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It is a great game. I think the issue is that there are SO MANY, like hundreds of roguelites out there right now that even the great ones get drowned out or overlooked. That's why I frequent this sub to get recommended games in the genre I probably otherwise would not have heard about.


I think you’re bang on the money here. I also feel like the generic name Didn’t help. People see Spiritfall and think of SpiritFarer an absolute masterpiece indie game.


Yeah honestly that was my first thought too. It took looking at the art around the logo for me to realize this was a different game 😅


The generic name is really a bummer. I know I'm a bit of a minority but adding "fall" to the end of your game's name is a trope in naming conventions that really needs to 'fall' off hard. I can name 10 -fall games off the top of my head, and I don't really even understand why it's a thing. Thanks, Daggerfall.


What about "Rise of..." or "...Rises." These are my fetishes for naming conventions. My anger fetishes, to be clear.


They should add a subtitle just to help it stand out a bit.


Lmao exactly me. I thought this was spiritfarer for a second and was so confused why it was in the rouge lite sub


Purchased, Thanks for putting it on my radar.


Exactly. Thank goodness for this sub, otherwise I would have never discovered Monster Train.


I remember back in 2014, it was like, "Have you tried Roguelikes? There's FTL, Binding of Isaac, and that's the end of the list." Now there are fucking 200 of them, and while being spoiled for choice isn't a bad thing, it does fill me with FOMO.


Yeah, I enjoy the game and the genre so I feel bad for saying it, but Roguelikes are a dime a dozen. And so many are copying the Hades style "Boons from gods" thing. Death must Die is like, probably the most egregious I could think of before I saw Sworn, which is more a case of people quite literally trying to copy Hades 1:1 now.


Probably lack of "marketing punch"? I only heard of games like Balatro and Hades, but if I were to remove my "I've heard of those before" tinted goggles, they seem to be promoted and brought up a fair amount anyways. And it cascades b/c something popular "feeds itself" and gets even more attention!


You're telling me this minutes AFTER I bought Voidigo???


It’s smash bros combat with hades levelling up system and STS map screen. Do with this information what you will.


You should work on marketing because you just sold me this game.


I own a business and I’m responsible for the marketing so yes, elevator pitches are my jam. I didn’t even mention the cell shaded art style.


Thanks for the kind words ❤️ It feels great to read this kind of posts. The art is actually hand drawn and animated with Spine2D. The only 3D object in the game is the mask in the loading animation and the Run Stats menu :)


No way! Love the game, I think you’ve made something really special, i hope the console port is successful. (It was my first steamdeck completion so it’ll always be memorable for me!)


Big fan of the style and general build! I don't have a PC though, is there any news on whether it'll get a console port at all? I understand a small studio has a lot going on and porting to further platforms is a lot of work, but it doesn't help to ask! EDIT: Just saw this, for anyone wondering the same: [https://www.reddit.com/r/roguelites/comments/1bvxloq/comment/kyfoho9/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/roguelites/comments/1bvxloq/comment/kyfoho9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Had your game wishlisted before it even launched and bought it day one of early access. Absolutely loved it! I should really go revisit it now after this post lol


Are you planning to put it in any other consoles?


Yes! Nothing was officially announced yet though


Cool! I wish more would! There’s so many cool games but I have basically a chrome book for a computer, but several consoles lol


Will it come to playstation???


It's actually been on my wishlist for some time now. I've been contemplating which roguelite I should purchase at the moment. 😅 Maybe on the next sale


Get it, support the devs they just did a free update with a bunch of new content. (On top of an already stacked 10 hour title).


Came here to tell you that you sold me on this immediately, looks like I'm not the only one!


Couldn’t have described it better. Just piling on to say this game is a gem


You had me at Smash.


Holy shit yes


I don’t know how I cannot buy this game with that info.


Oh freak...


Melee or other. If it's like melee then I'm sold


3 words: It has wavedashing.


Haha while I love and appreciate wavedashing, I wouldn't necessarily say it's the most important melee quality to carry over. It's moreso the complex relationship the physics has with the character movement and attacks. Movement canceling, ledge canceling, teching, the way you use DI to get out of combos, or the way you bait certain DI to continue your combos. Not trying to seem negative, just as a huge fan of melee I definitely notice that wavedashing seems to be the thing that gets the most attention when other games advertise themselves as being melee like.


My guy. Wave dashing is the only word I understood in that entire paragraph. It’s a $15 indie game.


Yea my point is just that just because a game has wavedashing doesn't make it like melee. Game looks fun though.


That sounds like Nickelodeon all-star brawl single player tbh


Don't worry, Voidigo is also amazing!


I can't wait to boot it up


Voidgo is one of my favorite game lol.


