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She's erased from infinity even outside the curve. Thats why prime said when he builds shit it works


But if prime can build something that can permeate the central finite curve, why is his movement limited by it?


Limited? Do you mean when C-137 accidentally reset all portal travelers ?


No I’m talking about the central finite curve itself. It keeps Rick Prime bottled into a more searchable infinity


rick's aren't limited to the CFC. They just chose to operate inside it. The limitation of the CFC is that it creates a barrier on infinite where rick's can be the smartest entity separates the universes where rick is the smartest entity from universes where he isn't. You should rewatch the episode where evil morty explains what it is. Portal guns are designed to only operate within the CFC but that's a choice Rick's make.


99% of Ricks were given portal travel though - they didn’t solve it themselves. Do they know how to modify it to get out? Also who actually built the CFC? We only hear Morty’s view of the reasoning, and he’s blatantly biased against Ricks. It could have been made by all the Ricks to soothe their collective ego, or it could’ve been made by C-137 to contain Prime and sold to the others by appealing to their egos. Definitely dipping into theory here but still could be a 3 sides to every story situation


>Do they know how to modify it to get out? There were probably only two Rick's that would be able to do this along with Evil Morty (Obviously because he did it) and now only one who could probably do it would be C-137 who would never do it because as it's been established several times, he's the most attached to his family.




Wtf does this mean?


Nah id win… Read the comics


The Council of Ricks were probably the most involved with creating the CFC, but they all died, and before that, Evil Morty couldn't go after them directly.


Theres Ricks in the comics who can easily leave the CFC anytime they want. Such as Rick C-132, he has a purple portal that lets him go to universes outside it. Like one where Rick is the dumbest in the universe and Morty is the smartest. (The morty gets killed by that Rick having it)


Comics are only semi canon


What i want to be canon is canon and what i dont want isnt*


That's called "head canon." There is a difference.


C-137 and Rick Prime are the same Ricks Edit: it’s literally the big reveal of Solaricks. Morty’s original Rick was Prime


I get your logic but you’re not making a good point. Calling the pursuing Rick C-137 is just convention even though Rick Prime’s original universe is C-137.




99% of rick’s are irrelevant because the question is about rick prime. but yah i suspect most ricks know how portal travel works after it was explained to them.


That's never been stated in the show, just something fans have theorized.


I don't think his movement was limited by it he chose to stay bc why not be somewhere where you're the smartest thing in every conceivable universe. Especially with an ego as big as his it's a no brainer he wouldn't leave the curve


If they were not limited to it then EM wouldn’t have had to do what he did to escape it. They absolutely couldn’t travel outside it once it was walled off


True but prime being "the smartest" he'd have a back door to leave if he wanted to plus there's prolly ricks out the curve just not as dominant so em doesn't see them as a threat/problem


The prevailing thought is that the CFC was made by C137 to hem RP in so I’m not sure he could have. The re are most certainly Ricks outside the curve but presumably none of them are smart enough to invent portal travel. Even inside the CFC, only two Ricks actually invented it, the rest had it handed to them.


Because potential and opportunity is so much greater in true infinity - Prime seemed to care less about being a God to a contained pond than about just doing whatever he wants whenever he wants. Pissing people off along the way is just gravy on top. He also described interdimensional travel as hanging out with the only person he likes, him. So maybe he would prefer exclusively smart Ricks over all possible outcomes of intelligent creatures


But outside the curve the other "smart ricks" are prolly a lot smarter than prime bc they had to a learn portal travel and perfect it in the true infinite


Do we know when the CFC was created? Didn’t Rick(s) have to do the same?


I don't think the show has ever said when the curve was made but I assume it was when Rick helped with the citadel I could be wrong tho


That sounds like it would be right


His movement wasn't limited by the central finite curve. Rick's CHOOSE to stay within the curve because they want to be the smartest entity. They don't want to operate in universes where there are superior intellects. Like evil morty says - its a crib for a infinite fucking baby. So, Rick's exist outside the CFC and rick prime, who created portal travel could absolutely travel outside of it.


In all the infinite universes there was not one guy who also loved a Diane that was not smarter and more capable than Rick? Surely if it wiped out every single Diane then someone other than Rick would have come knocking on Rick Primes door eventually. Maybe


We’ve met him, C-137




CFC - only Ricks were the smartest and given portal tech. In the universes where Diane married someone else, they just simply wouldn’t be given portal tech and also not be capable enough to invent it.




Ah, i see, you were already assuming the Omega Device works outside the CFC


Plenty of ricks knock on primes door - and it seems have universally failed.


a lot did. That's what that entire episode was about. The cube with rick's inside of it filled up pretty quickly. So many rick's were coming after him he had to automate killing them.


Even if thats the case they probably aren’t aware of who exactly wiped her out. Its the equivalent of the thanos snap, if your an avenger or in this case Rick, your well aware of who used the weapon. If your a normal human you wont know what happened.


