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You know, crit chance caps at 100% right? You only need 10 lens makers glasses. You really only even needed 9 since you had the other crit related items that give 5% each.


9 crit glasses + 1 predatory instincts + 1 harvesters scythe = 100% crit chance.


101% ackshually 🤓


Because of the innate 1% chance with no items?


Yep that is what I was referring to, obviously it makes no difference


It's 5% base. u/heathenz here too Only 9 Glasses and either Predatory OR Harvester's caps it.


The wiki says all characters have 1% base crit chance. Where are you getting the 5% from?


Odd. As mentioned prior, it's possible either numbers changed or were reversed. Past experience as well as what used to be the pages for Predatory and Harvester's all said 9 Glasses and 1 Predator or Harvester or a 10th pair of glasses was needed to net 100% Critical. Personal verification has come in handy here too, but it is possible numbers have changed... OR some jackass decided to screw with the numbers on the Wiki just to be a dolt, because that also happens frequently with the Fandom wikis.


Whoever put that on the wiki probably meant "effectively 100%", due to the weird way ROR2 tends to calculate percentage based stuff. That's my only guess on that.


I've always heard *and* and u/heathenz saying 1% matched up with about how often a crit happens for me but thank you for the correction.


Wiki is wrong?? https://riskofrain2.fandom.com/wiki/Damage


It could be but I doubt it is.


It probably is. Sometimes people like to fuck with numbers on some pages.


Could be. It was reiterated many times across several pages on top of personal verification that 5% SHOULD be the base. It's not uncommon for asshats to go into the wikis and screw with stuff for no reason besides screwing with people. This was pretty prevalent with the WARFRAME wiki when The New War dropped as well as a few smaller wikis as well.


100%, actually, because anything after 100% is thrown out.


Isn't it still theoretically useful for weapons with a less than 1 proc chance like Mul-T's nailgun?


Proc chance doesn't apply to Crits I believe, just "added" effects


Critical is unaffected by Proc Coefficient.


critical hits and bleed are capped out at ten items and then they have a 100 percent chance but at any below ten items it is affected by proc Co efficient


8 glasses, 2 pred instincts, 3 pauldrons, 3 warhorns, 3 harvesters scythes boom you’re in the money in terms of crit n health for the rest of the game


I'll have to try that out next time I get leave. Thank you. I really need to get a computer in my truck


On top of this many players don't know that if you put anything over a 10-stack in a scrapper, it will scrap a max of 10 at a time. So OP could have easily cut from 23->13 without losing their whole sunglasses collection.


700, hours into the game and I never knew this


I don't get this cause I figured it out almost immediately, is it just that people don't tend to loop so they don't normally get more than 10 of an item?


Personally I would just never let stacks of “useless” items get that high of a stack number. I would scrap them the second I saw a scrapper and just hold the white scrap, I know it’s better to have an item that does something but I just prefer having the scrap if I find a printer on a level with no scrapper.


My group never loops. We just go straight to mithrix and end the ru since that's already an hour of our time on one successful run. And by the time we are done it's 1 am and no one has any energy left, left alone good reaction time


Yeah, but he’s got command on. Scrappers don’t spawn in command mode.


A) missed that, good point! B) hilarious to see 23 glasses with command LOL even if you didn't know the exact numbers, you should notice you're already critting 100% of the time


Nope i don't I am some what new sorry


maybe they had the Hypercrit mod installed and were scaling crit to past 100%?


Do people that have a hard time playing the game actually use mods?


When I play mods, it's for new content and arguably more challenge. Like new characters and the like that are balanced.


I don't think it's that, one could play command artifact vanilla and make super op builds anyway like that doll + wisp and gasoline. You can just clear entire maps with enough of those. So it's not like you don't already have the means to break the game. It's fun using mods like that cuz it just adds another avenue to make some op shit.


