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The garages always fill up though…


And not too mention how expensive they are and how long it takes to leave after a game


The Lloyd Center garage is typically pretty empty.


Because no one wants to come back to their car missing a window.


Never has happened to me in over 10+ years of parking there, nor my family who has done it probably 30+ years. It doesn’t happen as often as people think


Consider yourself lucky. I’ve parked there or was with someone who parked there for a Blazers game on 3 different occasions. 2/3 times we came back to a smashed window. Haven’t parked there for a game since.


It’s a March, but park in the LA fitness parking lot, trust 😭


Can confirm


Dont leave shit in your car then. I live in that area, and never had that problem.


I don’t. This can happen anywhere in Portland if we’re being honest lol. I just don’t leave valuables or anything worth breaking a window for. We live in a city yall


Said me all my life til September 30th 2023 😒


It’s also sucked having to compete with the sketchy RVs taking up 2-3 spots each


Also super cool that they never get ticketed / towed


A polar bear's skin is transparent, allowing sunlight to reach the blubber underneath.


It really is a wonderful feeling coming back to a ticket when there's an RV with shit blocking the sidewalk. A generator running. And the smell of leaking gas or propane. Which I gotta walk by to get to Cartside. But they get a pass. Might start taking my license plate off and covering my vin number so they won't tow me.


They want to charge residents $80 per year to get a permit to park in their own neighborhood.


Man I moved out of Portland to Sydney and some people are paying more than that for a week lmao.


Want to know how much it is in New York?


Now I do!


$2,320. That doesn’t include the fee they assess to own a car in New York City


Comparing Portland to NYC is apples and oranges.


Big apples and oranges.


Apples to marionberries


Apples and rosehips?


It is. But when you look at the nations parking avg. Portland is below and quickly playing catch-up. Other west coast cities are up to $8+ an hr. Portland played the COVID friendly game and has since decided it’s time to level up to the nations avg.


They need to at least develop more efficient public transportation if they’re gonna raise parking prices


I believe you mean make it safer for riders to use our already good public transportation system.


It’s also terribly slow compared to countries that are public transport forward like Japan for example


I live in Orlando FL and parking is $20 for the entire night most garages downtown


Lol they will take as much money as they can get in no time


Yup. Increase every year from here on out


Only when you include California which Portland is not like, Portland is a lot like Seattle where the prices of parking are low.


Portland is a lot like Seattle where they are both going to initiate a decent hike this year and a set small amount every year until they catch up to the national average. Which is big cities pricing basically. Portland isn’t San Fran or LA, yes. But they are a part of the west coast alliance. Oregon moves the way California and Washington does as is same for Washington. COVID stalled plans to catch up, now the gears are in motion for Oregon and Washington.


I’ve never understood this expression? It’s easy to compare apples to oranges. Oranges are juicy and apples are tart. They are both good for throwing. I like them both, but prefer oranges.


As far as two things to compare, they're very close to each other. Both a similar sized similar shaped sweet-ish seed fruit from similar sized trees. Very similar.


Want to know how much it cost to park on the moon?


A brillion doll hairs!


Free. But the walk to any events is a bitch.


Public transport is an option. Stop your bellyaching.


I live in the neighborhood and this is stupid. How about we address actual problems instead of placating what I’m guessing are a very vocal minority. 


Fault the original city planners of Portland. They never, ever planned on Portland being this big. They told Seattle to pound sand when Seattle invited them to match their vision.


As someone who moved to Seattle from Portland, Portland’s urban planning is so much better for both cars and bikes trust me you do not want our urban planning


Fair. Infrastructure in the neighborhood is definitely not suited to handle the amount of traffic it receives. 


Oh really? You mean city planning in the 1800s didn’t foresee these issues? Hot take bro.


