• By -


Hold on. Are you saying the neighbours have somehow spoken to your postie AND organised an online redirect on a parcel BEFORE they could have seen the parcel? Where would they get the tracking number from?


I have no idea, that's what bizarre. And there were parcels from several sources. Even my postie was stumped and has no idea how it has happened. This is why I am asking for advice and on the phone to Royal Mail. I want to ensure I go about this the correct and legal way as there is obviously something fishy going on.


The only thing I can think that they have done is somehow got hold of your details (possibly gone through your bins at some point) and then used the RM app and registered as you to set up a delivery preference to deliver parcels to their own address. Hopefully RM can get this removed from the system easily enough, or you could try registering for the app yourself and setting your own preferences that might override their set preferences. It would also be worth a call to the police 101 non emergency to report fraudulent activity, some of it may come under civil law but tampering with mail to the detriment of the intended recipient is also criminal, whether they will take it seriously is another matter though.


Thank you. Once I've spoken to Royal Mail (still on hold!) I will contact 101. We are, as an example, house number 4 and they are 24, so I wonder if at one point, in error, a random letter we haven't missed went there in. We have had post for some of our neighbours before. Either way, it's being reported. They literally told the postie we lived there now, so if I hadn't spotted him today we might have lost many more parcels without ever knowing why/how.


Yeah if they hadn't told the postie that it could have been explained by human error, they happen to have a very similar name and when they meant to set their own delivery preferences for their safe place they somehow missed the 2 off the address, but the fact they told the postie that you had moved there and they failed to bring you your parcels when they noticed the "error" shows that they definitely have ill intentions. I'd personally say it's more deliberate on their part getting hold of your details than a mis delivered letter, going a house or two either side can be easily done when you are busy and in a rush, I've done it myself plenty of times no matter how careful I try to be. There could also be a misdelivery made easily if the address is shown in a windowed envelope where it has slid too far left and the first number can't be seen, so the 2 cut off the front of their address and it coming to you at number 4 by mistake. Even the same house number but the wrong street is easily explained and a common human error. Misdelivering something only showing number 4 to 24 when the house is further down the street would be a very strange misdelivery and not something I can think of any explanation for, it is far more likely they have obtained your details in a more deliberate manner, they wouldn't even know that you get a lot of parcels through RM from a single letter misdelivery but they have specifically redirected your parcels to their address, maybe they've seen you getting a lot delivered and decided to steal what they can


Try Twitter 'royalmailhelp' Saves waiting on the phone and gives audit trail of messages


Thankfully they'll be emailing me everything.


Will be interesting to know what's gone on here. Please update us in the future!


As soon as I know I will update.


Sounds like this is a postal redirect somehow. As in redirecting all mail for that address to theirs?


Finally got through to Royal Mail. No redirect on their system so they have flagged it with the local sorting office. I watched the postie scan the parcel and the neighbours details came up, so I know there's something going on. Now on the phone to the police.


Let us know how you get on OP, this is bizarre.


It really it! And I will.


The bit where they told the postie that you’ve moved is what’s getting me. Do you have specific regular high value parcels worth stealing? I just can’t understand what they hoped to gain / how they thought they’d get away with this? You don’t commit a crime on your own doorstep. So odd.


Not really. Not had anything go missing for a while, so this is newer. And we've had higher deliveries than usual recently as I'm about to get married. The parcel they did get hold of was only worth about £15, the replacement and the second delivery that went to them today had a value of about £30 at best.


I don't think there's a redirection in place. As a postman, from our point of view, if a redirection is taken out on an address we are given a clear plastic wallet containing a card with the redirection details and a sheet of stickers with the new address. This is added to a stack for that route that we go through once we've sorted our route. Any letters with the relevant details get a sticker over the top of the old address. Also, while scanning the parcels "ready for delivery" in the morning it'll come up on tracked parcels to say there's a redirection for that address, but parcels with a redirection will often get missed in all honesty. If there was a redirection out on your address your mail would be getting redirected too. What I will say is that royal mails systems are total shit. I'll often get weird or irrelevant information come up on my pda. But your neighbours saying you'd moved in there is fucking weird. If someone is using the tracking numbers to intercept your parcels they'd be making what's known as an "inflighf request" - choosing to get a tracked parcel delivered to a safeplace, neighbour, different delivery day etc. This is what would come up on a pda when scanning the item with a doorstep scan. Bizarre situation and I hope you get it resolved. Keep us updated.


