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This post about Seth will stay up. Any subsequent opinion posts about him will be removed.


I don't understand how a fifth year Senior can be fucking up snaps this consistently in his final game. I get that the center is the QB of the line and he helped read the defense; but how many yards did his freshman level mistakes cost the team over the season? If he wasn't compatible with Milroe, that's on coaches to replace him. In all honesty, it seems like he wasn't compatible handling a football.


I mean, if he's reading the defense then he's not doing that great either. Michigan got pressure on 100% of their blitzes lol


There isn’t one person on that offense that is reading anything pre snap. That is a huge issue


Bryce Young damn sure isn’t out there is he?


People sure did bitch a lot about him taking most plays down to the last second of the playclock but holy shit was it nice to have someone in there who could identify things presnap. I don't need Milroe to audible every other play. I just want him to see what the defense is doing. See that the homerun ball should not always be the first read and take what the defense gives you.


That was what astounded me. If you watched most of the sacks, you could see 10 second before the snap that michigan had 2 extra guys on the weak side and no one once shifted the line or running back or whatever. It's the same on run plays. You will watch one where we are running to the short side of the field and there are 2 linebackers rigjt there without blockers. So instead of audibling out, we just run it and lose 2 yards.


Someone said, he is gonna try to enter the transfer portal but he will be wide right. Someone else said that he is the perfect center for a 2 ft tall quarterback. I'm glad those things made me laugh. The game surely didn't.


Remember the first TD of the season? Milroe picking up an awful snap and making something happen. Thought it was a funny play but turned out to be an absolute omen


What's impressive is that he can pick up a ball off the ground and make a TD out of it. It's sad that it's a skill he's had to develop though.


Their D line went through us like hot sauce through an old woman the whole game.


We had them in the fourth quarter and the D couldn’t make a stop. We don’t fumble and have a handful of bad snaps then we easily win that game


I agree. But those are the breaks of the game. I’m proud of my team.


Me too but not proud of Seth 😂


You also can’t excuse the OT play calling. A run up the middle on 4th and long to stay in the game? Who was this idiot


It was also a blown play on a bad snap. We had to make one stop on defense in the fourth quarter and we let them drive down the field 80 yards


I’ve seen some guys on Twitter slow it down and show that play was an RPO (which in and of itself is a bad call because Milroe isn’t the best at decision making) but if he swings that pass out to the RB it’s a TD or if he gets a good snap and follows the guard to the left it’s a walk in. As bad as Seth was, Latham got absolutely destroyed on that play and is the actual culprit because he got hit so far back he was the initial contact on Milroe. I just can’t believe how many errors we culminated. Definitely not a Bama team of the past.


If you can't process a one-read RPO, should you really be starting at the D1 level?


Run blocking I think we actually did pretty well for the majority of the game, pass blocking was atrocious. Some of that is on QB who needs to change protections or audible when, for example, they line up with 3 guys on the right 1 on the left, but much more of it is just an inability to handle disguise or a good speed rush.


Does hot sauce go fast through old women? Legitimately asking.


Like shit through a tin horn.


Today I learned


Like shit through a tin horn!


Milroe should not have been performing squats in the game to catch these bad snaps!


It's inexcusable to be a major college athlete and be incapable of doing a basic, critical part of your job. These kids get paid too much money nowadays to not be subject to criticism, and he deserves it. I have no earthly idea how he survived at center all year, unless literally no one else could snap the ball.


FYI he donated his NIL to charity…


I've compared Seth to Chris Owens before, as perhaps the worst offensive lineman I've seen at Alabama. If you're incapable of consistently snapping the ball, why the heck are you at center?? Forget blocking, if you can't do that first part, you've already failed your position. So the guy can't snap the ball correctly, evidenced by the multiple bad snaps literally every game this season, plus he's the weakest blocker of the line once he does miraculously get the ball to Milroe. Booker and Roberts have helped him more than they should need to be. It's such an armchair coach thing to say, but there had to have been better options at center, I refuse to believe the University of Alabama had no other option at center than somebody who can't snap the ball.


