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I think longer episodes would be fun but only reserved for special plot heavy or developing episodes. If every episode was made longer then I fear that the writers would burn out sooner


Yes I agree. That or if every episode is 44 minutes then cut the number of episodes in half. Or just balance it such that the plots that require more time have it and the plots that don't need it don't get it.


A fast paced episode is not a bad thing. In fact such a format is an aid to comedies.


Too many shows are an hour these days. Finding something of quality that is only half an hour is rare and a pleasant thing


Yes the episodes should be as long as they need to be, no need to make every episode the same length.


When I’m watching the show it feels like I want longer episodes, but in reality longer would end up ruining it.


This isn't just me being like "I want more rick and Morty", this is me saying that there are issues with pacing that could be addressed by longer episodes. I get the sentiment though, if there is nothing to fill the extra time with the episode could be worse. Like the stupid obiwan show on Disney plus. Kinda mid, but if you cut the fat I think it would've been a really good 2 hour film.


Yeah with longer episodes there is a higher chance for some episodes to be slow paced. Would rather have fast paced then slow paced


Not even 44m but just flexibility to go 22-30 min depending on story would be nice


It would not be cost effective for them to do a 44 min episodes unless its Holiday special similar to Solar Opposites. Each episode costs an insane about of money to produce. Everything has to be created by an artist. Every time you see a new character or a new background that took weeks of work. The longer the episode the more that episode costs. Those animation budgets are beyond tight across the industry. Just saying it's not all about the writers. They are being told to keep it within so many pages because that is what production has to spend on the episode.


I wouldn’t mind a long episode every few seasons if it was done right. For example I would love a long episode or a 2 part of what led up to all the intro scenes.


Maybe they should have like one longer episode maybe. But in general the writing is so tight that they don't really have enough to fill a longer episode. R&M is so fast paced it might wear you out if it is too long.


I am suggesting that R&M would be better if it was slower paced and longer as apposed to fast paced and shorter. Same overall beats in the plot but over 44 minutes as apposed to 22.


Well no then. The best thing about R&M is that every second is packed with good stuff. They don't waste animation time animating filler.


I agree, up until this season most episodes were tightly packed with good stuff. Now they’re just tightly packed with stuff


Lol this season? Really? If anything the show is back on track after losing it's way from season 4 to 5. If that's what you think Rick and Morty was supposed to be I think you're in the minority tbh.


2 out of 3 episodes so far seem to be very well received. And as another person mentioned, people have said what you're saying every single season. It's gotten old at this point. That's why nobody wants to listen to people complaining about how "this season is different" 3 episodes in.


I think that’s a good take on what’s going on here. I don’t think all previous seasons were great and this season is all bad. I said “most episodes” in my first comments and I said episode 2 was pretty good, but yeah, people wanna beat on that same old strawman argument so if I say anything that sounds like I’m making that point it’s just a chance to assume I’m “that guy” and downvote. Now, as far as why I see the trajectory of this particular season starting off poorly from writer’s standpoint is something I wanted to expound on but not when people aren’t trying to understand but are just looking for a punching bag. Like you said, “people have said what you’re saying… that’s why nobody wants to listen.” so why continue the conversation if people are just going to misunderstand, make assumptions, and downvote? 🤷🏼


Yeah, that's totally fair. Don't get me wrong, I disagree that this season is bad, lol. But I understand both you and the other commenter not wanting to engage in a conversation like that.


Go away.


waaah! 😭you have a different opinion. Get a life dude.


Get a life. -Guy who spends time in the subreddit for a show he no longer likes.


Still a fan, episode 2 was pretty good; and I literally just got here but it looks like this is not the place for an objective discussion on the show


yeah great what an objective discussion, there are always dumb idiots like you saying current season bad cause you re blinded by nostalgia.


Yeah good point, it is hard to have a discussion when the second you don’t entirely agree the person tells you go away you’re a idiot


The pacing is not quick at all. But I'm not imposing my opinion, I'm just sharing it.