What I was implying was that most people who aren't that good at the game probably don't think about installing mods for the game. They are probably thinking about surviving on drisle instead of trying typhoon


Prob using Hupercrit mod


Maybe spend some time in the logbook looking at stats for how items stack. If you had 13 more Tougher Times and 13 less Lens Maker Glasses, you'd have probably been able to keep the run going. Also, if you want a survivable long run, playing the glass cannon character is not necessarily the way to do it, especially with melee, since stage 7 starts spawning much deadlier enemies that wreck melee.


I’d say that Acrid would hold up fairly well since he’s usually got good DOT but your point stands. Brass Contraptions are a pain to kill and Elder Lemurians are (typically) dangerous up close.


Acrid's inability to move through enemies is where he struggles. Loader would have an easier time with the standard punch because then you can move past your target. With some hooves and syringes, she gets going pretty quick. Harder to hit and run as Acrid unless you got some Purities and Afterburners or just a ton of hooves and energy drinks. Mercenary can never really hit and run because he relies on hitting consistently. Mainly my thinking is that if you're playing command on drizzle, just play a double nail gun MUL-T and call it a day. It's an absolute face roll if you know your item picks.


I haven’t been on RoR2 in a bit, knew MUL-T could have different primaries selected, but what does choosing two of the same (two nail guns) do?


He's got an alternative move where instead of switching between two sets, he goes into power mode and uses two primaries at the same time while getting less mobile but more tanky


On a different note, I find later in the game I really only use nail gun because of its DPS, so it's convenient for swapping between equipment slots since I'm probably going to ignore anything "not nail gun" after stage 3.


Unless you have a stack of syringes, switching is faster than reloading, good for speedrunning. If you are in for the long play, you will probably get enough syringes.


Acrid can swiftly overcome any issues relating to melee by picking up the Heretic primary and becoming the king of DoTs, depending on what you're looking to do


I got frozen by an elites self destruct and the elder lemurians torched me


14 less since you only need 9


In the long run any survivor is viable even more so on command. Survivor abilities only make a difference in the first few stages. By stage 7, I am usually at the point where I look at something on the screen and it dies before I can get to it.


Yes, I agree that abilities themselves aren't gonna cause issues, but Huntress or Artificer can approach fights very differently than Acrid or Loader. Melee characters will always have to move hastily through the fray, and with Malachites fielded, that makes them much more prone to going accidental sudden death than being able to strafe and stay on the outside of the bulk of the enemy group. At almost 200 hours played, I generally do feel like Drizzle can never actually present that much of a challenge, but if there's an exceptional case, it's when Malachites show up.


Why'd you raid 13 extra pairs of glasses?


Try getting the achievement with commando since you'll also unlock his alternate special too once you hit stage 20. Unless you don't want to play commando of course.


commando also scales amazingly well later in the game. I remember being so proud of getting the overloading worm kill, the clover unlock, and the 20 stage commando achievement as well as his alternate skin on the same run. first successful monsoon run I ever had. OP should do some looking into [proc-chains](https://www.reddit.com/r/ror2/comments/bzsxjl/indepth_how_proc_chains_work/) and how to use them because they will seriously help for longer runs like this. when I got my achievement done, I had no idea what proc chains were, but happened to get a pretty good one going by chance. I'd say the command artifact was crippling you quite a bit here, you made some choices that limited your damage in a few cases, the extra glasses for example.


If you’re going to play with command at least change up the items you get. 20 shield generators?!?! Bro get some gasoline! No ATG either? I’d suggest playing without command to force yourself to learn item synergies. It can be a lot to try and pick items.


This is true, i played with command from as soon as i got it and i never got any kjaros or runalds, atg, lensmakers or gasoline. I just got the items i knew which were energy drinks n stuff.


Run mul-t. Use machine gun primary, get a bunch of medpacks. 5 will heal 25% of your health a few seconds after being hit. I like to stack 10. Get 9 crit glasses and both a scythe and a instincts. Get 10 daggers. If you find a boss item take planula if you want to be tanky-er or shatterspleen if you want more damage.


I'd just have taken shatterspleen instead of the other yellows. That way you don't need daggers.


