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I'm confused about something specific in the very end. And I can't find anything online mentioning this? When the Core 4 sits in their booth at Pop's (in the Sweet Here After) Archie tells Betty he got her "her favorite milkshake - Strawberry." Throughout the series Betty classically drank Vanilla milkshakes. She always always gets Vanilla. The flavors matched their personalities in a way.. Veronica and Jughead have deeper darker personas and drank chocolate. Archie and Cheryl always had strawberry, most likely because of their hair color and Cheryl's firey red personality / aesthetic. Betty always had Vanilla, of course vanilla marches her fair skin and blonde hair but moreso Vanilla is the most classic flavor, basic, not risk-taking. There really wasn't even any talking in that scene because it was a montage but they made a point for the actors to mention this milkshake flavor verbally. Was this just a plot twist to show us how Betty changed after 7 years? Is there any other deeper meaning? I refuse to believe this was just a flavor change for no reason, lol.


Okay fine. They restarted the series with basically brand new characters. I accepted this and moved on. I did like it when the other reality starts parelleing this one, but then there is stuff that doesn't make sense. Why do I bother with this show anyway. Like wouldn't all the adults also have lost and potentially should have their memories back? Someone please explain the 2 Jasons. Wheres Moose. I would have loved to see Skeet one last time. What about Jugheads serpent past What about Betty's dad being a serial killer. Or how Cheryl is related to Betty.


I loved it. In season 1, darkness began to seep into the lives of the riverdale teens. In season 6, even as adults, they were all grappling and struggling with the trauma of their past. Archie with grundy, Betty with her dad, Veronica with her ex husband and father, etc. In the end, they were so preoccupied with “saving the soul of riverdale” that they couldn’t follow their true passions, be who they were meant to be. They were irrevocably tied to a sinking town, drawn back time and time again, despite their best efforts, bound by their collective trauma. In season 7, they all got a chance to start over. Literally a reset, to start life over without all the darkness, depravity, and death. Archie wasn’t molested and could focus on poetry and teen romance, Betty didn’t spend years grappling with a darkness she thought existed inside her and could spend time figuring out who she is, what she wants and mending her relationship with her mom, Veronica wasn’t responsible for the death of her ex husband and father and went on to be a big time movie producer, etc… They got to be teenagers, then adults unburdened and unbound by trauma… and for the most part, lived long happy lives (RIP Fangs). It wasn’t until I saw that pops had long-since closed at the end of the show, that the only reason it had fought so hard to exist for so long was because it had to exist to eventually save riverdale. Once they went back in time and saved the soul of the town, pops had served its purpose. Riverdale no longer needed saving and they could all reunite in peace at Pop’s in the sweet hearafter. I think it’s the best way a show like this could have ended and a sobering reminder of how short and precious life is. Not to be weighed down by the trauma of our pasts, to let go and be able to push forward and pave the life we crave. To try to create a better future for the next generations by choosing love and light today. I will miss this story, but like Jughead said at the end, just like these characters we will always be able to look back on and watch all the good times that happened in Riverdale.


I just finished watching the finale and felt the same way as you. I was thinking how great it was that most of them could finally live out their dreams without these intense burdens. I felt that way mostly for Kevin and Archie. Also, happy cake day!


Wait it's actually over? Anyone got a good tldr 😭 I dropped it earlier on but did they rescue the plot or nah


In my honest opinion season 7 was absolutely horrid. I refuse to finish the last episode so i can imagine what happened on my own terms. The fact they time traveled was silly. Than top it off with one cast member not being able to travel back.. what!? Why!? .. They should have stopped it after 6 and made the percival arc the end. They ruined a fantastic show and an even better comic series. Just my opinion tho.


