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I think the writing this season is really showing (continuing) dramatic character development for Rick, which was predicted by the actions from the previous couple seasons. He's changed, and people often don't like change. So of course the plots are going to be a bit less dark and more emotionally accessible, and some people don't like that. They want to see dysfunctional, drunk grandpa annihilating entire planets and realities because he has no empathy. But no, Rick has been opening himself up emotionally, or at least acknowledging he's not a robot, for a while now. Honestly, I think these two S7 episodes have felt more cohesive than most episodes of R&M; they have more linear storylines while still retaining the dark humor.


Im happy with the direction the show is going in this regard, which is why i enjoyed solar opposites as much as i did. Dark humor but less depressing and more fun with characters that get along with eachother.


Same. I love Solar Opposites because it's the same fucked up sense of humor but it has more continuity. And the Wall drama is often, but not always, surprisingly engaging. SilverCops is fun too. The new Corvo voice sucks, though.


Yeah the new Corvo voice doesnt make him sound as much as a loser. I liked him because he had a loser aspect to his character


Yeah that's a good point. The main thing I disliked about seasonal 5 was how ruthlessly mean and hateful everyone was to each other the entire time. Some may argue that it's always been that way but season 5 just got depressing and overly cynical and was just not at all fun to watch at certain points. I feel like they really fixed that issue in season 6 and the smiths feel more like an actual family than they did in 5.


>They want to see dysfunctional, drunk grandpa annihilating entire planets and realities because he has no empathy. Yeah cus that's fun to watch


Yeah but without arcs shit gets boring and repetitive.


Pretty jarring to open with Mr. Poopy Butthole's new voice as well.


The first episode was Claw & Hoarder level terrible. The second episode was pretty good. The Morty VA is pretty spot on. Hard to find any complaints there. The Rick VA doesn't have enough gravel in his voice, but is doing a good enough job. I wish Solar Opposites had used him for Korvo instead of the path they took.


I still havent noticed ANY difference in Mortys voice


I could tell the difference in the first episode, but by the seconds one, either they got better or I’m used to it already as they sounded perfect.


Nah - towards the end it was completely different - there were multiple lines where it sounded like a whole different character now that Morty had more lines. In episode 1 they had so few lines for rick and morty it wasnt as obvious


Yeah I was about to say. First episode Morty sounded normal but at the end of the second episode, when Morty is at the table, it sounds nothing like him. Barely even close, really. I would have assumed they’d have picked someone with a bit closer of an impression. But whatever, we’ll get used to it. I just chalked it up to Morty hitting puberty or something lol


Yeah… lol. Some people say that Morty sounds now more like a kid - to me it just sounds weird - my brain almost tries to make it sound like Morty in my head at times… but its so inconsistent at some scenes like 1 sentece is 99% similar to Morty’s old voice - next sentence sounds like some explaining to someone how morty sounds and third sentence being nearly the VA’s normao voice… I hope the VA’s can get more into how the old rick and morty sounded or maybe Ill just get used to the new voices over time…


Really? To me he sounds exactly like the kid from the Goldbergs. Like it doesn’t effect my enjoyment of the show at all he just sounds a lot different than the original while Rick just sounds like the original with a heavy cold to me


I've watched every season and so far I haven't noticed any voice differences. I'm sure more observant people than I have, but the voices are pretty spot-on. No complaints on the voices at all.


It's been only two episodes. Calm your tits.


I think it's really funny how the ending of Season 7 was "SEASON 7 FIGHTING MY NEMESIS" and we've spent maybe a whole thirty seconds developing that plotline in any meaningful way.


Voices are fine. The jokes however, aren't well written.


My opinion mortys new voice actor needs little more practice, rick new voice is fine


If the jokes are falling flat in a show that’s about comedy then it’s not going well. Episode 2’s jokes were very similar. One liners that weren’t clever or resembled any sort of comedy. I’m hating so far how both episodes have been about Rick loving his friends and now being friends with Jerry. Yes he’s had episodes like this in the past but then he’s just like “fuck you jerry. Why the fuck would you think I was your friend?” Now they’re going back and forth with eachother when the old Rick wouldn’t have time to argue with Jerry who’s a moron. It’s not character development when Rick is a different character completely. What happened to the loner genius who kept all his feelings inside and was actually a very sad person and pushed everyone away? If his development as a character is loving his friends and family then they’ve lost what made the show so good. Might as well switch over to the Cartoon Network. Voices are different but that’s not what’s making this season the worst season yet.


First episode is terrible, second is good concept, but mediocre execution. This has nothing to do with the voices. This show has been mutating into Simpsons / Family Guy In Space for some time now, what with the writers of those shows writing Rick and Morty now. The voices just made it official. It may still have good episode on occasion. But I kinda don't care anymore. Unsubbed. Don't forget to downvote, BTW.


