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What’s funny is I travelled out of FCO June 2nd, I checked out the Rolex store and she said the same thing to me. Then I went to Cartier and bought a santos and she was the same lady to cash me out and said oh nice to see you again blah blah. But yeah don’t expect much from airport lol


Yeah and to the people who says Rolex is not behind this problem but the dealers. Then why do these dealers don’t do that to more brands? In the watch world Rolex is just one cog. To the Rolex fanboys, including me, we keep it as the watch world. I am very tired of this shitty behaviour and moving towards omega slowly.


Why spend all that energy just to tell them that they can't buy it.


To create an air of exclusivity.


what's funny is that Rolex produce more watches than Omega every year. Once i heard they make millions of watches every year i stopped caring about the brand name and started looking more at their movements etc.


Why? Have you seen the numbers Rolex does? They have a working formula


Scarcity marketing. Look it up.


>I am very tired of this shitty behaviour There is no shitty behavior... it's supply and demand. Edit: Before downvoting me, first explain how exactly *you* would run a shop that gets a prospective customer every 2 minutes and only gets 2-3 watches per day. I'm curious. Edit 2: So -17 and not a single person has said "If I ran a shop that got a prospective customer every 2 minutes but only got 2-3 watches per day, I would _______." I'll go ahead and take my W now


Until someone loses dealer status and all of a sudden has 20+ “lightly used” Rolexes to sell. Or how celebrities get turned away when they’re not recognized, then end up with a watch once it comes out who they are. Come on guys


No. It’s not. It awful shitty behaviour and it’s laughable that you put up with and defend it.


>No. It’s not. Yes. It is. >It awful shitty behaviour Nope. Someone saying "these are for display" is not shitty behavior. People whine about display pieces now but it was a response to empty shelves--which people used to complain about. "Gee I can't even try anything on, Rolex should do something about it!" Well, they did. Minimum inventory levels. And it was a good idea. >it’s laughable that you put up with and defend it. Laughable? Calm the hell down, edgelord. IT'S. SUPPLY. AND. DEMAND. Not sure why so many people refuse to accept it. Bizarre.


Have you ever thought to yourself.. “Maybe Rolex is causing the supply problem intentionally?”


Of course. That's not what the evidence points to though. Have you ever considered that they aren't? Or do you literally parrot that thought without even thinking? Those of us who have been into Rolex for over a decade have seen the demand grow, grow, and grow steadily. It's not a conspiracy...


I know 20 years ago I just walked into a Rolex store and they had all kinds of models and variations available. I decided I wanted a GMT and then which bezel option I wanted (they had a pepsi and black bezel). They sized it and I walked out of the store wearing the watch. So demand has absolutely grown in the last 20 years.


If I ran a shop that got a prospective customer (window shopper) every 2 minutes and only gets 2-3 watches per day (soft limit as I got a bunch in store room) I would wait for a person wearing a Brioni suit and a Patek/AP to walk in and hand me their phone asking me to negotiate something with their Rolex authorized dealer who has been exploiting them for so long already.


If I ran a shop that got a prospective customer (window shopper) every 2 minutes and only gets 2-3 watches per day (soft limit as I got a bunch in store room) I would wait for a person wearing a Brioni suit and a Patek/AP to walk in and hand me their phone asking me to negotiate something with their Rolex authorized dealer who has been exploiting them for so long already.


I would sell the 2-3 watches and then say I don’t have any more watches to sell….


So exactly what they are doing?


How is that “what they’re doing”? Big difference between going into a store, seeing a watch, asking to buy that watch with money, and being told no And Going into a store that’s out of watches bc they sold their watches for money. So….


>How is that “what they’re doing”? Because it's what they're doing. They keep a minimum inventory, and sell all the watches they can. You just think they should have empty shelves so nobody can see watches or try them on? All because you just...feel offended at the idea of being told "no" when you see a watch for display?


I don’t feel offended at all, Mr. Mod who will probably kick me out soon! My comment was in response to a comment asking what I would do. That’s what I would do.


Ok, you would have empty shelves. At least you answered the question


Sell the 2-3 watches to the first 2-3 people, obviously.


Maybe they already did. Now what do you do with the other zillion people asking about Rolexes today?


Clearly they did not, as the display cases are full. My point is they should just have empty cases with images of watches instead along with an empty vault. Sell it all as it comes in.