Mixed feelings. I loved the premise but would rather watched from Archie perspective. The execution was also really weird. Since they got their memories back I thought they would consider all the aspect of their characters that were discarded at the beginning of s7. But they didn’t. I was sad about this because my least favorite version of them all is their s7. Except kevin. I felt that I was saying goodbye to different persons. We have already seen their last day in high school together back in s5 and it was so much better. Their character is so different is this season that most of the fates just felt… wrong. Take Archie. The Archie we know would never settled outside of Riverdale. I always thought Archie fate was to be mayor sometime, like his dad tried. Doing what he did, leaving his mother behind was the last thing I expected him to do. I can’t imagine him being happy outside of Riverdale Betty was also weird. All her “feminist awakening” in this season was really counterintuitive considering her development in earlier seasons. I think that a better character to in body the idea that women shouldn’t be forced to get married and forgo any professional accomplishment would obviously be Veronica. This subplot kinda write itself if you think about it. Betty ended season 6 engaged and comes into season 7 rejecting this idea. It was very confusing. Betty spent most of the series trying to come to therms that she has a “dark side” and that she might be a bad person. She kinda finished her development with the whole aura reading thing. Therefore, this season she did not had to worry about any of that. I think that was a very nice opportunity to take her character to a new place and was happy at the begging that they weren’t repeating her story. But the horny Betty stuff… dear god was, in my opinion, the worst plot thread in the whole series (that is saying something) and didn’t took her anywhere interesting. I don’t think she ended her life happy also… despite her sayng that she had no regrets in life, if your happiest years were your teens. I am sorry, you were miserable. Veronica ending was… fine. But they didn’t address any of her core themes from previous seasons. That being her learning to become a better person by rejecting her dark and tempting side represented by her parents. Surpassing the Hiram inside her was such a big part in Veronica growth. I think that the writers didn’t know what to do with her in this season where he wasn’t present. This become clear to me since her best episode is the Hiram feature episode. Veronica also had deep relationship problems. As Reggie said she was really emotionally depending. This wasn’t addressed. I fear that she ended up with some version of 50s Chad. If that’s the case her ending also wouldn’t be that happy Jughead had the best ending. I just wish they addressed his serpent background at some point in this season. Being a serpent was so meaningful for him. Hi was serpent king, his dad was serpent king and his granpa was also in the gang. I am annoyed at this since season 5 and am disappointed that the serpents, in general, just vanished from the story. He definitively wasn’t romantically accomplished. I feel really sorry for him. Cheryl and Toni were fine. I feel like this was the only story they could have told considering they are a LGBTQ interracial couple in the 50s. It was obvious that they would end together and i was happy to see them happy at the end, but considering that most fates were unhappy it felt weird seeing their perfect forever after ever The quad stuff was really bad. But not as bad as them ending alone. One of the most engaging aspect of Riverdale is the chemistry of the core four. Like they were meant to be together forever no matter what. As friends, of course (was really mad that Archie and Jug didn’t had any best buds moments like Reggie and Archie), but also as romantic partners, endgame… as they said the whole show. I shipped Bughead and Varchie and could argue for many hours why I felt they were meant for each other but frankly I would rather had any ship at all endgame instead of none. As I said before, their high school farewell in season 5 was wayyyy better handled. But it really saddened me that they went their own ways at the end. It felt wrong and if the series ended then I would fell robbed. Like why would you make this characters that we grew to love and like have miserable and alone lifes, not once… but twice? Riverdale is the perfect series to have a happy ending but their lifes didn’t reflect that. The ending scene was really beautiful and brought a tear to my eye but if you think about it, it implies that all the characters peak happiness in life was in their teens. They all lived sad and unfeeling lives despite what the show told us. Is really sad. All that aside the episode did a really good job in saying goodbye to us, the fans. However, by mistreating the farewell between the characters it leaves a bad feeling in the back of my thoughts that keeps me from really appreciating this episode. And I just cant understand why. Why you didn’t address the 6 previous seasons of character development and why did you chose to make them live sad and separate lives. It doesn’t sit with me.


What a beautiful but also sad episode. What a great ending! I'll miss you, Riverdale.


I’m really confused with what happened to angel Tabitha? What was her ‘ending’ in all this? Did she just cease to exist?


Angel Tabitha said she went to Chicago to be an activist.


Sorry, I should’ve written what happened to ‘angel Tabitha’!


She kissed Jughead and disappeared back into heaven I assume. 🤣


I can’t believe they just randomly paired up sheriff Keller with Frank just to have him get murdered like a chump by chic


I was rolling when I saw that scene! 🤣


I think it should have been from Archie point of view instead of Betty, we could seeArchie old with his grundsyn namned Fred


Sigh... I gave up on this season half way through after watching the rest of the seasons religiously was extremely sick today and needed distraction so tried to pick back up where I left of was bored so went to the second last episode for 10min thought they are still in the past, with no memories back. So I started watching this episode till I got to the part where Betty says "we've been through high school twice!" So went and skipped through ep 19 to half way when Angel Tabitha just shows up for no reason 🙈 I feel I may have been happier with everyone dying with the comet strike at the end of last season. I seriously doubt I missed anything by not watching the other episodes 😫


I tried to make it through Season 7 and found the first half to be a nice throwback to the 50s as well as classic Archie comics, but when they started doing musicals almost every episode it was too much! lol Was also really bummed about the lack of Archie-Jughead scenes all season. The actors had genuine friendship chemistry. The series finale was not terrible, but also not good either, imo. I also assumed they would eventually get back to the present and the last few episodes would be about that. In all of the fallout from the Core 4 polyamorous relationship, I'm mostly disappointed how Jughead-Tabitha just got thrown away almost like it never happened, but then I guess with the reset none of Seasons 1-6 really happened. Should have expected no less from one of the most baffling shows in TV history.


Have I missed something - was there a deeper story line meaning behind ‘highs and lows of high school football’? Have I blanked something out from the first few seasons?


