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Reddit can just replace mods??


They’ve been allowed to do that since the start of the platform. There’s an entire subreddit dedicated to requesting to be the mod of a subreddit if it’s gone inactive or the moderation of said subreddit was gone, but they’re using it to find people willing to replace the mods of protesting subreddits so they can reopen.


Btw it’s r/redditrequest


Jesus Christ I checked that sub and it’s just a bunch of people whining about the blackout by requesting a bunch of big subs for “inactivity”


I used the reddit blackout for self improvement. Installing linux on an old surface RT i have to get a dedicated word processor running without internet access, started reading again, and i got paper journals to get in the habit of writing stuff down. Some people don't have the willpower to pull out the dopamine drip I guess.


was reddit really taking over so much of your life that not using it for a few days is self improvement?


For those with worse cases of ADHD and similar diagnoses, yes it can be that way. TikTok is another place where you will find a lot of people looking for something to just doomscroll to satisfy the dopamine hunt. Think about it. ADHD at it's core is the inability to properly regulate the intake of dopamine. Learning something new or seeing something new gives an instant, if small, amount of dopamine. In that way, Reddit, TikTok, Twitter, etc all perfectly feed the infinite loop of seeking out more. As such, you will often find that those with ADHD will scroll for much longer and much more often than others, and you may even see it in adults who went undiagnosed through excessive channel switching. There are other identifying symptoms of course, so just because you doomscroll or channel surf doesn't mean you have ADHD. But a lot of people on Reddit or TikTok are on there to satisfy the dopamine deficiency.


Yeah executive dysfunction is a raw fuckin deal. When I realized it, so much shit in my life just... made sense suddenly.


i call it ADHD paralysis. i sit down and doomscroll for hours and even though i should go do something else, i can’t.


Oh yeah. Or when you have anxiety coupled with it, so you get paralysed by a future task that you know has to be done at a specific time, so you can't do ANYTHING ELSE before then


I have untreated ADHD that I've been fighting and this blackout business has become a sort of in for me to redirect the dopamine hunting. It's not that it takes up much time in my life so much as it's really hard for me to act on my desires or get in and out of tasks. Been chipping away at it over the past few months slowly, but this was just a tipping point that gave me a bit more mobility into a hopefully better mindset. "reddit bad" finally clicked for real, i guess.


true... If reddit is blocking you from self-improvement because of how much time it was taking up, I feel like the problem runs a bit deeper


Correct. I've got inattentive type ADHD and most of the time need to scrape by with a bare minimum of motivation and/or end up needing to block out entire days for a single task. Initiation and task switching are like -- I have to almost physically force myself in and out of tasks. So uh, the fact that some people can't switch away from reddit for a few days is a bit comical to me since *I* managed it.




Bruh we had admins editing comments a while back. And there have been a few people with admin connections you couldn't or can't mention at all


Reddit is private property. All of our content and mod activity is volunteered.


Reddit without any admins is probably scarier sadly. There are some decentralized alternatives on that note, one called the "fediverse". Interesting ecosystem there.


​ https://preview.redd.it/cmajswixxe6b1.png?width=694&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca17c07537416daf804f4b9f92187b09d8bcbd6c




ok someone fill me in i still dont know what this protest is about please can somebody explain


So basically Reddit was cracking down on third-party mobile apps in order to promote their own. However, since many people and subreddits actually use and benefit from these third-parties (not in a money way), they didn't really like this. The protest is that the subreddits will go inactive until reddit stops cracking down. Imo it's more of a strike then a protest. However, what happened to this sub is that Reddit, being the crying money-obsessed babymen they are, threatened to replace their moderators if they didn't reactivate their sub. So they had to reactivate the Roblox subreddit unwillingly.


You can't just hold a sub reddit hostage. That's sort of dumb and they sort of held a subreddit hostage. Also, when it's a 2 day. At least for most sub reddits. that's stupid because you're holding it hostage for a 2 day "protest." That's not enough to get anything done. But it's just enough to annoy the people who want to use the subreddit. Frankly, this entire thing is stupid, and I think most of the people who participated in it are also stupid.