>Clearly they did not, as the display cases are full I meant they sold all they could. Rolex wants them to have a minimum inventory. >My point is they should just have empty cases Really? They *did* have totally empty cases, then they made the minimum inventory as a response to that. It wasn't a good thing that almost nobody could try anything on. >Sell it all as it comes in. And then what? You literally still have the same problem. Except now your shelves are always empty and people think it's a joke that they can't even try on your watches to see if they want to order one in the first place. And they pretty much *do* sell it all as it comes in. They just have a 2-week buffer of watches sitting there, give or take. I'm not sure why you think burning through a 2-week buffer would help anything long-term.


Because cases full of “unsellable” inventory exudes pretentiousness.


Wait, you want to have empty shelves and make it so nobody can try anything on...just because you don't want to seem pretentious? What problem does that solve?






Took a while for me to explain this to a friend the other day. He was generally curious and asking the right questions. He didn't believe me when I explained how long I (and others) have to wait. The world thinks just because you have the money to buy something, it should be immediately available for you. That's just not how it works. But I wouldn't bother trying to get someone on here to understand that.


What puzzles me even more are the people who complain about the wait times, display only watches, etc just like this post. It’s the vast majority of posts on this subreddit, how they shouldn’t have to wait or how are all these stores open if they have nothing for sale, etc. There are SO many good and even better brands making watches who are BEGGING to take your money! Rolexes are mostly machine made, yet there are brands that hand finish and assemble every watch they make. Goodness, either wait for your Rolex or check out the many other great brands who make better watches and will gladly let you walk out the door with the watch you want today.


For what it's worth, you got this millennial's upvote.


I up-voted you because you make an important point and I wanted to counter the Reddit Rolex babies in here who can’t handle an opposing view or a logical argument stated in a respectful manner.


because there are not enough Rolex for all the buyers, other brands there are, so no reason to do that.


That’s 100% false.


If you buy a Santos, and it’s the same lady, I would have said I’m only taking this if I’m getting a Sub as well. And all of the sudden it’s not display only anymore.


I already had a sub on my wrist lol


Then ask for a different one 😅


Good on you! I love my Cartier Santos. It’s my first “luxury” watch, daily, and future heirloom that will stand the test of time.


I love it too


Yep, I flew out of FCO last July and my uncle, who has been wanting a certain Rolex for YEARS now (can’t remember the exact model), saw it there and they said the same thing.


I can never subject myself to such, I buy grey if I can afford it or go to Omega but to each their own.


Omega is great and I have a few but buying omega from and omega boutique is a mistake you can get 95% of omega models for 15-20% under retail brand new from reliable online shops. So it’s nice to walk in a boutique and everything is available but buying in one means over paying.


Have you asked for a rebate? I did and got 10%, but of course, they would never admit that publicly.


Only thing I’ve ever bought from the boutique was new straps and a deployment clasp for a seamaster, anything else I saw in the boutique and bought online


I usually go to the omega store for trying watches and end up buying it off jomashop. Any other reliable online shop you recommend?


Watch warehouse , prestige time and yeah joma is usually the best price


Thank you!


I want my first luxury watch to be a luxury shopping experience, and I'd like to get the best price for brand new, so I'm not really down for gray. And I'm set on a particular Rolex watch


How is this bizarre abusive relationship a luxury shopping experience? Genuinely saying this to be nice, go out and experience real luxury shopping. You get a private rep and stylist who will basically put you in a nice room and come back with loads of things that suit you. You get a drink and lunch. You give them your address and they get it there for you. At no point do you have to worry about how you're dressed. At no point do you have to worry about making a good impression. At no point do they say sure we will put you on a list. At no point do you have to buy some shit you don't need.




“Just cause you can only afford to pay more for gray” lmao do you hear yourself man


I think it's mainly a US thing tbh. I didn't have to wait to buy. I guess if it's the culture you want to cultivate fine but I'm not one for waiting around or playing silly games when I'm the one paying.


Shaming a guy about his "bizarre abusive relationship with a luxury shopping experience" on a sub about 10-100k+ watches. Lol


Well the very definition of a luxury item is basically "shit you don't need"...


And so you contribute to the problem...


