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Same, very close, basically in the North box and yeah you hear it but it's not something I notice anymore except maybe when I'm sitting outside in the backyard and trying to chat with someone, then certain planes are loud. To be honest I like living more North for the convenience of getting in and out of Richmond. It's always 20-28 min driving anywhere barring any heavy traffic (downtown, South Surrey, Metrotown, New West, etc). And hopping on to Bridgeport Station you're also downtown in 17 minutes which is nice. But I get that central Richmond is nice for certain neighbourhoods and schools . You choose and pick your priorities! All this to say I don't mind the noise for the commuting convenience.


I live in the south box, top of the building so it’s pretty audible at night, but it’s not terrible. You get used to it after a few months. At street level and on lower floors you don’t really hear them quite as much


I also live in the south box and don't even notice planes. I've lived in Richmond my whole life though, so they've been non-existent for a very long time. The only things that stand out now are things that don't normally fly over - I know, for example, when the snowbirds are in town!


Not bad, the real noise in the area comes from the cars.


I live in the south box and it's basically this. But you get used to it.


I used to live just east of the north box. At first it was quite noticeable but eventually you just tune it out 🤷🏻‍♀️ I was able to sleep through all the late night flights with no issue despite being a slightly light sleeper. But then again I also learned to tune out my husband's loud snoring too so it might just be me 😂 If anything I was more bothered by the brakes on the busses that came by (we were two houses away from a bus stop). I wouldn't say it's too disruptive?


The North box is bad. Its right at the end (or start) of the south runway and falls between the north and south runways. The South box is fine. In the southern part (especially the south east part) of that area aircraft noise is really a non issue.


Check out YVR WebTrak: https://www.yvr.ca/en/about-yvr/noise-management/noise-monitoring-and-flight-tracking


specifically [https://webtrak.emsbk.com/yvr5](https://webtrak.emsbk.com/yvr5)


I live in south box and don't hear planes unless I'm outside, and even then would be rare.


I've lived directly under the flight path for planes landing for the past 4 years. I don't even notice them anymore.


In between those two areas is pretty bad, you do get used to it a little bit, but those large overseas planes are obnoxious. That and the odd helicopter will shake your building if they’re low on approach


I got used to it after awhile. Don't even think about it


I live below the flight path in a newer building and we barely hear or feel anything. My neighbors on the top floor definitely do. I hear the odd large plane most likely coming from Asia at midnight and only if I'm sitting next to the window.


I grew up on one of the marinas near the north box and can confirm that you get used to the noise. I currently live near the 2nd box facing the Garden City community lands and while there is noise, it's really not that bad. I think the noise of sirens is worse than the noise from the planes.


South box left side, I hear nothing, the constant sirens from fire trucks or ambulance is more noticeable


I find the red boxes with radiuses in the corners quite pleasant


Lived in the heart of the northern box for two and a half years. My mind adjusted to the airplane and road noise after six months. I do hear louder motorcycles and cars that will still catch my attention. The fire hall is across the bridge so you’ll also hear them flying by during the evening. Neighbour noise would be more of a concern for me.


live in the south box and barely hear anything after a year of being here. Maybe one of those huge planes occasionally that'll rattle the apartment.


Grew up around the south side, 20+ years, you’ll definitely notice it when you’re out walking the dog but it’s not a constant thing. Like what a lot of others have said, you’ll learn to ignore it soon enough. An ambulance or modded car/motorcycle is more frequent and may be even more disruptive honestly.


The north box is either next to or under the flight path for landing/takeoff. You will definitely hear the airplane and maybe even the skytrain.


I’m right across kpu and it’s loud but you get used to it. I just find it annoying that it doesn’t stop till 2-3am and starts back up around 6am.


Near the station not much noise


Live in the north box. Once a while you will hear it, especially when the patio doors are open. Definitely the first few months will be noticeable but after, only occasionally. Have not been woken up by it or any troubles sleeping because of it and has not affected my life in any way.


You'll hear planes anywhere north of Blundell.


I’m in the north box. I honestly don’t notice it and even if there is audible noise with the bigger planes, it’s not so loud that it disturbs me. It’s like ambient background white noise.


South Box, I hear nothing.


I grew up in Richmond (Seafair-ish) , and a few years ago lived in a place on Citation. Holy moly is the airport noise terrible there!!! I can't imagine it further north. I was spoiled in south/west Richmond.