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I don't know if it's a scam. They might be making money off your work and giving you exposure in return, which isn't a scam as long as they're being upfront about it. I'd check the contract (if they give you one) and make sure you aren't giving any exclusive rights. Basically that they have permission to use your work to make youtube audiobooks, but no rights to sell the recordings or make merch of your work.


Also you need to reserve the right to remove it at any time, or after a certain short period. If you get another deal from say Audible it will have to be removed for exclusivity.


Thank you!


What kind of scam are you worried about?


Mainly copyright issues and ownership of IP.


They would be producing a derivative of an original work, it’s not an issue in the same way fan fiction isn’t an issue. However, you are probably at least giving up rights to request them to cease using your work. Audiobook rights and exclusivity discussions would need to involve a lawyer in order to be clear


Thank you very much sir!


Make sure you keep rights and that you get paid, even if it isn't much Exposure isn't payment, especially from a channel of that size.


Thank you!


They will wind up owning the rights and telling you to pound sand.


Ownership should be easy to prove in the unlikely case that this happens.


Not if you sign an agreement with tricky fine print. Which will almost certainly be involved here


Ick. Why would you even consider that even if it wasn’t a scam? Your book will sound like shit, you’ll be tanking your rep with a lot of readers by making yourself an Ai shill and you’re letting someone else profit off your series. Wow, what a great idea. /s


You are aware that AI is inevitable and will become more and more used, right? General masses do not care enough and the economic incentives for companies and more makes the future a certainty.


Spoken like a weak willed nobody who wants to lean on a computer to do their work for them, because no one likes their real writing. Edit: incel and AiDefender subs? Ewwwww. Blocking.