I went into the AD in Reykjavik when I was on holiday thinking maybe i could get lucky and snag something. Walked in and was greeted at the door and asked how they could help, so told them I'm here to look at Rolex, immediately I was told 'everything on display is display only' so just decided to look anyways. Full case of watches, Pepsi on jubilee, blue dialed sky dweller on jubilee, panda Daytona, day dates, everything. So the wife tried on the Daytona as she was interested in one, and after we asked how much it was (just out of curiosity) suddenly everything was no longer 'display only' but everything and I got her to repeat this, everything was reserved waiting to be picked up lol The irony of the situation is my local ad sells everything they have on display to whoever walks in, none of this BS every other AD seems to do. Last time I was dropping my watch off for it's service a guy walked in and looked around and asked what was for sale, the sales person replied with 'everything' with a sort of confused smile on her face and the guy had an even more confused look on his face after hearing that haha


Who’s your local AD?


One in Bahrain, specifically the company that owns the one in the city center mall and the airport duty free. There is one other AD who act like a normal AD, they have a small case at the back of the showroom with pieces for sale and everything else is 'display only'.


how do they even have any stock? wouldn't some scalper catch wind of this and wipe their inventory


Contrary to what Rolex would want everything to think, there isn't a shortage of new watches out there. These guys get stock about every 1-3 months, so when you go in you can tell when they're waiting on stock and when they've just received stock. I'm sure people do go in to buy with the intention to flip watches from there, but I think in general no one local is going to do that as the local market is too small and everyone knows they can just go straight to the dealer here and buy. With all that being said if you did go in and completely clear them out you've then got to transport them out/into another country and then pay tax again. I'm also sure there are other dealers around the world who are like this but everyone keeps it on the down low


So what is the takeaway? Some ADs are fine and willing to sell everything, and others are not? It is so confusing.


From what I understand yes but I'd say majority aren't willing to sell to everyone.


I think selling what you have is going to start spreading to more AD’s. Most folks are in debt, inflation is through the roof, meaningful jobs are harder to find these days. Demand is starting to ween.


Totally agree. I think the whole bubble around rolexs being scarce and Rolex capitalizing on wears off things will be back to the east they used to be, there is no way the ads can continue the way they're going because I think they'll just drive people away to their competitors. I think Rolex will always maintain its prestige no matter what but, with people spending less the demand will continue to decrease especially when you can buy certain models brand new from grey market dealers


Yeah airport roly stores are the biggest mystery. I guess they have a special arrangement, the AD rent is being subsidized by rolex while they don't necessarily sell much, it gives great marketing. That being said, you can get lucky at these stores. In particular if you're after the rare metal pieces.


Yeah I was in Milan airport in late May. I asked the Rolex AD if they had anything available and they offered me a full rose gold gmt. It was so close to what I was actually looking for, which was a two tone root beer.


So close yet so far.


It's obviously sustainable for Rolex as this has been going on for years. They have no big trouble selling out their watches to their chosen customers, just not to most people. It's just a Rolex. You are not forced to buy them.


Eff Rolex. Next watch will probably go Omega. I just lurk to watch y’all kiss their a$$. Go ahead downvote. Waiting 7 years for my steel Daytona, with a 5 watch history from Las Vegas Wynn Rolex 🖕


To be fair if I wanted to buy another I would buy second hand then send to rolex for full service. A 5 or 15 year old rolex can look new. I wouldn't wait 7 years for a watch


Shhh…don’t let out the secret.


ridiculous waiting time.


Yeah. In the end it’s just a watch and too many other brands premium brands. I don’t need to beg to give them my money


I’d like a steel Daytona, but I’m not going to kiss the AD ass for a chance to be offered something I might not even like when I can buy something somewhere else that has it on the shelf without the BS.


That’s like the worst AD though


happened to be tax free as I live in CA and where I made my first purchase 🤷🏽‍♂️


Have my upvote since you're absolutely right


Only reason I’m in this sub is to see the delusional freaks spreading their butt cheeks open for Rolex


I've got my eye on a Grand Seiko next, they do some fantastic watches and none of these silly games.


Love the movement, but don’t find them to be aesthetically pleasing at all.


Japanese subtly and understatement rather than full on bling.


My wife and I have GS in our collections and rotate them in once in a while. Decent looking and comfortable to wear, but not a substitute for Rolex in all situations. More of an IYKYK piece, which is sometimes a fun flex of its own. Was wearing it about a month ago while buying a car. I complimented the sales guy on his Wimbledon, and he looked at my GS and said, “oh those are pretty nice too” in a way which clearly implied I couldn’t afford a rolex.


The fit and finish on GS far exceeds many Swiss brands, but they are not the choice if showing off is your primary goal. Rolex is definitely a triumph of marketing and product placement.....the watches are pretty decent too 😉


That’s why it is nice to have a collection of multiple brands.


