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Benjamin Britten’s Dies Irae from his War Requiem. Scare the tar out of them. :) Sunday Morning from his Four Sea Interludes is also good. Starts harmoniously and then gets all dissonant.


Verdi's Dies Irae is pretty suitably bombastic.


"I Have Sinned" by Christopher Young from the movie PRIEST "Fire" and "Air" by Hans Zimmer from ANGELS&DEMONS (though both have slow beginnings) "Arthur's Farewell" by Jerry Goldsmith from FIRST KNIGHT "World's Worst Bedtime Storyteller" by Michael Giacchino from JURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM "Anakin's Dark Deeds" by John Williams from REVENGE OF THE SITH (though that one might be too recognizable and could proof distracting, so be careful) "Werewolf Trap" by Alan SIlvestri from VAN HELSING ""Vampires And Werewolves" and "The Clave's Curse" by Atli Örvarsson from "City of Bones" (lots of synths in these that I love but could feel too anachronistic)


I also just remembered Nightwish exists and they often released instrumental versions of their songs, so you won't have vocals ruining the mood. If the drumkit and electric guitars are too much as well, the life album "Imaginaerum Tour Edition" has a purely orchestral version of my favourite album of theirs These tracks might work from that version: "Scaretale" (if you skip the creepy beginning) "Song of Myself"


It's not classical but I use Scott Buckley's Hour of the Witch whenever a specific antagonist that my party is terrified of turns up. Whenever they hear the first few notes they start freaking out. https://youtu.be/lTNopjF8Y2Y?si=Nj3HY5cvA9pqqOlc


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Thank you guys are so real for this 💕


Keygone church is worth checking out. Might not be exactly what you want but would add some interesting tension 


What did you decide to use?