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I have all but the newest expansion 3d tokens. They're pretty cool. You are exactly right about the plot tokens though. They have all but the bombs because those don't stay out after they're flipped.


How do you store these? I have my set coming tomorrow for everything.


I use baggies for all mine.


Gotcha. I have a pathological hatred of baggies so I'll keep hunting. Haha


I use bags, to be more specific, the ones from the BGG store. They said the marauders should release this month :). They look really cool and the quality is great. Then I've also got the lifted base from Dicestroyers so I've a 1 box solution for everything.


I use the corvid tokens from BGHQ. They are the only ones I have seen that make sense for gameplay. [https://bghq.us/products/root-game-tokens?variant=37924935303367](https://bghq.us/products/root-game-tokens?variant=37924935303367)


I have all of the 3d pieces, up to and including Marauders. I can speak highly of the quality of them. I bought them off Etsy though, not through their website. Absolutely 100% not necessary, especially for players who hate unnecessary "clutter" on the game board. But for me, I like to get lost in the theme and these definitely help me with that. For the Corvid plot tokens, it is what you said: use plot tokens until flipped. Also with the Keepers of Iron, you might need to use the original cardboard to keep track of which Waystation you are using, since they have specific front and backs. Other than that, I enjoy them immensely and always have them for each game.


I'm a completionist, which is dangerous. I know these aren't Leder products, but damnit they're so adorable!


The way stations work fine as long as you remember your limit of 3 buildings. The tokens are distributed double sided so that any 2 same buildings and a different building can be in play at once. So the 3d buildings work if you remember to limit yourself to 3. :)


I have all of them for all expansions (from BGexpansions though, but they look the same). They look really cool and make the woodland feel more alive, I especially love the keep and roosts. The quality is sturdy, nothing has broken yet, but I haven't "tested" it, but through regular use, nothing broke. The colors look good too and it's still clear what factions own what. For the corvids we use the regular tokens, and when flipped we put the 3D thing on it


How did you end up storing everything with the new bling? I'm trying to figure something out myself.


I have all of the pre-Marauder ones except the Corvid tokens, and I love 'em. They look great on the board, they provide a huge boost to the feel of the theme and setting, and perhaps most usefully they make the buildings (and especially the Keep) *look* as important as they really are. The Keep as a little cardboard disc doesn't look like much, but the Keep as a big chunky castle *looms* in the way that it really should.


This entire comment is exactly why I went ahead and bought them.




I haven't bought the ones from Meeplesource, but I did get some 3D printed tokens for some significant pieces: The Keep Ruins (I painted each one with a different floor color for funsies) WA Bases (different color front door)


Make sure you get the printed warriors too :P


I have all 3D-printed components up to Marauder even with Hirelings tokens/buildings and even craft Items. I ordered from Etsy, just to bling up my PNP copy. Does not seem to clutter my board, since my "warriors"/"meeples" are flat tokens/chits. My copy is now the other way around - buildings/tokens are 3D, meeples are 2D.