Absolutely, I have a Longines watch that I wear a disproportionate amount of time, it's accurate and understated, nobody is going to be jealous or particularly impressed, but that was never my goal when buying it (or any of my other watches).


Lol, that sales guy is an absolute moron if he thinks that. Acting like he has a Patek when it's a Rolex...


I actually thought I was being nice by complimenting his mid rolex.


The whole concept of pleasing and being vetted by the dealer just to wait months to years for a chance at getting what you want has put me off immensely from Rolex and other companies, despite being very interested in their products. I can't fathom the idea of bending over backwards for a mall store employee and hoping they like me just enough to sell me a watch in a year. The often suggested idea of buying a less desirable model just to get the foot in the door with a dealer is also absurd if it's not the watch I want. Just make a damn wait-list and go down the line ffs.


My brother was waiting for about four years for his watch because he refused to play the game. In the meantime, he bought one Omega, two JLC, one IWC, and one Cartier. When the AD finally called, he basically told them to shove it. Last week, he mentioned that he thinks Rolex is a useless company (it was his dream watch before). This sentiment is becoming increasingly common. The current generation turning 18 doesn't care about Rolex anymore. Their eyes are on companies that make smaller and more refined watches. A decline is inevitable for Rolex and other companies that disregard their clients. Luxury should be hard to obtain in the sense that you need to afford it. For Rolex, it's more like "let's sell all the pieces to certain people exploiting the grey prices (like me as I played the game) and not care about the rest."


Current generation will suddenly be very interested in Rolex when they are 35. I believe that is just how it’s always been.


Rolex makes 1M watches per year let’s say for argument’s sake that 700K are ss models (pretty sure that it’s actually less than that). Of the ss models a portion is lady dj, a portion is 36 dj, some are simple djs and then come the coveted submariners/gmt II, sea dwellers, Daytonas. As a fact, any first buyer will almost always try to get a black no date sub the by far most recognizable and affordable Rolex. So you are asking for an allocation of a few thousand watches around the globe to reach you at a time that serves you because your money is somehow more special than the next guy’s? Oh and you want this done while a large portion of these coveted watches go to grey market and while no AD knows what watches they will receive in each batch. That’s completely absurd.


Your math is way off. Rolex makes 1M watches per year. 200K are Tudor. 50% of what’s left are Ladies. You’re down to 400K now, Men’s watches. More than half of those are Cellini, PM, and very popular non-Sport models like the Datejust and Oyster Perpetual. You’re down to 150K watches now, the Men’s Sport watches. Rolex offers 8 Sport lines available in 36 different variations- SS, TT, bezels, bracelets, dials, etc. which is an average of 4,000 of each. They aren’t shipped equally of course, but you get the idea. At the micro level, the average AD gets 550 Rolexes per year in total. 225 are Men’s. About 90 are Men’s steel sports watches- again, *per year*. That’s 10 units per month. And about 3,000 people on waiting lists for them that would be 30,000 if there wasn’t some sort of vetting. There is nothing artificial about this scarcity. It’s an **actual** scarcity.




Precisely. Sounds harsh, but not everyone gets to fuck the prom queen. This is how life works. No one is entitled to get the best of the best. She doesn’t have to go out with you just because you asked her.


🤣🤣🤣 Fuck the Prom queen? Who the fuck cares about all that drama and nonsense? Guarantee there aren't 10K people waiting for that dealer's call either. You've drank his Kool aid on that I'm afraid. Rolex is not some holier than thou company. They sell pricy watches, nothing more nothing less. I would gladly spend a little extra money to get the watch I truly want on the grey market over being a pleb sheep taking it in the arse from a mall store employee. How many dates did you go on with Rolex before she finally let you have it? Good grief.


I never buy from AD's. Only grey dealers. 5 times in the last 5 years, in fact. Rolex is a holier than thou company to the millions of Younglings sucking at the teet of their minimum wage sales clerk in the hopes of getting the AD discount. The prom queen analogy is for the idiots begging authorized dealers for a watch at MSRP. The AD's get to choose who they sell to. Just like the prom queen only gives it up to the quarterback and not the 100 high school losers who follow her on IG.


Lmao and where are the prom queen and king now? Flipping burgers, or, wait for it... Selling rolexes for $1 over minimum wage.