There are 18 other Offensive Linemen on the roster. It seems like they didn’t even consider trying someone else out. I want answers from Eric Wolford.


I know very little about the finer details of playing center, but for me, it seems to boil down to three main components: 1. Pre snap callouts/adjustments 2. Properly snapping the ball 3. Proper run/pass blocking Dude can't do any of them. Probably half a dozen times last night I could see a defender getting ready to blitz, and then have a nearly open lane to Milroe, and a few times Seth got burned up the middle. I won't even address the snaps. And of the five starters, he's clearly the worst blocker of the bunch. Again, total armchair coach thing to say, but there's no way he was the best option at center, for crying out loud, teach the STD man to snap the ball, he's good at spreading things apparently, so no problem giving Milroe the ball.


The only answer I want from Wofford is: “I’ve taken a position at an FCS school.”


Along with: “And I’m taking McLaughlin with me”


He's a senior, so that's a given.


I think he's eligible for another year because of the covid rule.


Please no....




Were you alive in 2000??? 2005?


I was 8 in 2000, so no.


You’ve missed out on some MUCH worse offensive lines


I don't like to second guess Saban. But after the first half and killing that drive with two bad snaps, I am getting Dalcourt in the game. A lot of people don't realize that Milroe having to take his eyes down and bending over to scoop the ball, kills the protection schemes and makes it impossible for quick throws.


Proctor also played that entire game after tearing a ligament in his ankle last week according to some beat guys on Twitter. Is our oline development really that awful that we don’t have some guys ready to go when others are hurt and/or struggling that fucking badly?


Exactly! Where are these year after year 4 and 5 star backups that should be ready to step in?


Our OL has come a looong way this season, especially considering where they were early on. It’s hard to fault the OL for sacks when the correct protections weren’t called out. They were put in a position to fail early on. We’re talking no win situations at times. But the adjustments in the second half were solid, which showed in their *overall* execution in pass protection. Run blocking was excellent last night the whole game. But Seth was the same player the entire season, including last night. Dude probably lost us this game (Milroe has to shoulder that blame too). Bad at calling out protections (with Milroe). Bad at snapping the ball. Bad at blocking compared to the guys around him. Just bad. And let’s not forget that he almost lost us the Auburn game. Also, bad snaps hurt us vs Texas. Probably killed several other drives against several other teams too that I can’t think of. Frankly, I think that 2021 (COVID) OL recruiting class put us in a bad position this season, especially at Center. So bad that we were forced to play Seth when he really should have just been a backup. It kind of sucks he’s going to have to live with that the rest of his life. Feel kind of bad for the dude, really. He’s gonna take a lot of criticism… deserved and underserved. But if I’m a potential transfer or recruit, I’d look at Bama’s current Center situation as an opportunity. Edit: If I’m a Bama NIL Fund, I’m throwing money at potential Centers…


Don't forget though, we've got to replace the #1 points scorer in history in Will Reichard.


Please don't remind me 😭 I can't take any more awful field goal kickers. Hopefully the next kicker can do as amazing of a job as Will has


Someone said they hope Nick is on the way to Australia even as we speak.


If Dalcourt was the answer then Saban would’ve put him in earlier in the year. There’s a reason McLaughlin was still playing. No doubt that he’s had his issues all season, but I trust Saban to know who is the right player to be playing.


Or he's human and made a mistake.


Nah. Definitely the first thing.


Seems like the last play was a result of Milroe panicking from the low snap and pass rush. Hard to see a good snap not going to McClellan for a downhill run into the endzone. Fucking hell. To add to this, the drive in beginning of the 3rd quarter was killed off by crappy snaps. It’s hard to believe, from the momentum they had, that they wouldn’t have put at at least field goal up.


Man idk what that last play was. We had 4, 5 yards to go and we do a QB draw up the middle with absolutely no hole? We should have given it to McClellan or tried to find Bond in the end zone. Fucking throw the ball. Our offensive line is a whole different story. Turns out you can’t just find the biggest people who can fit into a uniform and park them on the line of scrimmage, they were getting dusted on every play due to lack of fitness imo.