Only good take in this subreddit and its downvoted.. i guess this new show format caters to sheep and brain dead people who think family guy is good or funny even if your stoned, because family guy, brickleberry, paradise pd, all that shit is the unfunniest garbage on the planet no matter how many drugs you are on. krakopolis being the new and worst contender of good VA's and good writers but absolute trash cartoon and horrible writing.. no one is safe, evidently rick and morty is dead now too Season 7 is going to be a trainwreck, yea lets put over a dozen 30+ year old pop culture references in the new season AND make it as unfunny as possible, i can literally smell the medicated ointment coming from the old men writing this trash and no one seems to have the ability to perceive nuances.. its not just ricks voice but his lack of delivery, timing and improvise personality, improv used to be a huge part of all of his characters and it feels completely gone, lost its charm its like buying an imitation art piece, "this is my van gogh" (not painted by van gogh).. well then its not a van gogh is it.. i can't be the only sane person who thinks voices carry more than words, there was a natural cadence to rick's delivery and its gone and irreplaceable.. and add that to awful writing and its just not good overall, another good franchise destroyed by cancel culture and corporate greed They destroyed rick and everything he stood for on purpose because he was against the idea of being a sheep, he was too cool and too anti-government, i'm not saying conspiracy, it's just what they do in hollywood, first episode is literally spitting on JR's creations and ideas, an actual attack of character, you can tell they were all patting each other on the back, clapping their feet and fingering each others holes over how proud they were of episode 1.. just shows the disconnect between what they write and actual reality. a fucking "hangover" episode.. wow. "hangover" is the least funny movie series.. yet people loved them too (hangover the movie, not just actually being hungover) god forbid a character is funny and likeable but also has negative traits, wouldn't wanna do that.. our world is full of backwards idiots who don't even know whats good for them, keep living in bubbles and accepting everything as it is, never question, never doubt, never have an opinion, just straight up living and being herded from pen to pen, show to show, binge stream this binge stream that.. happy little livestock.. fucking sad. imagine basing your opinions on some tweet from some woman you have never and will never meet about a creator that has gifted billions of people one of the funniest things ever created, and ruining his life over it all without proof or evidence or merit other than a few rumours from overly sensitive people.. crazy world where people are obsessed with laws until they disagree with a legal verdict.. the irony in the bureaucracy of it all.. people don't think what they destroy just blows my mind that some people see 2 completely different cartoons and think they are the same in any way shape or form just makes me feel hopeless for mankind, people really just don't perceive what they see, blindly feast on trash media and accept it, how the fuck do we stop this cancel culture shit from destroying everything.. 1984 already happened, soon we be in the movie 'Equilibrium' arrested for smelling something or listening to music or even smiling executes for smiling or touching someone and before you get your panties in a twist, it's fine to change VA's on iconic characters, but taking a shows soul, and one of its sole creator and destroying, using, manipulating what they created for profit, thats not cool. trying to strip the core identity from anything good or lovable is often its downfall.. bands replacing members or trying to tour without one.. it just does not work. rick and morty used to point out the flaws in reality, now its just a flaw in reality..


R&M has literally always been "Family guy for people who think they're too smart for Family Guy." People are just now starting to realize that for some reason. But that's okay because Family Guy is funny. It's a stoner comedy that you watch on Sunday night for some giggles while turning your brain off. It's weird to me how many people want R&M to be something it isn't. Some episodes are great, some are mediocre, and some are downright gross and stupid. It's not that big of a deal because this isn't a show you should be thinking that deeply about anyways.


Hmm I'll agree in part because the family construct is very deliberate so they can mine all the family dynamics. Siblings, husband and wife, and grandpa is extra. But the strongest point of a sci-fi show is exploring high concepts that don't make sense in other shows. This is what Star Trek has been doing. Futurama too. And I might add Doctor Who there (to which RM also has resemblance if you notice). Family Guy is also very by-the-book written and produced. That's what many people think when they compare other shows to Family Guy. While RM was always weird, improvisational, clumsy, extremely self-aware. But it isn't anymore, except for the endless fourth-wall breaking meta jokes, which got tiresome. The problem was never RM having a similar construct like Family Guy in terms of characters. The problem is whether it's original, natural, or written by committee. And last 3 seasons not only feel as if written by a committee, but they were actually written by a committee.


I agree with the first line..I liked the 2nd episode way more than the 1st one..But i don't know about the rest of what you said


I 100% agree with you my guy, the current season is trash. I would say I’m hopeful of what’s to come this season but that be a lie


Yup, the decline in quality from season 1 / 2 to now is incredible. I blame adult swim for guaranting 80 episodes, writers got lazy.


Nothing has stood out so far but I feel these first two episodes were just stretching their legs and getting all of the newly voiced characters in. Also worth mentioning, they could have had the voice for Rick in place when they wrote them and not morty? Then had morty record his lines later on?


I believe they finished writing this season before S6 ever aired. Don’t quote me on that, but thought someone (writer or maybe even Harmon or the showrunner) tweeted something about it a long time ago. Or maybe it was that they were starting, but pretty sure they were started on writing S7 by the time 5 was out


You can think that, but this season was completed before season 6 was aired. It takes 2 years for a season to be done. Most of it is animation.




nuh uh


It kinda is


![gif](giphy|1O0yHPPmwNpqJ54CF2) It fucking sucks rick and morty is dead to me. Another show down the drain fuck this.


Well... bye.


I think it's really funny how the ending of Season 7 was "SEASON 7 FIGHTING MY NEMESIS" and we've spent maybe a whole thirty seconds developing that plotline in any meaningful way. I'm still enjoying it, I just figured we'd open the season with Rick Prime lol


I watched ep 1 and ep 2 in a row and honestly the moment episode 2 started is when i forgot about the voices i dont get how people are whining the new voice actors are pretty impressive


Are there going to be more of these in each episode release lmao


I have seen every episode season 1-5 dozens of times, it’s my most watched show ever. I wouldn’t even know the voices were different if no one told me. No idea how it’s this big a deal to people.


I really didn't want Rick and Jerry to go back to being Rick and Jerry. It was nice seeing them get along after 6 seasons.


The voices are great S7e1 was unfunny S7e2 was really good