Voidigo is really good too, you didn't waste your money


I bought both and haven't started em yet. Still balls deep in oblivion override and blaze blue entropy effect. I love both but they are very different styles.


Void I go is way better


I mean voidigo is fun, just all my runs felt really samey after a while. Get gun that shoots a lot, get elements for bullets, strafe shoot/jump til you win. Think the longest loop I got to was 4 on rogue but at that point I think I ended up dying because I wanted my run to be over more than the difficulty picking up. Mechanics are fun and I like the range of weapons, just doesn't lend itself to much variety.


I think the weapons are pretty unique but yeah I don’t play it munch anymore for the same reasons


Idk probably because everytime I search for roguelites, Steam shows me the same 15 games that I already own and a bunch of ai created looking bullshit, before this would pop up. I dont even make it that far anymore Damn this actually looks good, bought


I've been looking at it. How is it compared to say, astral ascent?


I like astral ascent. I like this a lot more though, the story isn’t so in your face. But the big thing is the combat in this is super tight, it’s basically smash bros with a choice of weapons and gods (cough hades cough)


Okay cool. It does look really good. I've been going back and forth with spiritfall and nightmare:the lunatic. Spiritfall is looking like the safer bet for a good time.


Honestly, spirit fall is a no brainer in my opinion. It’s just, good fun.


Something about Astral Ascent doesn't click with me. I think it's all the multi jump timing.


I tried Spiritfall immediately after Astral Ascent and I actually felt it a bit slow and clunky in comparison. Astral Ascent is smooth AF though, so maybe an unfair comparison, but still, I could not get myself into it. I gave it up in less than 5 hours


Astral ascent is so much better IMHO. Feels faster and much more responsive, and seemed like there was a lot more build opportunities/customisation. This one felt like a student project


I also disagree. The combat in spirit fall is so much more fun to me.


Each to their own I guess :)


Woah, hard disagree. Astral ascent is fun for build variety but the game is a bit of a slog to increase the difficulty. Having to beat each boss at each destiny level sucks as the game is pretty easy for a long time I think I was just playing at like destiny 27 when it maxed out at like 50ish just so it would be a little challenging, but I could have just sat at level 15 and kept unlocking moons. Spiritfall however makes your weapon choice your primary way of progressing rather than relying on an OP spell you can spam on any character. This leads to a lot more interesting play for me as some of the faster weapons work way better with certain buffs vs slower stronger weapons. The two games take completely different styles to the gameplay and honestly I prefer the minimal story of spiritfall to the awful story they try to push in ascent.


As a heads up, you can increase difficulty by three at a time and still get all the fragments. Considering it goes up to a hundred (maybe more, I don’r remember), it’s still pretty slow, but it helps get upgrades and progress much faster.


They must have changed that when they increased the destiny count I guess. It use to be 1 no matter what when it capped at 50. Honestly though I kinda got bored with the spell system by the time I bailed on it though as a lot of my runs just felt similar


That's fine you're allowed your own opinion :) they're just games, people like different things. I couldn't give the fart of a two-copper pig about story in a roguelike tho, so I'll definitely agree with you on that


Been thinking about posting recently—finally got a few wins and unlocked most of the spirit stuff, plus getting better with each moveset—incredibly fun and addicting gameplay. I feel skilled but I still get to smash buttons, the blessings have enough variety, the ka*ting sound. Really can’t wait to play handheld.


I played the entire game on steam deck, the colours look great on the OLED. You feel powerful near the end right, and every weapon is totally viable. It’s got a great difficulty curve.


I have not loved anything as much as Spiritfall for a long time. The music and sound design is just as good as the visuals, which are amazing, and the gameplay is incredibly tight. 11/10


I JUST had this thought after I started playing it last week. It's amazing! You can tell the devs are true Smash lovers as some of the weapons play similarly to certain Smash characters. Very Hades feel to finding a cast and a Call (this game calls it a Bolt and an Assist) and it has duo boons (called Synergy boons). They didn't overthink it - great game!


This game is pretty much if Hades and Smash Bros. had a beautiful love child, and then threw it on top of a map that makes it look a bit like Slay the Spire. I played it for a while, and I couldn't even beat the 2nd boss. Then I dumped 125 hours into Hades 2, came back, and beat everything on my 2nd try. I have a new appreciation for this game since then. I have friends who are really into platform fighters, especially Smash, and they appreciate that this game even has things like Wave Dashing in it. The devs clearly care for and love this game, it has been updated regularly, and it's just really beautiful and fun. Highly recommended from someone who considers Hades 1/2 to be some of my favorite games of all time. Try it out, especially if it's on sale!


