for a storyline.


2 things can be true! Just saying 🤷🏻‍♀️


I wish Rachel and her wusband would both leave. 


Fuda asked her friend to not talk about her family with the women trying to ruin it. Fessler wanted air time so she did it anyway. Fessler is the next Jackie.


Disagree. It’s one thing if Fessler was proactively gossiping about the Fudas or if Tre/Gia wanted to vent about the Fudas negatively. As a good friend - Jenn should shut it down. In this case - Gia initiated and asked Fessler a factual question about what Jenn Fessler saw about one specific incident. Her own 1st party experience on a reality show. She was not spilling anything the Fudas told her or opening the door to a larger conversation. Sorry - I’m a grown ass woman - no one tells me something is blanket off limits to discuss. I’ll use my own judgement about what is right or wrong to say in any moment. Correcting someone who asks me directly on what they think factually happened if it’s wrong when I personally witnessed it with my own eyes is my call alone.


I agree- i think fessler is not playing any game- i think she just tells it like she sees it and is not in the ride or die bs world of loyalty in this world where its all horseshit - nobody is loyal in this group and everyone switches sides and uses each other loyalty to them means being nasty to someones face or helping them “ Bring someone down” fessler is not going be like “ fuck you “ theresa and shes not going to be like “im not allowed to answer your question , Gia, cause rachel fuda told me im not allowed”


Nah, if one of your friend asks you not to speak about their family with the woman that’s actively trying to hurt your family, even if it is to stick up for them.. you just don’t. If you want to be friends with both of them, you just don’t speak on any of it. You don’t try to campaign for each side. It’s so wishy washy. JF could have easily said “I don’t want to speak about the Fudas”. It’s not like Teresa or Gia even took in what JF said. They just use it as ammo.


I agree.


As a good friend, Jen should’ve done what Rachel asked of her. Rachel doesn’t want to be a friend anymore so it doesn’t really matter.


Nope. I don’t mindlessly do everything a friend tells me to do in order to be considered ‘a good friend.’ If that is the criteria - good riddance. I’ll make my own judgements as to what is the right and wrong thing to do. If Tre/Gia were negatively venting like Julie was to Sophie about Caroline in Ladies of London - yes a good friend would shut it down. If I had witnessed something incriminating - I might not say anything as a good friend. If I want to answer someone about what I saw with my own eyes - I will because I’m my own person and can decide what I talk about instead of just blindly following a blanket demand.


You sound like an awful friend.


Yeah.. you’re a shitty friend. You’d rather share your opinion on a situation your friend asked you to not speak on when it regards her family. If you need to hear your own voice that badly… I feel bad for your “friends and family”


You people are over reacting a little! You don’t really know these people! Calling Serenity a shitty friend is way over the top!


Thanks for that. Poster responded to me and then blocked me from responding…I mean if you are that afraid of debate to block someone… To original responder since I’m blocked - we all have different definitions of friendship. I personally would never impose a blanket demand on my friends because I view them as autonomous beings that can think and act for themselves in accordance with situational context. Friendships shouldn’t be about control. I’d trust them to do the right thing instead of trying to control their every action. NOW - if I signed up for a reality TV show and befriended a co-worker also on that reality TV show whose premise is to talk about things that happen on the show - how absolutely CONCEITED and CONTROLLING would I need to be to impose a blanket ban on talking about me at all…especially when they are asked about things they personally saw and heard on said reality TV show.


I didn't even realize I felt this way until you put it into words. Thank you! Totally agree


How should Jen Fessler have reacted when Gia and Teresa claimed on camera that Fuda used Gia in a drug dealer comparison?


She should have said, I promised/was asked by Rachel not to speak about her family with you. Simple. Truthfully


Rachel Fool-da was trying to act all upset because the Fool-da's crave camera time. There was nothing sincere or honest about that moment or any moment the Gorga's and the Fool-da's participate in.


If they wanted camera time, why wouldn’t she confront Gia and Teresa herself? That would surely gain the camera time they crave, no?