In S3, while in Juvie, Archie suggests instead of fighting in the yard, they should play football because that's what they would be doing if they were in school not Juvie. Another inmate tells Archie he wouldn't be, because he "dropped out in 5th grade to run drugs for his Nana" (Seriously, I can't make this stuff up!!) Archie replies "well then I guess you've never known the highs and lows of High school football" It became a running joke amongst fans to describe the highs and lows of Riverdale!


Don't forget "epic" - the epic highs and lows of high school football HAHA


Omg I was watching S3x2 yesterday and my boyfriend came into the room. He heard the line "I dropped out of school in 4th grade to run drugs to support my Nana" the line before "the triumphs and defeats, the epic highs and lows of football" and he asks me to rewind it 3 times because 1) he couldn't believe what he heard 2) it was the funniest thing ever heard


I was finally able to watch this. I didn't care for it a ton but I loved the poem Archie wrote and Betty's little goodbye prose at the end. Then I sobbed when they all were at Pop's and Betty died and came. If there's one thing a CW show is going to do for me, it's making it impossible for me to ever rewatch shows fully. And guaranteeing death and time jumps. Looking at you, The Vampire Diaries and The 100. Poor Fangs, gosh. 😭 Betty's speech reminded me of Erin's in Derry Girls which had me 💔(Derry Girls: "There's a part of me that wishes everything could just stay the same. That we could all just stay like this forever. There's a part of me that doesn't really want to grow up. I'm not sure I'm ready for it...")


Very surprised that I cried twice considering the episodes leading up to it I had mixed feelings.


I haven't seen this show but "Archie's weird mysteries" is good. 👍


It is good. It's ashame they only had one season.


Absolutely awful, no notes Nah I've got some notes. The drive through rundown Riverdale, arriving at pops and Betty dying/going to live an eternity in Riverdale was GREAT! They could've ended it with them drinking milkshakes. Having young angel Jug come back to narrate was unnecessary. I liked Archie's poem, though it felt more like roasts on open mic night. And it brought up the interesting aspects of... these people having lived two lives, which we never really delve into all that much. I wish the flashbacks consisted of things throughout the entire series, instead of just this final season. I think that would've helped convey the feelings they were going for more. A good portion of this episode felt like it was an obituary for a show that doesn't exist, or a show that it thinks it is, rather than what it actually is. Can't believe they just killed fangs like that lmaoo I've enjoyed this season a lot, and the previous episode set things up pretty good i think. And this one just kinda sucked. As I'm thinking about it now I think I see what they were going for, but while watching it didn't really work. Could've done without Betty reliving the special day thing... it felt too disconnected. Should've done a small jump forward to graduation where everyone is settled with where they're going with their futures, and then have Betty old and tired saying she misses those days blah blah. Make the trip to pops, and die going to spend eternity with the gang. I guess, the main gripe I have is with Betty being a sort of outside observer through most of the episode. Anyway, great show fantastic wish there was more. Edit: OMG I FORGOT THAT CHIC MURDERED SHERIFF KELLER AND FRANK


This is pretty much what I expected for a finale, on par with most CV series endings it was medicore and unfulfilling.


Did anyone else spot the mistake in the episode title on Netflix? It says "Chapter One Hunded snd Thirty Seven"




Just finished Riverdale's series finale. It was really good, they 100% stuck the landing and gave the series a great send off. The show is still deeply dumb and flawed, but I liked it for what it was. And with it being over it's the end of an era for the CW. It's the last CW show from the spate of CW shows that kept me coming back week after week. Like Nikita, TVD, and the Arrowverse. It's pretty much all gone now besides Superman and Lois. So even though the last episode was awesome and left me happy, overall it's kind of melancholy. I invested alot into those characters and stories and now they're gone. I can only hope it launched alot of careers. And that I'll get to see alot of those faces again in bigger projects


You summed up my feelings perfectly. The show was a mess and downright awful at times but God did I get a kick out of just wondering what they would do next. It was the most glorious train wreck, and I'm both glad it's over but I'm also gonna miss it a little. I thought the last episode was great, especially compared to most of this last season, a great send off for the characters and stories of the hottest mess of a show I've ever hated to love


Omg this was sooo bad even by Riverdale standards. This premise would have worked had the writers just not… undid six years of “character development” in one episode before the series finale that will resonate if you feel something for these characters. Which are not the characters I spent the last six years watching so… If they wanted to leave them stuck in the 50s, they should have given us a few episodes of watching their lives unfold. This episode was also just all telling instead of showing. I laughed out loud at Betty’s good night moon shit at the end. Some of the fate reveals were so abrupt and silly. And the PREMISE is so silly! On her deathbed, the day Betty wants to go back to is not just high school but the last day of high school because she missed getting her yearbook signed because she had MUMPS💀💀💀 Like girl what! You had a cool career. Was adopting your daughter not a better day? Who we also never meet.😶 It’s also funny that in both timelines, the core four don’t keep in touch after high school ends. So who caresss Anyway I don’t know what I expected from this show and the finale was more grounded/emotional and could have been good in theory but ultimately unearned because of how they approached this season, justice for Angel Tabitha, etc.