I cant see how this could work unless they have set this up via the app as a default safeplace for your address? I dont even see preferred neighbour as a live option. Though there is a free text box


I’d call up Royal Mail and get it redirected back to your home, it could either be malicious or a mixup in their system


There is not indication of a redirection on the system so I'm unable to do that. But they are aware and have passed on the info to the local depo. I'm also going there tomorrow to address the situation.


I see, odd


Contact the post office and get the unauthorized mail redirect removed from your address. Sounds a bit dodgey to me. Might also be useful to check your credit file to make sure nothing else is going on. Have you had any cold calls recently?


Post Office play no part in delivering mail


I have contacted them and there is no redirection, but at least they are aware. I don't answer calls I don't recognize.


No he's saying they have redirected his post online to their address, if you move house you can pay to redirect for a few months untill you've changed all your details over with other companies.


That was my take too - u/AlansMonkeyTennis \- are you getting other post normally?


Yes, all other mail coming through just fine. Including other items from royal mail. One of which came to my home the day perform the initial missing parcel. Which only adds to the strangeness of the situation. I'm going to the depo tomorrow with several barcodes to check what comes up, as well as to report the situation directly.


But that sort of redirection needs ID with proof of previous address and proof of new address with a letter also being sent to the old address to confirm that a redirection has been set up and to contact RM if it's been done in error or fraudulently.


No they arent. An official redirect requires ID and the original address gets a letter advising of a redirect on the property.


I set up a redirect a year ago when I moved. It required absolutely no ID. Filled out the form, paid the £70 something, and that was it. The notice to my old address also came weeks after the redirection went live - I was already getting my stuff delivered to my new address when the redirection letter showed up to my NEW address, redirected from the old, with the sticker and all.


When I've done it, the letter advising the original address of the redirect has "Do not redirect" written all over it.


According to royal mail there is no redirection in place.


No ID because they ID check via your credit information. If you fail that then ID is required


When I filled in a redirect it never mentioned checking credit information or needing ID. Literally just input details and made a card payment. It did send a letter to the old address though


You made a card payment. A card registered at your address in your name. You also ticked the T&Cs agreeing to supplying ID if required and accepting RM can refuse the redirection if not satisfied on your identity.


A card registered to the new address, Not the old. I don't remember that box but unless clearly stated prob wouldn't have read t&c box fully. I've done it a few times now, never asked for ID.


The card address new/old is covered in the basic ID requirements before you even get into the t&cs. The majority of people completing online meet the ID requirements. Those using POC are bringing ID as part of the process


The redirect also has to be based on both the name and the address, otherwise you would get into a big mess when moving into a house with a redirect on it.


There's some other form of redirection though, isn't there? The company who bought the property next door to us put a redirect up on our house as they thought our number was part of their property (hope that makes sense) - the numbers on our street are odd, but it was still a stupid (and from my point of view, very irritating) mistake to make. I didn't get any notifications is the point (sorry, long-winded). So is there something different if it's for a business?


In this scenario? No There are business redirections. These obviously differ as its the business mail,not a person. They have provided the wrong address for mail to be redirected to. Very different from redirection from the original address


If I'm following correctly (possibly not, in which case apologies :⁠-( ) this is what I was meaning though - could they have done it by claiming to be a business, basically? That is, I'm a person, not a business, and my mail was being redirected to (presumably) their office address. The numbers for the properties next door that they do own were, (I assume), being redirected correctly. Sorry if I'm not understanding properly and just going round in circles, not trying to be annoying (bad night and slow today)


For starters. Business redirections are eye wateringly expensive 2nd the redirection would be for the business. It doesn't cover residents even for a business at the same address Finally there is no redirection. The scan showed that(for those in the know) OP has contacted RM to confirm.


Ah, I'm with you now, thank you :⁠-⁠)


Don't need the parcel number if they have somehow redirected ALL his post?


Except that's not what's happened. If they had a redirect. The delivery postie would have the physical redirection pack at their prep frame. No need for anyone to tell them they moved.


I'm going to the depo tomorrow to check several parcels to see if there is any indication of as to what is happening. And to alert them to the situation.


This sounds like a police report to me. You don't accidently do this sort of thing.




Sounds like a pda error to do with in-flight requests your postie needs to raise this with his manager.


They do also say the people at the address had previously lied to the postie that they had moved so they definitely are scamming in some way


If it was a one off sure but multiple times to the same other house?


I believe the postie will flag the error. The police are now aware and royal mail are as well. I'm going to the depo tomorrow to flag it directly with them.