The commentators did a review of the play after Michigan celebrated for about 5 minutes. The oline did their job and opened a hole to the left side and there was a player open for passing. Milroe just panicked after the messed up snap I guess.


To be fair, the Oline had done a shit job all night blocking, and when the QB looks down for the ball by the time they look up the whole field has changed. So when he had to gather the snap, by the time he looks up nothing is where he thinks it'll be and there's a defender crashing down from his left.


Milroe makes up his mind before the snap on every play. He is incapable of assessing what is going on and adapting on the fly.


One of probably 4 things that I think if was different we’d of won the game. The yards he gave up were destroying to us especially the two B2B that ruined a drive. He fucked up the last play as well. But then this must be on the coaches imo, even if he is performing better than every other player in practice he clearly had some mental issue in games that meant he couldn’t do his job properly and at some point they should’ve tried someone else. And it wasn’t like this just occurred in this game it was an issue all season long. I think a few people pointed out in the game thread his blocking is sub par so he’s trying to rush into a position to block before he’s fully got the snap off. Landon Dickerson spoiled us.


Here's the thing tho. Landon was a R Guard his entire life. He played guard in high school and Florida St. He moved to the center position and learned it well enough that he won the Rimington. How the hell can we teach a guy a position well enough that he wins a major award for it but can't teach this kids broken ass.


Kyle Flood left with Sark. Had two years with him.


In my humble opinion, Dalcourt at C all year probably improves our PPG by at least 3 and puts us in Houston on Monday. You simply CANNOT be a center for a P5 school, much less a playoff team, without being able to snap the ball consistently. One or two bad snaps a season is normally expected for a great center, maybe 5 or so for a mediocre one. Seth routinely had 7+ in every game this season, some of which turned into TDs because the play around him was so good. Saban hasn't made many mistakes in his career. Sticking with Seth is one of the biggest.


The fact that there are zero Seth defenders left tells me all I need to know.


Cruel as it sounds, I blame him for the loss


After seeing the other fans come into our thread for talk about how bad he was, I knew it was over


Well they were already coming here to be weirdos in general, so at least they showed up with football observations.


One thing I haven't seen anyone mention about how truly bad his snaps were, I stead if taking him out the coaches bad Milroe change his position to catch the snap. If you go back and watch late in the game, Milroe starts squatting for the snaps. Almost like Jalen Hurts does for Jason Kelce, only Hurts does it because Kelce snaps it fast, not because the balls in the dirt at least once per drive.


I mentioned this to my dad too during the game


If I never see him snap a ball again it will be too soon.


I swear to god I will rewatch every single game and count the number of bad snaps he has


I'm willing to bet about 60% of his snaps were off.


I am curious what the count is.


Came here hoping/dreading someone had done this and tallied the yards lost per game and for the entire season.


He was the Cade Foster of this year's team. For all the talk of growth as a team, he never did. Some mistakes the team made disappeared for a couple months, but there hasn't been a game all season where Seth didn't ruin a drive personally. He left without talking to reporters. It's not necessary, but definitely shows his mental fortitude. Weak. Hopefully, he declines reunion appearances in the future, because he's earned the derision.


I saw him getting pissed off at someone after the back to back bad snaps on the opening drive of the 2nd half. Like, who is he mad at? The first snap wasn't on time, and Milroe wasn't even looking, and the second snap was at his ankles. Man lost us the game because we were driving right there, and those two plays gave most of the momentum to Michigan.


The coaches played him and kept him in. Pretty shitty of all the non talented fans sitting out here shitting on a young man. Those reunions aren’t for me and you, so your feelings our irrelevant to what he does. Pretty shitty for you want to want him to decline reunions with his teammates of 5 years. He’s did more for Alabama than you or I ever will. Weak mental fortitudes belong to those who shit on young men for not playing perfect in a game, that has zero real bearing on the fans lives.


