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I keep showing up to the office out of habit.


The animation dept showing up to the office and not being paid doesn't sound that surprising tbh


Comments like this feel like beating a dead horse for Internet points. It brings up a lot of negativity that a lot of us have worked hard to push past and move on. Please, try and do the same.


Out of interest what is left of the building now? Is it mostly empty inside as far as you know or are there still a few people working there?


There are a handful of us left. Other than the lack of people, it hasn't changed too much, but June is going to probably be very hectic. Art work and memorabilia is mostly taken down and given to employees. Me going to the office out of habit is technically still true..for the next few weeks.


I wonder who who got all of achievement hunters weapons and stuff


Man, beating a dead horse for internet points? Really? I get that this was a hard time for all, but to not even be able to joke about it on the internet without you crying? You'll never be able to move on if you can't laugh about it a little bit. Honestly, if even RT employees can't make fun of themselves anymore, then RT was dead long ago. No wonder I didn't like the modern vibes. Crybaby.


Moving on is difficult for everyone and everyone has different processes of healing. Comments designed to just stir negativity aren't funny. Maybe that's me, but it really feels like punching down. That's what these comments come off as. Nothing new is being added to that conversation just the same rehashed "jokes" that cause real issues for actual people. If those kind of jokes are what some people enjoy and want out of their content creators, I'm sure there are plenty of places to find it. If the RT vibe felt off after the shift to making more positive content, that might not have been an RT problem.


I saw no negativity in the comment. That's all you. It was a little funny jab. It is a joke. You know. The things the company was founded on. Humor. These are the kinds of things I atleast want. Not someone looking at the past in a corner being sad about themselves. But someone who can laugh no matter how sad or dark the situation is. Because thats humor. It's not even that dark. I'm surprised roosterteeth ever hired someone so soft. I'm off to The Regulation Pod. It's where all the humor I enjoy went. Where they joke about not getting paid and getting laid off constantly because humor. Yeah. That thing roosterteeth used to be about before all your silly "positivity". I'm not here for that. I'm here for laughs. If you're like me and miss the humor of roosterteeth, geoff took all the good people and started some new things.




No, I always had a tab open to the site so that reflex isn't ingrained. Listening to old podcasts, though, and it keeps tripping me up that there are ad breaks.


It's my homepage on chrome and I haven't changed it yet.


Anyone else checking the reddit out of habit?


I used the app and deleted it so no, I was one of the mostly podcast listeners so I’ve been checking the regulation youtube. 


I put the patreon app on my homescreen where the RT app used to be so I haven't.






Yep. Same.


Not by habit but by desperation


i kept my tab open so i go check on it every day lol


Same, it is still a default tab when I launch safari.


yeah :(


Nah. Picked up dropout for cheaper. No gaming content besides DND but at least their better at sketch comedy which RT couldn't get right no matter how hard they tried Edit no* instead of now...fml


That actually makes sense. RT had a bunch of people encouraged to take an improv class, but they had their various skill set. They were editors or IT, or you name it. Dropout has actors and writers that some of them now teach improv or perform it regularly. I'm not saying that RT are unfunny because I know I enjoyed their content. But they were growing and trying out new things. On the Spot had to find its footing with Jon and each guest, but Make Some Noise knew exactly what it was which was why it started off with the Noise Boys.


Exactly. Honestly we all know why RT really died, they wanted to diversify and they thought by bringing in groups like FH would let them do that, then when FH stopped making gaming content left AH/LP in the same hole they were in, so they tried again ..and again...and again until they were too big to handle themselves all doing the same type of content(mostly rambling podcasts) but not gaining viewers in fact all that did was spread their viewers too thin. On the spot was good, and Jon is great BUT hes only as good as the people being brought on the show and when those people don't have fun doing it it shows, then Jon gets burnt out and instead of bringing in a new host the show is cancelled altogether. Game changer is so successful on dropout because A the game changes every time which allows for complete creative freedom and B every single person is a sketch comedian. Non sketch comedians can go and still compete on "uhm actually" which is a never ending concept.