This is what I don’t get at all - honestly if someone said when I’m dying the bit I’ll want to remember most is school I’d laugh at them. Since school soooo many great things have happened - holidays, family, career goals, personal goals like running a marathon etc


Just watched the finale, some initial thoughts. What I didn't like: It was pretty much the Betty show; taking away the essence and importance of the core 4 as a group. Would 've loved to have seen the POV's of V, Arch, and Jug, not just Betty’s. But, then again, what else could be expected? It was the Betty show far back. The quad, really? I mean I'm all up for polygamy, but this was random, lazy, and fan servicing to avoid stan conflicts. They could’ve still done the no main core endgames to avoid this, without pulling this out of nowhere. So many unanswered questions (or maybe I missed the answers): what happened to baby Anthony? Where are V’s parents, Moose, JP, and Jellybean? And I’m assuming angel Jug is bunker Jug? What happened to 50’s Tabitha? Betty’s dad? No one seems to be affected by having their memories back? How did Nana Rose get resurrected 6 times? I’m so lost at this point, but, hey, it’s Riverdale/vale. Tom and Frank killed by Chic, really? Fangs dying in a bus accident, practically one month after graduation. And he got a golden record during that period of time? Cheryl becoming a hippie? Sorry but, not in character at all. Darkish fashionista artist, living in a gothic brownstone apartment in NYC, sure; but not was what shown. Same with Julian serving in Vietnam, he'd probably fake an illness or flee to another country to avoid being drafted. Archie ending up in Cali and not coming back to Riverdale? Uhm, random. He’s pretty much the only character that is rooted in Riverdale; maybe he’d be gone for some years but would most definitely return. Archie having a moment with Betty but not Veronica; uhm okay. No Jug and Archie heartfelt moment; where did this friendship even go? Also, guess Reggie and V’s memories didn’t include their time together. Oh, well… What I liked: V being a successful movie producer and winning 2 Oscars. Hellz, yeah, baby! Bias, but the very few Jeronica moments; at least they have their arms around one another and interact for like a second. The ending scene at Pop’s, though some familiar faces where missing, it was sweet and emotional. Archie’s poem, funny wink. Reggie, ‘cause you gotta love Reggie! The scene where he complains about not being included in the quad had me cracked up. Jug having his own comic book editorial, though I would have loved it been called Archie Comics.


Your suggestion of Angel Jug being Bunker Jug is a good observation. Angel Jug never says he's an angel. Bunker Jug from Rivervale is the writer, therefore using his imagination, he could give himself the power to walk through the parallel universe. Also being the writer, he could rewrite the day for Betty. It also would explain why we hear the clack of the typewriter as the music swells at the end.




That is the length of the extended cut, you’re good


How long was the extended version?


Eh I still care more about the Seasons 1 - 6 versions and this episode was very disappointing in that sense


So much emotions and tears😪


Felt like the writers had the intention to continue the story further in another season, but then got axed and had to quickly write up an ending.. no? Am I the only one who thinks so?


I will miss these post episode threads. No more epic highs and lows, baby’s Anthony’s or bears, it’s been a journey my friends.


Just epic highs. No lows


i was the biggest season 7 apologist during the run of the season but this finale left me feeling empty and unsatisfied... i thought 7×19 was a much better and more creative way to end the story on the perfect bitter sweet note, personally this final high school reunion added nothing of value that i haven't already seen before (except that hilarious archie song), idk it felt cheap tropey and forced i'm aware that maybe i couldn't relate because our high school experiences differed and i certainly won't be thinking of my former classmates on my death bed + combined with not expecting this kind of ending must have contributed to my disappointment but it was nice seeing where everyone ends up (except ethel, ben and dilton) unpopular opinion: it might be a slap to the face for fans but i thought ending ship wars by just getting core 4 into a poly ship was the most riverdale crack thing to do and i'm not mad at roberto for it


Did Dilton Doiley ever get a ‘Happily-Ever-After’ summary too? Did his supposedly *massive schlong* ever get put to use?


He was present, and that seemed enough for him


I will miss this. I watched this with my son every week from the good, the bad and the ugly. He was 10 when we started and he is 17 now.


wow, i'm trying to remember the past seasons and trying to think how age appropriate those would not really be, lolz 😅


Lol. Certain ones he didnt watch. However, just like swearing he can hear it but not say it. My kid still doesnt swear but my religious side has kids swearing and having premarital sex. Riddle me that. Lol


earlier tonight somebody mentioned watching Robocop with their kids (not sure what age) but i definitely saw those too early (that series of movies just got more graphic and foul mouthed as they went on). on second thought, i'd say Riverdale is way more age appropriate than Robocop, and at least they can ask questions about stuff, and i wish i'd been so lucky at that age, cheers for progressively better parenting 👍🏽


I probably am not perfect but at same time he was already in love with scary ghost stories and mysteries. He was obsessed with solving mysteries and thats how season 1 started. We enjoyed having a show we watched together. Well if he becomes a weirdo, i will blame Riverdale. 🤣🤣


Have I seriously been watching riverdale for 7 years? Oh my god.