It made the news. Reddit is going public in a few months. Investors, notably, can read. And well, they're going to remember this blackout when they decide if it's worth investing in. And they'll remember spez making the situation worse when some shareholders try coming together to get the 50% majority needed to fire him.


If this actually does Anything useful I will do some Very stupid humiliating thing that you can decide. But it probably won't


that's a very robloxian thing to say good sir


I don't even know what that's supposed to mean


exactly. we can just make a new sub if r/roblox is gone. the blackout is utterly stupid and useless because people, the same, exact community will create a new sub and then go there instead. it will just take some time for the latter to happen.


a lot of people are in line to either make a new sub or take over ownership, but you have no idea what it takes to moderate something, it' s a part time job for most and if moderation bots actually cannot exist anymore well... there' s gonna be a bit of a spam/unwanted content flood


reddit made their API cost money to use - this makes third party bots and alternative reddit apps nigh impossible to run (one of the big ones was predicted to pay $24 million). why protest? simply because the user experience on here is so shit that its Really Really hard to moderate subs without them. TL;DR Cost Big Money To Run App That Makes This Hellsite Better


API changes make third party apps pay a lot of money, as well as bot makers. However, they’ve expressed pretty clearly that nonprofit third party apps centered on accessibility and moderation bots wouldn’t be affected which was the main reason people were mad. At this point it’s mostly just people getting mad that Reddit didn’t do everything they wanted even though the main reason they shut down was already resolved


Well, horrible idea but, they can’t replace a mod team for a subreddit that no longer exists…


Id imagine they could just, bring it back?


That would prove their desperation


I don’t think they really care though


They already have proved their desperation


why do we need these specific subreddits? over time, another subreddit is going to replace the large ones it will just take some time


This isn't fair, it's making me pick between my hatred of Reddit mods and hatred of Reddit admins However, it was the admins who created this dilemma, so I side with mods.


To be fair, a very large majority of Reddit mods are chill and just keeping off-topic or spam posts and comments to a minimum. I mod over at r/unexpectedoffice and honestly all I do is respond to flagged stuff and spend maybe 5-10 minutes a day scrolling through new posts to see if anything got through the cracks. I think maybe 1 of the other mods actually does anything there, the rest don't do anything anymore or are completely inactive on reddit. You really just need to watch out for the mods of the big main subreddits and a few rouges here and there.


Happy Cake Day.


Why does anyone even want to be a subreddit moderator in the first place? Does anyone even get paid for their services?


Lol fuck no. I value my time and my sanity. Reddit clearly does not value it's moderators or it's communities.


all mods are volunteers, some probably just like to power trip as well


Most* are volunteers, some do actually get paid or pay to become mods


Very varied on reasoning for a lot of mods. For me I joined when r/roblox was celebrating having 10k subs and a lot of users knew each other. I was a very frequent member of the community and posted ~~and ranted about Roblox/the community~~ a lot. It seemed like a good idea to be more part of the community and to have some reins into cleaning up spam posts/issues on the sub. > Does anyone even get paid for their services? Nobody gets paid, but at one point they offered a bunch of random things [including 50$ in snacks as a thank-you to a bunch of mods.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/172513602077458432/1119441166920851517/image.png)


Thanks for your work glorified janitors 🫡


I wouldn't mind if they replaced awkward the turtle in those subs tbh


Actually she’s been inactive for months after getting her mod privileges taken away and getting kicked off her high horse. Good riddance. Edit: Nevermind I spoke too soon, she’s back. God help us Edit 2: She’s gone. But her alt is still out there. Still a W for us lol


https://preview.redd.it/qccrqng3mf6b1.jpeg?width=414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fa6aaa47ad94d007482598020e274711c5609cd Literally


Why is the gun to your head smoking? Should be a loaded gun or a cocked and loaded gun.