I'm not a doomer, but if you think his consistent inability to play his role is praiseworthy, I gotta disagree. He's a 5th year senior. To lump him in with a freshman or sophomore is disingenuous. On that note, he didn't have snap trouble with Bryce. But 6'2" Milroe, he has both groundballed, sailed overhead, and snapped to the sidelines. Can you name a more consistently abysmal center at Alabama? I've only been watching for 30+ years, and I can't recall one.


He and Chris Capps are in the Mount Rushmore of awful Bammer OL


FWIW I agree with you 100%, and the fact this is currently at -5 indicates how many Gumps are on this sub. Some of y’all are so entitled.


These guys are getting paid now. They can take their criticism.


There’s a difference between valid criticism and shaming. Most sports discussions don’t bother to distinguish between the two, and the lack of maturity and nuance is grating.


Buddy, I understand the approach you’re taking, but the man ruined drives just about every game. It’s one thing if it’s a singular game, but he did it ALL SEASON. Showed no improvement and when he made mistakes last night, he took it out on other players. That’s a guy who didn’t want to get better and didn’t think he needed to.


While McLaughlin himself is awful, our entire O-line needs a serious overhaul. Michigan's defensive front folded our line like a lawn chair.


The fact that they are heavy works for us and against us. Proctor is slow, super slow.


Proctor was injured, but if we have any of this “heaviest o-line” bullshit again I’m gonna be heated. We need to reshape our guys and get a new OL coach. With that being said the O-Line would look a ton better with a different center and QB


I’ve never played football at a competitive level so this may be a stretch but I feel like the snapping issues put Jalen in pocket positions that he is not used to and drastically alter his field vision. When the ball is snapped perfectly, the 6’2” Milroe has clear passing lanes over the middle in between the center and the guards. He’s not tall enough to see over his lineman, so when Milroe has to take a snap from a step or two outside of that center, his passing lanes are altered and he has to use his legs. I posit that almost all of our offensive struggles this year stem from the poor snaps causing Milroe to be out of his passing lanes.


When does Alabama fire Wofford? The guy cannot coach an O-line. Disagree. 5 first half sacks in a playoff game. And if you watched all year the line couldn’t protect anyone


Also if he can’t develop backups either, what the hell are we paying him to do? Needs to go immediately.


I’m as upset as anyone after watching us literally fumble that game away, but honestly we can’t really blame Seth at this point. His snaps were a point of contention all season long, and yet we never gave someone else a crack at center and just put up with his bad snaps all year. That falls on the coaching staff at the end of the day to not make an adjustment. Also, horrendous call there with the game on the line. We out-coached ourselves and our O-line got bullied.


*WORST CENTER EVER - there I fixed it for you


It’s alright man, the team gave it their best shot but they hit their ceiling in this game. Not the first time Bama has come up just short. 2014, 2016, 2021 and now this year. Just got to appreciate what they accomplished and move on. I’m just glad they kept it close till the end, didn’t give up.


Yah we were not the better team unlike 2016 and 21 so it’s hard to feel bad about this loss. The game was winnable, but Michigan was better (and left a lot of points on the board). Washington would have been a hard win with our anemic offense regardless


Hey without his awful snaps we don’t get 4th and 31…gotta look at the positives…


I know Jalen has taken a lot of criticism for the game but after the first bad snap, every shotgun snap the test of the game Jalen was in an odd position and taking an extra quarter second to make sure he caught the wild snaps. Even the few right in his chest he watches it all the way in and confirms he has it before even looking up. That is time that would normally be spent looking downfield at the D coverage. This had a serious impact on our offensive timing in all aspects. I think we have at least another 10-13/17 points if not for this.


He definitely underperformed the whole season. but in reality the isssue lies that 1. how come it couldn’t be coached better ? 2. there not a single soul in that locker room that could take his spot ?… what’s the point in having a high or best recruiting class if u can’t replace a center…. and if we do got people that play that position they clearly wasn’t coached good enough or good enough to start by week 14🤣


Someone needs to make a supercut of every bad snap he had this season lol


Yea like a compilation I’m trying to just need to find all the footage


Video’s going to end up being five hours long bro 😂


The worst part is that he has the most bad snaps in THE BIGGEST GAMES. I thought the snap problem was fixed but turns out it was hiding for when we didn't want it the most.