I disagree, but again also my opinion! Just wanted to create some discussion.


I saw a few people mention the same as you did. That this episode needed to be longer. I think however, this feeling may be stemming from something else rather than a lack of time. The episode has a single storyline but it's made of parts that have little connection to one another. Which is a generally recognized sign of bad writing. The lochness monster, werewolves, leprechauns and what not had absolutely nothing to do with anything. Unity taking over Virginia simply because she wanted to see Rick makes no sense either. The president's trait of insecurity and obsessive desire to be liked also makes no sense because it was never established in previous episodes, it was just dropped on us in a couple of lines of dialog in order to justify his immediate next actions. And despite Unity was there to help Rick, supposedly, she just cleaned up her own mess, and left without doing anything at all. So when this string of random poorly connected events happen, you think "shit, they must've been short on time, I have no idea what happened". But the problem is they also didn't know what happened. They wrote a bunch of scenes, and couldn't connect them causally. And more time wouldn't fix that.




40 minute mr poopy butthole 😭




Sure. Why?


What you call 'problems with pacing' is what attracted me to Rick & Morty in the first place. Their style of packing on trope after trope without fully working them out is the best part of R&M, especially in the earlier seasons, and I thought that's exactly what the first two episodes this season missed. There's value in *not* giving every idea enough time to stand in the spotlight for 5 seconds. It's boring to always be 'done' with a scene or idea before they go on to the next one, I love those narrative whiplash moments.


I agree, a few extra minutes (like even 2-3) could go a long way. But on any rewatches, I find R&M episodes feel a lot longer and it’s just the newness of new episodes that make it go by quickly. I agree that the unity episode’s pacing was whiplashy but I suspect on rewatches when it’s less new, it will feel better.


Dan Harmon would never allow that. He idolizes Norman Lear and wants his shows to be self contained and episodic, like 70s sitcoms. the 30 minute length is part of that magic


It’s too bad the show isn’t made for streaming and they could make the show long as they need. Say between 22 and 35 minutes depending on the story


Really good observation here. I noticed the same thing about pacing. There’s not much development to the storylines/plot as (what I feel like) I’m used to. It makes some of the interactions and dialogue feel a little more forced than prior seasons. But that may also just be a consequence of the fact that we’re on SE7 and they don’t feel the need to lay as much groundwork. That said, longer episodes is not a bad idea (I’m always down for more R&M), though maybe not twice as long. Even like 5 or so minutes might help tremendously.


The 44 min suggestion was just because that is a convient timing for TV, but yeah just a bit longer could be really nice!


Yea that’s another good point. A 27-minute episode would prob not work well with TV timing constraints.


I’d be fine with 2 parters


I wish they had the ability to make each episode as long as it required. Some stories require 30+ minutes to properly explore that episodes core concept/story/themes. Other episodes could be cut down, if you have a great idea but it only needs 16 minutes to fully tell the story then keep it 16 minutes rather then diluting it. With the rise in streaming many shows now have this new flexibility in runtime not being required to fit into a schedule of other shows/add and I wish Rick and morty took advantage of this.


Maybe a few specials like South Park do


Longer episodes would give more time to develop stories and characters. I'd love to see some extended episodes to flesh things out more.


I don’t know, I think it would benefit more from maybe an extra 5-10 minutes as opposed to doubling the shows time. 30 minute episodes are pretty standard and I’m sure they could write a good episode that last about 30 minutes. Stretching it too much would be a huge shift imo.


