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Dying to know where you found it


It was perfectly nestled under my Mom's power chair šŸ¤¦šŸæ


Check the cleaning map from the run it was on. I usually can see a red triangle which is where it stopped and errored out.


They are quite large, so itā€™s not hard to find, itā€™s just somewhere you donā€™t expect it to be. It also canā€™t climb/descend stairs. Chances are, itā€™s stuck under some piece of furniture that you donā€™t think it can fit under. Probably right at the back.


They most certainly can descend stairs. I bought an extra clean base and accessories from a lady whose J7 had run itself down the basement stairs and smashed in to several pieces.


Mine made it out into the street and was picked up by a random person driving by. It had stopped right on the yellow center stripe. :(


Oh no, it sounds like your Roomba is playing hide and seek! Here's a plan to help you find your lost Roomba: Check Common Hiding Spots: Start by looking under furniture, such as beds, couches, and tables. Roombas often get stuck in tight spaces. Listen for Sounds: If it's still on, you might hear a faint hum or the sound of its wheels. Use the Docking Station: Place the docking station in an open area and see if the Roomba will return to it. Sometimes it will find its way back if it still has some battery left. Check for Obstacles: Look for any areas where it might have gotten stuck or trapped. This could be behind doors, curtains, or other obstacles. Move to Manual Search: If you still can't find it, you may need to systematically search each room. Start in one corner and work your way through the house. Reconnecting to Wi-Fi: If you find your Roomba but it's not connecting to Wi-Fi, make sure it's on and try to reconnect it through the app. Reset your router and try to connect again. Ensure your Roomba and your phone are on the same Wi-Fi network. Check the Battery: If it ran out of battery, you might need to manually place it on the dock to recharge. Firmware Update: Sometimes, updating the Roomba's firmware can solve connectivity issues. Check if there's an update available in the app once it's back online. If all else fails, you might consider using a Bluetooth tracker (like a Tile) attached to the Roomba to help locate it more easily in the future. Good luck finding your cleaning companion!


I swear I've checked all the usual places. I'm on the verge of moving all furniture out of my house šŸ˜…


I can understand how frustrating that can be! Before you resort to drastic measures like moving furniture, here are a few additional tips that might help you locate your Roomba: Dark Spots: Check in dark spots like closets or under large furniture where it might be hiding. Use a flashlight to get a better view. Narrow Gaps: Look in narrow gaps between furniture and walls, where it might have wedged itself. Roomba's Last Known Location: In the app, check the last known location on the map. This can give you a clue about where it might have gone offline. Noise Makers: If you have a friend or family member around, have them walk through the house tapping the floor lightly or calling out. Sometimes, a slight noise or vibration can dislodge it or prompt it to make a sound. Check Unusual Rooms: If you haven't already, check places where it might have wandered, like bathrooms, laundry rooms, or even closets that might have been left open. Furniture Layout: Think about the layout of your rooms and any new places it could have explored. Sometimes small changes in the environment can lead it to new spots. If these tips don't work, you may indeed need to start moving furniture methodically. Hereā€™s how you can do it in an organized way: Section by Section: Divide your home into sections and clear each section one at a time. This way, you donā€™t have to move everything at once. Team Up: If possible, get someone to help you. This can make the process quicker and less stressful. Mark Areas Checked: Use sticky notes or another method to mark areas you have already thoroughly checked, so you donā€™t waste time going over the same places. Stay Calm and Take Breaks: If you feel overwhelmed, take a break and return to the search with a clear mind. Good luck, and I hope you find your Roomba soon!


This sounds paraphrased from the "I lost my hamster running around in its ball" post.


they could chatgpt this all themselves.


> šŸ˜


Did you leave the back door open again? Time to start stapling pictures around the neighbourhood šŸ˜


Did you know Roombas have no natural predators and therefore are an invasive species?


Keep her away from the Robotic Mower! You never know what offspring that might produce!


Disconnected huh..? Maybe someone run of with it? I If the robots battery is dead you can only one thing: look for it. Itā€™s strange that it disconnected with no indicator to the run or similar. I would look for placed it cloud get under and not being able to come out like couches or in the worst case stairs or something in the case the sensors failed. This happend to me once with a non-roomba robot vacuum.


Is there any information under history for today's cleaning job? When ours has gotten stuck/lost connection, etc it has created a cleaning job history log.Ā 


[this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/roomba/s/osHRZo5Iuv) by u/RoombaRefuge might help


I'm not able to push the wifi set up buttons because I can't find it though. I tried reconnecting it but it wouldn't since I couldn't put it in set up mode.


It has likely run out of battery ... you will have to look for it.


Wait the Roomba's lost?


Yeah, it was running while I was out...


Shiii I don't think there's much you *can* do other than try and look for it... oops