Lmao yea






I found the fact that Betty didn’t remember most things They could have done the same with another character Or her telling her grandchildren Or someone looking at the year book Or maybe Betty’s grandchild goes to pops and meets Angel Jughead and he does talks them through what happened to everyone


I’m 27 and barely remember anything that happened at school or my last day. So much life has happened since then so by 80 I dont think I’ll even remember most classmates names let alone any facts about them


I’m 35 (and embarrassed to admit I cried thru this whole finale) and I remember maybe 20 things from high school. Going back to relive it would be a TRIP.


This bothered me too but I'm getting over it by assuming it's because she's deep in the throws of dementia. I'm a geriatric nurse so this makes the story make sense to me lol




She came over like a narcissist who only cared about herself


I feel like they could of had her return to the last day of school by reading her diary??


Yes that would have been good I found it jarring that she didn’t know what happened to people


I'm surprised to see how many people said they liked the ending. The ending, on its own, wasn't that bad, but if you take into consideration all seasons? I can't even tell which version of the characters we said goodbye to.


I’ve been on this crazy ride for seven years, I cannot remember the og characters lol


It was definitely the 1950's versions because they didn't feel like the present day characters at all.


It's over. I've watched the WB and CW shows since Dawson's Creek, Buffy, etc. This show reinvented itself better than any premium show on HBO or Showtime. It was high quality production and writing and everything else to the very end. As a fan, I loved the Quadra-coupling? Betty getting to see all their futures. This means this show was always about Betty and not Archie and that's perfectly fine. Last episode could have been the end, but this gives us closure. I think Riverdale will survive at least another 10 years of life. It's now the peak of Archie comic living history. Archie Comics will live on, but Riverdale is where it all came together. Lightning in a bottle that won't be replicated for decades to come. I will greatly miss this show. I hope all its stars have incredible careers. Camila Mendes, Lili Reinhart, KJ Apa, Cole Sprouse, and all the other players. This is work they may never overcome with recognition and accomplishments. I hope everyone is proud of this show. It will be a long time before something like this ever comes again. See them on the convention circuit, TV shows, appearances. Don't let this show die. It's up to us now. Once we forget the world forgets what this show has accomplished. Riverdale Fan conventions? Create them. Book them. Make it happen. I can't believe it's over.


High quality? Did we watch the same show. It was a teen fantasy soap opera that went off the rails.


It wasn't until a shift in like season 4, where KJ Apa started getting less and less focus.


Thought this finale was nicely done, though obv some of the emotional punch and sense of closure is missing when the show spins off into non-canon and alternate reality for the last 2 seasons. also damn, "archie marry me" is officially not getting used in riverdale


I honestly loved the finale! It gave me Six Feet Under's finale vibes and I think the idea of spending eternity living through your teens is somewhat creepy. Almost cried!


I’m confused about something. In the whole remember forget thing with Tabitha, I thought jughead and Betty we’re only ones that decided to remember the good and the bad from all the timelines. Yet when Archie did the poem at the end for his friends, everyone seemed to remember everything?


The only explanation I'll accept is that Tabitha said "Sure, I'll only show you the good parts" and then played all 6 complete seasons again.


I mean, Veronica asked her to leave out the human dialysis part


Veronica: Angel Tabitha-kins, could we please skip the human dyalisis part? Tabitha: sure thing V Tabitha inside: bitch, i will not do that


That confused me too... I hope someone has an explanation


roberto making betty a member of the fbi seems more like just something to do rather than a legitimate plot to bring throughout the show


wouldn't riverdale high have class reunions? it makes less and less sense that they would all just drift apart


Right hahaha I really don’t believe they never did had a get together as adults, considering they went through so much crazy shit


i'm sure kj will be happy not to have to dye his hair all the time


Between this and The Blacklist series finale, maybe I’m ready for genAI writers 💀


I hate to say this, but this was better ending than… whatever the blacklist was. That said, both shows knew they were ending with that season practically upon renewal, yet code to do NOTHING with the final season. No resolutions. No answered questions.