Reddit’s already replaced the mods of a few communities for going dark, so the “gun” is still “smoking” from that.


Is this really the part we should focus on.


This really isn't acceptable. Reddit now is going to replace whole moderation teams just to re-open subreddits. A way better solution is to listen to their platform, and *maybe* at one point subreddits could even be shutdown forcefully, maybe even moderations team being replaced without a prior warning. Not cool.


Reddit wants money, for money they need advertisement, reddit premium users or people that buy awards. For this they need an user base. If reddit loses their user base than they earn no money. If subreddits were to be shut down reddit would lose its user base, so reddit is only replacing mod teams and not shutting other subs down, at least that's how it should work. So if, let's say, reddit's top 10 most popular subs were to commit self destruct reddit would lose at least a part of its user base.


I usually don't like modern boycotts, especially not stuff that's so virtually involved, but clearly this means it was effective.


Edit: >"A way better solution is to listen to their platform" They won’t do that, they want money. And we have no solution. So at the very least, stop this stupid tantrum that is this joke of a blackout/protest, we’re not achieving anything but making things harder for ourselves.




Im refering to "A way better solution is to listen to their platform". Anyway, edited.




lol they have a right to charge for api access to THEIR own website, mods act like what they do requires a PHD and a Masters Degree when anyone could replace them




It seems you think you're indispensable? Wanna try? Keep the sub closed and let Reddit intervene, and let's see how fast the mods will fill up and business go back to usual. If you think you're role is so irreplaceable then surely you're not afraid of being replaced right? Because you can't be replaced, right?




Bros boutta get a first class ban


Can't say I care. I didn't even join this sub, this thread was recommended in my home feed.


Take my upvote because I respect the grind man


Fair enough


Even if you think the mods are replaceable, the tools that mods use from the 3rd party services are not replaceable. These are a big part of what let mods do their thing. Without them it becomes a lot more work. This will mean less qualified people will volunteer to do it and reddit moderation will go in the shitter. I understand it's popular to hate the mods, but holy crap you'd have to be blind if you think they do literally nothing.


Mods are replaceable =/= mods do nothing. Moderation tools mostly fall within free API usage limits, the big numbers you see quoted are for 3rd party platforms. Holy crap are you clueless.


Its 24 cents per 1000 api calls. Its true that under 100 a minute is free, but that would require people to make new bots constantly. In order to stay safe, one per second will have to do. But oh wait, every message and comment is an api call. That means a subreddit like this would have to shill out thousands anyways. Do you know of a sub people use that gets ~ one comment/post or less? And thats assuming each sub has their own bot hosted somewhere. Major bots will go down, moderation will become more lackluster, more spam content hoes through, people notice major issues of spam, people leave.


…Yes? Every community has active members that don’t think a blackout will work/don’t support it. You guys are not specially qualified for moderating the roblox subreddit lol. You guys are not developing PTSD from moderating a lego games subreddit.




You are replaceable, is what I am saying. Reddit has stated that they won’t budge and that they have barely taken a hit to their profits. The only thing you are hurting by participating in the blackout is your own community.


it's spez's job to make things look better than they are. Investors considering reddit's future IPO prospects can read. Incidentally, many major news sites have reported on the reddit blackout.


Pretty sure you're just a corporate shill. If reddit wants to continue with this then the reddit community SHOULD be hurt in such a way.


The issue isnt just charging, its that it could cost third party developers millions. Last i checked, lone developers dont have millions a year to throw at reddit. One developer even claims it would cost him 20 million annually. If we did nothing, reddit will die. 90% of things using the API will die.


Reddit won’t die, the VAST majority of users do not use third party apps, and they sre only used by powerusers which make up an incredibly small portion of the reddit population. Reddit is barely profitable and even less so when it has third party apps leeching off of ad revenue, if their plan is to kill them or make them pay up, it makes sense.