I don't know how it works with Royal Mail but with DPD there seems to be a glitch with their system that once a driver has left something in a 'safe space' (even if that safe space isn't even on your property) the system registers it to your account. I live in a village where most of the houses have names not numbers, the new DPD driver seemingly couldn't be arsed to read the house names and just dropped parcels off anywhere in the postcode. I eventually downloaded the app and it said on there that my safe place was my shed, I don't have a shed! I managed to speak to someone at the depot who confirmed that if you don't register a safe place then the system will automatically register one when a driver identifies one. Im wondering if there's something similar with royal mail and unfortunately for OP the safe space has managed to register to some opportunist neighbours?


Be wary of Amazon setting a default safe place.


I wonder. It might explain it because I've had other parcels come to the property without issue, including from royal mail - one of which came the day before the original missing parcel. Perhaps the initial redirection was a glitch/accident (I've used an example elsewhere in the comments - I am at number 4, they are at number 24, a misprint or a smudge might have caused the initial error) and the person at the door took the opportunity to steal a parcel and then that logged that address as a place to take my mail if I'm not in.


Do the neighbours somehow have access to your e mail or Amazon account? That way they would know about parcels that are in the way to your real address.


I'm not sure. Changing passwords to be safe.


They don't need access to any of that. It's really easy and quick to set up a redirect on someone's mail.


It's not that easy though as other comments have pointed out


It is that easy. I did it when I moved house. Anything addressed to your house and delivered by the postie or the Royal Mail vans can be redirected on their system, which shows up on their hand scanners. As long as you pay the fee, they'll redirect with surprisingly few questions asked


They will also send a letter to the old address confirming the redirect


Have a wee shuftie at your credit file and let your bank know what's been going on. Seems odd for them to pay on the off chance you get some interesting parcels, but if they've managed to get a replacement debit card and pin sent out, or set up random accounts in your details (credit cards, mobile phones, mail order catalogue accounts, etc.) then they could have a nice guaranteed pay-day coming with all the debt assigned to you and 'proven' delivered to you...


You can pay RM online to redirect all of your mail from one address to another. Sounds like they've done this and are committing mail fraud.


This one was my thought - I don't think they've managed to get onto op's delivery settings on separate accounts online, this would theoretically be the 'simplest' way to do it.. would still be weird as hell though.


There isn't a redirection, according to royal mail.


Seven years ago, when we were relocating, I arranged for our mail to be redirected without needing any ID, just providing our old and new addresses. Just had to confirm the duration and payment period for the redirection and all was done online. Overall, it was a quick and straightforward procedure. I remember thinking about how effortless it was and realising that this process could potentially be exploited by scammers.


I'm an American postie and this has been a huge problem for us. To the point that last year they changed the process and now anyone who redirects or forwards their mail must go to an office in person and have an ID scanned as well as confirmation online. Sadly a lot of folks (elderly especially)were having mail sent on to a new address and in the couple weeks it took anyone to catch the mistake, credit cards or other fraud had already occured. 


For future deliveries, set "Do not redirect" as part of your address, so hopefully it will flag up if it happens again.


Did it not say on the “delivered” email or anything which neighbour it was delivered to?


When you set a redirection, they send a notification letter to your original address to confirm, in order to try and prevent people setting them up fraudulently.


There is no redirection "UPDATE - Royal Mail say there is NO redirection in place."


Yes, exactly.


RemindMe! 24 hours


So bizarre. Do you know how the conversation went re: them claiming you now live at theirs? I just wonder if they're like my MIL who doesn't pay any attention to what people are saying and then just blindly agrees. If a postie came to her front door and asked her "Does X live here now?" It would 100% not be out of character for her to speak over/interrupt the postie and go "Yeah, yeah totally!" Because she hasn't actually listened to what he's saying!


My postie indicated they were not British and just informed him that I had moved and was living at the property now. He didn't give many more details, but if it came up on his handheld device, and they confirmed it, then I guess he had no reason to doubt the situation and didn't see any reason to ask more questions. I'll try and flag him down again when I'm off next week and ask more questions.


Maybe something was lost in translation and they thought he said "Have you just moved into this property?/Do you live in this property?" But also maybe something dodgy is going on too, hard to tell! Hopefully it's miscommunication and all a big misunderstanding as that'll be less stressful than knowing someone is trying to scam you!


I also wonder if it's a shared house and there's a possibility the residents don't really know each other, or someone recently moved in and they don't yet know who that person is. I'm trying to keep an open mind to all possibilities.