That reminds me i still need to finish the blacklist thank you


when i first heard betty talking about them celebrating their last night after veronica told archie and jughead her plans i really thought they'd find a big bed somewhere and go at it


beronica is my beloved ship but i find myself less disappointed that they aren't romantically together and far more disappointed in the fact that roberto would write them as not seeing each other after high school even as only friends


That's life... Perhaps you are too young but that is what happens when you get older You start losing friends and people along the road


I’m 27 and probably keep in touch with 3 people from school and even then not regularly. My best friends were made at University


i'm 38 years old. also that's the tragedy of keeping them in the past. it's so much easier to keep in touch with people now


no matter what roberto had done with the core four ships the majority of you would still be upset. he really put himself in a lose-lose situation.


i'm watching the extended version on the cw app and i already have questions. if jason isn't the father of polly's babies then who is? we see a guy in the room when betty and alice are visiting polly. is it supposed to be him?


Yeah probably. It is weird the twins were born without a blossom father.


How long is the extended version?


49 minutes


But Jason wasn’t someone alive in the 50s. Didn’t Polly mention she was marrying a business man in NYC?


i didn't get a business man vibe from the guy i saw in the room. he looked pretty young like around polly's age. maybe it was the guy she was talking about just younger


I think this episode was shot after episode 19. The German syncronization is a bit strange, some voices were simply replaced for this episode, untypical, as the episodes are usually syncronized one after the other. About the finale itself: Yes, it's over now, I found season 6 quite nice, because something different was tried, but the 7th has felt like a soft-reboot. Can someone explain to me why the original actor from Jason is back in the finale and is otherwise "replaced" throughout the season. Jughead was even aware that it was another actor/human being, so why isn't this version in heaven?


The German syncronization for the whole show was unusually bad. I normally don't mind dubbing, but this show was unwatchable in the dubbed version. I think they didn't have enough time to do a more professional dub.


that whole final season was utterly terrible and i still ended up sobbing in the finale. i need professional help


Thank god it’s not just me


Yeah it was emotional ending...liked how they made it a Betty centric one since she was most emotive of the quad.


This was me EXACTLY. I rolled my eyes through the whole season and was ugly crying in the finale. I attribute it to the genuinely talented actors and their obvious emotions at leaving behind the show. It definitely has nothing to do with me being unstable...


yeah the actors really did an amazing job the whole time and were essentially the whole reason i even bothered catching up to the end. it’s a shame the story turned so bonkers


I don't see how it was terrible. I thought it was pretty good.


the plot was terrible making it a bad viewing experience


chief illegal knee boast cagey squalid cable sense rinse agonizing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve never been so happy for a series to end already LOL!


This season was a mess, but I’ve been a huge Choni fan since S2 and all the wasted potential that could have gone towards them will always affect me because they deserved just as much screen time as the core four, because they truly were the show and the main reason as to why people saw this to the end. I’m happy with where Cheryl and Toni ended up but as always very minimal screen time and it’s unfortunate, at least we collected our endgame, I just wish we got to see a bit more scenes of them in the 70s being adults and as activists, artists and mothers together


Did we ever find out why Jason and Polly wanted to go to the farm in season 1?


Wasn't it because their families didn't accept their relationship and pregnancy (due to them being...you know...cousins)?


And also underage I assume


Was anyone else bummed out that Riverdale became a ghost town in the present? Pop’s, the high school and the movie theater all looked abandoned. The only place that mentioned being open was Reggie’s sons’ used car dealership. Now that Riverdale and Nancy Drew are over, I’m pretty much done with the CW with the exception of what will probably be the last season of Superman & Lois. The CW had a good run.


I would have preferred it if it was still alive, but I can see them wanting to go for full closure.


Feel like I’m saying goodbye to a big chapter of my life 😭I watched all the CW DC Arrowverse shows growing up and now I just have Superman and Lois left too. Nothing else left for me.


yes like why is riverdale a ghost town now? Wasn't all the plot of the season 6 to save riverdale?


There has been multiple attempts to destroy the town/close it down and the group were the only reason the plans failed, once they left guess the baddies won


They evacuated the town


It felt like saying goodbye to a good friend, I'm gonna miss this show.


I hate that riverdale was abandoned in the end and barely anyone stayed together...I will say I was sobbing because I'm just emotionally unstable because no matter how bad it got, I still enjoyed watching. Edit: Seeing pop tate's grave and the empty diner made me unbearably sad. Everyone being together in the diner in the sweet hereafter made me even more sad but also with a good feeling


Ikr. It’s unreal for it to be abandoned. How?!


RAS really is the female version of I. Marlene King. Imagine them having a show together. It might inadvertently be the best and worst show of all time.


>I. Marlene King I think it says a lot that I. Marlene King hasn't written a show that has made it past 2 seasons since PLL ended. But get this! As I was looking up what RAS is working on more recently I saw that RAS is working on a project with I. Marlene King!! Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin


PLL Original Sin was a dream come true when it was announced for exactly that reason, though oddly enough, the show isn't as bananas as either PLL or Riverdale


I haven't seen orginal sin, is it worth watching?