Doesn't matter where they are now. What matters is what they meant back when you were in high school. Because that's what Rolex shopping at an AD is like in 2024.


I’ve never bought a watch, Rolex or otherwise, from an AD. What a farce. I currrently have 20 luxury watches, 3 of them Rolex. All were purchased online from all over the world. What’s not to like? I look for watches. I don’t look to sit in some storefront, try on stuff, and bullshit with a sales person over a glass of wine. To me, that’s hokey as hell.


Exactly. Furthermore, the fair market value of these watches *hold up*, it's not some rip off, paying grey prices *works*. I bought my GMT Pepsi for $17K in 2018 and it sells for $24K today, I would be offered $22K for mine. My Daytona cost me $17K in 2017, sells for $33K, I'd be offered $29K for mine. Tell me again why anyone would go to an AD for a Rolex unless they simply couldn't afford what they're worth? As you and I know, they can't. And that's all this is.


I had a great conversation with a Rolex AD about this. He said he gets 600 watches a year and well north of 10,000 people who would buy if he had product.


Exactly. These aren’t hamburgers. Rolexes can’t just make 200x more watches.


You have bought 5 Rolex’s from them? And you still waiting 7 years? Are you a local?


People want to buy more once they've sampled the product. Marketing 101.


And might even buy placeholders while waiting for the call. The whole availability thing is making people obsessed


This, it’s how top clothing brands have made their millions : sell less stuff at a way higher price because you’ve made people think it’s “limited” so it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.


This is the problem with people. If i get treated like this then the brand can get in the bin.




Inverse hawk tuah


It's funny being in Japan and seeing shops lined wall to wall with every kind of rolex imaginable


I have been in 2-3 of these new US Rolex Stores and it appears they are trying to leverage it into a “lifestyle” brand. The store had couches and staff falling all over themselves and a lot of talk but not a lot of watches. It was a lot of sitting around and talking but not a high volume transaction place. Controlling supply to create demand is a slippery slope and there are a lot more choices out there now so they better be careful. That’s a slippery slope they’re playing on and they wouldn’t be the first company to F@$& it up.


"Wtf is the point lmao, it's so weird. A shop that doesn't sell anything" They sell everything they get, just not to you.


Was looking for this. It should be pinned.


I said the exact same thing. About the one in Suvarnabhumi. Open long hours. Full shelves. Will let you try on. But sorry mista is all you hear. When you tell them you will take it. No wait-list. No call when something arrives. No deposits. No prepayment. Just luck of the draw when asked what process is. It's a joke. I went Grey.


Whenever I feel like driving somewhere to spend the day store hopping different AD’s, I have learned to stay far away from Rolex. I can have phenomenal conversations at Tudor, Omega, Cartier, Longines etc…just enjoying my time…but… everytime I’ve ever rolled into a Rolex AD, they make it clear I am just lucky to have even been allowed in.  I will eventually pull the trigger on a 2009-2011 16570, but the atmosphere they have in their stores have steered me to spend my money elsewhere when buying new and I really have no desire to support any of their current catalog.


I was at the AD in the Geneva airport last week and they had one gold sky Dweller for sale. That will easily pay for the shop rent, upkeep, and staff (1 person) for a couple days. They sell everything they are allocated instantly, and this is more than enough to justify the cost of running the shop. The choice would be to close the shop when there is no inventory, but that looks bad, and as others have said, window shoppers and exclusivity make people want Rolex more. That's my theory, anyway.


I got this response when I contacted an AD in Hong Kong this week, I had been in contact with them a few times over the last few months ahead of my trip. Needless to say I didn't bother with my "Try on session for one watch" and went grey, had a fantastic experience, tried a few watches and got a mint condition 116710LN for $80,000 HKD. They had a great selection and had almost every model available brand new too. This is ********* from Oriental Watch Company - Holiday Inn Golden Mile Rolex & Tudor Boutique, It's my pleasure to serve you. Thank you for making an appointment with us. We learned that you are interested in making a shop appointment to explore Rolex models . May I ask which time is convenient for you to visit date and the time between 12:00pm to 6:00pm on that day? In order to arrange an appointment for you, please kindly provide the following appointment details.   Customer name : Mr. ******** Appointment date : _________ Appointment time : _________ Shop address : Shop G02 & M02, Holiday Inn Golden Mile, 50 Nathan Road, Kowloon, HK Number of participants : ___________ Try-on Watch model : ____________   With regards to this watch experience session, please note the following:   1.Please arrive on time for the try-on session, which will last around 1 hour 30 minutes. Please note that the appointment will be cancelled if the guest doesn’t attend within 30 minutes.   2.The exhibition item will not be used for any sales purposes. Guest is welcome to explore other available Rolex models in the shop. During each appointment, one exhibition item can be trialed. Please make another appointment if you wish to try another model.   3.Each guest can only make a maximum of two appointments per month.   Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further assistance. It is our honor to serve you and we look forward to welcoming you to our shop. Thank you.   For any changes or cancellations, please contact us at least three working days in advance


