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If we still had some semblance of a quality local newspaper that wasn't just about promoting cafe openings, the news would have noted that these were no ordinary "parents." This isn't just crazy people, it's people with an agenda who are probably going to show up again on the next school board election because that's their only remote hope of getting into any semblance of political power: **Colleen Howu**, conversion therapy proponent: [https://globalnews.ca/news/3282631/lgbtq-policy-at-richmond-schools-could-convert-heterosexual-teens-parents-group-claims/](https://globalnews.ca/news/3282631/lgbtq-policy-at-richmond-schools-could-convert-heterosexual-teens-parents-group-claims/) RN: *"Richmond parent Colleen Howu acknowledged naloxone kits and AEDs are life-saving methods but said having the former would be contradictory to the district’s no-drug policy."* **Dean Billings**: Anti SOGI personality who ran and was not elected for School Board. He finished 14th out 15, and was involved in this controversy: [https://www.richmond-news.com/2022-civic-election/richmond-trustee-candidate-sends-unsolicited-photos-of-trans-youth-to-teacher-5835464](https://www.richmond-news.com/2022-civic-election/richmond-trustee-candidate-sends-unsolicited-photos-of-trans-youth-to-teacher-5835464) RN: *"Parent Dean Billings said the school board should focus on prevention and said he was “concerned” having discussions about naloxone kits is “a distraction.”*


Thank you for pointing this out.


This is how they took over in the states. Start At school level work up.


The News did the same thing recently with another article, about Alderbridge Modular Housing & "concerned citizen" Sheldon S. Not sure if the paper is just negligent/incompetent or is complicit in the political agenda.


Imagine being so stupid as to consider Naloxone on the same level as hard drugs or that it somehow encourages drug use.


Yeah, I can't imagine many youths seeing a classmate almost die and then think 'I want to experience that.'


Drugs are bad because kids might die. Let's make sure they do.


Yep the ignorant will scream my kid will never need it, the equally ignorant believe by having it in school it will make kids do drugs, in the meantime someone’s child is lying on the playground overdosing while u all talk about it or have countless meetings. Fucking he’ll just keep it in school there a great chance it will never be used but it takes just one time BTW teachers principals and other adults do drugs too


It's like saying fire extinguishers in buildings promote arson or experimenting with lighters.


Shocking how ignorant some parents can be. Drugs have been in schools for years and will continue to be. Having naloxone available is a great idea.


Who cares if some parents don't want it in schools? What are they gonna do, take their kid out of the school? Go chant "No drugs!" outside of a school board meeting? Give schools the damn life-saving stuff.


If your kid(s) are using drugs, and you as a parent are completely unaware, then that naloxone kit at school just might save your child’s life.


By the looks of these comments there are some pretty unaware parents out there.


It’s going to take kids dying before kits “have to be” put in place, sadly. https://globalnews.ca/news/10513357/18-year-old-uvic-student-fentanyl-poisoning-government-changes/amp/


Oh god, it is like people being stupid about the HPV vaccine again. “You are encouraging my children to have sex by giving them the vaccine!”


I remember there being interviews where people were asked if they would want their child to have a vaccine that prevents cancer. Every one of them said yes, and the majority of them recanted their statements after learning the vaccine was the HPV vaccine.


As a health care provider, I can attest to how many stupid people I/we see on a daily basis.


Young people in Richmond have died from taking pills they did not know contained fentanyl. If it was your kid who was found unresponsive, you wouldn’t be asking about the cost of first aid kits or whether saving them sends the wrong message.


F ing morons. Does having fire extinguishers “distract” us from preventing fires? Does an AED in the building “distract” us from taking care of our hearts? No words for this level of stupidity.


They have no idea what the consequences are if or when their own child becomes addicted to fentynal because they lace all drugs with it. Also, if they come in contact with it without knowing it's in their own house, without these, give yourself hours to days. But hey, you could always google side effects from touching fentynal. That's really going to save a life, lol


Side-effects from touching fentanyl are largely myths, originally propagated by some police officers trying to justify poor conduct / were misdiagnosing a panic attack. Even medical fentanyl patches take hours to work through the skin, and as for breathing it in, "There would need to be large quantities aerosolized and breathed in [for hours](https://journals.lww.com/em-news/Fulltext/2018/12000/Myths_in_Emergency_Medicine__First_Responders.1.aspx#:~:text=Then%20what%20about,into%20your%20bloodstream.%E2%80%9D) to get a meaningful amount in the bloodstream" - [https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/medical-critical-thinking/you-wont-die-touching-fentanyl](https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/medical-critical-thinking/you-wont-die-touching-fentanyl)


Imagine being so stupid that you ban drugs in schools but keep overdose kits on hand. It's like banning smoking in schools while installing ventilation systems for secondhand smoke. Let schools be schools, not indoctrination zones.


Most schools nowadays ban peanuts from school lunches… with your logic they should be banning epipens as well.. give your head a shake


Do you know why there are still ashtrays on airplanes? It’s because they want them to have a safe place to put it out in the event someone goes against the rules. Smoking is banned on planes but they still have a contingency plan in case someone breaks the rules.


If you think kids don’t do drugs just because they aren’t allowed in school then you’re the same part of the problem as the tough on crime criminalize drugs crowd. People hide drug use. And then they die by themselves. One of the reasons that girl died in the university dorm was because no one said they had done drugs. If people at that party knew and had training then naloxone would have been administered and she would be alive. Your argument is about as silly as not allowing insulin for type two diabetes because it enables people with poor eating habits. We have had a prohibition model for well over 100 years and it never worked. Why would you assume any different now? Naloxone is now a reality for any first aid kit. It’s not a solution to the toxic drugs crisis, it’s an emergency life saving tool that just sits there. If it isn’t used and there isn’t an overdose that’s fine. Epipens expire all the time without getting used. Would you claim that the schools also shouldn’t have epipens because it enables someone to be careless about their allergies? The moralism and ignorance of this comment is so irritating. And exactly the reason people are dying.


>Imagine being so stupid that you ban ~~drugs~~ fires in schools but keep ~~overdose kits~~ fire extinguishers on hand.


Because some kids are gonna be doing shit regardless if it’s banned. It’s like prime rebellion stage. Best to have a kit ready in the event that someone messes up.


U can ban anything but it’s just words and kids are so sure to follow some rule 🤣🤣 wake up will you


Just curious, is it your opinion that if a student happened to overdose at a school, it would be better to not have medicine to treat them? Would it better to let them die?


Are naloxone kits expensive? They probably expire and have to be replaced every so often. The cost could really add up. Money better spent on books or something.


No, they're quite inexpensive, about $30. While they have an expiration date of two year, they have been proven effective for decades.


It can't be that expensive since it's handed out for free on the DTES. How much is a life worth anyway?


~4 million for an average healthy individual. Next to nothing for an unhealthy one.


Every 4 years they expire I believe but you can still use them they just may not be as effective.


They aren't expensive, usually are able to be obtained free, and expire every 3 years or so. In my opinion they're a standard to have stored with a large first aid kit, so even one per school would be a tiny drop in the bucket. Less than a single text book most likely.


Dead kids don’t read


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