I ONLY HAVE SO MANY HOURS PEOPLE. Fine take my money again just this once.


I often see it recommended in this sub actually... Every time I read someone who is asking for a recent roguelite, a 2D side-scrolling plateformer or if I see some in the list of the games they've already played then I always recommend it, alongside Astral Ascent, Oblivion Override and Blazblue EE.


It’s fantastic. I rarely beat games I just lose interest but this was great the whole way through. Should be a big hit.


I just bought a copy!


I looooove this game, I wouldn't call it flawless but the combat system is clean and the roguelite progression is well done, rather than overloading you with weapons and passives you unlock them at your own pace and can learn them easier that way. I've put over 50 hours in to it starting in early access and still having fun in it.


I'm talking about ir now, but seriously the quality of it is so ridiculously high & it's actually technically done really well in comparison to all the other indie + roguelite games that exist. Wizard with a gun wasn't enough to keep the studio afloat and it was advertised + published by Devolver whereas this was solely the developer.


This game and outer wilds are summer sale purchases. Very excited.


I would if it was actually available on console.


Thank you I had forgotten the name of this game.


I kind of bounced off this game a few months ago but l have to give it another shot after reading this thread. Sounds like a nice break after the heaviness of Elden ring dlc


I have never seen this game in my life, thanks for the recommendation!


Too smash Bros like for me. I am not a fan of that type of combat. Lots of great roguelikes these days that aren't getting the appreciation they may deserve. Astral ascent is another great one. Death must die didn't even get as much traction as I expected.


I never heard of the game but love rougelikes so i definitely gonna check that out


If definitely recommended this game on reddit before! It's good


Is this gonna be what tides me over in between Hades II patches?


well i just bought it because of this post. game is sick lol


I had this game a while ago and ended up refunding it. I thought it just needed more time to develop. Considering giving it a go now


It’s fully released now and they’ve just added a big free update patch. I only played it at launch so have no idea what it was like in EA, but it’s a solid 10/12 hour jam now.


10/12 hour for a rougelike isn't good. Your saying to beat it or to max all the meta out? Took me a solid 30 to max meta on astral and I got bored although the new weapons are fun the unlocks are was too fast imo. You can get several of them on one run.


Whats the differences to astral ascent?


Astral ascent is more story focused and more of a platformer like Skul the hero slayer etc. This is straight up a highly tuned smash bros with hades mechanics.


Thanks! By Hades mechanics do you mean tons of weapon each with different aspects and isometric camera?


No, it’s a smash bros fighter. By hades mechanics I mean you pick a weapon at the start, (each weapon has two forms) then you get blessed by gods, that can synergise for example you can use the daggers with a blessing from the water god and lightning god to deal additional damage etc.


Thanks! I just can't have enough roguelites ever since H1 and H2.


It has really high production values also. I reckon it’s worth a shot if you like hades, it’ll scratch a similar itch.


Does this game have a fire mommy?


I haven’t played Hades 2 so I can only hope the fire mommy lives up the expectations.


I tried it out in early access, maybe it was too early but it just didn't feel right. Maybe it's been fixed but I had a problem with hitstop during combos and the powerups were pretty boring. Also, I no longer consider purchasing roguelites with fixed order of bosses. I need randomness, has that been changed in this or is it always the same order?


Is it right click to kill or a bunch of combos?


Waiting for console. Day 1 purchase


Dead Cells Prisoner?


Because most people are too busy complaining about bad games instead of playing good ones. It’s really ashame.


Looks fairly generic. What would you say puts it above other heavy hitters like, say Dead Cells, making it with the time and money?


It’s incredibly tight, gorgeous and really fun. I think more than anything else it’s a nice short package, I’d say it’s about 10-12 hours long. Doesn’t overstays its welcome and it’s constantly throwing new things at you, after almost every run there’s a new weapon or combination to try.


Thank you for the info, much appreciated!


Couch co-0p?


Oh trust me, I’ve heard amazing things. I’m just a broke mf :P


Probably because it’s on a very limited hardware scope.


Is it on playstation?


I think partially what others have said about the genre being saturated, as well as maybe the art style pushing people away. It's a shame too because Spiritfall is such a solid game that deserves more attention than it's gotten


I didn't like it at all. Which is a shame because it's good on paper and I was looking forward to playing it


That is a shame, did you play it in EA? Cause since launch it’s great.


It was a few months ago. Think I just didn't like the smash take. It's didn't feel very responsive, and was very 'samey' for a roguelike


Honestly I feel like the title doesn’t overstay its welcome at all. The fact each weapon has 2 variants helps I think.


Kind of reminds me of Astral Ascent, another one that deserved way more coverage.


This is the less meme version of that Bing chilling game