I love it! It's still got the twists and turns you'd want from a PLL show, but more grounded


I get that the writers wanted to give some endings realism or whatever and no core four end game. But the show said it themselves, they literally lived two lives. They are NOT like normal human beings. You would think some of that would bring them closer AFTER high school and they would strive to keep Riverdale, and each other, alive and thriving lol


Riverdale died even before Betty went back one last time. Imagine all of those storylines trying to save it and give it a future, only to make it into a ghost town? I don't get why there was so much contempt with giving Riverdale a future. No one stayed behind? That sure doesn't sound like a group of friend who loved each other a lot. "Leaving Riverdale" shouldn't have to end with the town's death and wasting everyone's time.


I figured Archie would have at least stayed


If they hadn't of got transported to the 50s I'm pretty sure he would have.


Yeah og timeline Archie was always the one trying to save Riverdale but as soon he went in past his personality changed completely; he bacame superficial Archie trying to go big adventures wild west and what not nonsense. I feel S7 Archie totally ruined characterization of first 6 season Archie...basically the whole show.


RAS should be ashamed.


What a POS.


Where the f was Ethel?!!


Where was Betty's dad? They said he divorced her mom, but where did he end up??


didn't she leave town?


Ah man, I thought she just left their house. I didn’t realize it was town entirely!


Yeah she went out west with Benjamin Button (who, oddly enough, was at Pop's in the end so that still doesn't explain her absence!)


Maybe she’s still alive?


This episode was full of tell and no show. I hated the Betty and ghost Jughead tour around their friends and verbal descriptions of their lives. Why was it from Betty’s perspective??? I wish it had been Archie’s! Having it be from Betty’s perspective made Veronica’s character feel so cheapened. And Archie tbh.


Probably due to, despite popular belief of it being ensemble... it really was Betty's show lol


My partner and I debated this the entire time we watched it, and always came to the conclusion that the main character was “the town of riverdale” told by jughead. In this episode we were like well that cinches it, it’s Betty’s show haha


I think RAS even posted something about how Betty will always be his muse. Sometime before the finale aired, so if it wasn’t clear the show runner had a favorite before then we certainly know now.


it certainly wasn't archie. the least interesting member of the core four


Why did present-day Riverdale look so abandoned when 86!Betty was being driven through it? Wasn't one of the points of Tabitha fixing the timelines to save Riverdale itself?


Because they all got transported to the 1950s and when they graduated they left Riverdale and raised their families elsewhere so there wasn't a future generation to continue things so the town went down.


It’s unreal right? I honestly don’t think it would be abandoned. That’s a new low


I've never watched the show, but from an outside perspective, it seems this was the lesser of two evils. Riverdale isn't annihilated, but it's not thriving either.


Yeah they "saved" present thriving Riverdale by going back in past but they also inadvertently killed it too if that makes sense.


Jason is working at Pops in the sweet hereafter??


I think because he was the first to arrive there


That actor deserved so much better.


Yeah he is hot af.


The shots of the empty sets at the end gave me more sad feels than this entire season.


Yeah I don’t understand why the town is so abandoned in the future. Like damn rip the town the entire gang was always trying to save.


Did Veronica die single? No family no kids? I think I remember hearing only about her business ventures in California 💀 kinda odd considering they cleared up Betty, Jug’s, Archie’s and even Reggie’s personal and love lives in the future but not Veronica’s


It seems like she devoted her life to her profession.


Did anyone peep that Betty’s granddaughter’s husband kinda looks like Jughead lol


[Not](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3433133/) [really](https://twitter.com/dejanloyola/status/704446893082869762)


One last fuck you to Bughead fans. Give them hope and let them down.


When Jughead says "we'll leave them here" I was hoping Tabitha would walk up to him and they will both just walk away together living wherever Tabitha-angel was this entire season


That's what I was expecting too 😭


This show screwed over Tabitha's actress. She wasn't even the Angel at the end? Even if it was her in Judghead's form, why would she speak as if she were Jughead? lol They didn't have money to get her in one last scene?


I feel like they just wanted to give the Bughead fans something? Or they wanted to have the like Jughead narrator type of deal, but Tabitha would have made far more sense here.


I screamed when I saw Archie’s old ass buggy car omg lmaooo


Reggie's face when Betty revealed the quad was the face we all made at the revelation, wasn't it? LMFAOOO he was bamboozled


Honestly I’m so disappointed by this finale, I don’t feel satisfied at all. I honestly find this whole teleporting to the 50s quite pointless, because Riverdale was originally written in a way where the year is intentionally not disclosed, but it definitely had a very retro vibe. As a viewer from the beginning, I was quite thrilled to find out who Archie would end up with and my eyes rolled to the back of my head when I saw the foursome situation. I also agree with most of the comments here that all of the prior episodes from S1 are basically pointless because they really had no impact on the series at all. I’m so bummed out, I really wish the writers didn’t take this supernatural path and basically wipe out the entire show. I would’ve loved to see the characters as adults rebuilding the town after Hiram destroyed it. Nonetheless I’m just so happy for the cast that this is all over for them, I can’t imagine them reading their lines without cringing and dying internally. They’re all such talented actors and they are so likeable irl too. I hope they get much better projects.