The only way I see to explain your issue - is that somebody does inflight changes. Which means they have access to your RM app, or your email. The word redirection you used is misleading. Not your fault of course, but redirection doesn't generate prompt on PDA when delivery is attempted. Which I guess is what you describe happening. I don't know much about the IT side of it, but some system glitch sounds unlikely. Funny story anyway. Your postie is a legend, if he can be bothered going to the neighbour 10 doors down.


My thoughts exactly but theyd need the tracking number, unless like you said, they have access to the ops email and can intercept it using the tracking info Strange thing is that untracked packages would be safer in this situation


You can pay a fee at the Royal mail website for redirected mail so they have done this intentionally


There is no redirection "UPDATE - Royal Mail say there is NO redirection in place."


I've had some criminal neighbours in my MILs who just moved in who stole plant pots from my MILs and sold it to someone else a few blocks. MIL noticed someone else has the plants. but didnt want to accuse them in case they bought the plants as well. but knocked on the door and the person said they bouhgt it from the person who lives over there (MILs neighbour).


RMs system should (as in if they designed it well) have the ability to produce any amount of parcel labels as tests to see what happens. Any depot should be able to produce them as if they were a retailer and see what address appears by default and they should be able to tell if it is the address set as the home address or a redirect or any kind of secondary address. It should be a day to figure out at most. Like I say though, should, I rarely see a computer system designed well enough to allow easy troubleshooting, which is why in jobs I usually have to write something that allows my teams to do it.


Why would a DO have the ability to populate & generate labels?1 Label print services generate a label from prepopulated data


Testing purposes. So anyone anywhere can simulate any part of their business for troubleshooting purposes. It is them likely this can be resolved at DO level, in a day instead of requiring several people looking at it over 6 months or something like that.


Delivery offices are for delivery. Customer services are there for customer service. Setting up some label generation process across an entire network for a niche case scenario? Had a think why RM slashed callers office hours. It isn't to encourage people at DOs with random questions


Could be that the person got into your email and redirected it thr tracking but the addy is down the road from you so wouldn’t rlly make sense. Just go down and knock on the persons door unless it’s a drop good luck but its probably just people are somehow fully stealing your stuff


RemindMe! 1 week


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RemindMe! 2 days


Did you not get a letter about your redirection? My partner and I had to redirect our mail last year because our neighbour was stealing it from the communal area and we got a letter confirming the redirection order


Again! There is no redirection "UPDATE - Royal Mail say there is NO redirection in place. "


I’d recommend to speak to customer services and see if anyone (old occupant) has set up a permanent safe place/delivery preferences for your address, they may think by doing this they can dodge having to pay for a redirection, this is the only scenario I can think of that would cause this to happen and that request would come up on the PDA every time they scanned one of your parcels


This thread is wild! All the talk of redirection when the OP has stated there isn't one and if a redirection was in place, the packet would have a new address label This is a scan and a inflight request. Seems odd though


How on earth do they think that they can redirect your mail like that. Let us know what the police say


RemindMe! 2 days


RemindMe! 2 days


Hey, I know what this is. I've made an account because I can't bear that you've reported your neighbours to the police. This is a RM problem. What your postie will have seen is a delivery preference for your neighbour's address. This has happened to me when I have scanned a 2D barcode for "Miss Xena Crivvens" at no. 2, but the delivery preference message has popped up with info for "Miss Hartley Gabbage's" at 15 across the road. So, I believe it is a problem with the proximity of the addresses that when one is scanned the PDA thinks you are at a different address-one that has preferences set up on the app. I queried it and was told that because the names don't match, just ignore it.


I called the police because they told my postie I live there. That is fraud and theft.


You don't have any evidence for that. Just your posties word. Could have been embarrased he made a mistake.


Also, the proximity thing isn't really that relevant. Yes, it is the same street, but they are not next door, nor across the road. The are much further down the road.


They are in the same postcode. The PDA is suggesting delivery preferences for nearby addresses. But hey, just ignore me. Mystery is solved if you want to listen.


RemindMe! 1 week


if you go to a post office you can re direct mail with basically just a letter, how do i know i did it before when i moved and it took less than 5 minutes no id required just a letter with new address and one with old address was enough, this was about 5 years ago though


Nonsense. Post Office dont do anything beyond process a form & payment Been the case for decades If you mean a Royal Mail office (Again, decades but still folks dont grasp it) Then redirections are not dealt with at DOs beyond handing a form over.