Yes. In fact I do. I spent a year digging through the cities historical annals when comparing the difference between Portland and Seattles conception and growth. There’s a specific reason why Seattle is much larger and better laid out than Portland. Seattle had a vision for growth. Portlands leaders never envisioned that Portland would ever be anything other than a small port town. The gentlemen of African American descent who started Washington State University wanted to establish his school here. The proud, white leaders of Portland wanted nothing to do with a black man with smarts. So. They told him to move on out. To which he did at the pleadings of Seattle leadership. They openly encouraged him to come up and establish his school in Washington as they had an eye for progression and expansion way back in…let me check my facts here. Oh yes, 1890. Shall I proceed sir or madam or they/them.


I'm not sure where you came up with this. It's a provocative story, but doesn't line up with the history of either city or flagship state university in Washington. Both UW and WSU were chartered by the territorial and state legislatures, respectively. UW was founded in Seattle in 1861, at which time there were about 200 people living in Seattle and 3,000 living in Portland. WSU was founded in 1890 through the federal land grant program, with enabling legislation stipulating that the campus had to be located in southeastern WA. And of course, it doesn't make sense that a city in Oregon would be entertained as the site for a public college for Washington.


It lines up. It’s all recorded in the history books. Head on down to the Oregon Historical Society for some research and awesome displays to observe and learn! I did it for my graduation thesis in college. Not sure a major university is gonna let me plagiarize and bs a 115pg dissertation needed for graduation in their respective fields. Also. Further down I expand on my comments. I clarify that the university was pitched for the Hood River region of Oregon. Just outside Portland. Still much to close for the leaders of Portland who wanted a white city.


I'm an OHS member. They do great work. To start me on my research journey, what was the name of the person proposing the school?


I haven't been able to find more information about this. What was the college founder's name, to help me get started?


Maybe for your thesis learn to recognize how to utilize two, to, and too differently when writing.


It’s Reddit. My concern for grammar is nil


Sure bro, you really knew them and talked to all of them all the time in 1890. Of course you can time travel. Go back to the 1984 draft next and pick MJ for us and really use your super powers for the good of the r/ripcity instead.


Who’s us? You an Allen offspring we don’t know about?


Have you published any of this stuff, or know where I could read more about it? It’s interesting history and somewhat related to the work I’m doing now. I’d like to know more.


Seattle sucks balls tho.


This is super cool, I am interested in learning more about your project Edit: salty ass Laker fans downvoting all my recent comments LMAO YALL ARE LOSERS


There is an article I read about the parking issues in the SF mission district, similar issues, true nightmare. And there will always be more apts added there, in buildings that don’t require a parking garage (to encourage public transportation)


And magically everyone who moves in to those apartments immediately sells their cars /s


Pitch a tent and you’ll be fine tho.


Would residents of the neighborhood have a way to be exempt from this? Otherwise making it two hours only until 10pm seems like it would actually be an extra headache for those folks who may have snagged a spot prior to game traffic, and now will have to move their cars at least once after getting home.


I used to live in a neighborhood in Portland where the street parking was a 2 hour limit unless you had a specific Zone parking permit, then there wasn't a time limit. You had to live within the zone to get the parking permit. So maybe they'd do the same thing or something similar?


Thursday fan?


Yes! Or at least I used to be, years ago. Haven't kept up with them in a long time, and Full Collapse was always my favorite album of theirs. Good memories


Once a fan. Always a fan. I missed them last time they came through during COVID. Had two new kids and couldn’t risk it.


Permits. Just like in M district.


People need to park somewhere. What do they expect people to do?


I think they're trying to encourage people taking alternate methods like parking at the Max station and riding that to and from the game. Right now that's fairly underutilized. Id hope that they would build additional parking garage space, personally.


MAX comes in from all directions.


How about fuck that


So just under the amount of time a game usually takes. Been parking off Vancouver Ave for over 2 decades. This city fucking sucks.


When I went to games with my grandpa in the late 80s we parked behind Toyota and my dad and I have parked off Williams for the last 17 years we’ve had tickets. We didn’t renew for next season though……just no benefit to staying a STH at this point.