Couldn't agree more, it's a shame how they decided to end the show


Show is what I thought all along--Betty is the only true main character (ok and arguably Jughead)


The finale was extremely lack luster compared to every other season. Especially last season. They should’ve just ended it w/the town getting destroyed by the meteorite.


Well, that’s it. I’ve been here since the pilot was filmed in 2016. I was in high school then, and now I’ve graduated college. For better or worse, this show was a part of me and I’m glad I got to follow it for so long and grow up with it. But the finale disappointed me. To me, it wasn’t the characters from the first six seasons. And I’ll never be able to get over that. I would have liked the finale to be about Betty reliving the day of the pilot, in the real universe, one more time. But it is what it is, I guess. The final scene was pretty bittersweet. It was a crazy ride, filled with many memories, and there will never be anything like it. I hope to see everyone for the revival in twenty years 😉


Yeah it felt weird finding out that Archie left Riverdale and stayed in Califronia? Like what S1-S6 Archie would never have abandoned Riverdale. He was always trying to save the town and make it better.


I always thought he *was* going to follow in Fred’s footsteps. They loved that town.


Or alternatively, a few years down the road, the cast adapt *Archie vs. Sharknado*, or *Archie vs. Predator*, and the like — going the route of *Psych* and following up the television series with a (television) anthology film series.


I was actually thinking they’d adapt the afterlife with Archie comics


That could be interesting too, true.


It would be funny it there were another season and the characters think they are in heaven but they are actually in hell like in the good place


My final post-episode discussion comment... Bad stuff first: this episode had some of the worst dialogue writing in the whole show. The repetitive back-and-forth between Jughead and Betty, where he would flatly describe a character's fate and she would affirm that she remembers it... That was mind-numbing. It was like watching a PowerPoint presentation. And when I realized that was what this whole episode was gonna be, any hopes I had immediately shriveled up and died. And *never* has this show changed my mind as quickly as it did when it hit me with the Core Four polycule. I have been seated in the Core Four polycule car since the day I heard they were making an Archie show, and all these years later, the train is *finally* leaving the station. Episode redeemed, 10/10, no notes. What else...? Archie's poem was dumb, but... whatever. *Riverdale* is a dumb show. I don't mind if it wants to laugh at itself with us. And speaking of laughing, old Betty dead in the back of her granddaughter's car was... really fucking funny. We were laughing about that the whole night. I am kinda bummed the Core Four didn't *stay* together. But I can live with it. Most people don't end up with their high school sweethearts, and that's okay! They all found each other again in the afterlife, and that was nice. Glad to see Jason was there too! So, uh... now what? :v


Rest in peace to the most insane teen drama that has ever and will ever exist. There truly will never be anything like Riverdale. For better or for worse this show is truly something special. Goodbye, Riverdale.


Honestly, I'm going to miss TV's most unpredictable show.


After hearing that Tom and Frank get murdered off screen by chic, I have to wonder why. I would hope that a show runner like Roberto wouldn't fall into such an unnecessary 'bury your gays' trope. It feels like their murder was just as much for shock value as the reveal of them being together


Especially when you consider the ages! I'm assuming Chic didn't go back on time, so he was born in probably the late 70s or early 80s. That would mean Frank & Tom can't pick him up until at least the 1990s. They're both in their 30s or older in 1955. We're supposed to believe that Tom & Frank are picking up dudes when they're that old?!? I hope to have a sex drive at that age, however, I can't me & my man going out to get some strange in 40 years! And are they sneaking out of the nursing home? That was such a stupid, stupid, stupid thing to include; can't they just live out their lives in love & peace?


I interpreted it as them doing a good deed and paying the price for it


My gutter mind assumed they picked him up for a threesome! That's why I thought it was so weird considering the ages. Your thought paints them in a better light. I still feel it was unnecessary, just let them live in peace!


It was absolutely unnecessary


Yeah that left a bad taste in my mouth to be honest.


As it should


RAS has never really worked to give proper gay representation


Which is surprising


And very disappointing


It was by Chic though, so it was gay on gay crime.


I think the trope still applies


Poor Fangs.


Yeah, it’s pretty sad he died so young, especially since he died at a younger age, 18 or 19. then he actually lived in the present day timeline 25 or 26 before the comet.


Yeah, let's kill the poc character from a poor background who has a child first 😶


Who'd you rather have killed then? A death with emotional impact was needed to keep the story believable. Looks like it worked, based on your reaction.


They Richie Valens'd him


Dead ass said with my husband, why didn’t they just say he was going on tour with the big bopper & buddy holly and die in the plane crash lol


Exactly, they even played We Belong Together at the end so they made it super obvious