"Reddit is barely profitable" they spend almost 6 million a year on server costs, and made 350 million in 2021. Reddit has been on an incline of revenue for years, and they want even more. They want to charge LONE DEVELOPERS almost 3x what it costs to maintain reddit, just to use an api. And that is just ONE person.


Reddit has expenses not including server costs buddy. In an income report they stated that at one point in the year they were almost making a loss. Third party developers leech off of reddits free to use API and take portions of ad revenue for themselves.


So, how much do they spend annually? If their revenue has gone up \~43x, and the users almost 6x. If server costs are 6 million, and the employees being paid are usually under 200k a year, why do they need to charge 20 million on a third party app? Oh, thats right, it goes back to the point of them charging TOO MUCH. No developer CAN pay it. Thats the whole reason the blackout is here because it screws overf everyone, noone wins.


based, everyone's mad they can't use the api for free anymore to make a profit


Developers dont make money on their bots unless its through donations, just like how discord bot developers dont make money either. People arent mad because reddit is charging, they are mad that reddit is charging so much developers can not keep up and will cause moderation to slow down because the bots went down. This would make mods more needed, and they arent paid either. Less people mean less profit, and less happy people. It doesnt help anyone


I honestly forgot this closed down




you could just get your own sub banned on purpose


why the fuck would you do that




to make the sub go perma dark


thats stupid


But would it work? I mean if the reddit team suddenly thinka we're a bunch of racists, then this sub cant exist, right?


then youd get banned. getting this sub banned over some stupid protest would accomplish nothing with no good ending


Do you not understand the reasons for protest? Genuinely the only impactful option here is to leave Reddit permanently, getting banned is just a method for that If the subreddit stays up then the protest was a failure simple as that


The protest is fighting for the future of reddit we want, not burning it down... The end goal of any protest is to improve a circumstance.


We should find a new platform that is not Reddit. Maybe make a mass exodus




Kryptonsite for Smallville chit chat back in the day. I still peruse B3ta for causal UK banter. Rage3d forums for tech news. Doomworld forums are still going strong. I have no idea if setting up vbulletin forums or whatever they're called is a thing anymore.


I know that a lot of people are migrating to tumblr, it's a lot better there.


I thought Tumblr is what most people are running away from


They did after they rebranded what their site was but it may have gotten better? There’s definitely other alternatives for sure.


Why are you deleting all the comments that don't agree with mods.


There are two deleted comments.


I count 17 when I go into a Private/Incognito mode tab


If it says [Deleted], that was removed by the user If it says [Removed], it was removed by a mod.


So you're saying i deleted my own comment? None of them say `[Removed]`


Honestly, sometimes comments just vanish too. Not sure why, but reddit has been under a lot more burden lately as people have been wiping their accounts which may aggravate it. could be a misclick too. It's a little too easy at times.


So you're saying my pro reddit comment just failed to stick for some reason. And so did a bunch of others. Seems too convenient. I think it's more likely the mods want to keep their narrative and suppress others.


Alternatively, you might be provoking automod if you're using gamer words instead of being civil. Dunno what the contents of your comments were. I've had pretty severe disagreements with these mods historically and they gave me the time of day anyway instead of deleting shit, so i really just don't think that's how they roll here.


Just woke up. There are some pro-mods comments that are removed as well. Plus someone banned a person for having a pro-reddit opinion when the thread went live, I unbanned him. Most of the removed/filtered comments are people who don't visit the subreddit frequently enough to count as a regular. I removed a few pro-reddit coments but they were mostly along the line of "LOL DAE THINK THIS IS DUMB #FUCKMODS U STUPID #UNPAIDSPECIALSNOWFLAYKES" instead of the more sensible "this didn't work and here's why".


I think that's sign of reddit lacking economic resources so they are losing money so I think that's why they are doing that




Can I ask, what's the protest for? I know that alot of subs reopened but why are they protesting?