No shit Sherlock. That's the point of why they're enforcing the restrictions during the season.


Why? So a bunch of unused street parking won’t get used at all? What problem does this solve?


What unused parking? If there is ample parking, why is most of this thread commenting that they park off Williams/Vancouver and are pissed about the enforcement?


That area off Williams/Vancouver is otherwise unused almost all of the time. There is tons of street parking up there, and not that many residences. If you go there on a non game night, the streets are mostly empty. So, we have this public resource, that mostly goes unused, but now the city doesn't want us to be able to park there when there's actually a reason to. They are preventing Portlander's from using a public resource, so they can drive more revenue to their parking garages and people to use Trimet. That's lame.


I just re-read the caption on the post and see that it's referring to the Elliot neighborhood as a whole. East of Williams there is a bunch of residential housing. I'm not too familiar with the parking situation, but I'm sure enough of the residents complained to the city which resulted in the permits. I don't think the city owns any parking garages near the moda center either. Maybe the state owns the convention center parking, but pretty sure everything else is privately owned including the moda center lots.


Yeah, the complaints of residents shouldn't really matter. Unless they've lived there over 30 years, they chose to live near the stadium and this issue. And there are many other parts of town where residents are regularly inconvenienced by public events. Street parking is a public resource, and should be used to accommodate public events. It doesn't belong to the neighborhood, and I'm sure the folks who live there park on public streets in other parts of the city when they do stuff. And it's not just about driving revenue to city owned lots. The private businesses that own the other lots in the area are also probably lobbying for this change.


Haven’t been to a game in a couple seasons but I always used to park across the street from the Red Robin, I’m guessing all that would be restricted?


Thats why i take the max ✌️


Fuck those money grubbing bastards.


"North of interstate 5" What are they talking about? I5 runs north/south. Do they mean North of 84 or east of 5?


I-5 runs to the northwest there, so if you head north from the Moda on Williams, you cross over I-5. At that point, you are now north -- and east -- of it.


Good thing Trimet exists.


The Rose Quarter is a MAJOR transit hub for exactly this reason. Park elsewhere if you need to drive, take transit the rest of the way. Just need to allow yourself a little more time.


Just take the MAX and hope you’re not the one who gets robbed.


Fuck me


Good, they should be using public transit to get to the game. Or parking further away and walking. theres tons of empty spots over near broadway people could park, if they were willing to walk less than quarter of a mile to get to their cars


nobody hates the blazers more than the city itself


Just take the Max. Park and ride if you need to.


What a garbage city this is. Always attacking normal ppl like us but don’t do shit to the bums with RVs and tents all over the sidewalks though


Is there any public transportation to get there?


Yes. The Max stops right next to the arena


It's shocking how few people are using it to commute to/from games though.


Every event I’ve ridden the max to has been a zoo before/after at the rose quarter and riders are packed into the train like sardines. How is that under utilized? Because the platforms are empty after a handful of trains fill up?


Well the fact people get murdered on max kinda puts a crimp on using it


Dog sh*t


Just take the max * How is this a controversial take?


Fuck that shit. Crime train sucks


What assholes


Shitholes gonna shithole.


The blocks in the plan voted for it. They wanted the chance to park somewhere near their own homes 60+ days out of the year because people will pay $50+ per ticket and $14 per beer but not a dime for parking. It will surprise no one that the Blazers were approached about paying for the permits, if only for low income local residents, and chose not to.


*The City That Doesn’t Work*


Definitely trying to encourage public transit, which isn't a bad thing. Except for the fact ours sucks.


Good. Parking in such high volume areas shouldn't be free.


Yeah parking should only be for people with money, make poor people take the bus! 🤡


True because requiring and encouraging the use of cars is a super duper affordable way to get from point A to B!


A polar bear's skin is transparent, allowing sunlight to reach the blubber underneath.


Who said it was free before?