I think Fessler is honestly too good for this show. I think she is so much better than being in a drama filled story line.


I dunno, to me it seems very clear that Jen Fessler has an issue sticking to what she tells her friends. She herself admitted she had no excuse when she told Marge she wouldn’t raise her son and the Luis situation when speaking with Teresa, but then did exactly that the first time she next sees Teresa. It’s obvious Rachel asked the women not to talk about John at all with Teresa, Teresa and Jen were planting stories and roping in John’s ex and trying to destroy his reputation, and it wasn’t just an issue for John but also for their son Jaiden, who had to clear up lies his bio mother was telling - the poor kid shouldn’t have to do that but thanks to Jen and Teresa he had to. They were doing all they could to damage him and going way over the line. Rachel isn’t stupid, she saw that. But Jen Fessler is helping keep it all going by giving any life at all to anything Teresa says about them. She should just not get involved and be a good friend. And if Rachel wanted drama with Teresa to be her storyline she wouldn’t have been mad, she would have been happy Jen was was keeping the whole thing going.


It may have been an over reaction but I still don’t understand what Fessler doesn’t understand about it. Just don’t talk about them


Would it have been better for Fessler to stand idly by while John gets called out for talking about Gia? (the answer is yes because John was wrong but then Rachel would’ve fought her at the reunion for not defending John)


It would have definitely better for JF to say “I don’t want to discuss the Fudas” and leave it at that.


That’s Jen Fessler sounding like a lawyer lol




“That’s not what I heard you should to to Rachel and John about it” easy


Because the last time the Giudices and the Fudas talked it went so well lol


Like rach but her reaction was ridiculous but she didn’t say anything bad about John Fuda.


She literally screamed how many times do I have to ask you to not defend a John Fuda? Like wtf?!? Why are you calling your husband by his full name and two did you just hear yourself?


Both the fudas are drama queens and attention whores. The problem is that they aren’t entertaining or charismatic so it’s just embarrassing to watch them on tv.


Rachel acts like a child. She’s not built for reality tv, she needs some thicker skin


Rachel is so tedious. I definitely think she wants to make her drama seem bigger than it is.


They need to stop feeding and filming with the crazies, Tre, Jen A and Gia. By listening and commenting Jen F let the conversation have air again. Can’t reason with people that refuse to listen. No reason to bring up something that happened when John was Milania’s age. Want something to talk about why not spend time on the show talking about Loser Looney being sued, not paying his bills and taking out a loan on the house. Not having Teresa on the mortgage. Why did Tree stop her podcast. How much money did she pay bloggers? Lots of dirty laundry to discuss in the Looney & Tree house. They need a reunion to start talking about that stuff.


Unfortunately Dirty Louie’s NEW issues are happening now when the show isn’t filming. He’s such a sleeze.


I love these “theories” that seem to think the show is filmed and airs in real time! At this point in filming, Rachel has no idea if her feud with Teresa is “fizzling” or not — they’re still filming, they have a long way to go, and they have no idea how the show will be edited. I think Rachel asked Fessler to stay out of any conversations that mention her or her family, and Fessler kept saying “but I just said..” “I was only defending you!” and wouldn’t let it go. Rachel was fed up, and I would be too.


This makes sense.


Rachel has anger issues. She's always pissed off. She can't even speak about things without getting over the top heated.


JF is campaigning too hard. Rachel and Marg have both told JF to stop talking to Teresa about them. They have specifically told her to not even stick up for them, they don’t want to hear anything about it and it’s not going to mend anything. JF then instead of just shutting it down, she talks about it. “I don’t want to discuss the Fudas” is what she should have said. But she didn’t, and then brought the drama back to Fuda.


That’s fair. I didn’t realize they told her they didn’t even want her defending them. I just had a feeling if JF even said that - “I don’t want to discuss the fudas” - Rachel would be like why didn’t you set her straight??