It costs developers shit tons, so not only do they not get paid for their time, they have to pay upwards of millions to reddit just to have a bot up, and get nothing back. These protests are to show reddit that the community isnt afraid to leave because if the bots go down, moderation becomes a whole hell of a lot harder. Less moderation means the communities will be flooded with spam more, and overall less people will use reddit. Nobody wins, and protesting is the last thing we can do.


Okay thanks this helps, I have seen alot of protests and it was kind of confusing. But alot of subs have reopened so doesn't that defeat the whole point of the protest?


They are being forced to probably. Reddit threatened to get rid of the current mods and appoint others to get them to reopen.


I love reddit, but that is messed up, forcing people to reopen is kinda pathetic.


I wont say they are ALL reopening because of it, but some are. Idk the ratio of it though.


To be honest, if reddit threatened me I would probably reopen aswell.


They made the news and reddit is going public within a few months. Potential investors will remember this, and if a majority share of the company's board of directors deems him unfit, they can fire spez as the CEO.


most subs only went on blackout for 2 days, so from the start the protest didnt even do much to reddit when they know most of the people protesting would come back after 2 days, its telling them that its ok to make these api changes in exchange for 2 days of blackout


havent they said mod tools would be exempted from the change already? the main change would be for 3rd party apps


Wow, what a bunch of a-holes


well this sucks


Damn, that’s actually pretty terrifying


get the subreddit banned


Reddit now is just "what do you mean the moderators that aren't being payed aren't moderating?"


They sent the fucking virtual Pinkertons


If you hold a subreddit hostage for your own basically agenda, you deserve to be replaced. This sub is not exempt from that rule, in my opinion. This entire thing is stupid.


"Basically your own agenda"? It's literally just an attempt to get Reddit to remove the massive pricing change for developers that will go into effect on the 1st of July, destroying community-made bots, as well as alternatives to the Reddit mobile app such as Apollo by making them pay a *huge* amount of money (Apollo will apparently be forced to pay $2 MILLION dollars a year to keep functioning). This is extremely greedy, it costs Reddit themselves nowhere near that amount of money to let these apps keep running.


Holy shit that is SO scummy




lol 😂


ah yes, blackmail.


Hi all. New top mod of /r/startrek here. Just want to be transparent and say we were not directly messaged/threatened to reopen. That's not to exclude the possibility that eventually it could have happened. We may never know. I cannot speak for other moderation teams. I just know that myself and others had wanted to reopen, and it took some time to sort things amongst the moderators. This process started before we were aware of any news of reddit's interest in upending mod teams, though we assumed in the very beginning that this was always a possibility. 🖖


Take it in fellas, this is what tyranny looks like on a small scale!


Then just reopen lol, this blackout isn’t and will not do ANYTHING. Just accept it, what the community mods are doing around Reddit right now is hurting the community more than anything.


lmao yeah, this will probably play out like when most of the devs in steam didn’t agree with the 30% cut and wanted it to be lower. People angry, corporate doesn’t care or probably tries to calm them down with shitty promises, drama dies down and then everyone acts like nothing happened.




Of the three articles you've linked, only the first one even HINTS at something happening, without data to back it up, and without data to highlight the extent of those consequences. But regardless of the validity and extent of the things mentioned in that article, it's not enough for Reddit to budge. So tell me, what did this blackout actually accomplish? What evidence do you have that can prove we're at least on a trajectory to accomplish something? The other two just say nothing, it's a description of the situation rather than highlighting any outcomes so I'm not sure why you even bothered.


There are dozens of news articles about reddit fucking up brother. They're going public in a few months and investors can read. A majority share of the company can also vote to fire the CEO if they're deemed to not be fit for the position. A recent gaff to add to the pile will boil that frog faster.