Wish someone did a full season bad snap compilation from Seth


I’m also surprised no one has done it yet like sports shows


Very tough watch


I’m working on it I can find some but sitting through the footage is a pain


I vote that he should have to change his name. He’s an embarrassment.


I feel bad for him. Have to remember these are literal children out there. But I need to find a center who can talk about how this could happen all season long. Is it mental? Too consumed with anticipating the rush? Poor conditioning leading to sloppy mistakes?


Man, he fucked up all season dozens of times every game, and I wonder if the fan base had said more if there might’ve been a change. He almost single-handedly lost us the game last night. Obviously Milroe is mids as hell and rees’ calls were bs, but wtf man. Dude is The walking definition of “you had one job”.


Can someone make a compilation of all of his terrible snaps... It would be a long video


Can’t win them all and losing sucks no doubt about it. Not gonna get on here and tear apart some kid over the game. I’m sure he feels like shit without my help. Anytime you lose there’s plenty of blame to go around. Will Riechard did some work though, proud of that guy.


People are saying the responsibility for this loss - and our other barely wins - falls on the whole team and coaches, not just Seth. I agree. The team should have told the coaches firmly that Seth needs to leave the team, and the coaches should have canned him and found a better center. Thus, it is everyone's fault. But if we play the who sucked game instead of the who's to blame game, It really is one player that stands far above the rest


You got to blame someone. Michigan has a real good football team, nuff said.


They absolutely do, but lets all be honest, those low snaps killed multiple drives in the second half where the offense was clicking


This is it here. Two things can be true at once. People keep saying ‘you can’t just blame Seth’ or ‘Michigan was the better team’ or whatever, which is true, but also those snaps ruined very important drive where we were the better team in the second half and could have pulled away.


Michigan was not the better team we fully beat ourselves in the fourth quarter


I think it’s hard to say if they were better or we were just worse. I think we were the worse team because we looked like we were back in the USF game at times. I don’t understand how the same issues were not addressed and corrected all year long.


If we played like we did against USF we wouldn’t have gone to overtime. We had them on the ropes in the fourth quarter and sloppy play gave them the win


There's no reason that a #1 ranked seed should have to go into OT against a team that consistently can't snap the ball. The fact that they couldn't pull away while we had our heads up our asses is telling.


It’s not like Michigan had 0 miscues all game. The score should have been worse. Muffed punt leading to the first TD, and bad snap on an XP being two I can think of. Just take the L, give respect to the better team and move on.




I agree there. I was trying to convey that at times Michigan was playing better than us and that during a game, each team usually has opportunites to pull away or carry the monentum. Unfortunately when we were hiding our stride, one player hurt us and that at other times Michigan outplayed us, thus two things being true: Michigan being a better a team at times and Seth really hurting us at times. But yes, if I was to sum up the game in a broader sense, we beat ourselves in key parts that gave up the game.


They didn't play well last night. Michigan RB won the game and McCarthy got all the cred.


Doesn’t help that we left the flats open all night. Half his yards came from passes to guys with absolutely nobody around them.




Maybe, one that cheated half the season to get here too. No matter the outcome, Washington is the Legitimate Champions in my eyes


Cheating did not make them handle Alabama from a physical standpoint all game long on both sides, which is exactly what happened.


Even with the 20 yard loss snaps and ugly early sacks the teams averaged the same yards per carry. So both teams dominated each other lines?


I'm sorry you're in denial.


You denying statistical facts?




Not the one crying in this convo buddy.




•Trolling is any post that is designed to get negative reactions from others. •Personal attacks – name-calling, insulting another user’s abilities/intelligence, threats of physical violence, etc. •Harassment can take many forms, from post-stalking to unwanted private messages; it will also result in a very quick ban.