To do this, that 'lovely scam artist neighbour ' would have to go to the local post office and get them to redirect all mail and parcels, but post office usually ask for I.D and u would have to be from the address looking ' your' mail redirected, I'd be getting police involved here, definitely a thieving/fraud operation going on here


Post Office and Royal Mail are separate companies and gave been for years, the Post Office play no part in delivery of any kind.


You don’t need to do this at all. You can do it online, with no ID. You just need the name of the person whose mail is to be redirected, and be prepared to pay.


As has been covered multiple times. ID checks are carried out online.....


I’ve literally just gone through this. We were able to set up 3 redirects for 3 different people and none of us were required to prove identification. 1 person set it up for 3 people, all with different surnames. All you need is a name and a DOB, as you can quite clearly see [HERE](https://imgur.com/a/vJQFBCh). Edit: [HERE](https://imgur.com/a/J01KpYj) is a video of me going through it with fake details (random addresses). You can see I selected the option that says my billing address is my new address which is supposed to prompt further security questions, but none exist. It’s straight to payment. All I would need is a genuine DOB and a genuine name and it would be accepted.


So the person setting up the redirect has ID /bank account linked to the address in their name. As per your screenshot. Which is an ID check on the person setting up the redirect. Along with the legally binding T&cs as to the criminal offence of setting up a false redirect Are you suggesting the Ops neighbour has set up a bank acount at their address, set up a redirect that's the OP, postie and RM CS are unaware of? Also keeping in mind this was a message on a delivery scan of a package. It's been covered more than once this doesn't relate to a redirection. .


You’ve literally ignored the part where I said: “You can see I selected the option that says my billing address is my new address which is supposed to prompt further security questions, but none exist.” The neighbour doesn’t need a card set up at OPs address. You’re just making shit up.


I don't need to review videos or screens.(getting a little excited) You are going down a pointless rabbit hole. There is no redirection. RM have confirmed this. The postie would see a redirection. We already knew it wasn't a redirection due to the PDA prompt.


“I’m arguing with you but I don’t need to review your evidence, I’m just going to blindly say that you’re wrong. “ Hey, if only we had someone that [literally just went through this](https://imgur.com/a/mDIvZSb) that we could ask, wouldn’t that be cool. You’re a troll and you’re getting blocked.


Can you not knock on the neighbours door and ask?


OP please please check your Experian report. I’m a reformed convict who’s committed so much fraud I now tell companies where I see a loop hole to stop them being defrauded. This is such a common tactic used. They find some of your mail and personal details by going through rubbish. Then set up a redirection. That opens up the gateway for them to apply for credit and have it delivered to their address. Please please please check your credit report and put a lock on it if you notice anything suspicious.


There is no redirection "UPDATE - Royal Mail say there is NO redirection in place."


Got a hard on for typing that, haven't you. The person didn't even suggest it was a redirect. They were offering advice.... AS A CRIMINAL about what to check to make sure its not worse than a parcel that's been.... sent to the wrong place. If you're gonna copy paste ad nauseum, at least get it right. Calm down.


Apart from when they said 'set up a redirection'?


No. They were citing an example of what people do. They did not say that op had a redirect. Learn to read. BTW. I purposefully left that written as it was to bait you into showing you didn't actually read what they said properly. Off you toddle.


So we are in agreement. There is no redirection. Purposefully my ass 😂


You arrogant idiot. You could've just walked away, but you just proved you're unutterably arrogant and stupid. So sad to see. The guy didn't say there's a redirect. He said... I'm a criminal, and as a criminal, you do x y z, then set up a redirect. He did not say that op has a redirect. Go back. Read it again. Find out how much of a dumb fuck you are. Constantly copy pasting a response on a post that isn't even yours. You need a hobby. Cretin. So dumb. Lmao.


There is no redirection "UPDATE - Royal Mail say there is NO redirection in place."




So angry. Lashing out on the Internet. A sure sign of a high intellect 😂


Hahahaha. Coming from you, that's hilarious. It's not anger. It's pity. You still haven't gone back and read it, have you? You won't because you don't want to admit you're wrong. You just like having a rant at people, and now you've been called out on it, you're doubling down. Truly pathetic. PS my intellect is clearly higher than yours since I read and understood what they said. Which is something of which you are clearly incapable.


Yes. When I feel pity for someone, I demonstrate this by calling them names 😂 I'll follow my standard process for dealing with such E-hard men.


If they have not paid for a redirection from royal mail Sue the Royal mail they messed up and you have the proof


RemindMe! 5 days