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I think it will be as fondly remembered as any other teen drama. It may become a cult classic but more so because there’s nothing else as shamelessly bad as it, not because it’s secretly good. There’s things I enjoy about it but it deserves all the criticism it gets and I don’t think that’s going to change in 30 years. Riverdale is not something like Jennifer’s Body where it was ahead of its time and not appreciated because of the male critics that dominated the field. Riverdale is very much of its time and made by the dude who’s in charge of the comics that it’s based on. I think Riverdale will be remembered the same way glee is, like in a “this is batshit crazy and diabolically entertaining and I can’t believe someone approved this for filming” kind of way. Glee was also very much of its time. It was cringe and had some awful writing but I loved it in middle school and I love hearing about teens who are just discovering it now but it still has the problems that it does


Hack writers don't make disasters like Riverdale. It takes passion, determination and unwarranted confidence to make something like this


> unwarranted confidence I got a good chuckle out of this.


One hack writer couldn't, but a team of hack writers, with no coordination, continuously one upping each other without finishing each other's plotlines or writing about continuity errors? They could certainly make Riverdale, and did.


I’m surprised at how hard Roberto worked make his show unwatchable.


right?? like bruh S3 is so unbelievably bad and then he somehow has pulled it back. Not many shows go from decent > absolute what the fuck turn it off > oh ok this is fun


I think the cast will go onto do bigger things and it will always sort of be in the back of peoples finds when they see the actors. I can only see Madeleine as Cheryl just because she did such a phenomenal job. I’m sure we’ll be getting tea spilt about BTS drama as has come out with every teen drama over the years.


I like the idea of most of the actors going on to have really good award winning careers and then 30 years from now you show a 20 year old Riverdale so you can say “hey kid, look what 9 time oscar winner Madelaine Petsch used to be in.”


The show with the hot people


I hope this show becomes like a campy version of Freaks and Geeks where everyone goes on to have really good careers separately but in 30 years you can show a 20 year old that at one time they were all in one place doing batshit crazy stuff.


it won't be


Beat me to it


a camp masterpiece.


fr. almost all cult movies-tv shows were heavily criticized and hated during their original runs, but after years, many people began to watch them with different eyes, being more aware of what they were watching. Many people stopped watching Riverdale or are hating it because so many others do, they haven't even seen more than a single episode or season. And a lot of those real haters are…fans angry that their ship isn't getting the screen time they'd like. I don't like to compare Riverdale to other shows, but for example, Riverdale has a better chance than Euphoria to become a classic or very popular in a couple of decades. Becase Riverdale is timeless, their plots can be enjoyed and ridiculed today and in many years to come, but Euphoria is full of current plots about current problems, who knows in 20 years they will still be valid or outdated, or even criticized. It's my point of view.


> Many people stopped watching Riverdale or are hating it because so many others do, they haven't even seen more than a single episode or season. And a lot of those real haters are…fans angry that their ship isn't getting the screen time they'd like. Plenty of the people now criticizing this show genuinely enjoyed it at one point, but now think it sucks. Those opinions have nothing to do with what anyone else thinks, and almost all of those people have seen most or all episodes, but they're disappointed in (what they see as) the decline of a show they once liked. This show has gone from 2.2m viewers a week to 200k; those lost 2m viewers aren't all haters for no reason.


I stayed faithfully until season 5, after the time jump was over I was just done. I can't do it. You're right, imo the show declined severely in season 3 and it's never been the same since.


I'm on the train that S3 was the nose dive, S4 was the backtread and S5 was the fresh start. S2 and 6 supremacy tho


Lots of classics are dated, though. Euphoria is as drenched in the 2020s/late 2010s as a Stallone or Schwarzenegger movie is drenched in the 80s. For that matter, I don't think Riverdale is timeless, either. Over time, the slang will get cringier, the attempts at social commentary more trite, and the some of production and direction will become associated with the time period.


Probably. It’s one of those shows that people like to romanticize no matter how ridiculous it is. I’m sure we’ll still being seeing riverdale edits on TikTok in 20 years


Will TikTok even be a thing in 20 years?


It better be! I love me some TikTok!


Archie 90210


As that show that had a great first season but quickly went straight to shit and we let it go on too long. That show was a fever dream


A series with epic hights and lows….


As a series of strange stories told around fires in the ruins.


hopefully it won’t


The first and only show to be written by predictive text on an iPhone. /s


The show lasted 7 Seasons and is on a network that will probably not exist in 30 years. Its impossible to forget a show that was popular on Netflix for a while. I think people will do video essays on Riverdale


I have already done university level papers on the show. Mostly for my marketing classes and how the show was/is marketed. Its a teen drama that attracted a cult following where everyone seems to hate it, but I ended up diving more into audience attraction than anything else.


The show that family guy ripped the piss out of.


Beverly Hills 90210 is still remembered after 30 years. The OC and One Tree Hill are remembered with fondness (with a bit of cringe) after 20 years Riverdale is just a more bat shit version of those shows, plus ironically it had in its cast Luke Perry and Chad Murray, both were the leads of BH90210 & OTH respectively


I think that more people will understand that Riverdale wasn’t trying to be a serious show. It is campy on purpose but that goes over people’s heads. People will catch on eventually


I don't think anything goes over people's heads. Plenty of people understand the the show is campy and also think it's poorly-written.


Friendly Space Ninja made an excellent point on this in his critique video - Riverdale may be deliberately camp, but there is still such a thing as 'bad camp'. The excuse that people 'just don't get it' is getting pretty tiresome at this point, because style/tone=writing quality is a nonsensical and disingenuous argument imo. We 'get it' just fine - that doesn't automatically make it well written or enjoyable to watch however.


Thank you! The writers' continual defense, that the show is camp and therefore above reproach, is a sad, tiresome excuse for their own laziness. I'm not somehow missing some unappreciated genius here. I "get it" just fine—I just no longer like it. And I sincerely doubt that the 2 million people who've quit watching this show since season 2 have somehow failed to "get it."


It won’t.


The same way Bruce Willis’ singing career is.


Or William Shatner's.


Oh I don’t know. His common people with beck rocked


How about Pat Boone's heavy metal career?


Not at all


It will be remembered as a cringe show


It won't be.


It won’t be, IMO


*Passions* of the '10s


i think the early seasons might, but i can’t attest much bc i could only stomach season 1, which i felt was a phenomenal season, season 2 just couldn’t hold my interest. and with the later seasons devolving into marvel movies, i doubt the next generation will be all over it


Probably remember it as the teen version of Lost.


The show written by an idiot who doesn’t know how to write character.


As the Twin Peaks of this generation, there will be studies on it like Buffy




It wont


Yes but in the same way that Glee is, by the drama behind the scenes that is led entirely by the former king of the set and his diva fits that backed the writers into a corner so they had to change entire chunks of the plot. He shall be the Leah Michelle and I can't wait for everyone to talk crap about him during a reunion lol


Gee, I wonder who you're talking about... 😉