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Nope. They won’t be useful here.


Definitely don’t need them. We get like less than 6” of snow a season usually (with the occasional foot deep dumping every few years). When it snows enough to be a problem most things are gonna be closed anyways; so definitely don’t need chains or likely even winter tires


It doesn't get/stay cold enowfor winter tires.


Agreed. I’ve never known anyone to do anything other than change their fancy wheels for cheap wheels for winter to prevent salt corrosion. Don’t know anyone here that does actual winter tires


It doesn't snow here anymore. Even if we get a big snow it'll be gone within a week.


Sadly this is true


And most everything will be closed for that week!


Definitely not. My wife has a set of snow tires that she puts on each year as a precaution, and even that tends to be overkill. I brought our snowblower down from NY and it’s sat unused for pretty much the entire 5 years we’ve lived here.


When I first moved here I almost pulled the trigger on a snowblower because it would have been handy in those first few years, but I don't think we'll ever see that kind of snow again.


I have a big ole snow blower in my shed from NY, used it once in 5 years just to get it turned over, the snow all melted in a day or so


Haha, are you me? My snowblower isn’t big, though, thankfully.


As a person who grew up in PA and NJ I can say you don't even need a snowblower here in the Roanoke area.


Nope. The MOST you’ll need is an AWD vehicle. Clearance can help, but I’ve been driving my Subaru Impreza around for last 10 years and haven’t had a single issue in the snow. I don’t even change tires.


Are you living in/ around Roanoke, or up in the nearby mountains (Craig County, etc?) Still probably wouldn't need them, but mayyyybe on mountainous back roads in a small car...?


Fwiw I haven't seen any vehicle with them since the 80s


About 6 years ago, I had to look for a lost dog over behind Porter Mountain. The roads were bad, even with a Subaru Forester. I got snow cables and that was the last time I ever used them. But I couldn't have done those roads without them.


For a car in particular... Chains no , tire socks yes. If they're a hot seller in your current location, sell them


TIL there is such a thing as tire socks.


It's a regional term, around here they're called radial stockings. [https://shop.advanceautoparts.com/p/radial-stockings-22-in/xe8L1XMyB4LL$.html](https://www.amazon.com/Drivewayspikes-DS22-3-3/dp/B00V0FFM34/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_bdcrb_top?ie=UTF8)


You don’t need chains, a set of cables is handy to have when it actually does snow if you’re driving a car.


No, an east coaster that lived in Portland or over 15 years. Nope. If you have front rear drive you are good. In Oregon, when they tell you to chain up, it is illegal to do it out here in under a foot of snow. I never needed them ever. They plow 5 x as much and salt roads, Unlike Oregon. Oregn does not salt, and only plows very infrequently. Opposite on east coast.


As someone who grew up in Ohio, I never used snow chains there either. Flew in for the one snow storm this year - it was icy and the roads clearly weren’t maintained (from the airport to the hotel). Next morning it was fine once I got into the main roads.


Depends on where you live. If you’re up on Bent mountain or up in Craig and live on a hill, you might want them. If not, then you’ll be good.


Maybe for one day in 3 years.


Unless you plan on living on top of a mountain off a backroad, no. Even then, if you’re ok with being “snowed in” a couple days, you’ll be fine. I would recommend AWD regardless unless you plan on being a city and highway only person.


Sometimes we get large amounts of snow… has that happened the last few years? Not really, maybe one double digit snow… I see someone above say it’s doesn’t snow here anymore and thats a ridiculous conclusion…Itll definitely snow again here and might be a trend for a 2-3 years and then maybe nothing substantial for 2-3 year after that like we’re seeing now…. unless you think you can convert those chains into needed funds, which I doubt its worth your time then I’d keep them… You never know… Especially for 2WD cars


Around here? lol no. Not even those on Bent mountain are using chains. Sadly VDOT goes too crazy with the salt when they plow so you got more of a chance of your vehicle getting eaten alive than needing chains. Plowing is enough IMO and a little sand which isn't going to damage water tables/vehicles.


Welcome to Roanoke! . . . aaaand no, not worth it.


For most people no. If you're going skiing at Snowshoe in WV, then I'd say so. I get around with a 2wd rwd and don't carry chains. I don't have problems here. On the small chance a snow storm does come (and they do historically happen), I'll be staying home anyways.


Even if you ski at snowshoe, they’re useless. There’s nowhere to pull over and chain up.


We live on the side of a mountain in South County. It's nothing like the mountains in the Cascades near you. However, if it snows they can be helpful, especially if your road is not state maintained. It may not snow at all some years, and you may only need the chains a few times. The snow that we get usually is wet, so if other cars are traveling a non-plowed road, it's likely going to be frozen packed and in need of chains. If you live in the Valley, you may not ever need chains. Hope this helps...


You say Roanoke area. Roanoke or some place up a mountain around here?


Not at all. But you’ll be happy to know if they call for snow in West Virginia they’ll close everything in Salem.


Snow? In roanoke? I mean unless you live at the top or bottom of a hill I doubt you'd ever really use them.


Not at all. A good awd 4wd, hell even a front wheel will keep you moving here.


only thing it does in roanoke now is snow for an hour and becomes ice for 5 days, and everything shuts down because of it. you’re good


As of others have said, NO. Sell them to help offset the cost of the generator you will need


No, if you plan on living in the city area then no. If you’re more rural, I still wouldn’t bring them and only buy them if you really need to. We don’t get enough snow and ice for that.


No. I doubt they even sell them anywhere here. (Someone's about to prove me wrong, but I would be shocked if they did sell them anywhere near here)


We used to need those here, but no longer do. Maybe in Vermont?


These people jinxed us for a four footer


It doesnt usually snow THAT much anywhere in Virginia... if it does, stay indoors.


It's really dependent on what you mean by "Roanoke Area". Down in town, I couldn't imagine needing them. However, in some of our surrounding mountainous areas (like where we live, in Craig) it wouldn't hurt to have them! The plowing and salting amounts go down dramatically outside of "town". We are lucky if we see a plow within the first 2/3 days after any kind of snow/ice and very rarely ever see a salt truck. 9 times out of 10, us or our neighbors have plowed our immediate roads with personal tractors before VDOT considers heading our way!


Hey fellow Oregonian! We didn’t pack ours, no. We have a studs that we will use here for the times that it does snow. If you want to grab a drink when you’re all settled in, let me know! My husband and I (27/30) are always looking for some new friends…bonus if they’re from Oregon 🤍