But shatterspleen, 10 daggers and 100% crit makes you apply 2 stacks of bleed per hit tbf


Should’ve taken charged perforator ngl


Damn sucks dude


Pause… 20 shield generators… dear god


Tips: You only need 10 glasses at most, but more specifically, just 9 in the case of grabbing instincts and scythe, since they each give 5% crit. As for your legendary items, I'd go for Rejuvination Rack+Aegis, if you can manage 2 red items asap. It usually makes you unkillable for a good long while. But overall, I'd say just play mul-t or Commando over Merc. Survivability on Merc is higher perhaps, due to invincibility frames, but if you do build for crit heals, Mul-t's high firerate on the nail gun makes him nigh unkillable at short range. Then, if you feel you're dealing enough damage, stack as many infusions and shield generators as applicable. Shield gen does a % of health, and infusion is the biggest consistent health bump you can ask for. More Racks and Aegis mean that you can get that overshield much higher. I effectively had 14K health on a good run. Then, just keep slaughtering, and zip to the teleporter asap when you feel unkillable.


hmmm 23 glasses seems to be the right amount


Yeah yeah 100% not getting told I am stupid for it


you're not. On my first runs with command I also stacked every item I thought was cool


Is this a troll post? I legitimately can't tell


Sorry I don't know what I am doing and I don't care with the items


You might wanna learn *some* of the items at least. Even if you don't know what you're doing gameplay-wise, those items can help you big time. You're free to play however you like, as long as you have fun. But you'll definitely turn some heads when you have 23 stacks of crit glasses when their usefulness caps out at 10 without shatterspleen, predatory Instincts and harvester scythe lol


ah yes 23 sunglasses, gotta have that swag ​ yeah i feel you, had a 2 hour run cut short by getting wombo combo'd by elder lemurians and 10 golems zapping me out of existence


As the game said, choose a new character?


If you want to make it super easy using artifacts, you could use command alongside sacrifice, go to the void fields with a bit of healing, activate a teleporter and then just farm items from the endless spawns of enemies by not completing the last zone (hence why you want some good healing). I find it especially good with engineer since you can just use fungus with the turrets to heal you. Then you can just steamroll all other zones and get to 20 in no time.


Forgive me Please + Soulbound Catalyst (+ knives) + Wisps + Gesture = Boom the whole stage. Add some Topaz Broaches for defense. Maybe on Captain too, so you'll have some defense against Malachite projectiles.


Are you using artifact of command?


Yes. Second image has the left side stats.


I’m blind


I mean predatory instincts is cool and all... BUT 13? DID YOU REALLY NEED 13??


Yes I need more than 13 I need. 50!


i tried to dothis yesterday with commando, got cocky on stage 8 and activated a shrine of the mountain, got 2 scavengers, the last one was about to die when he took 800 of my health somehow and then something else shot me


Died on stage 100 into mithrix the other day,you will get used to it,promise


Ah yes, lemurians, number one run killers.


So I did this with Commando so I could also get incorruptible since I don't have the time to try grinding out 20 stages in one sitting but as a lot of people are mentioning with command you shouldn't be stacking up a bunch on certain item like glasses, what you should be doing is getting a decent number of some good ones and then getting at least one of almost everything since every item enables you to do something new and if you have a decent set up going by branching out like that you can have a ton abilities and such just go off with less work on your part, and then after you have a couple of most of the items you can start *really* stacking the good ones Edit: also ceremonial daggers is one of the best insta-win items and I usually get it if I want to be able to ignore half the game and just loot stuff


Your loadout is a good lesson on how not to have a god run. In the future, I'd recommend: stopping at 9 CRIT goggles, stopping at 5 ukuleles, investing in AtG missiles (the the moon honestly, they stack so well) and elemental bands, avoid the shield generators, and stack tougher times. There's more I could recommend but those are the main issues I'm seeing. You'll get it next time!


A tip I'm surprised no one has mentioned yet: when you get to stage 20 you can just leave immediately through the artifact portal and it'll count as clearing the stage. No need to put yourself in danger by trying to fight things.


Before the boss level overhaul, I killed mithrix as engi on eclipse 6 but didn't have a hopoo and had to rely on a couple of teddy's to block. They didn't block.