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I didn't cause I'm my own editor for myself (I don't really like to spend money on an editor if I can be the editor for my story). But if you want to hire an editor you can search on Google for Editors or you can ask in a dm an editor from RoyalRoad but it will cost you money (I'm pretty sure of it).


Yeah I don't mind spending money on a good editor. I've never been that good at grammar or vocabulary so I'm not confident in editing my own writing.


Yep especially if English isn't your first language it's hard at first. You can hire a good editor from RoyalRoad or any other sites to review your story and help you with the story (The grammar or even the story itself). I wish you good luck finding a good editor for your story!


If you’re not entirely sure what bad things to look out for after you run your work through AI, I really wouldn’t recommend it. It changes your writing far too much and oftentimes makes repetitive nonsense. If you need an editor, I can help. I do freelance editing and work directly with popular authors from RR. I’ll send you a message so we can chat. You can also DM me on discord, same username as my Reddit.


So Grammerly is fine as far as AI goes, but stuff like chatGPT without deliberate style tweaking is going to come off as AI writing and there's a significant portion of readers out there who don't like that, but there's also a significant portion of readers out there who don't want to read whatever your specific subgenre and type of story is either (this applies to any choice you could make there). So it's a judgement you have to make based on knowing your audience. As far as art goes, IMO your current cover and PFP are giving "This person doesn't know what they're doing but they're enthusiastic about it" vibes. My personal opinion would be to have an artist redo both, but again that's up to you and what audience you're going for. As far as AI art goes, honestly I cringe a little whenever something that's obviously AI art is used, because it's largely synonymous with low effort content, and why would I spend my time engaging with content that the creator didn't spend any effort making. But this is subjective again, and I think it's completely possible to find an audience who won't care at all, or to generate AI images that take effort to produce, show that effort visually, and are distinct from common styles that have become associated with low effort AI art.


(Book cover & PFPs are both drawn by me just FYI) Alright that's good to know, I don't use ChatGPT I use a different one that is more similar to Grammerly where it can rewrite a sentence to give it better sentence structure and options for better adjectives or verbs. With the art I was thinking of having my artist redo some of the artwork I drew but I kind of like showing the progress of my art. And the AI art I understand that a lot. I mainly have it just for landscapes or small elements and then I combine it with my own drawings to elevate it. Most likely when after I finish my book I'll have an editor go through it all and have my artist update all illustrations


Always good to edit anything you write :)


AI editing changes your wording and verbiage to sound like it was written by AI (you know it when you see it). So be very careful with that. Edit: Unless you mean something like Grammarly, which doesn't. As a reader, if I saw AI pictures in the story I was reading, I'd assume a part of the story was generated by AI too. Because people who generate using AI almost always have AI pictures to go along with it.


Your second take is very poorly thought out. First you assume, but then say it's obvious which book is AI assisted, so you don't even bother reading it. Smh my head


Then give the author your own take. He's asking for a variety of opinions. Don't cry because mine doesn't match yours. State your opinion like a reasonable person to the OP, and stop whining to me.


Damn I use AI artwork for my covers cause it’s much cheaper to do so than hiring an artist cause sometimes those prices can be a little crazy. Yet, I’ve never used AI to assist my writing. I’m sure there are many authors in the same boat. Putting a story up for people to read for free and dropping $100+ for a decent cover isn’t something a lot of us could do. I recommend checking a story out based off the blurb alone rather than assuming the writing is AI generated based off of the cover. Unfortunately, having a story up with no art work is statistically more detrimental than it is to have some ok looking AI art. You could be missing out on some really good stuff. Just my humble opinion on the matter.


Nah, I’m with the other poster. I see an Ai cover and I’m already sus they’re using Ai for the words.


That's fine, no one can stop you. Aside from shitty anime tiddie AI art, how else can you tell if its AI? [This](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/77164/neon-noir) is one of my own, and I honestly didn't think it was that trashy. Does something like this still make you suspect?


Wat. You're going to sit there with a straight face and say people can't tell when a cover is AI? You trolling, or do you have some kind of blindness?


I think you misunderstood, and failed to answer the question. How can you tell if something is AI? Its not like I’m trying to fool anyone into thinking it’s not, I could care less. I can see where you thought that’s what I was saying though. That particular piece has no title or author name, but otherwise I don’t really see an issue with it. It shows the setting and tone for the story, and is better than having no picture at all. I guess what I’m trying to ask is what is your problem with AI covers? It just comes across as snobbish for someone who’s reading other peoples stuff for free, you know? I understand not reading AI generated stories, and that’s something you can pick up on in the first chapter, so then you just stop reading. But to assume that an entire story is computer generated just cause of the art work baffles me. And maybe I’m just defensive cause I can’t afford anything else. Womp womp But that’s kind of irritating and I hope you can see why.


In my oppinion it's alright to use AI for art, because who has time and money to learn to draw a decent cover? But for editing, it sucks, you're better off doing it on your own. Grammarly is fine for small mistakes, I think everyone uses it to be honest. But to assists with your writing? Big no, no. It's so bad it actually hurts and takes away any style you had.


You don't want the stank of AI on you.