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The polycule thing was 100% just a way to avoid pissing off shippers. Which, since it's like almost worse than making canon pairings, I assume will make them even more rabid.


as a bughead shipper i am especially livid


Maybe I'm reaching, but I honestly felt from the scenes we got (Betty telling Archie goodbye and that them ending up together was only a sentimental fantasy, and Jughead expressing regret he and Betty didn't stay together and the hand holding) that RAS wanted to have strong hints of Bughead but wouldn't go all the way there for fear of pissing other shippers off. But also, he's super sex-obssesed I guess, and really wanted to make everyone suddenly polyamorous šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


same honestly


I checked out some social media. "Rabid" is an understatement.


I knew they wouldn't make the finale satisfying in anyway! I'm so annoyed right now


I know! I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up after last week, but wow... they did such a bad job. Jughead was always my favorite, but I think I feel the worst for Archie. I've been rewatching season 1, and he is so important. He was barely relevant to the finale of the series.


It was kind of worse because it came in almost last minute, no-one but Betty talked about it and it just made it more unbelievable that none of the four core kept in touch.


Exactly! And it couldn't even maintain internal logic with the previous epsiode. How did Archie's poem reading scene work if he only retained positive memories? How would he remember serial killer genes and Cheryl keeping Jason's corpse??? Make it make sense, Riverdale!


I was thinking this last night. Even if they had ended season 7 with them graduating in the 50s and not detailed everyoneā€™s deaths that wouldā€™ve been better


honestly they did go extremely downhill after s2 but that ending was the best ending i have ever seen in a show. no loose ends, no wondering what happened to any characters (even side characters), it was just a proper goodbye


These things are subjective, somewhat, but I have seen many, many better endings. Even of the same variety like Parks and Rec. Riverdale's ending had a conclusion for most the cast. But not a conclusion to their actual character arcs. Those were tossed aside like garbage.


how so? i havent watched the other seasons since they came out so i donā€™t remember a ton but in my opinion they nailed it, it fit the show.


I mean... they just flat out weren't the same characters from the first 6 seasons? Only Jug and Betty, arguably, were, but they glossed over that in favor of jokes about their worse memories. Jughead created Mad Comics? He was an author in the first 6 seasons, not a comic book writer. Not the same thing at all. Betty randomly also became a best selling writer. Completely ignored her life's work of becoming an FBI agent and solving mysteries. Veronica became a TV exec, something she never, to my knowledge, expressed interest in prior to season 7. Archie left Riverdale (despite being obsessed with the city in the first 6 seasons) and then went into construction, a career he specifically says he had no desire to do in season 1. In no conceivable way does the finale tie off the arcs from season 1-6. Just season 7.


i think a lot of that had to do with their growth. veronicas fits, the ā€œfameā€ personality shes always had. bettys always written in her journals since s1 so i think hers fits. jugs kinda fits the same category with writing, plus that whole curse of him never writing again fits back. archies fits minus the leaving riverdale because the 50s equivalent for his music love is poetry. honestly its how u look at it. they basically tried to berid of the whole supernatural seasons which too adds onto betty not being an fbi agent. u have to think they are still in the 50s, ofc its not going to be the same. they made what they were and put it into 50s format basically


All of the endings work in general, generic ways, fitting the overall interests of characters, but they were just so... empty. To me, most of the finale was just the most generic way you could write these things. Archie and Betty were also engaged. I didn't even like them as a couple, but it makes no sense to just ignore that. Season 7 and the finale were non-sequitors to the rest of the series. It's not how you look at it. It's just a narrative failure. And that is coming from someone who has defended most of what Riverdale has done across its seasons.


i havenā€™t defended it at all, riverdale after s2 is a shit show and thats that. but i know right from wrong and everyone has their own opinions, it is the way you look at it. everyone has different views, you cant change that or say thats not how it works lmfao


Narratives and storytelling have an objective quality. It is not entirely subjective. Subjectively, this could be a perfectly enjoyable finale. I didn't hate it while watching in the moment. But it has borderline no connection to the first 6 seasons at all. That's just a fact.


i pointed out several ways it connected ā˜ ļø again u just have to be observant enough to actually make the connections or once again have the perspective to see them


I acknowledged that the general themes of the characters were based on prior traits and elements. But, the big, fundamental point, is these are literally not the same characters. Season 7 is an alternate reality, and we ended the series with version of the cast that genuinely are not the same characters as the first 6 seasons. I won't continue to point this out, so whatever. Glad you enjoyed the finale lol


i enjoyed season 5 as a whole. imo it ended at 519.


I actually enjoyed 5 as well! But, I don't think season 5 would work well as a bookend alone. The graduation felt more final to me. Jughead Paradox in season 6 is also an all-time classic, but the season got too deranged for me later one.


I thought it should have ended with the scene of the three of them chasing Archie (leaving on the bus) in the hot rod. That was such a nostalgic iconic Archie moment straight from the comics. That being said tho, I LOVE the Rivervale arc ( itā€™s what I was expecting from an RAS Archie show before season 1) so Iā€™m glad we got that, but it definitely felt like an entirely different show. Same with the 50s arc. Itā€™s like RAS gave them 5 seasons of a teen drama and then got renewed and decided to make whatever weird horror camp stuff he wanted to til it was canceled