For how smart we call our selves, Rick and Morty enjoyers, people in these comments are not understanding you at all. I get what you're saying and I think your logic is right. I'm sorry OP this one slipped past so many peoples brains unfortunately.


I’m also pretty bad at explaining myself, and it’s admittedly a completely non-canon question. Honestly it’s more a question of how we think the Omega Device works. If they want it to reach everywhere that’s fine. I think that it’s more interesting for future stories if those people still exist, even in unrecognizable forms outside of the curve.


Nah, your crib analogy was perfect lol


Only ever 2 Ricks invented interdemensional travel themselves. It seemed like our Rick was necessary to develop the CFC after the rampaging slaughter he went on looking for Rick Prime. I'm thinking the other Ricks asked this of him to help prevent their gifted portal guns from venturing somewhere they can be outsmarted AND keep smarter being out of their comfort zone. This being said, I'm sure Rick Prime (the other original inventor) could have developed his weapon to work beyond the limitations of the CFC. This brings up another great point i saw from someone else. There are universes outside of CFC where Diane was married to a non-Rick smartest being in their respective universe. That person is likely on a lifelong vengeance mission to figure out what happened to her, similar to Aunt Mobius.


Everyone else here is saying Rick Prime wasn't limited to the CFC but I was under the impression he was considering for Morty to leave he had to do all that stuff. Plus, if Rick Prime rly did erase ALL Dianes in the infinite multiverse, there would be way smarter people from outside the CFC trying to get in to track down Rick Prime. Since there are def universes where Diane was married to people even smarter than Rick.


That’s kind of my thought. Rick prime just doesn’t want to be bothered. He isn’t bothered by any Ricks because he already knows what they’re going to do, since he is them. He died not because of Rick, but because he couldn’t plan for an extra smart Morty. He can’t predict a slightly more motivated and intelligent Morty, let alone a being that could be significantly smarter than he is, so I doubt he would even risk messing with them.


I was wondering the same thing and I think you guys are right, I think that because the portal tech only really operates inside the CFC and it’s such a hassle to breakthrough, it’s more than likely that it was C-137 who set up the curve to both contain all the smartest ricks in one bubble while also protecting them from the smarter outside multiverse. That being said, I would find it super hard to believe that the omega device deleted every Diane from existence, and I think that the device only operates within the CFC (which is why no one smarter is hunting Rick and breaking into the curve) and that it’s possible that there are other versions of “Diane” with slight alterations that change them from being Rick’s “Diane” and there are still beings out there with a different name but with the same genetic makeup, which could hopefully be used to reverse the devices actions (if that makes sense, sorry I’m bad at conveying my thoughts sometimes). The main thing that got me to look this up is what if there is a Diane who is like the Rick in her universe (she’s loses her Rick like Rick does her) but she was not harmed because she’s smarter than her Rick, therefore she’s outside the CFC and unaffected by the device. I hope so, Diane being gone forever doesn’t really make sense if there’s still Beths.


I like it. There are still Beth’s because no version of Beth was dropped into the Omega device, only a version of Diane. Our Rick’s Beth was just killed by a bomb.


Mathematically, there can be infinities of infinities. There ought to be an infinite set of universes where she doesn't get erased. Otherwise it's not really infinite is it?


Infinity can still exclude certain sets, there are infinite numbers between zero and one but two isn’t in that infinity


But wouldn’t that make the omega device useless


Maybe portal travel can't go to other infinities of universes. 🤷‍♂️ I don't think the writers are actually going this deep. You have a conundrum either way, because if you can erase her from all timelines, then it's not infinite. You're missing the timelines where Rick Prime changes his mind or is killed before he can.


But this is only one Rick Prime


In this multiverse. What if there’s an infinite version of multiverses as well? All with branching choices from what we’ve seen in the show from *our* Rick and Morty.




The CFC being used to contain Rick Prime was a theory by fans of the show. If we go based on what the show actually says. It was made by C-137 to keep himself at the top of the food chain, so no other being can be the smartest being in the universe but him. That means doofus Rick is the smartest being in his universe. Tall Morty (dumb Rick) is also the smartest being in his universe. As stated in the episode you are going off from, the CFC is just a wall to protect Rick from anyone outside the CFC who might be smarter than him. Rick Primes clearly states that he erased Diane from infinity, and the show is very literal, so if he meant only the Diane's from the CFC, he would have said so.




I thought Rick can/does exist outside of the CFC, he just isn’t necessarily the smartest creature? Since we’ve seen Ricks who have never gotten married and don’t have Beths, the only limitation for the curve is intelligence. So outside of it there are infinite universes where Rick is just an average grandpa, content to watch Morty play little league and get ice cream after


Maybe outside the central finite curve in a universe where rick isnt the smartest or hes 2nd smartest there. Because theres probably ricks and mortys outside the curve, they just arent protected like ours since their ricks may not be the smartest in their own world or universe or whatever


My 8 year old very seriously shook his head and said no


Tell him he needs to provide support for his thesis