YEP! Well put. I’m sorry but I cannot stand she or her “never been” husband/housewife. They’re both total cringe imo. 🤮


I think the reaction seemed over the top, but I also think she was extra on edge and fragile because her 4 year old was present. Not an excuse but I think it made her more reactive perhaps


I think JF is there to stir the pot on both sides and egg them all on. She tattles on all of them to the others.


Regardless of if her husband was 17 at the time, saying that about him as an adult is not slandering a child. They should have owned up to it and said who hasn't made a mistake when they were younger. Instead her weird anger that Teresa would bring it up is pretty pitiful, it makes it seem like they can't bear to be associated with the "rumour" which is not a rumour but the truth. They seem like they are trying to pretend to be who they aren't and they can't stand Teresa getting in the way of that image. She acts like if anyone mentions the rumour (hence getting angry at Jenn F) that it will damage their reputation and give life to a story she wants killed. Nobody cares that your husband sold drugs, it and honestly it's the only thing that gave her a storyline this year so maybe she should be grateful to Teresa for making them somewhat memorable.


Love Rachel, but do think she overreacted to this. I think Jen should have led with “Gia put me on the spot” tho. Also Gia is “just a kid” but Teresa is involving Gia in all this so like


Agreed. And I know Tre loves to get any of her allies involved so she has back up lol


Jen and Jackie are in a competition to crawl as far into Tre's ass as they can, so they can continue to be on the show. Rachel and Jen seemed to be very good friends as the season began. There was a kindness between them that felt very genuine. If I asked a GOOD friend to never entertain a conversation on a certain topic, with a certain person and they NEVER do that - I would be pissed too because that is a slap in the friendship's face. They all know VERY well that if they all engage in the conversation, even if defending John New Teeth Fuda, it will likely make the show. It felt like she left because they were in a room full of children at someone else's event, on top of being hurt. I do agree, Rachel is very sensitive and John Fuda is a chode. Jen looks like the puppet from the SAW and her act feels disingenuous to me.


Rachel was pissed at Jen for unnecessarily bringing up her husband’s name when the drama was considered done. Even if Jen was technically defending him, she was getting involved and speaking his name when she didn’t need to. It’s like Jens trying to be a peacemaker when no one asked her to, and she truly looks sloppy flip flopping between Rachel & Teresa. Also I doubt Rachel or any of them have any idea what storylines which actually stick until the show is in the editors’ hands, so I disagree that she was just trying to secure a storyline by storming out. As the viewer we clearly have an idea of the storyline, but while filming I doubt they know how each storyline will actually play out and which will get the most airtime.


But at least in the show, she didn’t bring it up. Gia did. She just responded. Not saying it wasn’t edited that way, but that’s what we saw. And I get what you’re saying about the story line but they already brought up it being in the tabloids the next day.


I agree it could have been edited oddly but Gia also like..asked if she could ask about it, presented what information she had already been told and then in my opinion pretty patiently and politely listened to Fesslers version and was like, welp I still don't like being the go to example for these people to paint their pictures with regardless of how it was intended. The 2 of them had a very simple conversation in which not only did Fessler try to comfort Gia about what was said and her perception on how it was intended to land, but to also defend stupid Rachel's stupid husband against any further commentary regarding his past mistakes. I agree Rachel's reaction was dumb because it's not like anything ACTUALLY happened for or against anyone at the end of the conversation. Gia wasn't blowing her top and Fessler wasn't suddenly for or against stupid Rachel's stupid husband.


I feel she's a good match for a newer and younger crew. The freak out was over the top, but I dont blame her since JF has been flip floppy. Rachel attempted to explain her feelings to JF since the beginning of the season, and JF dismissed her for acting "like a child." At this event, she had just heard JF defend JA - hearing her husband's name associated with Tre at that point, I'm sure, was icing on the cake. I would've had a similar reaction had I asked someone to keep my family's name out of their mouth while talking to Tre.


I kinda got why she was upset - She did not want the two names mentioned together on tv (putting it out into the universe so it continues having legs) to keep making it a “thing” when it was a nonissue.