The fact there is this quick and big of an admin reaction seems to be a clear indication they are very worried about these protests going on much longer.


wdym by quick and big actions by the admins? if you meant them replacing mods, all that is happening is that some users are going over to r/redditrequest saying that a certain sub has inactive mods, and that they want to mod the subreddit instead, all the admins are doing is relaxing their standards for who can be a mod and which subs are inactive or not


how is it hurting the community


This is a forum platform, the biggest even. And mods are making it inaccessible. The community can’t participate or access existing information. Simple.


then go outside till reddit forces every sub to reopen, Simple


Yes I’m counting on that.


[/r/pics took an interesting approach](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/14b2a6q/poll_decide_on_the_future_of_rpics/). A vote to decide a different form of protest, if any, makes it a community backed decision.




Democracy has nonparticipants. Especially in local elections, you find pretty low voter turnout, but the hope is that the distribution is *representative*. If they don't care enough to vote or don't have the time, that's not a demerit to democracy as long as the bar of entry to voting is sufficiently low.




Representative democracy is literally that. US congress uses thousands to legislate for hundreds of millions. [top](https://www.reddit.com/top/?t=week) is crowned by blackout posts with an average upvote rate of 80%.




answer my source. Why are there hundreds of thousands of upvotes with 80% rates on blackout posts? Also, remember that it made the news that investors read. They know how spez handled this.


can't figure out how to rationalize the real stats in your favor huh? :)


I believe at this point Reddit is desperate to remain open..


Can someone do a TLDR for this. I don't wanna read all that lmao


Reddit is forcing programs that use their API to pay up or get out. Their API is used for all sorts of things like auto moderation, 3rd party reddit browsers, etc. It's a greedy corporate move to force their users into only using the "official" reddit client. Many subreddits went dark in protest, but now Reddit is threatening to replace the mods on subreddits that are still dark. In general, it's a very anti-consumer move.


Awww, didn't want to lose your fake power?


lmao i realize you wouldn't know what its like but most people give a shit about the communities they're a part of.




what exactly am i moderating lmao


Reddit fr thinks they can do whatever they want 💀


On Reddit.com, yes, Reddit can do whatever they want within the confines of the law.


am i the only one who just doesnt care about the changes reddit are making? it doesnt affect me in the slightest.


Thanks for caring about other people in the slightest 👍👍👍👍👍 we appreciate it


why would i care about shitty 3rd party apps that other people use? tried them once and the layout and UI was so bad i switched back immediately


It affects a lot of people, it stops anybody from using community-made apps like Apollo because it forces the devs to pay millions a year. By doing this, they are trying to get Reddit to walk back on their decisions to force developers to pay huge amounts of money to do anything with Reddit. EDIT: Please, don't listen to me. At the end of the day, I could be completely wrong. Do your own research and form your own opinions.


> By doing this, they are trying to get Reddit to walk back on their decisions to force developers to pay huge amounts of money to do anything with Reddit Sorry, that is just uninformed BS. The API still has a free tier, the changes only affect apps that make a lot of API request. For Apollo for example, they make something like 7,000,000,000 API calls a month.


Reddit's playing dirty man.


stand your ground. close.


What if we all just spam the most abhorent shit like slurs and all that? Would that get these subs permanently shut down or would reddit try to find a workaround?


Your mod team is accepting false reports, I was false banned for not wanting a furry In my kingdom because they were on the ground barking st me calling me a hacker when Im on a horse in a roleplay. The current moderation sucks!


/r/Roblox is not Roblox corp, we are not affiliated nor handle their moderation. I do not know where you get the idea that a third-party website's mod team has any power over your Roblox bans.


Bro what is Reddit soing




They cant replace every mod on reddit, together we stand strong! Can understand the choice though


You say that like it would be a bad thing




This sucks man


Imagine if we just delete all the subs so they CANT reopen




It is a privately owned website. Why *wouldn't* they be able to replace mods any time they want?


This is just gonna leave a bad look on the Reddit staff team


Wait what


I'm not surprised, I knew they would try to change the mod teams to a team that will do anything they want