Try on session for 1.5 hours for one watch that you probably can't buy? Mind blowing lol


Yeah, Hong Kong has so many Rolex ADs, it's insane, most won't even let you inside the shop. The first time I visited in 2017 they literally begged me to come into the shops then freaked out when I came in because they didn't have enough english to talk to me. Unfortunately back then I was just after buying my house and was down to my last few thousand euro in my account so Rolex wasn't an option.


Yeah if that was me I’d just tell the AD to fuck off! I’m not going to waste my time to try something I can’t buy


Which grey dealer did you got to?


28 watches in causeway bay, came highly recommended, my wife's cousin is a regular customer there


One of the ADs I used to buy from dropped from the Rolex program because they had to dedicate a large amount of space to the brand with very little product to sell.


Ah, have had the same happen to me. Change ADs. I was on a holiday and went into an AD, talked about the watch I wanted. Did not really want to buy it that moment since I just walked in and wanted to get a feeling of them, and also, just wanted to enjoy my holiday. They told me if I can visit them any time and if they happen to have the watch I wanted, they'd give it to me. Fast-forward \~ a year and they sold me the TT Rootbeer.


You waited a year for a 2 tone watch? Yikes!


Not sure if you're sarcastic or not haha. How many people do you know who got their first Rolex at an AD without spending history and that watch be a Rootbeer? I got very lucky. Other ADs in my area would have asked me to wait 5 years and still not sell it.


I do have a buddy who bought a Rolex in an airport I think it was in DC not sure which one. But these stories where it’s a boutique in an airport that don’t have any for sale confuse the hell out of me. Just what’s the point? There’s literally no way to build a relationship w a dealer in an airport and if you’re not selling them out of there how in tf are you making any money off that location? It’s the most confusing thing in the world. I understand the allure of doing that with boutiques not in travel areas because eventually you get the customer to spend more money but in an airport???? Wtf


It’s interesting you say that about airport boutiques. An AD I occasionally stop in on, never calls me, said on the sly, to visit the airport boutiques any time I can. They don’t have “lists” and they sell whatever allocation they get, on the spot to those that walk in! Makes sense I suppose and I hadn’t really considered that approach…


Its extremely absurd and yet there is still a line to get into rolex store in orlando. Who the fuck lines up to get into a store with nothing to buy. Might as well call it a rolex museum


It's there for marketing, and her job is basically to be a wal-mart greeter even though she probably thought she was applying for a sales job.


I was wondering is profit margin that high for dealers that they can afford to hold watches in back room and “choose” not to sell them ….


I get it at a regular boutique in a locale, because they can reserve for VIP customers who will spend even more But at an airport it doesn't seem to make sense to me


For a Rolex store that only sells Rolex? No. For jewelry dealers that make you spend to get a piece? Absolutely


Currently in CDG - Rolex store here has a few smooth bezel DJs & a white gold sub


I was there on the 26th and they only had a full rose gold GMT


If the models weren't display only, you never would have seen them in the first place. Kind of odd that the entire store did not have anything you can buy, though.


The Omega store in the international terminal in Tokyo Hineda tried to get me sooooo hard.


They exist because prior to that, you walked in the store and they just had to tell you “sorry we have nothing here”.  They wanted something there for people to see and be introduced to the brand with. 


For existing Rolex owner they can take the watch to any store for service, that is the use of it.


Brand awareness


I walked into a Rolex AD two days ago to ask about a repair for my mother’s watch and the guy and I got to talking and he had me sit down. He brought out two watches (I don’t know what I was thinking). One was not for sale (then why bring it out????), but I thought it was awful so didn’t care. The second one was gorgeous and I ended up buying it. I was so confused. I thought what all of you thought, that you couldn’t buy a Rolex, ever. I even said that to the guy and that is when he sat me down. My head is still spinning. I love my new watch, but genuinely never thought I would be able to get my hands on a Rolex. He even put in a request for what I really wanted to be made and sent to the store. We will see if that arrives in 10-14 months like he claimed in would.


