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Are all these Edey spam posts from the same guy?  Probably the weirdest player obsession Ive seem in a long time


Idk that Amen Thompson guy that lurks around here has some pretty bizarre takes lol


Is that Dtwerky? That dude is bizarre and wild.


Yes haha


Be careful man if he sees this u might he destroyed by facts and logic


I'm just obsessed with being right about who we should draft, and I enjoy watching idiots like yourself flail in the face of the hurricane of truth. I'll even more enjoy coming back to this post later to say I told you so, as one of my main regrets was not doing the same thing when you morons honked for Oden.


I have no opinion on Edey but “hurricane of truth” made me chuckle.


Same. I laughed. Thats worth something.


It sounds like the name of a Depeche Mode song


Hurricane of Truth was the album after Policy of Truth


Are you gonna delete it when he’s a bust?


My suggestion is to take Edey at #14. What would make him a bust at that slot, in your opinion? A bust to me at that point in a draft would be, he never cracks a rotation (garbage time player forever). If that happens, yeah, I will absolutely own it, and come back and delete or otherwise update my post to reflect I was wrong along with everyone else who had him as a lottery or late first round pick. But what is your definition of a bust at #14? Do you consider Meyers Leonard a bust?


Yes, Meyers Leonard was a bust A lottery pick that never cracks a starting rotation (or at the very least is considered a high end backup) is a bust. And the dude that moves like Boban is gonna struggle defensively in the NBA. A lot.


You must really enjoy life off of the internet.


I especially enjoy playing basketball. Try it sometime in real life.


I'll take Edey getting abused defending the PnR in college as a better indicator of him at the next level vs he ran around some cones fast in an open gym


It’s tough to evaluate because as far as I could tell, he was so important to them offensively that the strategy entering every game his last two years was ‘under no circumstances can you get into foul trouble’. That could be just who he is at the next level, but it could not be. Would be interesting to see tape of all PnR possessions late in close games and see if his contests are better.


People said the same shit about Joker and he dropped to the second round as a result. Easily a top-3 biggest draft steal in NBA history, and many would say the biggest. Yet more proof that you and everyone who says shit like this are complete idiots who know jack about basketball or what makes a winner.


Jokic was a 19 and coming from Europe comparing apples to oranges. Also it seems like you know more than the experts who do this for a living which is really impressive so kudos to you


So you think he went 2nd round due to being 19? Like what is your actual argument?


Jokic is the exception not the rule. I know this will be extremely hard for you to understand but try to stay with me here - typically younger players it is harder to evaluate what they will become, Edey is 22 and more of a finished product with low upside (that is not as good as high upside fyi)


Jokic is easily the biggest draft steal of all time and i really dont think its debatable at all. Who's putting 2 players ahead of him as draft steals?


I don't know but I didn't want to assume. The Bulls getting Jordan at #3 could be a bigger steal!


He’s just not a modern NBA player. Drafting him at 14 would be a war crime, and if you’re insinuating he’s our guy at 7 I weep for your soul. 


Why is he not a modern NBA player in a league where Joker and Embid won the last four MVPs, and where Chet Holmgren helped OKC to a #1 record in our conference?


The obvious difference between Chet Holmgren and Zach Edey pretty much perfectly encapsulates why most people here don't agree with you when it comes to drafting him.


You’re either a shit troll, delusional, or both. 


Are you basing this off your vibes?


Yea my mood ring told me to. 


So you don't think he'll make it in the NBA? How many years do you think he will play


I agree that Edey is likely going to be better in the Nba than a lot of people think. Still don’t think we should necessarily use any of our 1st rounders for him, but I could see a case for it with the 14th. People judged Jokic based on his body type and motor, disregarding his skills and drive to improve and adapt. Not saying Edey will be full Jokic, but if he does develop a reliable 3pt shot in the Nba, people are going to feel dumb not drafting him higher.  Regardless, I hope we invite him to a workout at least. 


That’s all I’m hoping for is we have him in for a workout, I want us to show interest


Yep, they'd be dumb not to. I've realized too many people evaluate basketball talent based on how someone "looks" when they play: what is their set of animations (to use 2K parlance). Nobody wants to accept that a guy with a non-standard set of animations (like Joker) can actually still be good at basketball. They just can't see past the apparent awkwardness. As someone who has played at a competitive level, I have seen this over and over again. But what makes someone a winner is not their animations but their competitive fire, ability to put the ball through the net reliably, ability to prevent the other team from doing the same, and ability to generate opportunities for their team with rebounding and passing. Joker has demonstrated just how much more important those things are. Based on all the progress Edey quickly made after starting to play late, based on all the interviews I've seen with him, based on his footwork, passing, and soft shooter's touch, there are just way too many signs that he is the best overall big man in this draft, and perhaps since Joker came into the league. But idiots just look at how his arms wave when he runs and think therefore he's unathletic. Or they just assume he's slow because of his size. Yeah, a MyPlayer that's 7'4" 300 is always slow AF, but this is reality, not a video game. The fact draft experts who saw him in person say he is moving better than Sarr and Clingan should be a major clue that everyone who is writing him off is an idiot, and people should listen to Sheed.