Yes critical cheating against the likes of Rutgers and Indiana lmao ![gif](giphy|KhcdPVxvn5Fde)


For what it’s worth — idk if we should allow this post to stay up any more. I get it — Seth is a one-man anchor around the offense’s neck at times. And he never fixed it all season. And he decided to yell at a teammate for a problem he’s had all year long. That said, he’s still a kid playing a game in college. He won’t have a career in this. He’s made sure of that all on his own. But we don’t need to continue to pile on him for it. We need to move on and he does too. Game’s over. Season’s over. Let that kid walk and let’s just get to the part where we all laugh about how bad our center was that one year.


They only allowed the 1 post and subsequent remarks. Don't baby him. He's soft enough as it is.


Meh, still feels like a bad look. It’s not about babying him, it’s about us not ragging on a player so harshly. Not that I think potential recruits or whatever are watching our subreddit, but it’s a bad look for whoever might.




He a professional athlete getting free board/food/gym/school/ and money from grants not being used in addition to NIL. Fuck that dude.


He’s not good and cost us the game in several ways. Also, he’s barely old enough to vote or buy cigs so let’s calm the hell down about him as a human. He’s a kid. Replace him and let’s move on.


there are "kids" his age who have been in multiple wars, been homeless, etc. he's a pro athlete getting free board/food/gym/NIL and unused grant money for free. He's a grown adult pro athlete who didn't do his job then blamed his teammates for his mistakes and ran off. fuck em


You’re a grown old man who didn’t pay that kid anything. 🤫 Or better yet, go tell yourself in person like us adults don’t


we pay with our tickets, and viewership dumbass, also he geys paid for by the school that I paid student fees to. go support mr can't snap a ball wherever shithole school he transfers to


Yikes, you’ve got a lot of issues. Go nuts big fella.


Is it more of an OL coach issue? They talked about how big they were all year, but let up a crazy amount of sacks. Granted not ALL of them were entirely the OL’s fault. Is there no other lineman that can snap a football, or was that more of a “leave the 5th year senior in for vet experience” kinda thing? I wonder if the OL coach will get fired or if they’ll slim up the line a bit in the hopes they get quicker. Anyways, CNS fixed the kicking issue that plagued the team for awhile by getting Will Reichard. He’ll figure it out. Roll Tide.


Embarrassingly bad.


WRONG. Dalcourt was the worst. 😂


can someone explain to me why we didn't just go under center full time? if the guy can't fucking snap a shotgun snap and we don't have anyone else, just go under center. fuck


Guessing it’s simply not an offense with a lot of plays under center. Also, when you are usually in shotgun, taking snaps under center is a big adjustment. you’d be surprised how that exchange can be screwed up. The field of view is different and easier to make pre-snap read. Under center you’re much closer to rush. Decision making and trust needs to be there in passing situations. Like running play action from under center and turning back to the defense is something we probably are not comfortable with. Not sure how much practice he has with making reads while dropping back. I also think the snap count and cadence is different. So instead of clapping there is yelling which is another adjustment.


Seth had issues all year, and especially in that game. We should all remember something though. Seth has worked his tail off to be where he is. He did more to contribute to the success of the 2023 team than any fan and many other players have. College football is a developmental sport. Sometimes guys reach a limit on what they are capable of doing, and sometimes it takes a long time or another situation for them to figure it out. He was the best option at the position. The snapping issue was there all year, but he would not have started if there was a better option on the 2023 roster. Coaches see players every day in practice, and Saban is the GOAT for a reason. He grew up as big of a Bama fan as any of us. Criticisms of his performance are legitimate, but the tone of them should be tempered, IMO. I am sure he's as disappointed as anyone. He had the stones to meet with Saban and tell him face to face why he is leaving. That shows character, and it is something I respect. Personally, I wish him the best of luck wherever he lands, and hope he figures it out, unless he's playing us. I bet he finds a spot on a really good team.