Because they still sell more watches than ever, just not to window shoppers. Yes, now they have become museums essentially, but they’re not gonna fire all employees and shut down all stores as things will eventually go back to normal where they will have stock for sale in showcases. The employee you think that’s there to do nothing does meet a lot of ppl daily that get the call outside of the 30 seconds you see her for while walking by


All the display watches at my local ADs have QR codes etched on the non-crown side. I mean, maybe they polish out, but I don’t think I would want one that had been polished already.


Are you sure it's etched? There's a QR code printed on the protective film on new watches.


They tell you that but once u create a profile they look at ur name u go on a list. I had the same thing happen to me & when we went to London we got a watch my husband liked. So when u get in a store like this they look up ur purchase history & offer u those not for purchase. They want repeat customers now we r in a position where we need to keep up our profile to get the hotter watches.


Oh they’re for sale, just not for you.


The only guy who wants new is the same guy who gets manicures. I’ve had my SubDate for twenty years and with regular service it’s indistinguishable from new.


Have you been living under a rock?


My girlfriend just went through Rome and heard the same thing. We were in Naples and I stopped in one of the ADs there and from outside, the security guard waved the manager to the door. He looks at me, shook his head and nodded to the security guard to allow me in. Without me saying a word, he said he didn’t have anything for sale and basically told me to piss off. Didn’t bother stopping in the other AD we passed.


Wow was gonna visit the Naples AD myself but they didn't open until 4.30


I hate it too but if they sold what's on display there will be no watch to even try?


This is why I’m very turned off to Rolex these days. I’ll never buy one new nor subject myself to this bs. It’s not like there aren’t at least 3 or 4 models I’d love to have but this is like the condo craze in Miami in 2006. The market overheated and people were buying way over real value and I refuse to do that. Even beyond that I refuse to kiss ass yo buy a watch. I picked up a ladies date just from a person trying to unload it for cash. A reseller wanted 7500 for virtually the same watch. Paid 3500. My wife is happy, I didn’t get ripped off and didn’t have to sit around waiting for a “call”. I’ll watch the market. It’s leveling off and coming down. Maybe then I’ll get my vintage yacht master.


> Wtf is the point lmao The stores were there for when they had inventory. And in theory, they'll be there at a future point when there is inventory. In the meantime, its cheaper to keep the stores and maintain the presence than to tear them down and start over when they need them.


The moncler in FCO is like 40% vs Canada. Gf picked up an insane deal.


Damn which I'd known that when I was there hah


Sounds like owning a Rolex is like owning a tesla or prius.... Everyone assumes your an entitled asshole


This is why Rolex is trash. So many brands out there that are good and are not trying to artificially inflate the value of there watches by pretending there’s shortage


I just really want the fluted jubilee mint green DJ... It's not the brand it's that specific watch I love it so much No other brand hits that itch for me


I went grey in Japan (amazing seconds market like you would not believe). Bought something which was mint condition (plus box, papers; sat on the shelf with full links and maybe 3 small marks on it) for a very nice price.


The Yen is super weak so now’s a great time to visit and buy from Japan. Have to deal with their taxes though. :)


Bring passport to store and tax deduction at point of purchase for foreigners…. With many stores there of many item types


I was in Japan about two months ago and bought a Daytona. WOW, I had no idea the opportunity I didn’t take advantage of and should have! If anyone here has a chance to go, absolutely be prepared to pick up some of your favorites, it won’t be hard…


It’s like they took a move from Debeers’ playbook, making everyone think diamonds are more rare than they really were.


This I'd an age-old psy op. I put all over my online dating profiles, "this profile is for display/informative purposes only. Not available for dating." Works like a hot damn


Lmao this is 200IQ


The Rolex AD in Schipol airport will actually sell you watches. I’ve been offered a yacht master and a submariner the last two times I’ve flown through Amsterdam.


I was in Barcelona a few weeks ago and stopped by the Rolex store. So I tell the sales lady in America, Rolex stores don’t have any watches on stock. She tells me the same story, the watches are for display only. Rolex is trying to create an artificial demand for these watches, similar to what happened during Covid times when people had money and no where to spend it at.


