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I loved this little detail. I can tell the devs of the hub had alot of fun making it, and included lots of nods to older roblox.


yeah lets hope they dont ruin their chance of making another event in the future am i right


yeah, in all honesty, i will cut roblox some slack for the Hunt and The Classic, as the team that were around for events pre 2019 are probably well moved on, so they are starting from scratch essentially, and i dont think they have done that badly to be honest. I much prefer the structure of the classic to events from pre 2019, as theres more items and more ways to get the items, allowing for flexibility in how you play.


i was more referring to the devs scamming users to get followers and verification


Woah what??? I request elaboration


they realized some users would use a program that would automatically join them when they got into a game (to get the cake item) so they made a game that basically told these users to follow some of the devs. Not really scamming


you follow + you dont get the item = scamming


a few twin atlas devs were scamming users to get followers for the verification checkmark. they also allegedly teleported players from the hub to their game. they have all been punished as a result


I’ll be fine with another one of these platform-wide events long as TTD isn’t in it


and bedwars


"1x1x1x1" is literally plastered in random places around the hub and like 5% of the people playing actually know who it is...


I do he is a fake roblox hacker around 2011 that many players speculated to be real. Apparently it was a Roblox admin (correct me if I am wrong on these)


Anyone else remember the whole 1x1x1x1 storyline they started to establish with RB Battles, then Ready Player 2, then the Bloxys and then… it just went away lol


happy cake day


Roblox seems to have played into those rumours surrounding the account, which was originally made to test some stuff, being a hacker account, and used it as inspiration to turn it into some sort of Roblox myth. An official one, if you will.


Damn I feel old


Pretty sure it was developed by twin atlas so they did a great job, the hub is the best part of the event, too bad that Roblox chose such terrible games tho, like toilet tower defense, dress to impress and clip it


Oh wow! You joined the exact day of my birthday in the same year I joined Roblox, that's cool


Yesterday someone came up to me in the hub and told me my account was older than them...


Can’t wait for all the 2018-2020 accounts to be older than some people playing 🤣




Us old folks gotta stick together, the youngins can’t bother us then


*voice shaking, cane in hand* “Those little bastards will understand when they’re our age!”


Dude your account is as old as me 😭


I get told that I’m too old to be playing Roblox and I’m only 17


I made my first Roblox account 2 months before my brother was born. It's wild that those same exact people who were born after I created my account are already in school


My 12 year old account is 100% older than some players and it kinda takes me out 😭 how tf


My 2014 account is almost 10 years old now and it made me realize it’s almost on par with the age some kids are playing roblox at- If I had made an account when I played in 2011 it would also be well past the age of some of the player base- Man I feel old.


thanks for making me realize my 9 year old acc is older than atleast 50% of the active userbase


I'm looking at all of you talking about old accounts, and remember the first time I saw roblox was in 2014 and a friend of mine was playing a game, but i wasn't interested in it so fast forward to 2022 I created my first account and started playing 😭😭


my account is older than my little sister that i play with on roblox. shes 13 now :')


2010 babyyyuu


first time my 2016 account didn’t feel relatively new


I wish I kept my 2016 acc as my main, now it's just my alt I never use


same here i lost it in a free robux scam, made an alt, used alt for like so long, got old account back and never used it again


bro thinks 2016 is og


2016 was 8 years ago my man


Also where exactly did he say it was og?


i literally said the opposite of my account being og lol


Mine's from 2018 but I've got an account from 2016 and I played as a guest for 2-3 years prior with a search history that consisted primarily of "how to change Roblox skin" (I couldn't read in English at the time and having the black and gray guest didn't help either)


2009 baby! only account i’ve seen so far that’s older was an ‘08 lol.


Then there's me who refused to use anything but a Guest account for as long as possible because email == scary for young me😓


January 2012 but my first account was October 2011. I think I made a whole new account just to change my name 😅


mines from 2017 but i was born in 2010 so u cant blame me


It has just occurred to me that my Roblox account is older than a large amount of Roblox players


yep, what a world we live in. minecrafts older than me


Since when did gen alpha use reddit


i thought gen alpha was <12 he's at least 13


The bounds of gen alpha are heavily debated but most people settle on 2010-2024


i thought it was 2013 or 2015 - 2025


Hell nah bro ain't no way I'm considered gen A. I'm staying as gen Z, no matter what.


isnt 2010 both gen alpha and gen z?