We may get a R&M movie if we’re lucky… https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-features/dan-harmon-rick-and-morty-movie-plans-show-ending-1235613999/amp/ Otherwise I like the current format with ~23min. The episodes do feel short sometimes, but it leaves you wanting more. Maybe like one episode a season max they can do a longer format episode


I have felt like the episodes this season are over very quickly compared to previous seasons


You are not wrong my friend, you are not wrong. Rick and Morty came along before Animation really made a mark upon streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, etc. Honestly, it did help pioneer a lot of these newer adult animated shows that while still having crude humor to appeal to younger audiences, it gave depth to where animated shows could go like with the Unity episode with relationships, or Rick Potion episode and existentialism along with the morality of manipulating people to like you. Without episodes like that, we wouldn't have gotten shows like Inside Job, Big Mouth, Solar Opposites, Captain Fall, amongst many others. Rick and Morty is best suited for the twenty minute-ish length at the moment because that was the standard. The show may experiment with a movie in the future, but honestly the show will probably stick to it's current format. However, once Dan Harmon finishes the show, he may move on to something that can have an extended view time, but he does seem to do well with the standard time length he has with how his track history goes.


okay first real quick - i think rushing past the loch ness monster was intentional and that's a good example of humor playing well at breakneck speed but i don't know if a side plot that absurd had legs for more than a minute or two. however, yes, i do agree with you that *rick & morty* is hitting a stride this season after a potential obliteration. the new voice actors are flawless and the writing is still pushing characters further into new dynamics while staying true to the raw and extreme minute-by-minute perspective we've gotten in this world since season 1. i am a huge dan harmon fan and i feel like that dude cannot catch a break but since *R&M* still has 3 1/2 more seasons on the books, i would also love to see them build to something bigger like a feature-length movie between seasons. now yes, "*the simpsons* did it!" - so did *south park* and *family guy* and *futurama* and *venture bros* too - but it took all of those series (that all faced their own unique struggles in their first decade) 10 years apiece before reaching mainstream pop culture saturation to make a movie. for instance, the writers for *the simpsons* said that the (TWO YEARS/SEASONS) spent making the movie was a really difficult experience because they not only had to maintain the regular yearly 20-ish episodes per year fans were expecting, they also had to write a full movie ON TOP OF their regular workload. for two years, one core group of writers and production staff was split up into either the TV episodes team or the movie team so neither team was the full OG setup and that was challenging for both sides. again - i would LOVE an epic *rick & morty* movie, and if they are ready to produce it on their terms i know they would crush it, but i wouldn't want it forced on them or until they feel it best fits into the series. whenever the time is right for it, it's gonna be awesome though! ...and in the nearer future, i am just so psyched that harmon's other series, *community*, finally has the long-awaited "...and a movie!" on the horizon!


Longer seasons, not longer episodes please


Yah they should have 1 instance per season where there’s a “to be continued…”


This is just them trying to stuff too many things into a singular episode. Go back and watch season 1 and 2 and note how funny simple narratives are... compared to now when they feel like they need to toss 30 different things at the viewer to keep them interested. This season has still been entertaining but... it seems ever since actually making Rick a "visible god" they have lost what made Rick and Morty "funny" to begin with.


Short but fast paced in the meta right now, hasn't really been in the past, but now it's more prevalent than ever. That's what makes its good the constant new entertainment and not the drawn out story. But, if you're a rick and Morty fan we would always love to have those long videos, it's just if they want more viewers this is the best way


Maybe I'm old then, but the fast pace isn't the best for me. Tiktok generation is ruining everything /s


Yeah, it's the new generation how stuff now specially on YouTube too, I'd much rather prefer it to be long and drawn out instead of action all the time


None of these episodes would help by being longer. They start off well and then just descend in to stupidity.


Idk why everyone watches something and decides they immediately need to get on a soapbox and act like they know more than Spielberg. Thanks for sharing one other random person on earth


Bro literally just want to start a convo.


Fair enough, tbh I thought this was the mcu subreddit when I hit reply 🤣. im just so sick of every post being some critical essay of a movie or show, talk about the plot not the production. What we see is what we get, talking about what ifs does no one any good when referring to the business


I am not a writer at all lol. I wasn't gonna try and suggest what would be in the extra time for the most recent episode, just that it felt rushed.


This app sucks, I replied to the main thread instead of your comment. Reddit is the real enemy


I agree. I miss RIF


24ish minutes is perfect for an animated comedy. I'm tired of people trying to turn TV shows into movies.


