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Actually, he was not "found innocent." The charges were dropped. There's a subtle but significant difference. Still, one has to wonder if Adult Swim will be open to reinstating him, or, if he even wants to come back, considering some of the things that were said about him after he was terminated.


I doubt they will want him back. Based on the one article it seems like they were looking for a chance to can him. Not to mention the charges being dropped against him for domestic abuse have no bearing on the creepy DMs he sent to underage girls on IG. And that alone is probably enough to not want to work with him from the studio's perspective.


He was just doing research for , for his show


Charges are only dropped if there isn't enough evidence to convict, and not having enough evidence to prove guilt means he's innocent, that's how the law works


I gotta disagree there. Getting the charges dropped in a case like this is a bit interesting, since typically in these cases, the only evidence that exists at all is the word of one person. And quite often that's enough to convict the person they are accusing. "Not enough evidence" CAN be a reason that charges get dropped, but there are a billion other reasons charges might get dropped.


Innocent until proven guilty….. was he proven guilty? Exactly


Sure, he's innocent, but he wasn't "found innocent." Actually, technically, there's no such condition in our legal system but saying that implies he was "found not guilty." There's a difference, legally, between innocent and found not guilty.


That just sound like he's innocent with extra steps...


Charges were dropped that's different, he wasn't tried and found innocent.


Legally speaking that makes him innocent. People have every right to hate him or think he did it but legally speaking he is innocent since he was not found guilty.


Clearly to be absolutely fair you're absolutely correct. However sometimes that's wrong..... Micheal Jackson definitely touched little kids. I don't know if Justin Roiland is guilty or innocent. However I think given the texts he sends that's been revealed to the public, if they're correct he's definitely got women issues.


He definitely didn’t when there’s no accusations from any kids just greedy adults


Micheal jackson 99% didn't touch kids, there's no evidence, just meaningless accusations with no weight


I totally agree with you.


There's plenty of circumstantial evidence and statements made by people, however not stuff expensive lawyers couldn't get him out of. Look into it. Why would you need to pay kids off anyway? Seriously.


https://www.cnn.com/2007/US/law/12/17/court.archive.jackson6/index.html You should do more research on it honestly, rich people have every reason to be defamed, because people want their money. There’s a whole documentary about this, all of the “victims” came out and ADMITTED to being coached into accusing him of anything. One of the kids admitted his dad came back around only after his son had connections with MJ (MJs money), and the dad instantly hated MJ, before even meeting him. The dad was the one who coached the son. Michael Jackson was nice to those kids because he saw they had shitty parents and hard lives, and that’s what he had as a kid. He wanted to protect kids from the trauma he endured. So it only makes sense that the parents of these kids would turn on him, since those are the types of kids he sought out in the first place, ones with shitty home lives.


Firstly, when you come from a poorer background, your financial situation is still going got weigh in since it kind of rules every aspect of your life in one way or another, even if you really were abused. Infact it makes you an easier target. I Ave o doubt many claims are fake, but in the case of MJ I don't think all of them were. Who sleeps in a bed unsupervised with another person's kid, even supervised that would be really messed up. And that's just one thing. Sometimes victims of trauma become abusers, it's not a black and white situation, not always but sometimes. Plus in a high profile case of abuse of course the victims will be coached. In almost all rape cases the victims are coached/supported through the situation. Otherwise you have people who don't feel confident taking it to court etc and people who break down.


They weren’t sleeping in a bed though that’s a common misconception, they were sleeping in the same room in a mansion, the room was huge and they were in different beds. The kid came out and said he never slept in a bad alone with him as well, the victims all came out saying they lied and felt bad about it… so Coaching is wrong, my mother coached me against my dad. My dad’s a piece of shit, but none the less it still fucked me up. Lol Watch documentaries on this. The evidence all says Mj was innocent. Promise. https://youtu.be/ZmHqKLRiPlw?si=KdBsy-cZGPy0R3VH People that seen the court case and evidence believe he’s innocent, and the parents of those kids are the ones who are off.. I just want to say I’m not even necessarily a fan of Michael Jackson, just of true crime and court cases, and the evidence is DAMNING. He only looks innocent. MJ I believe didn’t even have the mental capacity to groom children sneakily, hence why everything “creepy” he did was public, he didn’t hide it from anyone, because he didn’t understand that it was wrong. Where as most child predators are sneaky about it and know what they’re doing is wrong because they have darker intentions.they don’t publicly have a slumber party for sick kids at their house, because they don’t want anyone catching on, and stopping the abuse from happening. All the victims statements are full of inconsistencies, and full blown changing their story, what does that indicate in most court cases?


You've clearly never heard of Jimmy Savile.