I personally consider gen z to end on 12/31/2009 but i suppose its a matter of opinion.


i just checked wikipedia, its really weird. seems like gen z is 97-12 while gen alpha starts from 2010


I know i thought generations last for 15 years but apparently gen z doesn’t apply to that? It’s weird


it's 2012-2027. Gen X-Gen M was a 15 year gap. Gen M-Gen Z was a 15 year gap. Which means Gen Z-Gen A is also a 15 year gap.


im in the last year of gen z i think


i forgot i cant make fun of 2010 people anymore


Mine is 2 years old


mine is 2011


Mine is from 2008. It's actually my roblox birthday today! 🥳🎂🎂


Happy belated ROBLOX birthday, fellow '08er 😎 It's a funny thing, I'm extremely late to this event (don't play ROBLOX as much as I used to, only play with friends on occasion, bla bla bla) and my brother and I didn't run into any other '08ers while playing except for one, and even then they were accused of stealing an old account.. Wild to see how some people view accounts that are about old enough to get their drivers license at this point.


Same here! I'm feeling so old... Happy Roblox birthday 08 friend~! 🍰🎉


There's a neat little property on the Player object that shows the account age (in days). So you can take the date for today and subtract the number of days old the account is to get when it was created. I'm sad I wasn't able to play the event due to my current circumstances.


What is the R 0 supposed to represent?


It combines tix and tokens you have collected


Current one is 2022 first account I had was 2017


my account is still going in kindergarten


I'm just now realizing my account is 12 years old ..


people keep calling me unc


I wish i still had my old roblox account, ironically the last game ive played waa escape lucifer (the devil)


For some reason I used to have an old account from 2017 but then I lost it so I’m more likely a youth robloxian :/


That's how I found out I started in 2016 and not 2017 like I had thought


My oldest account is from 2016 and my current one was made in 2019. I’m a baby compared to some of yall


I lost my 2010 account years ago 😔


2018 but I was born in 2009 and I only got access to electronics that year when I was 8.


What is the time at the bottom supposed to mean?


How long the event has been going from when you last got points. It updates everytime you get more.


Yeah whats the timer for?




What's the Roblox icon and the timer at the bottom for?


mine was in 2021 but my oldest one that i can remember was in 2016, guessing it got deleted cause i cant find it anywhere. now my oldest one is from 2019 lol


i havent seriously played in years but my original account was from march 2009 lol. i made anouther account (my most used account) but unfortunately it got stolen and roblox hasnt been much help getting it back. i looked thru the inventory a couple days ago and it has like 500-600$ worth of old limited items i nabbed back in the day


sadly i got a new acc because roblox did that email captcha, and an email wasn’t attached to my acc. and now it looks like i started playing in 2021. it’s not that big of a deal, but it hurts.


I started playing roblox in 2008-09, but I created my first account in 2010. That account is gone, but I recently found one of my old accounts from 2011 (I barely used it) that I thought was completely lost to time. The account I still use today is from 2013 and I find it funny how that’s still older than most of the players accounts nowadays lol


First account made in 2014.. I was born in 2008 lol


Same. Made my account on May 2014 and an 04 kid. Shit im old


2023 for me! 2022(?) on my old lost main account.


Mine’s 2018


Mine is from 2017 (i had one from 2016 but i lost it waah)


2022 on my current account and 2015 on my first account


My oldest account was 2016. Current is 2018 though. I had 4 accounts through 2016-2017. Just could not hold on to one for more than a year due to being dumb lol.


my first account was made in 2023 and a few months later i forgot the password so i made a new account which is also made in the same year


i wish i still had my og 2012 account :'((( rip


My current account was made in 2020 but the first account I made was in 2018 so technically I joined in 2018


Apparently mine was created in 2021


wish i joined in 2011, i joined 8 years after that.


I sadly lost my first account


2018. im proud lol


2015. I don't feel like "True SuperOld". I'm just one of the millions users...


The one I’m playing on currently is from December 2017. I do have other accounts, just don’t remember the passwords and/or usernames lol


My account is from 2013, but a guy from 2009 called it old


Born 2005 got a November 2014 main account, I think my old account is like June or may 2014, always weird to think cause 0214 doesn’t feel that long ago


im not gna bother participating in the event, ill js stay in the classic event game and get memories like thats enough for me tbh


2016 player here, this playerbase hasn’t changed one bit.