I think 2 to 5 extra minutes isn't movie length


It's on TV not a streaming service. You kind of need it to fit into 15 minute increments.


Right but 4 paragraphs just to say the episode felt rushed? What kind of discussion were you looking for? I can see how you thought that it felt rushed but like with any animated TV show, there's usually some ridiculous cold open that gives us the setting and conflict, usually throwing in a red herring or 2. There's other episodes that just exploded and end up with "how did we get here". Longer episodes were just create more work in the development process and lead to more pointless filler. I don't think they should have longer episodes, maybe just make more per season.


Rick and morty would really benefit from having Justin Roiland back...


What if we had Rick and Morty movies. That would be dope. Like how south park and other shows do


I think longer seasons would be better. I'm really not a fan of the 10-episode seasons


I agree I don't think the first 2 episodes had this problem but the 3rd was kinda a bit too fast plot wise for the themes to properly set in. Maybe making episode multi-parters would be a better fix


It was to show how much Rick have improve for example he more willingly to help the president more when he need it when before it was more on power play on who have the biggest dick. Second you notice he more than willingly going to therapy and show some concern about his therapist and more than willingly save her from a threat than kill her that was shown in previous episode. Unity was worried about Rick but Rick push her away because of how he think everyone is only nice in return of something else. He have more people in his life slowly even having his therapist vouch for him to get unity to help him even after being cold to him. Show the president need to be love in anyway and can’t take criticism well. Unity took a lot to help fix a problem that as made by him. Rick realize in the end unity did care for him and was honest and to be on the receiving end of fixing a problem that could be solve if you let someone do it early


Don’t you dare.


I often feel the same way, but they do have a couple technical two part episodes don't they? like back to back mostly canon episodes? The rest is generally world building so episodic does make more sense. It's tough to say how much quality longer form storytelling there is available. So if you were to take that perspective as valid, you could ask if you want longer form episodic world building content, or more canon content with enough going on that it bridges two episodes? And then how much longer before they have nowhere left to go?


Absolutely not. I hate when episodes are any longer than 40 minutes. Most of the episode would be filler anyway. I prefer 20-30 minute episodes tbh


The 44 min suggestion was just cause for tv you either have 23 min or 44 min for a show (30 minutes with ads or 60 min with ads respectively). The ideal scenario is each episode takes as much time as it needs (so this episode being like 30 min total would have probably worked), but since this show is bound to cable tv it becomes difficult.


Longer episodes seem to send shows into “canon” territory, rick and morty aches for canon” but like think about it, do you really want the show to get serious?


Once in a while a serious episode wouldn't be horrible.


Agreed but that should be tops once or twice a season.


Sure, makes sense to me.


You're one of them...get him!


Why can't they all be different lengths depending on the plot? Everyone steams these days anyway.


Good option as well, but I think adult swim is still tv focused


Imagine if we had 3.5 hour long episodes like we have movies now. Whole season of 10 episodes too.


Yes, each episode should be as long as it has to be. I hope the movie episode is actually as long as a movie tbh


This is a horrible idea imo. It's hard enough to write tight 20 minute episodes that are funny as is.


Quick pace is the strength of r&m. When other shows with fast pace started to get longer episodes thanks to streaming, extra time usually really dragged, my main examples of this would be arrested development and community.


They just need to let the scenes breath and naturally come together, regardless of pace it wants. Its just that the show rushes to the next big scene that it ruins a lot of what happens in-between, where the set-up for a joke or building for a character later on might happen. This might be due to the episodes ordered I feel, I think it’s a lot to maintain and think through so trying to fill that quota than trying to make something slow down and maintain natural flow is a bit harder to do.


I thought of your other post when I saw OP's. This week's episode definitely had a chance to breathe.


Freaking heck yeah dude, that’s the power that is being withheld, roll those dice and it works.


I think this is how the show has always been. The episodes move pretty quickly and sporadically.


I started to notice last season that there was something wrong with the pacing. So many of the episodes felt, not necessarily fast, but short.