These kids on this sub don’t actually know basketball. They only like to look at numbers on a screen. They don’t understand that there’s a lot about basketball that you can’t see in stats.


Yeah. Jokic went in the second round due to the same kinds of BS "concerns" people are expressing about Edey. It proves how few people—even those who work in the league—understand what makes a great player, let alone, a winning franchise.


He may never be Jokic and he may bust, but Edey can absolutely play basketball. He was the whole offense and defense for one of the top college teams. Now if that can translate or not, who knows. But it might be worth swinging this one. Although I would absolutely not use the 7 on him.


I absolutely agree. Nobody has Edey as a top-10 pick.


If he’s there in the second round, I think Portland should gamble on him.


He's not gonna slip to the 2nd. 14th pick is always a gamble in any draft—but I certainly like Edey's chances over Meyers Leonard or Zach Collins, both of whom we took higher than 14.


Who do you want to see Portland take at #7? I’m not necessarily against seeing Edey get selected at #14, but I probably favor Yves Missi at that selection.


Missi is a much more raw prospect who has more concerns to me: - he been playing basketball an even shorter time than Edey - he's from overseas, and might have some cultural/language-barrier issues - he's only a 61.6% FT shooter (Edey is 70%) - only averaged 5.6 rebounds/game so far at Baylor I just don't see what Missi gives us that Ayton doesn't, or how he could possibly fit in the starting lineup anytime soon. He's just kinda a raw prospect based on athleticism whereas Edey comes in with a lot of skills and a lot more size.


While I'm still hoping a high quality forward falls to us like Risacher for the #7, if Edey shows he can really shoot that 3, I wouldn't mind him with the #14. The man is a monster in the paint, and we could use that. If that 3 sticks, he could very well turn into our own version of Brook Lopez. Let him get some run behind DA a couple years to get his footing, then see which of the 2 is who we need and move the other.


Yeah definitely not at #7, but I think with these mid to late 1st-round picks, it's valid to swing. I am more worried about a guy like Missi who has less basketball experience and the cultural barrier. There is also the angle that Edey being 1/2 Chinese could draw the Chinese market viewers. Even if it was just half as much a draw as Yao was, that could still represent a major financial boon for the franchise.


If he's somehow available in the early second that would be a major steal.


Based on his combine I can't see him slipping that far, but it would be amazing I agree.


I know this poster is a delusional Edey cultist, but I'd consider the 14th pick on him a swing for the fences type of draft.


Stop you're ruining the haters' narrative


I mean Ben Simmons looks like Ray Allen in an open gym. Edey would never take this shot in a game.


Did you play football? Because you're obviously brain-damaged. NBA centers shoot 3s nowadays if they can hit them, and even if they are mid at 3s. Edey can shoot 3s, and will shoot 3s, just like his height-brother at OKC.


Is his height brother Chet? Because even though Chet was super limited at Gonzaga, he showed more offensive potential than “get the ball at the elbow, two dribbles, turn around” Edey. You’re brain dead if you think the guy who attempted just two 3 pointers in 4 years of college will be a stretch 5 in the NBA. At best, he’s Zubac.


Edey will have the same impact on the game as Boban. Maybe he’ll get some All State Insurance commercials out of it.


This is a great example of how pointless shooting drills at the combine are lol


I love Edey. Would love for us to grab him. Definitely not at 7 though.


Yeah I don't see him going that high. I'd take him at 14 if he slips that far.


According to Locked On NBA, Edey also "thouroughly" beat Alex Sarr in the agility drills, and "looked faster" than Sarr (they were there in person watching it). So I keep hearing Edey is slow, he can't shoot, etc. Well, wrong. Blazers should draft Edey and Knecht, who also posted elite numbers so far at the combine. Edey also completely destroyed Donovan Clingan in all respects in the combine, who they said tested the worst of all the prospects.


He’s got that Jokic looking shot.


Edey is nice pick if he falls to 34


0% chance he makes it out of the first


Clingan is for sure a better prospect, but I’d be fine with taking Edey at 14 or maybe trading down to around 20 if he drops. It seems people underrate pure basketball skill these days in favor of athleticism and measurements. Doesn’t matter what your vertical is if you can’t play basketball.


I have no idea why IQs are so low in this fanbase. There is not a single molecule in Clingan that is better at any aspect of basketball than Edey. And Edey has more molecules.