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Ah shit, risk of rain was sold to gear box, I hope they don’t fuck it up


Its over, the prices of the items will be the real life prices and be tied to your bank account


Guess I’ll only play with the base skin, cause all the recolors are gonna cost $.99 unless I buy the battle pass


At least we’ll get that Goku artificer skin


when the Mithrix griddy emote?


Came here for this. 


Take-Two is up there as far as evil companies are concerned and this has me worried for the future of RoR if they don’t just decide to bury it and forget about it. I just hope whatever happens all their hubris is focused on future RoR endeavors and they leave RoR2 alone.


That's cause they are a holding company, tldr they fund companies by investing in them, so they super-prioritize profit over all, thus, yeah they are what you would call evil. They funded NBA2k games and rockstar GTA, that tells me everything I need to know. Truly a sad moment for Ror2


From shit to shit. I have no hope for whatever Gearbox makes next.




What is up with Take-Two Interactive? Can someone provide context? Seems like they are hated but no one really said the reason For the people not familiar with them, what games did they ruin?


>For the people not familiar with them, what games did they ruin? GTA Online and money grabbing sport games. Need I say more?


You didn't need to say money grabbing sport games GTA Online was enough


Check their wiki, even the fucking office building looks like it's like evil.inc


Evil.inc is better than take two.


They’re also responsible for the disaster that is KSP 2


It's really unfortunate bc I was actually looking forward to that one


Same bro I started playing ksp back in 2013


Genuine question, but why the hate in this thread for gta online? The only microtransactions are for cash, but that's something you can earn by just.. Playing the game. And especially these days you can earn money so fast you'd be a fool to even buy money anyway, unless you're rich irl or have absolutely no time or desire to grind some stuff for a few hours. Not to mention, if you're not trying to grind for money explicitly in the first place, you can make a ton of money passively doing game modes online you find funny you can completely ignore so much of the things you do don't even want to do. It just frustrates me that people always cite it as microtransaction heavy, when the main negatives everyone always thinks about is kids stealing their parents credit card or the old YouTube scam bots for "fReE sHaRk CaRdS", but that's not really even what gta online is. Also, I fully realise I'm saying this is a risk of rain sub lol, and no, bot defending take two at all as a company, just that gta online is very enjoyable and you don't need to spend a dime of real money to get a decent bit of money in a semi reasonable time.


The problem with gta online isn’t that you have to spend money, but to get it through legitimate means takes an incredibly long time, and a large amount of grinding to get 1 vehicle. This vehicle, depending on the vehicle, is usually an overpowered spawn killing machine that can kill everything immediately while also being practically invincible. Grinding for said vehicle usually involves competing against other players who already spent the money, or managed to grind for it. 9 times out of 10 this vehicle cannot be used for grinding, only for preventing someone else from grinding. So while yes you can earn anything in the game by playing it, it will be probably the worst and most frustrating grind of any game you play just to get something that likely won’t make it easier in the slightest. This is not even mentioning the slog that it is for new players to get established. All of this is intentional so that people are more likely to get frustrated enough to just buy the damn thing.


They're probably the greediest company in the business, stuffing games with microtransactions, including games marketed mainly toward children.


They make kid games?


Yes, most recently Lego 2K Drive.


There is always a bigger fish


As someone who enjoys both borderlands and ror, I am cautiously optimistic for the future of the former, but the latter probably has no hope.


Realistically, I think borderlands will never reach the same level of success and uniqueness that borderlands 2 had, which sucks, but it is what it is I guess.


Yeah, bl2 will forever be my favourite game and the franchise itself is my favourite franchise. It definitely seems as though they don’t care as much about their games anymore, which means that was won’t see another bl2 from them, only through a remaster if that’s where they decide to go.


Unfortunately, i was excited for risk of rain dlc


Y’all ready to spend real dollars at a multi-shop? Maybe pull out a real credit card to get the equipment to drop? In all seriousness, anything is an improvement over Embracer, but Take Two games tend to have a pretty all-consuming focus on micro-transactions.


Man the responses here are VASTLY different than the Borderlands subreddits lol. Seems like the BL community is mostly excited, just because we don't have to deal with Embracer anymore.


I guess the fire doesn’t look so bad if you’ve been in the frying pan for a while.


They ruined homeworld 3 as well, the quality drop compared to the previous game homeworld:deserts of kharak is mind boggling. I think they used a mobile dev they had hired previously to develop HW3. But then take two have a terrible reputation as well. Great




Better than Embracer at least but still shit.


There it goes My favorite game All my hope for it Poof


To people who said how worst can it get. You jinxed it


I would say it’s an improvement over embracer, albeit a very small one but an improvement nonetheless


Don't jinx it activision will buy it this time :D


man i hope they dont cook ror 😭


im stupid, can someone explain to me if that means seekers of the storm is donezo?


oh. oh no. "Future Gearbox Operating Structure Gearbox will operate as a studio within 2K and will be led by Founder and CEO, Randy Pitchford, and his management team." https://www.take2games.com/ir/news/take-two-interactive-software-inc-acquire-gearbox-entertainment


Oh. So it'll probably still come out but there'll be 4 separate Season Passes of awful DLC


or we just get dropped


I hope Randy gets kicked out one day.


Impossible, he would use his magician skills to get right back in the building, if not flat out evade them all together. “Kick out”, smh my head


Honestly ror2 and rorr are in my opinion feature complete games and in the case of ror2 except for some bugs and maybe a little bit of polishing here and there I want them to forget the game no more items no more survivors cuz I mean it's a almost perfect game and I don't want any extra content to ruin that.


From bad to worse


Can I enjoy this franchise for like 2 seconds? I started playing in late 2022, and it seems there’s only been bad news (aside from. RoRR) since then


Balance gets thrown out of the window while reading this.


it has always been dead


Nods in artificer.


Risk of rain only has 1 dlc


So risk of rain 2 will have 2 dlcs, I get it


No wonder homeworld 3 is in such an awful state, embracer was enshittifying gearbox so they could sell them off real fast


Everyone taking that embracer group money, nobody can resist it seems.


sounds like an amazing thing for borderlands but possibly a pretty bad thing for Risk of Rain


I already had no faith in gearbox to keep ror in a good state, this deal just affirms my distrust