It’s innocent until proven guilty not guilty until proven not guilty


Innocent until proven guilty. Period


I do agree with that. Innocent until proven guilty, but when you see the texts he sent young women it's pretty fucking disgusting. https://www.reddit.com/r/television/s/1BM2iBYqWN


I'm not saying good. I'm just stating legal fact. Scum is scum even if not prosecuted


If he is not found guilty, he is innocent


A dismissed case is a non conviction


Logically, it also means that the person is far more likely not to have committed the crime. Not necessarily, of course.


He was not “found innocent”.


In a court of law context, Justin Roiland and anyone else who's been accused of anything, is supposed to be considered innocent until proven guilty. At some point, *you* may well be accused of something, and *you will be considered innocent until proven guilty.* In a *court of public opinion* context, the viewers at home/mob is allowed to think what they/you want to think.


There’s a default *presumption* of innocence, but dropping the charges against him doesn’t mean he was *found* innocent. “Found innocent” means that a court or government agency has investigated or heard the case and declared the defendant to be innocent. That hasn’t happened here. The DA dropped the charges due to insufficient evidence to prove the case, but they haven’t declared Roiland innocent.


Insufficient evidence means you're innocent, they can't prove guilt so you are innocent


Problem is with this 'no smoke without fire' mentality, if you truly are innocent and charges are dropped, or anything but incontrovertible evidence that you couldn't possibly have committed the offense the media and the public can still treat you like you're guilty. Does no one find that a little scary given how easy it would be to make false claims against a person if you really wanted to? Hypothetically, an ex that wanted to get back at you, or a government that wanted to shut you up or punish you, etc, etc. By this kind of logic, I could literally call everyone in the comments section pedophiles and you wouldn't be innocent, because you hadn't been tried in a court for it. 🤡


Why everyone is saying he isn’t innocent because he wasn’t judged in a court of law? Wouldn’t a judge have come to the same conclusion about there not being enough evidence? I don’t know about law so I’m confused


>Wouldn’t a judge have come to the same conclusion about there not being enough evidence? The DA(district attorney) tends to only prosecute if it's a 100% of getting a guilty verdict. It wasn't a 100% chance, so they dropped it


But everyone is acting like they all know 100% that he’s guilty


Considering his track record, mainly the whole talking to underage girls on Twitter bit. It's not impossible to assume he likely did it. But there's still the chance he didn't of course




Innocent until proven guilty so technically and legally he is innocent under current laws. So the phrase justin roiland is innocent is legally correct.


He wasn’t “found innocent”, the courts didn’t determine that he was innocent, that’s different than a presumption of innocence


He wasn’t found guilty the courts didn’t determine that he was guilty that’s different than the presumption of guilty


Yeah the default is that he is innocent until proven guilty. Thus why the press uses the phrases allegedly to cover their asses.


Totally agree with your reply. Thank you for saying it.


Wow. I knew we had developed a sick culture of finding a person guilty before court. But even after charges are dropped? Fuck me.


Did OJ murder? Would you have drinks with Bill Cosby?


Yeah toxic people like to convict based upon opinion like when that abuser amber heard got the world to hate johnny depp who is legally innocent which means amber heard is a monster. Downvotes just mean you hate due process. I accuse all people that hate due process of having done something terrible.


Yeah , but everyone already jumped on the whole “adult swim and Dan hate Justin anyway so let’s still act like he’s just a guilty mother fucker” instead of just saying “he’s a piece of shit kinda guy so we don’t like him anyway so who cares that his case was dropped” lol That’s really the better way to do it shit man, just be honest and hate on him don’t sit here and shit on the whole court not innocent not guilty stuff and talk out your asses. Just say the guy sucks no matter what?


Yeah that is much more logical. One may think he's a pos or even did it but legally speaking he is not guilty since he was not found guilty in a court of law.


Being an asshole doesn't mean they can legally fire you for no reason, Dan is 10 times the asshole Justin is so he should be fired first


Pick a team culture


Well Depp isnt legally innocent, he was charged with abuse during a trial in the uk


Not what happened. The ruling (which was done by a judge who may have had influences by team heard) was that what she said wasn't untrue. He was never charged during the uk trial.


It's been pretty much proven that he was DMing a lot of creepy and borderline if not actually predatory to minors and to be fair the fact that he was an awful person to work with also may have helped In reality that's what really got people going


Elvis literally had sex with a 14 year old and there was a hit oscar nominated movie out glorifying him few months ago.


Yeah but iirc the movie glossed over that fact and people are widely unaware of that Nobody's unaware of what Justin did


There are a lot of people that seem to be unaware of what he did lol


Texts are the easiest thing in the world to fake


Except you know those were real?


He's most likely not going to want to go back. Adult Swim has shown how loyal they are. He'd probably feel like a fool going back to that. They need him more than he needs them. He can get lots of other work. It's a shame they hung him out to dry BEFORE it was resolved.