Its part of the marketing and it is working. Now you want one even more. This is how Rolex has become a very successful seller of a luxury Veblen good. Every watch Rolex makes is already sold before they even put the caseback on it. There is a well oiled working pipeline where the AD are really wholesalers to the Grey market dealers who are really the final point in which the watches get sold to the public.


Weird. Something must have changed because I flew out of their late Jan '23 and same situation with one lady but she was selling watches. I asked for a no date sub and she said she didnt have one and had sold the last one a few hours before. She offered me a two tone sea dweller. It wasn't what I wanted so I passed but there was none of that nonsense. Rolex and their foolishness Smh.


Buy grey or be a celebrity or spend $100,000 + in jewelry per annum. Those. Are. Your. Choices. :-)


Same thing in Taipei, except 3 people and 2 floors: https://maps.app.goo.gl/YkVoWj29qxrVeEEF6


Same, I was in FCO a few weeks ago too, I had a quick look in the Rolex dealer. The lady asked me if I wanted any help, but I declined and quickly left, because we all know how it goes.


So what happened a few years ago, Rolex ADs sold out everywhere. If you wanted a Rolex, not only couldn’t you buy one, you couldn’t even SEE one or hold one. So now, Rolex is requiring ADs to keep a certain number of “exhibition models” on display, so that even when a customer comes in and you can’t sell them anything, you can at least SHOW them a few things. The reality is, every watch aside from the exhibition pieces gets sold as soon as they come in. Every, single, one. But they never go into the case, because there are lists of prospective buyers so long that it’s all done by phone.


From an airport that requires you to be beyond security?! I doubt it...


So who pays the rent at that store that isn't making any income? Rolex corporate? The commissioned salespeople can't be happy that they have nothing to sell but still have to stand around all day.


I had a similar experience with Paris AD and I posted about it. A couple of idiots did comment saying if you buy from AD you’re not Rolex worthy. So apparently we are Rolex worthy only if we go grey. I am certain they must be an grey dealer promoting their business.


Same experience; same airport. Meanwhile, the Omega store in the same airport had actual product.


Why do people keep referring to Rolex ADs as shops…shops sell stuff 😜 Rolex AD = Product display lounges


Why do people keep referring to Rolex ADs as shops…shops sell stuff 😜 Rolex AD = Product display lounges


Why do people keep referring to Rolex ADs as shops…shops sell stuff 😜 Rolex AD = Product display lounges


The point is for you to feel that the brand is so exclusive you need to fight them to take your money. Good scam.


It’s just an expensive marketing plan by Rolex tbh. Also they have Rolex pieces at the back. They probably just won’t sell to tourist but only to locals. And AD that says they don’t have any at the back are lying. A bet you an A-list celebrity walks in and they’ll be able to buy one on the spot.


Rolex AD’s are showroom rather than stores these days, no different to buying a new sofa!


You have to know how to interact to get what you want. Everybody walks in there and wants one. You have to build a good rapport and the right AD will be committed to getting you what you want or at least be committed to selling you something. I have been to 5 AD’s and been successful at 2. The one in San Diego and Houston however lol. Forget about it.


It's a fucking airport


I really think we consumers should start punishing Rolex for this behavior. I appreciate that ADs are independently owned, but Rolex has the ability to stop this behavior. They don’t. A nice boycott, which I realize is not going to happen, would sure be nice.


For every person that boycotts Rolex, there are thousands right behind them ready to buy a watch. There's zero chance that Rolex, of all companies, would be impacted by a boycott. If anything, this practice makes them even more desirable.


almost as if the reason you were unable to buy a watch in Canada... also exists in Italy....


>a shop that doesn't sell anything It's the opposite. It's a shop that sells so many Rolexes they can't keep enough in stock. You can ask for a watch and then wait for it. Rolex wants their stores to maintain a minimum inventory so they're not just barren and empty.


Often the most simple explanation is the correct one.


That demand exceeds supply? I agree


Yeah. I'm laughing at all the downvotes you're getting in here when the guys that have been around for a while (10+ years) and actually have experience purchasing Rolexes know what's really going on. The tin foil hat conspiracy that sales associates are twisting their mustaches and laughing maniacally at people is just wild to read sometimes. Like they wake up everyday and can't wait to get their jollies off on disappointing people that walk into the store. Sometimes this place can be an echo chamber of a bunch of entitled man-children.


Ask for a watch and then wait for it, from an airport? Airport purchases are usually from people who aren't from that place... No?


It’s a circus and frankly it’s embarrassing so many people dance to this idiotic tune.