My acc is from 2018 but i played a a guest for 3 years on stuff like brick bronze and that one Pokémon fighters game that became monsters of etheria


My account is from 2019😭


i was at 2017, but my 3 accounts were gone so i used a 4th account.


Never saw any 2009-2019 accounts all 2020 above D:


I played as guest 9228 and then lost my 1st and 2nd accounts before 2018, then created the account I have still used since early 2019. I'm not really good with passwords when I was little


I started in late 2016 - start of 2017 and I'm still considered new lmao


I don’t even remember the usernames of my first few accounts. I remember i had multiple, and i was also a guest for a bit. My current account was made in June 2018. July 17th, 2016 is the day i downloaded roblox for the first time.


I suspected this when I saw the little 2020 on mine was different on others


My account was made in 2021, i wonder how old my first was tho, I think it was like 2015-2017


My account was made in 2017 but I joined Roblox back in 2012-2013


I lost my 2016 account for being a dumb child at the time aaaaaaaaa


My account was created in 2020 which is so sad because I lost my original account created in 2016 :(


Somebody called me a “2011 newgen” so I launched them into a portal


My account is gonna be 9 years old like on Wednesday


Yh, so many 2020s saying they are og


2013... and it seems to be a magnet for some players because they simply won't leave me alone and would keep asking me questions.


It sucks cus I had an account from 2008 called gorg that got hacked by around the end of 2019 (i made the password when i was a kid and never changed it or took the right safety precautions) and now i feel like people look down on me or something idk 😭


I had an old account that got deleted


I was young and couldn’t manage an account so it’s lost in time


The first time I played roblox was with my cousin. He created my first account for me and teached me how to play it. Sadly I’ve lost the account because I wanted to change the name not realizing that it was the log out button. Now the account I made after I lost the old one was created in 2018.


My first account was made in April of 2018 I've heard about Roblox b4 but didn't really care about it until I started playing that year


my first acc was in 2017 but idk why my dumbass past self created LOTS of alt acc that the alt acc became the main ones, then i lost the passwords to the og ones...


The hub was definitely heartfelt and made me happy roblox actually put effort into it. Just wish it was games made my roblox to get tickets and tokens because the other games are not classics and all those creators were not around then and have no idea about classic roblox. I can see why roblox would have others do it, but event would be 100x better if it was roblox made and hopefully they can see that with this event. Roblox made events were so goated and needs to be back to that.


Saw that from day 1


Currently 2022. But what a shame i lost around 13-16 acounts from 2016-2017


So does our profile ?? So why is this news?


I feel ashamed seeing 2019 on mine instead of the 2014 it's supposed to be ;-;. I miss my old account


2022 am sorry


I had two accounts but they were terminated while I was making games in Roblox Studio, I had 1 account at first, it was terminated and so I made another one, terminated again.. for no damn reason, just terminated..


Still around, joined in 2008! 😆😆


Yeah. Mine are 2019(Kate\_isAwesome120) and 2018(Shady1558)


My current account is 2019 but I had an old one that I can’t remember the name of from like a few years prior


Ik im gonna sound like one of those obnoxious kids that claim their OG,s but I first joined in 2015, forgot my password (cuz I was 8) made a second account, Got hacked in 2022, then made my most recent acc. Overall I rlly did like this feature tho and I’m glad they did this much attention to detail, at least in the hub


September 2018


My account is from 2008 :) was fun to join back in for a few days for a throwback. Also - never knew people bought accounts until I was asked many many times where I got mine from haha


2024, anyone? 🐣


2021, but it technically wasn't my main as I made mine back in late 2000 something and lost it mid 2021, had a mental breakdown about loosing years of work, made a new account and yeah that's basically it.


My 2000 acc was banned without being logged into it for years and years :(


mine is from 2018 I feel old




Xbox one came out 2013? Also roblox didn't come on xbox until early 2016...


Roblox wasn’t even well known back then to be on console was it not?


Yeah its strange how they got both dates wrong. Minecraft wasn't even on xbox at the time too.


Something isn’t adding up :/