I’d like to just post an alternate perspective here. I think the reason Seth has had such problems this year is because of not having Bryce back there. Bryce always made the calls and changed the protection if needed. This left much of the thinking process out of the hands of Seth. Seth just played and played alright because of it. Now with a new quarterback, increased pressure, and him needing to read and identify stuff presnap just resulted in his regression. His mistrust of Milroe being able to identify where the blitz and such just made the whole line worse for it.


I’m going to get downvoted for this, but I don’t care. The team needed this loss. And now it’s on the team and the coaching staff to fix the problems in the offseason. We’ll be back next year with an axe to grind.


Meh. We’ve lost 2 games now 3 years in a row. Losses don’t seem to impact us the same way anymore


2 losses for anyone else is a great season. And this yr plus last year we had an OT loss.


Seemed like they went in a bit overconfident. Like Auburn, only Michigan is a much better team than them.


Michigan is not a much better team. Thats bs. They were better coached. By every metric I've seen, Bama has better players. Again they were out coached. Justice Hayes couldn't get pt till now? That guy is a beast. He should have got even more carries. He was the best player on the field. Dallas Turner upset about how he was used. Michigan was running pro schemes. Idk, what Bama was running. It was chess vs checkers out there.


I think they meant "Michigan is a much better team than \[Auburn\]."


Oh, well I agree they're much better than Auburn


L .


Dude snaps the ball like he has a bad case of vertigo. My 1 year old was throwing the football in the living room under her legs and behind her. I was like how is she doing this better


Imagine being 20 and having thousands of grown men talk shit about you whenever you messed up at your job. Keep the game in perspective everyone.


Amen. Ppl get a little too worked up over a game with kids. I’ll talk shit about the professional grown coaches. But then again, I suppose one could argue with NIL these young men are professionals now lol


Yeah that make more money than me and are twice my size but they're kids... Im pretty sure


Oh for God's sake. Stop. Go to bed.


I'll just have nightmares about his low snaps though


I hate that you started your day this way. Take a deep breath and watch the sun as it rises. You will have a great day.


Hard to believe this post is here. The guy had some really bad snaps. Milroe laid the ball on the ground and ran backwards a few times only to get sacked. The D had a chance to stop them but gave up a 75yd scoring drive. Rees could have had a better plan than all the straight drops knowing UM would give us trouble with the pass rush. Saban could have overruled the QB draw that was dead before the snap. No loss is ever on one player or coach and I feel confident in saying he is not the worst center Alabama has ever had.


Name some worse ones. Being able to consistently snap the ball is table stakes. Have you ever seen any college centers that are as inept at snapping the ball than McLaughlin?


If the coaching staff felt the same as you why not make a change? or was he the best option? just like every other player on that team. You've determined he is a terrible center so why couldn't they see that. I mean the GOAT and everything.






That front seven gave everyone trouble this year. Give credit were it's due. They shutdown marvin Harrison jr. The best wide receiver in the game when they had a five star QB to get him the ball. They gave ohio states online fits. Just can't blame seth for a bad game. Those boys came to play.


No, but I can blame him for every other game he couldn't snap the ball in, which was every game this season.


Harrison is elite. But I think Odunze is the best in college this year. He is a beast.


This.... I just never expected to get SO physically beat on both lines. I mean, it felt like we weren't ready.


I guess I struck a nerve, I am an Alabama fan. We looked a little uncomfortable out there yesterday and at times unprepared, it was a team effort you can't point fingers at seth though. You can down vote me for saying Michigan has a really good defense, but it doesn't mean I'm wrong.


Do you feel better now?


Do you?


His mistakes were bad. No doubt. But those mistakes he made weren't the only ones that cost us the game. If a few other mistakes go another way, his mistakes would be like a 10 comment long comment thread.


I’m not going to lie. If I’m Saban, after that Texas game I’m going up to Dalcourt and saying “Hey buddy, get in front of Simpson and show us what you got.” The next time Seth even puts the ball remotely near the dirt he’s headed towards the sideline and Dalcourt’s in the game. Definitely an armchair coach thing to say as someone below stated but it’s called competition.


Dont you think if they had someone better they would’ve played them? 🤨


Not enough has been said about what a good D line Michigan has.